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Patil's Classes
Class 10 - English Language and Literature
Sample Paper - 02 (2022-23)


Section A
1. i. According to the author, the person "thinks it's kind of exciting to live life on the edge", so he constantly wants
to find excitement in life.
ii. (c) 1 and 4
Explanation: The context shows negligence as the person will 'ignore' the limits and (4) recklessness as the
person knows that 'he has reached his limit but still chooses to see how long can he get by with it". It doesn't
show any of (2), (3) or (5) options, Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
iii. possibly dangerous
iv. (a) advice
v. (d) stress
Explanation: The term 'stress' is not a colloquial word or any slang. It is a proper English term. Options (a), (b)
and (c) are all slangs that are informal. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
vi. (d) Plastic will turn the world ________ in future.
Explanation: The term 'unsustainable' means a thing that cannot be sustained or lived. Here, (a), (b) and (c) are
not the correct statement for the term to fit in while (d) is the correct choice. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
vii. organise our lives
Explanation: To get something 'in order' means to 'organise' it.
viii. The most appropriate title for the passage can be 'The need to limit ourselves'.
ix. False
Explanation: According to the author, he needed to organise his life in a proper way as he was living an
unsustainable life.
x. Exhausting
2. i. In India people migrate from rural to urban areas mainly due to poverty, high population pressure on the land,
and lack of basic infrastructural facilities like health care, education, etc.
ii. a. 1 and 4
iii. b. Natural disaster
iv. d. from poor opportunity and low safety areas to greater opportunity and better safety areas.
v. c. Image 4
vi. c. unequal distribution of opportunities
vii. vital/crucial/significant
(Any other relevant meaning)
viii. 1. Push factors
2. Pull factors
ix. 1. Meghalaya is a female-dominated state.
2. The Khasi and Jaintia tribes do not follow the patriarchal system of society but they follow the matrilineal
system of society.
x. A.
1. Causes of Migration
2. Crunching numbers
3. Consequences of Migration

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3. (d) take down
Explanation: write/jot something
4. that she wanted to order a big pineapple cake for her birthday.
5. (c) CAN
Explanation: CAN
6. (D) the - an
7. (b) was / had gone
Explanation: was / had gone
8. impact
9. she doesn’t speak Italian

10. error correction

all every
11. The stuntman advised/warned the audience not to try that at home.
12. (d) might
Explanation: might
13. (d) He said that he had often told him not to waste his time.
Explanation: He said that he had often told him not to waste his time.

14. error correction

points pointed
15. 12, Albany Cottage
20th March, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub: Job-oriented Education
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I want to lay emphasis on the education system in India which
needs a new definition and direction.
Our present education system is merely a continuation of the Macaulian system of the colonial era. It is highly loaded in
favour of academics. The old practices and traditions are still continuing but it needs a change now. The present
education system has not evolved to meet the new social context. The modern world is more democratic and promotes
individualism, while the formal school does not. Still, school education provides little or no vocational and technical
training. The results are quite unproductive. Our educated young men and women don’t get meaningful employment.
Their frustration finds outlets in crimes and violence. It doesn’t augur well for the nation and its youths.
The Government and the concerned educationists must take stock of the education system from new and meaningful
angles. Every student must be asked to choose or select his trade or vocation. Adequate coaching and vocational training
must be provided at the school level itself. No teacher should be given right to force students to learn the subject in
which he/she doesn't have an interest.
I hope the government and the educationists will rise up to the occasion and give a new definition and direction to our

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outdated education system.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,


204 Prakasham Nagar

12 September 20XX
The Sales Manager
Book Haven Store
Subject: Request for home Delivery of Books.
This is with reference to the order placed telephonically on 8 September '20 by me for some reference books, registers,
oil pastels, and brushes, I had informed you that I would pick up the goods of the placed order in person.
But through this letter, I request you to make arrangements for the home delivery of ordered goods. Actually, an
emergency meeting has been called by our organisation and I have to leave for Mumbai for one week tonight only. I
would really be grateful if you deliver the ordered goods at the address stated above.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
16. The bar graph illustrates the time spent on the utilisation of computer and internet. It was observed in a recent survey that
50% of the population use the internet and computer every day. The usage includes academic, personal, official and
leisure activities. The usage pattern of the e-mail was also illustrated. The maximum usage accounts for approximately
58% which is equal for official work and for leisure activity. Academic activities are successful in attracting only 8-9%
of students once in a month. E-mail is still not the common medium for written communication.
According to the survey, all five usage reasons – academics, personal use, e-mail access, work, and leisure – witness at
least 50% daily activity. It was observed that almost everyone use these facilities at least once a month for leisure, with
30% saying they use them once a week. The data revealed that people use computers for work at least once and very few
(less than 10%) never used e-mail. Computer and the internet for academic reasons on a daily basis are used by 50% of
students and over 20% stated doing so 2-3 times a week. There were only 2% who never used these services for
In short, it can be stated that the internet and computer are slowly penetrating every field of life. To conclude, 5% of
people never use a computer and related activities besides its popularity and usefulness.


Ban On Plastic Single use plastic causes more harm to the environment than benefitting it. Its toxic contents are harmful
for all whether they are human beings, animals or marine creatures. In fact they cause a decline in the healthy state of
those also who produce it as it leads to many illnesses. The government has decided to put a blanket ban on single-use
plastic articles which is a wise step. It is going to be helpful for our environment which is in a declining state everyone
must join in this campaign to save our planet and to make it pollution free. More of environment friendly products
should be used. The ban on these products is not impractical. There is no denying the fact that these products make our
life easier but we should come up for the welfare of all and not be selfish. The ban will be useful in the long run.


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17. i. The passengers were laughing because the conductor had mimicked Valli.
ii. a. She took a bus ride to the town and back to her village
iii. Shy
iv. a. Gleaming
v. d. Six to seven


i. a. Because he wanted to hide that letter from his staff

ii. Lencho did not want God to send the rest of the money through the mail because he believed that post-office
employees were all cheats.
iii. hundred
iv. b. They would go hungry the whole.
v. b. Because the hailstorm left the field bare
18. i. a. Amanda
ii. The given extract is given in brackets because it shows inner thoughts (day dreaming) of Amanda. As those
thoughts, are in Amanda's imagination and not, in reality, they are given in parenthesis.
iii. drifting
iv. c. Away from this noisy and disturbing atmosphere
v. b. Metaphor


i. d. It made him feel happier about his day.

ii. sad
iii. a. mood
iv. The word rued means held in regret.
v. b. ruining
19. Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each.
i. After the Buddha had asked Kisa Gotami to get him a handful of mustard seeds, she went from house to house to get
the seeds. People gave her the seeds. But when she asked if anyone had died in their family, they regretfully told her
that they had lost many loved ones and asked her to not remind them of their deepest grief. Kisa Gotami found no
house where someone had not died.
ii. 'Fire and Ice' is a symbolic poem by Robert Frost. The poet wants to aware the humanity that everything will end one
day as a result a human misdeeds. His aim is aphorism-brevity for Frost truth remains ambiguous. That's why the
tone contrasts with the seriousness of the subject matter.
iii. The evergreen forests of Coorg enclose vast treasures of flora and fauna. The river, Kaveri obtains its water from the
hills and forests of Coorg. Mahaseer, a large freshwater fish, abounds in these waters. Kingfishers dive for their
catch, while squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit for the mischief of enjoying the splash and the ripple
effect in the clear water. Elephants enjoy being bathed and scrubbed in the river by their mahouts. The spice and
coffee plantations, further add to Coorg's vast bio-diversity.
iv. Belinda and her three pets, excluding Custard, were very proud of their bravery but they were not really brave. It was
only Custard, who had the courage to face the pirate so he was really brave.
v. Lomov tells that the Oxen Meadows was once the subject of dispute but it is his property. He says that it belongs to
him. He points out that his aunt’s grandmother gave the land to the peasants of Chubukov for free use and thereby,
they were to prepare bricks for her in return. He says that the farmers had free usage to the Oxen Meadows for forty
years and got into a habit of calling it their own possession.
20. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each.

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i. When Mrs. Pumphrey talked to Mr. Herriot about Tricki and told him about his laziness, he understood the reason for
Tricki’s illness. So he suggested her to cut his diet and give him a lot of exercises. Mrs. Pumphrey didn't follow the
advice and continued to give him a heavy diet. As a result, Tricki fell ill.
ii. Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent. He did not seem to be so smart, active, movable aggressive and
romantic as we read in book or see in films. He was very fat and sloppy. The Crack of pistols, wine and dark eyed
beauties- had nothing to do with Ausable. Hence, stereotypes are often misleading.
iii. Richard Ebright participated in a County Science Fair when he was in the seventh grade. He did not get any prize but
he got a hint of what Science really is. He realized that the winners had to show the real experiments, not simply to
make a neat display. His competitive nature, extra effort and the will to win for the right reasons made him a
successful scientist.
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21. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words.
i. ... What I want to share with you today, is how all forms of wildlife are integral for maintaining balance in the eco
system. Wild life includes animals, birds, insects as well as the aquatic life forms. Otters also have a pivotal role in
river eco system. They are predators, meaning they help control the populations of food species prey upon. This
affects the eco system as a whole, and as a result, their presence is a signal that the ecosystem is healthy.
The wetlands are amongst the most bio diverse and economically valuable habitats and yet they continue to decline.
This decline has been as much as 87% world wide. Otters are top predators using both terrestrial and aquatic
environments and their loss has a serious impact on local food webs, biodiversity and habitat relationship. Otters
need good water quality and also unpolluted, natural land habitat in which to live. This is essential for all species,
including our own, and so they are excellent environmental indicators.
The link between the otter and wetlands is clear and it is our duty to work to protect these important ecosystem to the
benefit of otters, other wetland species, and ultimately ourselves.
ii. Young seagull: Brother 1, I'm so hungry, kindly give me some food.
Brother 1: I'm holding the food in my beak for you. But you will have to jump the ledge and take it.
Young seagull: I am scared! The sea below is so deep. I'll die.
Brother 2: No, you won't. We birds learn flying only after jumping. See, how well I'm flying.
Young seagull: Are you sure, I won't fall into the sea?
Sister: Yes, Brother 2 is right. Would a sister ask her brother to do suicide? I am your sister. I am just speechless at
your fear.
Young seagull: OK! I trust you. (The young seagull jumped off the ledge. He fell for hundred metres. Soon he began
Sister: See! didn't I tell you; you would fly?
Young seagull: (feeling elated) WOW! Success is just behind the daring. Thanks sister!
22. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words.
i. Anil was a kind, simple and easy going young man. He was tall and lean in stature and interested in sports like
wrestling. He was a writer who wrote for magazines and made money in fits and starts. The narrator met Anil when
he was watching a wrestling match. During this match, the narrator started talking to him to make him his friend.
Anil was not very rich and could not afford to employee Hari as a cook, yet he became ready to have him in his room
on his request. He had the patience and goodness to not only teach Hari to cook but also to read, write and add
numbers. Many times he himself made tea and cooked food and served it to Hari Singh. Though he knew that Hari
was stealing little bits of money from him, he ignored this fact. He was a very trustworthy person. Even when he
earned a large amount of money, he kept the money under his mattress and not under lock and key. He was generous

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and paid Hari whenever he got some money. Hari had tried to steal the money from him. He was forgiving and he
forgave Hari for the theft and continued to be good to him.
ii. Horace Danby got angry when anyone talked about ‘honour among thieves’. There was a reason behind it. He
thought that thieves must have respect and maintain ethics among themselves. But the young lady in red, who was
also a thief, didn’t follow it and cheated him. She was the main force who sent him to prison as she had deceived
him. Although she too was a thief, she told him a lie that she was the wife of the owner of the house. She made a deal
with him to let him go from there. According to the deal, she would allow him to go if he broke open the box and
gave her all the costly jewels. He believed her that she was the real landlady. So he took off his gloves and broke
open the box. This left his fingerprints on the safe, and he was arrested by the police.

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