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Throughout the movie, it seems as if the hospital was trying to cover-up for what was happening
(the unexplained deaths/errors). In real life, hospitals do have very strong legal teams that deal
with these types of matters. There can be a lot of legality behind what patients have rights to,
ethical issues surrounding mistakes, and insurance problems. While hospitals are trying to look
out for the patient’s best interests, there can be complex reasons why they might try and delay
investigations. Hospitals now require employees to report any mistakes or suspicious behavior
with the promise of no-fault. Unfortunately, nurse and other medical professionals are human
and mistakes can happen. These hospitals employ teams to ensure the safety of patients, staff,
and the organization.

These hospital scenes, for the most part, are fairly accurate. For example, the beginning scene
with the Code Blue, it shows a fairly realistic scenario. The compressor was counting out loud,
someone was giving breaths, the doctor was providing feedback, and there was a realistic
conversation happening. Additionally, the medications (epinephrine) would be a medication used
during a cardiac arrest. From that perspective, it was a fairly accurate depiction. The rest of the
movie seemed to follow the same trend. When the legal team was talking to the police, that is
how a hospitals legal team would probably act. In addition, when they addressed the hospital
about what was happening it seemed pretty on-par.

In conclusion, from a student nurse’s perspective, it’s a pretty good movie. Again, it relatively
accurately depicts a hospital setting, and the events that happened. It’s a sad tale that reminds us,
as nurses, we have a responsibility to provide ethical, proper, and just patient care.

Student Nurse: Cruz, Kceey
Clinical Instructor: Mark Andres Masarate, RN

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