28 - S - The Napoleonic Wars

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• were a series of conflicts fought between ………………….. and number of ……………………..

Famous battles:

• ………………… -
the battle of
- in this battle English
navy was led by
Horatio Nelson.
Britain won this battle,
but Nelson died.

• 1805 - the battle

of Austerlitz
- is called
- Napoleon,
- Tsar Alexander I. (……………………………….),
- the Holy Roman emperor …………………………….
Napoleon won the battle which was considered as ………………………………………………………
• ………………………… - a Continental Blocade
- ………………………………………………………….. Napoleon declared a Continental Blockade
- trade with Britain was ………………………………………………., European ports were closed for
Continental system failed because European countries
 ……………- Napoleon started his ………………………………………………, but it was beginning
of Napoleon´s end.

The reason was, that tsar Alexander I. ……………………………………….…………………………..

and Napoleon decided ……………………………..
Famous battles:

 Battle of Borodino - ………………..

 Battle of Beresina - …………………..

……………………………………… of the Russian

commander M. Kutuzov.

Napoleon had problems:

- …………………………………..,
- Napoleon lacked ………………………, equipment.
- He was……………………………………………………………………………
- His army suffer in the winter, and of an army of ………………………………………., only around
……………………………………………………………. Napoleon’s power begins to weaken.

• ……………………………. - Battle of Leipzig – the battle …………………………………….

• Napoleon lost this battle and was …………………………………………………………. Bourbons –
Louis XVIII (………………………………………………………) returned to France.
People weren’t satisfied with new king and Napoleon ………………………………………, returned to
- was welcomed and ……………………………………………………………………………
- Started ………………………………………………………………………, but he was defeated at
Waterloo …………………………… (………………………………………).

was forced
- exiled on St. Helen …………………………………………………., died
- he died from stomach cancer. His remains were moved to France.

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