PoPoLoCrois Walkthrough

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Okay, here we're going to go over some basics and some terminology, just so

it's all in one place.

Note that EVERY time I give a compass direction, NORTH IS UP. EVERY TIME. NORTH
= UP = NORTH. I'm going to use them a lot, so just go with what it seems like
it would be, UP.

Talking to NPCs is going to be kept to a minimum in the guide. You can do so

all you wish, but I'm not going to put where they are. I will point out some
particular ones that do things, but your run-of-the-mill NPC that doesn't
really do anything is just going to be ignored.

I suggest always having everyone on Manual AI unless you are walking around
areas that are super easy. The game's AI isn't particularly smart, so I prefer
to just do it myself.

Consumable items are for wussies. I'm the type who doesn't use them unless I
absolutely have to to survive, so when I'm doing strategies for things, it will
likely keep item use at a minimum unless it says otherwise. The only exception
to this would be the Gami Slingshot.

Here's what the layout for the guide is going to look like:

ITEMS: [Items found in the area, in the order they appear in the guide.]
ENEMIES: [Enemies that can be encountered here.]
NOTES: [Notes for the area, such as enemies to be wary of.]

Step-by-step instructions for each area, including where chests are. When I say
what's in a chest, it's going to look [LIKE THIS] so it's nice and obvious.
This should make it easy for anyone who wants to go back and get stuff. When
you run into a boss, it'll look like...

Name: HP
Other enemies: HP
Attacks: Name (Effects)

General strategy, and what to watch out for. Pretty basic stuff, but I'll go
into more detail depending on how hard the boss is.

Okay, now that we have that part done, we'll go over character stats and stuff.
Here's what each stat does:

HP: Hit Points, this is how much damage the character can take. When this value
hits zero, the character goes unconscious and can't take any kind of action.
Skills and items can be used to restore HP, as can Inns.
MP: Magic Points, MP is consumed when a Skill of Orb is used. When not enough
MP remains for an action, that action can not be done. Items and Inns can be
used to restore a character's MP.
ATK: Attack. Affects damage to opponents using physical skills and normal
attacks. A higher number means more damage.
DEF: Defense. Affects damage taken from opponent's physical skills and attacks.
A higher number means less damage taken.
AGI: Agility. Higher agility will result in a faster Active Gauge and a wider
movement area.
LUCK: Affects evasion and critical hits. A higher number will result in a
better chance of evading a hit and getting a critical hit on an opponent.
MPWR: Magic Power. Affects damage to opponents using magic skills. A higher
number will result in more damage.
MDEF: Magic Defense. Affects damage taken from opponent's magic skills. A
higher number will result in less damage taken.
EXPERIENCE: Total experience earned. When enough experience is earned, the
character gains a level, increasing their stats and possibly giving them a new
NEXT LEVEL: How much experience is required for the character to attain their
next level.

Skills gain EXP in the same way characters do. After each fight you gain SP,
Skill Points. These are added to every skill the character has, and when a
skill gets enough points, it levels up and becomes more powerful. The Skill
section has more information on this.

Okay, on to terminology. Whee! This section will have stuff I'm going to be
saying a lot, and it's all right here if you need to know what it means.

FA: Focus Attack. Pretty self explanatory, this just saves me from having to
type it every time.
EXP: Experience Points. Pretty basic.
North(N)/South(S)/East(E)/West(W)/etc: I'm going to say this again, NORTH is
always UP. East is left, West is right, South is down. Every time.
Gami: Gami Gami Devil. It's just easier to type, you know?


"Long long time ago, when there were flying dragons and many fairies in the
forest... There was a kingdom called PoPoLoCrois..."


After a bit of backstory on the kingdom of PoPoLoCrois, we see Pietro, our
hero, who looks a bit gloomy despite it being his tenth birthday. He sees his
father, King Paulo, go into the tower that he has always told Pietro is
forbidden, and Pietro decides to follow him. Inside, he finds King Paulo
talking to an unconscious Sania, Pietro's mother whom he had thought died.
Pietro finds out that Sania's soul was taken to the Land of Darkness, a place
where normally only the dead go, and that she has been asleep since shortly
after he was born. Pietro decides he has to do something to help his mother,
and despite King Paulo's wishes, sets off to see the forest witches who are
researching a book that may be able to help the next day.

ITEMS: Panacea, 10G, 5G, Forest Leaf, 5G, 20G, Panacea, Forest Leaf, 10G,
Forest Leaf, 20G.

We start in Pietro's room in the castle of PoPoLoCrois. Note that the sword
Pietro starts with, the Dragon Sword, gains power as he gains levels. Head NE
out of the room, then take the staircase downstairs, then out the door. You're
now in the throne-room, head SE out. A chest to the NE from the doorway has a
[PANACEA]. Head through the small passage leading SE and outside, then go NE.
Between the weapon racks there is a chest with [10G]. Head downstairs to find
another chest with [5G]. Head out the door to the SW, then NE in the hallway
and go in the middle door going NE. Grab the chest with a [FOREST LEAF] and
leave the room. Head through the hall to the NW exit. Grab the chest with [5G]
on the SE wall of this room. If you speak with the girl in pink, she will light
Pietro on fire, then put him out. Head downstairs, then grab the two chests on
the NW wall for [20G] and a [PANACEA]. Head back upstairs, then out of the
room. Head SW, then SW again, then NW. Open the chest by th stairs for a
[FOREST LEAF], then the one behind the shelf for [10G]. Head back SE the way
you came, then go outside by going SW in the kitchen. Open the chest on the
lower area for a [FOREST LEAF]. Go NW into the tower. There is a chest in the
back of the room with [20G] in it. If you go upstairs and talk to Sania you get
a scene with a mysterious figure. Head back out of the tower. Go SE out of the
castle area.

ITEMS: 1G, 5G, 2G, 10G, 2G, Forest Leaf.
ENIMIES: Mud Drone, Brown Mouse, Acornholio, Mandragora, Pecker.
NOTES: Inn costs 5G. No monsters in this area until you leave the town walls.
Acornholio and Peckers have special moves that can be pretty painful at this
stage, be wary of them. There is a bridge going SE in this area, but you can't
cross it yet.

Head SW and go into the tall house, then up the ladder to find a room with five
chests, [1G], [5G], [2G], [10G], and [2G]. Head back down the ladder and out of
the house. The SE most building is the shop, and the one just SW of it is the
inn. Your equipment is a good or better then what the shop has, and you should
have plenty of Forest Leaves, so you can skip the shop. Leave the town through
the SE gate.

When you try to leave the town walls, a guard will stop you to tell you a bit
about the battle system. I suggest changing Pietro to Manual AI mode in the
menu if you haven't done so already. Once you leave the city, it shouldn't be
long until you get into a fight. Remember to try to attack from behind or the
side if you can, and to rotate Pietro to try to avoid the same happening to
you. You'll learn Slicing Wind when you get to level 2, it's a powerful attack
in a straight line in front of Pietro that can hit multiple enemies.

Head E until you come to a chest by the river, it has a [FOREST LEAF] in it.
Head back W a bit, the N until you come to a bridge going NE.

ITEMS: 5G, Takinen Bread, 10G, 30G.
ENIMIES: Mud Drone, Brown Mouse, Acornholio, Mandragora, Pecker.
NOTES: Inn is FREE. Monsters can now start showing up in groups. Do not do not
do NOT go out the NE exit that leads to another area, the monsters there are
very powerful and can likely kill you in 1-2 hits.

The shop is the first building NE of where you come into town, but it doesn't
have anything worth buying unless you need healing items, so skip it (and
despite what the shopkeeper says, you DO have to pay him). Head SE. You can
talk to the man chopping wood for a little demonstration if you like. Head NE
from him to find a chest between two trees with [5G] in it. Head NW to the
building with a waterwheel and a sign, that's the FREE inn. Yeah, it's free,
woo. If you go in the other doorway closer to the waterwheel, there is a chest
with a [TAKINEN BREAD] next to the oven.

Head back to where the building with the shop is, then head NW. Head NE, then
cross the first bridge. Follow the path for a chest with [10G], then head back
across the bridge. Head NE, then go across the bridge going NE. Head SE, then
SW for a chest with [30G]. Go E.

ITEMS: Holy Water.

Follow the path south and you'll end up at the treehouse after a scene. It
seems the book you need is on the floating continent of Bryonia. Narcia the
Forest Witch joins the party, woo! She's mostly a magic user, so she's a little
weak physically. Right now she only has the Heal Rain skill, but it's a good
move, as it will heal any party members within it's range. If you use it
outside a battle, it will heal all party members. She'll get an attack spell,
Wind Cutter, at level 5, so she'll be able to dish out damage soon enough. Now
that you have her, you can also do the powerful Air Strike Combination Attack.
Check the Combination Attack section for more details on the move. Go into the
treehouse and speak with Guilda, she will give you a free [HOLY WATER].
Speaking with her again will fully heal the party.

Exit the treehouse and go S, you'll end up back in the village through a path
that was blocked before. Stay at the inn and/or stop by the shop if you need
to, then head out of the village back towards PoPoLoCrois.

Just passing through, head S until you come to another bridge going SE. You
couldn't go across it before, but now you can.

ITEMS: 20G, 500G, Blessed Water, 10G, Forest Leaf, Takinen Bread, Chewed Gum,
Eruped Jewel, Leather Shoes.
ENEMIES: Squirrelly, Slugger, Mimic Panda, Mr. Pepper.
NOTES: Use and abuse Air Strike here. You can likely kill multiple opponents in
one of them, and it doesn't cost you anything, so feel free to.

Go SE into a little alcove for a chest with [20G] in it. Head NE along the
river for a chest with [500G]. Head SE past the sign, then open the chest by
the tree for a [BLESSED WATER]. Now, you're supposed to go NE at that sign, but
the first rule of RPGs is to always go where you are supposed to last, right?
Right. We're going to stop by the town first, so just remember where that sign
is. Head S/SE, stying near the wall of grass. When you get to the river, head
SW to get to another section of this area.

Ooh, stuff! Open the four chests for [10G], a [FOREST LEAF], a [TAKINEN BREAD],
and a [CHEWED GUM]. Head SW until you cross a bridge. Go SW and open up the
chest in the grass for an [ERUPED JEWEL]. Just hug the E wall and go S, until
you can see a big bridge. Go W away from the bridge, then go S for a chest with
[LEATHER SHOES] in it. I'd give them to Narcia for now, as her DEF and AGI are
a bit low. Now go across that bridge to reach the port town of Pasela.

ITEMS: Forest Twig, Wolf Charm, Forest Shower, 5G, 10G, Forest Leaf, 5G, Glass
Ring, Hero's Memory, Bomb, Bomb Jewel.
NOTES: Inn costs 15G.

Head into the first building you come to, this is the inn. Go upstairs for a
chest with a [FOREST TWIG] by the bed. Exit the inn, then head down the stairs
going SW. The first building NW has a chest with a [WOLF CHARM], while the
second has one with a [FOREST SHOWER] if you go into the room on the first
floor, and one with [5G] on the second. In the NE corner past those houses are
two chests with [10G] and a [FOREST LEAF] in them. The second house to the E is
the shop, it actually has two shops in it. The second floor is a Weapons/Armor
shop, and they have some better armor for Pietro, but save your money, there is
an even better one in this town. Odds are your Dragon Sword is either more
powerful or almost as powerful as the sword they are selling, and since it's
power will go up when Pietro levels, there isn't really any point in buying the
new sword. The third building NE a bit past the others is a bar, there is a
chest in the room on the second floor with [5G]. Exit back out of the bar, then
head down to the dock area.
The two men sitting on the NW wall are merchants, one sells armor and the other
sells accessories. Upgrade Pietro and/or Narcia's armor, but I wouldn't bother
buying any accessories. NE past the merchants is a chest with a [GLASS RING] in
it, an armor piece for Narcia you should equip. There is another chest by the
fright elevator NE, it has a [HERO'S MEMORY] in it. Go in the house to the NE,
then up the stairs for a chest with a [BOMB] in it. Exit SE, then go in the
second house you come to going SE, the second floor has a chest with a [BOMB
JEWEL] in it. That's all for this town, head back to where that sign was in
Pasela Field (you remember, right? Right after crossing that bridge from
PoPoLoCrois), then head NE.


As soon as you walk into this area a scene starts. Pietro is shot out of a
cannon (really!), and Narcia chases after him.

ITEMS: 100G, Forest Shower, Luck Seed, Forest Leaf, Slow Jewel.
ENEMIES: Devil Bat, Orc, Orc King (Boss).

After being woken up by Narcia, you need to figure out how to get out. Head NW
through the doorway. The blue-green light will fully heal you and allow you to
save your game. Go down the ladders to find a chest with [100G] in it, then go
back up the ladder and out of the room. Head NE through the door (fights start
here), then follow the path to the next room. Continue NW in this room and go
to the lower area. Head S for a chest with a [FOREST SHOWER] in it. Go NW into
the next room. Head across the bridge to the SW for a chest with a [LUCK SEED]
in it. Go back across the bridge and head NW to find a cage with a couple of
people in it and some sleeping Orcs. Go past them and through the opening.
After a scene, Pietro and Narcia do battle with the Orc King and a couple of
his goons.


Orc King: 618
Orc (3): 48
Attacks: Normal Attack, Warcry (Boosts DEF and ATK).

A well-placed Slicing Wind should be able to take out 2-3 of the normal Orcs.
If any are still alive, have Narcia take care of them with Wind Cutter. After
the smaller Orcs are gone, try to get on either side of the Orc King and do a
FA into either a normal attack, a Wind Cutter, or a Dragon Fang. Remember you
can only do Air Strike once during the fight, so try to have Narcia do it as
her damage potential s a bit lower then Pietro's. Use Heal Rain if necessary,
and just wear the Orc King down, he's really not too tough.

Pietro and Narcia go back out and open the cage, releasing the trapped miner,
Naguro. After a short conversation, the armor starts to talk! It moves and the
rust comes off, revealing the White Knight. He joins your party! He's a
powerful physical fighter, but doesn't really have anything magically. He's
basically the opposite of Narcia. He and Pietro can do the Saint Cross
Combination Attack, but it's a bit hard to set up, making it not worth it a lot
of the time.

Go back into the Orc King's room and open the chest you likely noticed earlier,
it has a [FOREST LEAF]. Head back out and grab the chest in the cage, it has a
[SLOW JEWEL]. Go back out to the area where the room had an upper and lower
area, then go on the upper area and head SW. Follow the path for a couple
rooms, then you'll get a scene where everyone is quite glad to see Naguro alive
and well. Naguro will teach Pietro the (rather useless) Trap skill. Head around
the room for an exit going SE, then head up the ladders to reach the town of

ITEMS: 16G, Forest Leaf, Blessed Water.
NOTES: Inn costs 15G.

Head NE up the other ladder, then head E past the house and down a ladder for a
chest with [16G] in it. Head back W. The inn is the lower part of the large
building, and the shop is the building just SW of it. There isn't anything
really worth buying, but you can stop in if you need items. Go SE then W from
the shop for a chest along a wall with a [FOREST LEAF] in it. Go to the SE
corner of the area and grab the [10G] from the chest, then go to a bit W then N
for a chest with a [BLESSED WATER] behind a tree. That's all for this area, so
head to the cave in the W corner of the map.

ITEMS: Oaken Bracer, 150G, 10G, Forest Leaf.
ENEMIES: Mantis Weasel, Dark Mage, Vampire Bat.
NOTES: The Dark Mage's Shadow Volt skill hits a pretty fair area and does good
damage, try to take them out first.

Follow the path until you come to a fork, then head W. At the 3-way fork, go N
for a chest with an [OAKEN BRACER] in it, then W. Head S at this fork. You're
now in a much larger cave area. Head W as far as you can for a chest with
[150G] in it. Head back E and down the ladder, then SW for a chest with Bronze
Scimitar in it. Head back a bit, then S. There is a sign that looks like an
arrow, follow it for another section of the cave. Follow the path, then go in
the small cave to the NE. Two chests in here, one with [10G] and the other with
a [FOREST LEAF]. Head back out of the cave, then SE on the bridge. There's only
one path, so take it. Another arrow sign, follow it to get to a different
section of the cave. Head along the path, then through the SW door. Just head
SE and out of the cave.


ITEMS: Defense Seed, Strength Seed.

Well well, look where we are again. Head W for a chest with a [DEFENSE SEED] in
it, then SE down the steps on NE for a chest you may have noticed earlier. You
know, while you were being shot out of the cannon. It has a [STRENGTH SEED] in
it. Inside the lab is another blue-green healing spot, use it if you need to.
Now head SW out of the area and head for Pasela, the port town in the south.

ITEMS: Broken Chest.

Now if you listened to me, this isn't your first time here, but if you didn't,
look back a bit for the location of all the items. Go buy White Knight a Bronze
Bracer at the street vendor in the Port section of the town. Head into the
large building where ships dock, then up the stairs for a scene. Seems the
Flying Yacht this guy Poshtov is trying to make is missing an important part.
Seems the people in Godrif should be able to make it, but the towns are having
a feud. Well, they owe you a favor, so you're going to ask them for the part.
Time to head back to Godrif. Oh don't whine, there's a faster way to get there
now. Go to the upper section of town with the big factory, then go in the
mineshaft in the SE. It's a straight run to Godrif, no enemies, and there's a
chest with a [BROKEN CHEST] in it. No, seriously. Anyway, head to Godrif.

Head up the elevator by pressing the big red handle, then go NW into the
blacksmith's forge. Speak with the big bald guy for a scene. Seems he'll take
the job, but it's going to take a bit of time, so you get to stay a free night
at the inn.

...Have a pleasant rest? No? Oh well, head back to the Blacksmith. Uh oh, looks
like we have a problem. Check the letter on the table. Seems the part was
stolen, and the thief wants you to come to his lair. He says he's through
Takinen Village, so that's our next stop. Head back through the mine to Pasela,
then north to Takinen Village.

Just passing through. Head W. Remember that NW exit I told you not to take
before? Time to take it. Don't be scared, you're stronger now, and you have

ITEMS: Defense Seed, Forest Leaf, 200G, Panacea, Heal Jewel, Forest Shower,
Forest Twig, 50G
ENEMIES: Pillbug, Elysium Bird, Pecker
NOTES: Elysium Bird's normal attack is pretty strong, watch out for them.

Go NW and open the chest for a [DEFENCE SEED]. Follow the path across the
bridge, then stick to the S for two chests, a [FOREST LEAF] and [200G]. Head NE
and follow the path NE. Head SE at the fork for a chest with a [PANACEA]. Go
back and go NW, then go NW again for two more chests, a [HEAL JEWEL] and a
[FOREST SHOWER]. Go across the bridge for two more chests, a [FOREST TWIG] and
[50G], then go SE, then into the cave.

ITEMS: Pure Water.
ENEMIES: Ninja Robot, Steamed Power

Okay, now random battles are against... Robots. NINJA robots. Okay... Anyway,
head NW then N up the elevator. Follow the path, open the chest by the pipe for
a [PURE WATER], then continue on the path, you'll reach Gami Gami City shortly.


ITEMS: Slot Machine, 150G, Forest Twig, 200G, Blessed Water.
NOTES: Inn costs 20G.

You'll likely get a little slowdown here, it happens to everyone. You'll just
have to deal with it. Head up the stairs, then go NE as far as you can for a
path along the wall you can't see. Head S for a chest with a [SLOT MACHINE] in
it. Head down the steps to the lower section W, then into the closest building
for two chests, [150G] and a [FOREST TWIG]. Head back out and up the stairs,
then across the bridge. Go in the E building and open the chest in the back for
[200G], then talk to the man at the counter and ask where Gami Gami Devil is.
The middle building is an inn. The W building is the shop, there are two
shopkeepers selling different things. Upgrade your equipment, then head up the
elevator. If you talk to the robot by the elevator, you can watch a little
show. Head up onto the stage and go up the ladder. Go out of the room, then
down the steps and into the blue building for another shop. Go back out, then
down the ladder and open the chest by the man for a [BLESSED WATER]. Go down
the stairs, back across the bridge, then up the big NE staircase to go into
Gami Gami Castle.


ITEMS: Force Seed, Eclipse Stone, Forest Leaf, Speed Seed Sleep Jewel, 1G, 1G,
1G, Forest Twig, ID Card, Forest Leaf,
ENEMIES: Ninja Robot, Steamed Power
NOTES: Examine doors to open them. Inn costs 30G.

Head towards the big door and Gami Gami Devil will taunt you. Examine the door
to open it and head through. Head NE, then down the stairs and NE again. Go
through the gold door, then open the chest behind the shelves for a [FORCE
SEED]. Go back out and back to the stairs, then open the door SW of them. Flip
the red lever here to turn the power to the elevator on. Go back up the stairs
and NW to the elevator. There are a number of floors you can go to, but for now
let's start with the 2nd floor. Head SE out the door, then go up the stairs.
It's hard to see, but there is a chest with an [ECLIPSE STONE] behind the
boxes. Go back to the elevator and go to the door NW. Two chests in this room,
the obvious one in front, a [FOREST LEAF] and a hard to see one in the back, a
[SPEED SEED]. On to the 3rd floor! Head NE to the first room and grab the
[SLEEP JEWEL] in the chest, then head back out. The second door has three
chests, [1G], [1G], and [1G]. Head back to the elevator and go to the 4th
floor. Head SE and go in the NW door. Grab the chest in the N corner for a
[FOREST TWIG], then exit back out and go SE. Follow the path to a chest with an
[ID CARD]. Go back to the elevator and up to the 5th floor. Go SE for an inn.
Rest up, you'll need it. Leave the inn and head NE. After some more taunting
from Gami Gami Devil, use your ID card to open the door and head inside. Head
NE and go in the SE door. Go NE, NW, NE, SE, SW. You should be outside now. Go
down the stairs for a chest with a [FOREST LEAF] in it, then back up the stairs
and head NE. See the big lever? Push it. Head back down the stairs and back to
that big dining hall. Examine the big chair and go to the Control Room, then
head NE. After a, uh, speech by Gami Gami Devil, you have to fight his robot.


Gami Gami Armor: 1236 HP.
Attacks: Lightning (Hit to a small area in front of it), Satchel Punch (Line
attack in front).

Notice this boss is a 3*3 enemy on the grid, so you can have two people attack
from the same side if you like. Just gives you a bigger target. FA + Aerial
Slash and FA Dragon Fang should take down this rust bucket pretty fast, just
try to do them from opposite directions to maximize damage. This also helps
keep it from hitting multiple people, making it easier to stay healed. If HP
looks like it shouldn't be an issue for a bit, a FA + Wind Cutter can put up
some good numbers too.

After beating up Gami, he gives another speech that ends with him, uh, blowing
up the castle. He, of course, has an escape route. You however, don't. Head SE
and take the door into what seems to be Gami Gami Devil's room. The group
notices the trash shoot, and hops in. I think White Knight leaving sparks was a
nice touch.

The group winds up outside Gami Gami City, with only Narcia landing on her
feet. They see Gami Gami Devil's parachute over PoPoLoCrois and give chase.
Make your way to Takinen Village, your next stop.

Go SE as you enter the village for a scene. Seems this is where Gami Gami Devil
landed, and it wasn't softly. Narcia helps him a bit, he wakes up and gives you
the yacht part he stole. Well, time to head to Pasela.

Poshtov is in the E part of the docking area, go talk to him. Everyone helps
out to build the Flying Yacht. Seems Narcia told Poshtov about why you need to
go to Bryonia, and he'll lend you the yacht. Seems Narcia, being a forest
witch, can't go near seawater, so she isn't going to be able to come with you.
Speak to Poshtov again to set out for Bryonia!

Pietro and White Knight are sailing smoothly when the ship is surrounded by
fog. Seems Guilda is worried about a monster in the fog. Narcia can't go warn
them since she is a forest witch and if she touches seawater her body will
dissolve, so Guilda gives her the Gold Key, a treasure of PoPoLoCrois that can
transform it's holder into whatever they want. Narcia can use it to become
human so she can go warn Pietro and White Knight, but if she tells them she's
Narcia she'll lose her forest witch powers, so she assumes the name Kai, then
leaves to help Pietro and White Knight. The sea monster, a Kraken, seems to
have put Pietro and White Knight to sleep and is getting ready to eat them. Kai
shows up as a bird and takes care of it with a good kick. She introduces
herself as a friend of Narcia's, and she's here to help out. You're nearing
Bryonia, so you change the ship to flight mode and fly up to it. Seems White
Knight doesn't like flying, too bad for him.

ITEMS: Forest Shower, Star Stone, Speed Seed, Moon Stone, 1000G, Magic Seed.
ENEMIES: Sentinel, Medic, Guard Knight, Combat Knight, Rune Pod, Worker.

Well, here we are at Bryonia. Kai is much stronger then Narcia is physically,
but not quite as strong as Pietro and White Knight. She doesn't have Narcia's
skills either, meaning Pietro's Healing Water is your only healing move for a
bit. She gets the Dolphin skill soon enough, but it doesn't have Heal Rain's
range or power. She does get some good attacking moves, so you'll just have to
be a bit more careful. You can still do Air Strike with her just like Narcia,
so don't worry about that.

Head SW then NE to go to the city section. Seems the place is deserted, and all
the robots are turned off. Head NE and go in the building, open the chest for a
[FOREST SHOWER]. Exit the building, then go SW. Head into the first building
you come to and open the chest for a [STAR STONE]. Exit, then go in the
building to the E for a chest with a [SPEED SEED]. Examine the large machine on
the NW wall to reveal it to be a vending machine that sells items. Exit the
building. See that ship there? I bet you know that color scheme by now. Anyway,
head past the steps to the next building, go in and open the chest in the E
corner for a [MOON STONE], then exit. Head NE up the steps for a chest with
[1000G].Head back down and go up the large central staircase and examine the
door. The Big Four show up, minions of the Ice Demon. After insulting your
group, they vanish. Head down the steps, then SE, then NE past the houses to a
house on the upper level. Examine the door.

After a short conversation where you say you aren't with the Big Four, the
person lets you inside. Seems his name is Sabo, he's the only person left in
Bryonia, he knows about the book you are looking for, and the book is called
the Book of Darkness. After explaining why you need the book, he says you can't
have it and the the people of Bryonia placed a seal on it that can't be broken
without destroying the heart of Bryonia. After a history lesson on Bryonia,
Gami shows up. Yep, seems that WAS his ship outside. After your group notices
him, he runs off. After some whining from Sabo, the place shakes a bit, and
Sabo runs off. Time to give chase!

Open the chest in the room by the big orb, it has a [MAGIC SEED] in it. Head up
the central staircase, the door is open now. Seems that the Big Four are trying
to bring the whole place down and get the Book of Darkness, and that the robots
in the place are malfunctioning and becoming violent. Fights start here. Head
NE into the door Sabo went into, then up the stairs for a chest with a [FOREST
LEAF]. Continue up for a scene where we find that the Big Four really do intend
to destroy the whole place. Head back downstairs, then through the NW door that
Sabo told you to go through earlier. Head through the door NE. Go up the
stairs, then just follow the path for a couple rooms. When you come to a room
with a bunch of books, the group notices Gami reading something. After some
convincing from Kai, Gami Gami Devil joins the group! While he doesn't quite
have the power of Pietro and White Knight, his skills don't cost much MP and
they hit a pretty big area. Some also cause status effects! While he and Pietro
can do the Combination Attack The Way, but it's a bit weak. Hits a good sized
area, but the damage is severely lacking.

Head NE for a scene. The Big Four have the book and plan to use it to resurrect
the Ice Demon at Sword Mountain! They run off. Head to the room with the big
staircase leading to where Sabo was, but go SE. Seems Bryonia is going to crash
into PoPoLoCrois if something isn't done soon. Destroying Baru's heart will
stop Bryonia from moving, and guess what happens to come into the room? Take it

Baru: 1412
Worker: 112
Medic: 82
Guard Knight: 98
Attacks: Normal Attack, Code Red (Call a robot into the fight).

Healing it a bit tougher without Narcia's nice big Heal Rain, but you should be
okay with Pietro's Healing Water and Kai's Dolphin. Stick with the ol'
FA+Skill to hit it, Kai should use Panther when not healing, Gami Gami Devil
should use Gami Missile, Pietro should use Dragon Fang, and White Knight should
use Aerial Slash. If it summons an enemy to fight with it, use an area skill
like Spinning Slash or Slicing Wind to take it out and hit Baru at the same
time if you can. If you can't, aim for the smaller enemy as it will go down
quicker. Baru should go down soon enough.

Well, you destroyed the heart, so now Bryonia's falling. With you in it. Gami
runs off, and the rest of the party follows. Head SW. Gami's going to do his
own thing, and Sabo needs something before he leaves. Head out to the Flying
Yacht. After some turbulence, Pietro, Kai, and White Knight fall out of the
yacht. Kai works some shape-shifting magic to save everyone, then you head off
to see if Guilda knows what you should do to get the book back. That's then end
of Book One.


After a bit about how Kai disappeared, one of Gami's robots shows up. Seems
he's willing to help you get to Sword Mountain in his plane, so you should meet
him at Gami Gami City. White Knight still doesn't like him much, but he's
outvoted. You've now lost Kai and Gami and have gotten Narcia back. There isn't
actually anything new in any of the towns, so just head for Gami Gami City.
Once you get to Steel Grave, Gami shows up in his new plane. White Knight heads
up, and after a little conversation about how Pietro should go up the ladder
before Narcia, the group heads to Sword Mountain.


ITEMS: Magic Seed, Forest Shower.
NOTES: Inn is free.

Gami looses his remote, looks like you're stuck here for awhile. Gami Gami
Devil is back on your team. He and Narcia can do the Die With Honor Combination
Attack, but it's mostly for show, I'd avoid using it. Head W and open the chest
for a [MAGIC SEED], then head SE into town. Head down the ladder then up the
ladder just NE, that's the weapon shop. Upgrade where you can, you likely don't
have enough to get everything quite yet. I'd suggest coming back after you get
a bit more cash and finish upgrading. Leave the shop and head SE across the
bridge, then SE down the ladder. Head around for a chest with a [FOREST SHOWER]
in it. Head back up the ladder, then NE. this house is the item shop, it has a
couple accessories too. I'd suggest getting a Zephyr Symbol for Narcia if you
can afford it. The second floor of the building in the NW is an inn, it's free.
Head NW, then SE, then NE. You don't actually change areas, but I count this as
another one once you pass the man in brown.

ITEMS: Force Seed, Calm Jewel, Blessed Water, 500G, 100G.
ENEMIES: Screamer Bird, Sabertooth Tiger, Ammonite.

The stuff here is definitely a notch above the stuff in Bryonia, you might
actually stay close to the village for a bit and get some EXP and cash to
finish upgrading your gear and enjoy the free inn. Head up the little ladder
then E for a chest with a [FORCE SEED], then go E for a chest behind a tree
with a [CALM JEWEL]. Go back down the ladder then NE, then follow the path up
the ladder. Chest right in front of you with a [BLESSED WATER]. Go up the
second ladder. Another chest here with [500G] in it. Head across the bridge. Go
up the ladder, then NE next to the house for a chest with [100G]. Go into the
house, then into the back room. After a bit of conversation, one of the Big
Four show up and with a display of power, Raduk sends him packing. It seems
that without Master Raduk's approval, even with the Book of Darkness you can't
get into the World of Darkness. He agrees to open the gate so that you can go
there. He says to meet you at the top of the mountain. Leave the building and
head NE, just follow the path. After a long ladder, you reach the top, where
Raduk opens the path for you. He says that when you get there to go see the
king, Danu. The Big Four show up, knock out Raduk, and jump in the gate. Seems
one of the Big Four wants a piece of you!

Attacks: Normal Attack, Circle Wave, Volteks

Circle Wave and Volteks have a pretty big area and they hurt, so try to keep
spaced out. FA + Skill is, as usual, you're main damage dealer. White Knight's
Aerial Slash, Pietro's Dragon Fang, Gami's Gami Missile, all from different
directions to maximize damage should wear him down pretty quick. Narcia should
mostly stick on healing duty, this guy's attacks hurt. If she has a free turn,
try Retribution on someone to up their damage.

Raduk gets up, says you did very well, then casts something, saying he's
assigned you a guide in the World of Darkness. The group heads into the gate.
You land on the back of a giant whale, Mac. He takes you to the Dark King
Danu's palace.

ITEMS: Forest Drizzle, 500G.
NOTE: Inn is free.

Well, head NE, then NW, then NE through the door. The 2nd NPC here works like
an inn, and it's free. Head SE, the next NPC is a shop with items. Go up the
staircase SE. Circle up the stairs twice, then SW and open the chest for a
[FOREST DRIZZLE]. Head back down the stairs twice, then go NW and up the other
staircase twice. Head SE and open the chest for [500G], then back down the
stairs once. Head NE. Approach the VERY large King Danu via the small
staircase. Danu says you may take your mother's soul, but only if she is
willing, and to tell Mac to take you to Devil's Planet, where her soul is. Head
back to Mac and head out for Devil Planet.

ITEMS: Defense Seed, Forest Leaf, 1G, Taste Jewel, Blessed Water, Knight Star,
Nova Stone.
ENEMIES: Chaos Slug, Twin Snake, Chaos Mage,
NOTES: Inn is free. You've pretty much hit the point where Air Strike isn't
going to kill things in one hit any more, but it still does good damage.

Turns out this is where the Ice Demon's soul is. Mac works as an inn. Follow
the wall around SE then NE, ope the chest for a [DEFENSE SEED], then head back
to Mac and go NW. Open the chest for a [FOREST LEAF], then head NE. The chest
is empty (the hell?), so head NE some more, then NW into the deserted town.
Chest NE with [1G], then another NW with nothing. The building SE has two
chests, one with a [TASTE JEWEL], the other with a [BLESSED WATER]. The house
in the N corner has an empty chest and a woman. Speak to her to be fully
healed, she vanishes afterwards. Head out of the house, then SW a bit, then NW
up the small path.

As you come into this new area, Pietro is thrown back by some force, then the
whole place begins to shake. Parts of the floor are lifted into the air, one of
which has Pietro on it. The scene changes to show the remaining Big Four (Big
Three?) attacking someone... It's Sania! They seem to be trying to weaken her,
and seem to be failing. Pietro lands near where they are fighting, and Yaboo
attacks him. Sania goes to help him, and Yaboo breaks the seal holding the Ice
Demon! Pietro and Sania fall back down to where the others are, who seem to
have been knocked out by the Big Four. Sania explains that she is really a
dragon, that the Ice Demon took her soul with him when she defeated him ten
years ago, and that he planned to use her power to come back to life. The Ice
Demon's soul is beneath the tower, you have to stop his minions from reaching
him. Sania passes out, but it seems she just needs rest. Step onto the symbol
in the middle of the room to head to the next area.

Head S and open the chests for a [KNIGHT STAR] (equip it on White Knight) and a
[NOVA STONE], then continue S. AS you head down the stairs, Yaboo sicks Dorun
on you!

Dorun: 2096 HP.
Attacks: Slow Bind (damage and Slow).

Just do the usual, FA + Skill. A Retributioned FA Aerial Slash does crazy

damage, use it. Dragon fang, Gami Missile, keep healed, the usual. Not really
very hard.

It seems you were too slow, Yaboo's got the Ice Demon's soul. Sania shows up to
stop them, but she's still weak, and they capture her. Yaboo cracks the tower
floor and teleports out, now the whole place is coming down. Head back out of
the tower. The Ice Demon bursts from the planet, and Mac comes to help you and
take you back to Danu.

Go see Danu. He says everything is Pietro's fault, and that he will not help as
the Ice Demon is not threatening the World of Darkness. Head back to Mac and go
back to Earth.
We're back here, but it seems the top part of the mountain is gone. Head down
back towards the village. Just before you get there, head up the small ladder
to the area there were two chests before. Raduk appears, he already knows about
th Ice Demon. Seems when he appeared, a good bit of the mountain was blown off,
but the village is fine. The Ice Demon's soul headed west, towards PoPoLoCrois.
You need to stop the Ice Demon's body from being regenerated. Raduk transports
you back to PoPoLoCrois, where everything has become frozen. In the distance
you can see the newly build Ice Demon's castle...


Pietro tells the king what has happened. The king tells Pietro about how he met
Sania, and why she left. He says that sh is very strong, and that she will be
all right. A maid comes running into the room with th news that Sania's body
has disappeared. Pietro has a bit of a breakdown and runs from the castle and
the city, then comes to a stop in the field. An Ice Knight attacks him and
knocks him out, but Narcia comes to help. There doesn't seem to be much she can
do as she is, so she turns into Kai and shatters the Ice Knight with a powerful
kick. Pietro wakes up and sees her transform back, and Narcia passes out.
Pietro takes her back to the castle, and snow begins to fall...

Guilda says you may go see Narcia, follow her into the room. It seems that
since Narcia didn't abide by the limitations of the Gold Key, she's been hurt.
A Seed of Soma isn't enough to help he like Guilda hoped, it seems only a Soma
Flower will do it, but there aren't any and they only bloom once every 100
years. Guilda gives Pietro a Seed of Soma to take to the Fountain of Gallop,
where the faeries there may be able to accelerate time for the seed to make it
bloom. It's NE of Guilda's Treehouse. Head out to PoPoLoCrois.

ENEMIES: Horned Penguin, Ice Warrior

The shop has new stuff, so upgrade your gear. There is also a new shop open
just NW of the shop, you can stop by there if you like. When you try to go
outside, the guard warns you he will close the gate after you leave. You aren't
going to be able to get back in once you leave, so be sure you are prepared.

You only have Pietro right now, so be careful. Besides the ground looking a bit
different and the enemies having changed, there isn't anything new here, so
just head for Takinen Village.

ENEMIES: Horned Penguin, Ice Warrior

The shop has some new items, but nothing Pietro can equip. Inn's still free, so
that's good. Head NW into the forest, then NE. When you go across the small
bridge and hit a sign, go NW. This is the Fountain of Gallop, seep into the
center of the area to start a scene. After a moment, a fairy appears. It seems
she's a friend of Narcia's, and makes the Soma Flower grow. The fairy says that
soon a cold wind will blow and freeze the fountain, and that if things remain
that way, the whole forest will die. You have the Soma Flower, so head back to

The gate will open when you approach it. White Knight and Gami meet you there,
it seems King Paulo is waiting for you in the conference room, but you have the
more pressing concern of Narcia, so head to her room.
Guilda seems to be asleep, so Pietro gives Narcia the flower. She eats it and
Guilda wakes up. She says Narcia is doing fine and needs rest, but what you
brought wasn't a Soma Flower, but a flower that blooms once every thousand
years... She dismisses the thought, you need to go speak with the king. The
conference room is upstairs from the throne room. Speak with the king. It seems
that Yaboo is trying to gather power to regenerate the Ice Demon's body at the
Ice Temple, that large tower, in the northlands, past the Fountain of Gallop.
The only way to stop his revival and save the world is to head to the temple
and stop Yaboo. The one who has been chosen to do this is Pietro, who the king
believes can accomplish this task. White Knight, Gami Gami Devil, and the
recovered Narcia all say that they will go with you. They all re-join the team.
Head out to PoPoLoCrois and buy them new gear. There's only one more tow that
has anything new in it, and that's Pasela, you can shop at the Black Market
behind the weapons counter and the items shop is slightly updated, but there
isn't anything you need. When you're ready, head for Takinen Village.

Pietro can't wear any of the new stuff, but that doesn't stop everyone else, so
upgrade away. After you're done, head to the Fountain of Gallop, it's frozen
over, so you can walk on it and head NW.

ENEMIES: Snowman, Burning Snowman, Splatter Weasel, Iceman, Giant.
ITEMS: 1000G, Magic Seed, Forest Charm, Rubber Shoes.
NOTES: Burning Snowman's Fire Burst hits everyone and hurts, try to take them
out fast.

Follow the path to the next area. This place is basically one huge field that
spans four areas, so bear with me here. Follow the wall SE and around, just hug
that wall, you're actually going to travel all the way around on it. When you
come to the far NE corner, you'll find a chest with [1000G]. After that, just
keep hugging the wall NE. You'll come to a chest with a [MAGIC SEED] in it,
just keep going. When you hit the NW corner, there is a path going NE, don't
take it, head SW. When you hit the SW corner, there is a chest with a [FOREST
CHARM] in it. Head SE and you'll come to... The place you came in. Yep, all
that for some treasure. Now just head directly NE. Another chest here with a
pair of [RUBBER SHOES] in it. Head NW just a bit, then keep going NE. You'll
should come to a village surrounded by brightly colored flags.

ITEMS: Pure Water, 10G, Forest Twig, 1G.
NOTES: Inn is free.

Start by heading to the E corner of this small village, there is a chest with a
[PURE WATER] in it. Now head for the N most building and head inside. There is
a chest with [10G], head outside and to the building SW, there is a chest with
a [FOREST TWIG] and downstairs is a general store with some nice armor for
White Knight. The S most building has a chest in it with [1G], and downstairs
is a free inn, I'd say you most likely need it. That's all in this town, so
leave and head N.

Just keep going N and take that path I told you not to before. A scene will
start, it seems you've reached the Temple of Ice.

ITEMS: Heroic Bracer, Knight Boots, Angelic Blade, 300G, Eternal Symbol, Speed
Seed, Dragon Tear, Forest Rain, Summer's Fury.

Start off by going N and grabbing the chest along the wall for a [HEROIC
BRACER] you should equip on Gami, then go to the E corner and grab the [KNIGHT
BOOTS] in the chest for White Knight. Now head to the big pillar of light in
the middle of the room. Zoldan shows up, it seems he has no intention of
letting you get any farther.

Zoldan: 2412 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Air Slasher (attack on all), Down Burst (hits around

Ugly, isn't he? As always, FA + Skill for damage. I'd actually go against
spreading everyone out, however, as Zoldan's attacks have such a large range
he' likely to hit most everyone anyway. Instead, I'd try to keep bunched up so
you can hit everyone with Heal Rain at the same time. White Knight can put out
some serious damage, combine it with Retribution for even more. If you have
Pietro's Invoke Lightning skill (Level 17) you should use that, if not, just
stick with normal attacks of Dragon Fang. Gami should do his Gami Missile
thing, do damage where he can. Zoldan has a lot of HP, but he'll go down

After the fight you can step into the light, which leads you to a warp maze of
sorts. There are a number of floors, and you'll have to find your way around
using the beams of light. Start by heading SW then SE, then SW next to the beam
for a chest with an [ANGELIC BLADE], a great weapon for White Knight. Head into
the nearby beam, then into the next one going up to find a chest with [300G] in
it. Head back down the two beams, then SW, then NW, then NE, then NW past the
beam for another chest with an [ETERNAL SYMBOL], an accessory for Pietro, in
it. Head back to the beam and go up. Head SE and down the beam, then NW and
into the first beam you come to. Head in the next beam going up and grab the
chest for a [SPEED SEED]. Head back down the two beams, then NE and follow the
path. Go down the fist SW path, past the beam SE, then into the next beam. SE
is a chest with a [DRAGON TEAR]. Head NW and up two beams. Chest here with a
[FOREST RAIN], then go up the stairs. The NW stairs lead to a chest with a
[SUMMER'S FURY] in it, a good sword for Pietro. Head NE up the staircases to
find the last beam of light. You are about to fight two bosses in a row, I hope
you're prepared. Step onto the platform from the SW section to go to the next
area. Sania is being kept in a glass orb, and White Knight can't seem to get
her out. Yaboo shows up saying not to tough his tool for bringing the Ice Demon
back, and fights you.

Yaboo: 2820 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Magma (attack on all), Nova (attack around him).

I would strongly suggest having Pietro's Invoke Lighting for this and the next
fight, he learns it at level 17. This fight is extremely similar to the one
with Zoldan, he's just a bit stronger.

Even with the defeat of Yaboo, it seems you're too late, and you watch as Sania
herself becomes the new host for the Ice Demon. He attacks Pietro, but Sania
fights back for her son, says the Ice Demon can no longer use her power, and to
be brave. You're now fully healed, it's time to finish this.

Ice Demon: 4408 HP.
Attacks: Dark Edge (square attack in front), Ice Edge (attack in front),
Blizzard Storm (attack around him), Dark Curse (attack on all).

He has a LOT of HP, but there is a trick to this fight. Want to know it? One
word: Retribution. Cast it on Pietro, White Knight, and Gami, then have Narcia
run to a corner. This will make the Ice Demon's attacks quite weak, as well as
increasing your attack, so assault him with FA + Skills. Aerial Slash, Invoke
Lightning, Gami Missile. Between doing very little damage to you and being
assaulted from all sides by your strongest skills, even the Ice Demon can't do
much. Have Narcia heal as necessary, and if your HP permits, FA + Wind Cutter
still does damage well. With that much HP, it's going to take awhile to wear
him down, but it shouldn't be more then you can handle.

The Ice Demon shatters and the Ice Temple crumbles, but Sania saves the group.
Sania stands there, awake and well, and she and Pietro hug.


The land has returned to normal and Sania has returned to PoPoLoCrois, where
she falls asleep. Just a normal sleep, a rest from her long fight.

King Paulo wakes up Pietro and says he has something to tell him, and to come
to his room when he's ready. While there isn't technically anything else to do,
you can get a number of scenes for some extra story. All the monsters are gone,
many of the shops are closed, and all the inns won't let you stay.

Talk to Narcia that the Fountain of Gallop and Pietro and Narcia have a little

Watching the play in Gami Gami City, it seems Gami Gami Devil has left the city
to begin a new, more evil life.

Attempt to cross the stone bridge going towards Pasela in PoPoLoCrois to see
Master Raduk. Seems he's here to help with the Ice Demon... Too bad you already
beat him. He goes to PoPoLoCrois castle.

In Pasela, White Knight is leaving on his own journey on the flying yacht, you
can go see him off.

If you go S of Godrif, it seems Gami Gami Devil has build a new castle. If you
go to the top, there is a letter for Pietro on the table.

That's it for optional scenes, head back to PoPoLoCrois Castle. From the throne
room (where Master Raduk has decided to sit), head NW, then up the stairs, then
SE. Head SE again, and say yes to King Paulo three times. Sania is in the bed,
and gets up when Pietro comes in. King Paulo announces that there will be a
celebration tonight. Queen Sania has returned, the Ice Demon is vanquished, and
peace has returned to PoPoLoCrois... For now, at least. Thus ends both Book
Four and Story One.


Two years have passed since the Ice Demon's defeat, and Minister Morm can't
find Pietro. He finds him playing an ocarina on the roof of a house in
PoPoLoCrois. It seems King Paulo needs to see him. The ocarina is in your
inventory, but it doesn't do anything. The shops and inn are closed for now,
and you can't leave the town, so just head for the castle. Go to the throne
room. It seems Sania is pregnant, and it is now time for Pietro's trail to
prove his right to be the heir to the throne. You need to go to the Cave of
Kings and retrieve the Wisdom Crown. The king sends two soldiers, Don and Gon,
to go with you to verify the completion of the trial. Don and Gon both join
you. While both fighters, they are both, well, rather weak. Not "useless" weak,
but Pietro outclasses both of the pretty easily. At least Gon has a healing
skill. Together they can do the Gagaaa! Combination Attack, but it's difficult
to set up. You need to go see Guilda, she will show you where the Cave of Kings

Head back to PoPoLoCrois and go shopping, the item shop is updated with new
gear. Upgrade where you can. Don and Gon's swords are terrible and there aren't
any in the shop, so if you have any of Pietro's old swords, see if they can use

You can't go anywhere else, so head to Takinen Village. The enemies outside are
the same as they were at the beginning of the game, just in groups.

Nothing to note here, the shop doesn't have anything new, so just head to the
treehouse. As you approach, a demon comes out of the treehouse and attacks you!
Gon and Don run away (not!), beat up the demon!

Mini Demon: 1812 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Hellfire (Attack on all).

Don't be fooled, this guy is HARD. His normal attack hits pretty hard, and
Hellfire is downright painful. You don't have Heal Rain or anything, so you'll
just have to fight defensively. FA + Skill is, as always, your main attacking
form. Battle Cry, PoPoLo Slash, Invoke Lightning. You might not want to do it
with Pietro. He'll likely be healing with Healing Water quite a bit, but if he
has a free turn you may just want to smack it with a normal Invoke Lightning,
since taking the time to do a FA isn't a good option since you'll just likely
have to heal again, wasting it. Another option is to use Gon or Don as your
main healer with items, countering Hellfire with a Forest Shower. I'm not a fan
of using items, but against this guy, you might need them.

After the fight, Guilda and Narcia come out of the treehouse. Guilda brings the
group inside. She knows why Pietro's here, and that demon was a test she made
to be sure he was ready. Pietro must enter the cave alone, ad Narcia goes with
him to show him where it is, but Gon and Don have to stay and help Guilda.
After a little magic, Narcia opens the path and takes Pietro to the cave. You
only have Pietro at this point. If you speak to Narcia, she works as an inn. If
you chose the "I can't go any farther..." option from her, you'll get a [FOREST
LEAF]. Head into the Cave of Kings.

ITEMS: Force Seed, 5G, Silvered Blade, 300G, Blessed Water, Forest Twig, Fire
Jewel, Nova Stone, 150G, Panacea.
ENEMIES: Living Dead, Skeleton, Orc Warlord.

Remember, you only have Pietro here. It's just him against a whole new batch of
enemies, so play defensively and try to conserve your MP. You can leave and see
Narcia to get healed. Technically you could just Guardian through the whole
place, but where's the fun in that? Start off by heading SE for a chest with a
[FORCE SEED], then go NE. Follow the path around, then when you come to two
staircases take the SW one for [5G], then take the NE one. Head down the
stairs. Follow the staircases and ladder down, then grab the chest for a
[SILVERED BLADE], a great sword. Head down the SW stairs, then up the small NW
ladder, then follow the path downstairs. Follow the path, then go NE past the
ladder for a chest with [300G]. Go back and take the ladder, then go SW for two
chests, a [BLESSED WATER] and a [FOREST TWIG]. Go SE and around, then after you
limb the ladder go SW for a chest with a [FIRE JEWEL]. Go back and take the
stairs NW, then just follow the path and had downstairs. There's only one path,
take it. After the big doorway, you're in a room with three chests, a [NOVA
STONE], [150G], and a [PANACEA]. Head in the big double doors NE. There's what
you came for, the Wisdom Crown. When you examine it, it glows brightly and
Pietro goes unconscious. When he awakens, he's in a dark area, and a man
appears before him, Vasqual, with a prophecy. The world will soon be covered by
darkness, and there will be a catastrophe in PoPoLoCrois.

"Don't be blinded by it's beauty...

It's beauty hides a deceitful heart.
The ocean will be disturbed.
It's words are mesmerizing and graceful but hides an evil truth.
An ancient island lies beneath the ocean.
The future of this world it threatened."

He says you must find out about the "True treasure of the Kings."

Pietro exits the cave, where Narcia is waiting, and it's begun to snow. Pietro
decides not to tell her of what he's seen, and they head back to the treehouse.
It seems the snow didn't last long, and Gon and Don are happy to see you back,
Guilda's been making them clean the house. Pietro's test is almost over, Gon
and Don head with him to return the Wisdom Crown to PoPoLoCrois. There isn't
anywhere else to go, so head to the throne room in PoPoLoCrois Castle. After a
bit of a pep-talk from Gon and Don, Pietro heads in. The kingdom is pleased
that Pietro completed his task, but Pietro is uneasy... He is next in line for
the throne, and the prophecy of disaster... But he knows that whatever lies
ahead, it will be fine, because he isn't alone. Thus ends Book One.


It seems Queen Sania is giving birth. Paulo is pacing, more then a little
anxious. He and Pietro begin talking, turns out Paulo used to be called the
Lion-Hearted King, but doesn't say why as a maid comes running into the room to
announce that the Queen has given birth to a princess. Pietro and Paul go to
see her, and the king says Pietro should pick her name. You can only pick
Elena, the other choices Paulo just asks you to be serious. Paulo holds baby
Elena, and a mysterious voice begins speaking, asking Paulo if he would want to
be the powerful Lion King again. Paulo, still holding Elena, begins arguing
with the voice, which is saying that he should once again become the Lion King.
Paulo says his duty is to protect his kingdom and his family. The voice begins
to attack Paulo with some sort of energy, and Elena is effected by it too.
Paulo can stand it, but to resist further could put Elena's life in danger. The
king gives in, and the voice says that with his powers as the Lion King and his
powers as a human, he will server him quite well... "Now you will be regarded,
by all, with dread and fear!" says the voice. Paulo says he and Pietro will
overcome the voice, and that it will not win. The king is surrounded by dark
energy, and changes into the Dark Lion King, clad in black armor and wielding
the powers of darkness. He throws Elena at Pietro and challenges him, The Dark
Lion King Raises his sword, but Paulo fights back inside him and doesn't allow
him to kill Pietro, saying he couldn't resist the evil. He then teleports away.
Sania explains that he was possessed by a dark mind that took over his mind and
body, and that this is a national emergency and that Pietro should go wait in
his room for now. Boy, that was long, huh?

Head out to PoPoLoCrois, that's all there is to do.

ITEMS: Melia Orb.
Guilda felt an evil presence enter the castle and sent Narcia to check it out.
Pietro explains what happened, and Narcia offers to go with him. Gon and Don
rush in saying that they will help, and that you should have told them sooner.
All three join. Yay Heal Rain. Sorry, I know I missed it.

IMPORTANT: Go to the S house in PoPoLoCrois, the one with all the cats. Speak
with the woman and she will give you the [MELIA ORB], which works like Jewels,
but is infinite and costs 20 MP! YOU WANT THIS! BADLY!

Go to the shop and upgrade where you can, they have some new stuff. I'd grab a
Courage Badge for Pietro, but that's me. Head for Guilda's Treehouse.

Nothin' new here, just head to the treehouse. Guilda already knows what
happened, and tells you a bit about Paulo's past. He used to be known as the
Lion King, clad n gold armor. He was considered a living legend. Guilda says
that Raduk should be able to track the king down. You need a way to get there,
and Gami Gami Devil built an airplane before... Apparently he lives near Godrif
now. Head there.

Nothing good in the shop, so just head S. In the S corner is a staircase, take
it and head into the next area.


ENEMIES: Elysium Bird, Ninja Robot, Steamed Power, Samurai Robot.

Just follow the path around, there's only one way to go. Once you reach the
building, there's STILL only one way to go. When you reach a room with a
control panel and white circles on the floor, when you attempt to enter the
next room the alarm system goes off. A large robot falls from the ceiling and
Gon and Don run away. Looks like it's just Pietro and Narcia to fight this hunk
of junk!

Robomander: 2313 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Lightning (attack in front),

This thing's Lightning hurts, but some Retribution and FA + Invoke Lightning
will show him who's boss. You can use your new Orb if you like, it's more
damage to cut him down even faster. Just play it safe and keep your HP up,
there shouldn't really be any problem.

Gami Gami Devil comes down from the ceiling after you beat up his new 'bot, and
he's not too happy about it. That changes as soon as he notices Narcia, of
course. He invites you to come talk in his room. It takes some convincing, but
he'll help you. Only problem is that his new plane isn't finished yet, he's
missing a part from his old castle. You know, the one he blew up on you. You'll
have to go get it. Gami Gami Devil is back on the squad, too bad Gon and Don
chickened out.

Head back out and back to Godrif. Grab Gami an Elusion Bracer, then head to
PoPoLoCrois and get some Sneakers for him. Now head to Gami Gami City.

ENEMIES: Striker Bird, Skewered Rocks, Caterpillar.

New monsters, definitely a step up from the old stuff. Be careful. Nothing else
new here.

ENEMIES: Shadow Robot, Steamed King.

Yep, new stuff here too. Nothing else, keep on going to Gami Gami City.


Grab the new Mindwrecker that Gami desperately needs at the shop and some new
boots for him. I'd pass on the Elder's Staff, it doesn't boost MPWR or MDEF.
When you're done with that, head to Gami Gami Castle.


ENEMIES: Shadow Robot, Steamed King.

Head NE, then SE down the stairs. Head NE to the blue control panel in front of
the door and examine it. Gami Gami Devil will do the security check and open up
the door, head inside. The path has only one way to go, so take it. After a
ways, you'll find the part automatically and will go back to New Gami Gami
Castle to finish the new plane.

After a bit of smoke, Gami finishes the Gami Gami Wind Compact DX and the group
hops in to go see Raduk. After a bit of, uh, turbulence, the group ends up on
the outskirts of Hata Hata Village.


Plenty of new stuff to see in the shop. Upgrade where you can. The Ice Bracer
has good DEF, but it doesn't up AGI like your current armor, so you might pass
on that one. The Silver Ring has more DEF then the Ring of Fairy, but the
latter increases MPWR and MDEF, so I'd go with that. If you go down the SE
adder to the beach and talk to the man fishing, he will fish something up for
you, either a Fresh Fish (healing item) or 5G. You can go into a building, then
come out and talk to him again to have him do this as many times as you want.
The General Store has a couple new items, but nothing you need and you're
likely out of cash anyway. Start climbing the mountain.

ENEMIES: Centipede, Pteranodon, Ammonite.

New monsters here, but nothing special. Head towards Raduk's place, when you
come to the bridge you'll see an armor-clad figure sitting there. This is
Kimendoji, Master Raduk's apprentice. It seems he was about to go speak with
Raduk as well, and joins you for the trip. After a round of introductions and
an odd feeling Kimendoji has about Pietro, he joins the squad.

This guy is pretty beefy. He's a great physical attacker, but has some support
skills as well, such as a Insight that heals himself and those right around
him. He has pretty bad MPWR, but he doesn't need it anyway. His biggest
downside is that his attacking skills, Death Blow and Moon Slash, don't have
much range on them. The gear he starts with is also not very good, you may want
to head back to Hata Hata and give him some upgrades. I'd give him a Fire Charm
if you can afford it. He and Gami Gami Devil can do the Detonation Combination
Attack, which has a pretty big range and a fair amount of damage. It's also
pretty easy to set up.

After you're done upgrading and/or oogling the samurai, head up Sword Mountain.
When you reach Raduk's house, head inside. The green light can be used as an
inn. Jumbo says it might be a good idea to save, I'd take his advice. Head into
the back room. After a bit of a conversation, Raduk teleports the group to a
jungle where the Sealed Sword of Remoria is. Only a human king can pull the
sword, this must be why the darkness took over King Paulo. He also sends
Kimendoji with Pietro.

ITEMS: 1000G, Forest Shower, Sword Jewel, Elusion Bracer.
ENEMIES: Mantrap, Dagon, Zard (Boss).

Oh boy, this is a big area, but there isn't any reason to go to most of it.
Head NW from the starting point. There's a green light here that can be used as
an inn. Now go NE three times, you should be at a dead-end with four chests,
[1000G], a [FOREST SHOWER], a [SWORD JEWEL], and an [ELUSION BRACER]. Head back
to the green light. Now head NW twice, then NE once, then NW twice. You should
get a scene as soon as you enter this area. Someone's standing in front of a
sword stuck n the ground and muttering to himself. Sounds like he's waiting for
the Dark Lion King. He sicks his pet, Zard, on you!

Zard: 3078 HP.
Attacks: Normal Attack, Feed (Attack in front).

Odd note here, for whatever reason Gami Gami Devil and Kimendoji are sharing a
space when the fight starts. Why do you care? Simple, you can Retribution them
both at the same time if you don't have either move. This guy really isn't very
hard at all, just smack him with FA + Skill. Moon Slash is crazy, especially
Retributioned and Requested.

After the fight, Kimendoji threatens the man for information. Before you can
get any out of him, the Dark Lion King shows up, takes the sword, and attacks
Pietro. Kimendoji makes the Dark Lion King back off with some swordplay, then
the strange man and the Dark Lion King run off.

After an odd scene about n island surfacing and some tablets, we see the Dark
Lion King breaking the seal on a large door using the Sealed Sword. This ends
Book Two...


Pietro is reporting what's happened to Queen Sania, saying he will find him
again. Queen Sania gives him permission to do so, and tells Pietro her side of
how she met Paulo.

Head outside. As you pass the throne room, you'll meet up with Gami Gami Devil
and Kimendoji. Narcia comes running in saying that Gilda found the Lion King,
but isn't sure exactly where he is yet, and you should go see her. Head to

New stuff in the shop, and the Exotic store is open again. There is also a new
store in the Exotic Store's basement. Upgrade where you can, then head for
Takinen Village.

The shop is updated, but doesn't have any gear. Head to Guilda's Treehouse.
Once there, head downstairs. Guilda tells the group about Cotrico Island, which
had sunk for 3000 years and has a dark spirit. That's where the Dark Lion King
is. Gami says you should steal a ship to get there, the rest of the group
doesn't really agree, but you do need to find a way. As everyone leaves, Guilda
gives Narcia the Gold Key to use when you get to the sea. Where are there
boats? Pasela, of course. Time to head there.

Plenty of new stuff in the shops, stuff for everyone. You might notice a ring
that Narcia can't wear and a ribbon in the shops, those are for Kai, so you
might want to get them. Go and speak with Poshtov. He says he'll lend you his
boat, but the island is surrounded by monsters and evil, so he'll have to put
some special magic paint on the boat. He says to stay the night at the inn, it
should be ready in the morning. You have to play for the stay, but oh well,
it's all of 15G. During the night Pietro can't sleep and goes for a walk.
Narcia notices him leave and follows. Pietro doesn't know that he can save his
father, and doesn't think he could fight with him if he had to. Narcia says
that what they need to do is bring light to fight the dark spirit in Paulo, and
that they need to help him. As they are heading back, Guilda shows up saying
something is attacking the forest, and she's not sure how long she can hold it
off by herself. Narcia says it's too dangerous to do at night, so you'll go
help Guilda in the morning. Looks like your boat ride is on hold, head to the

ENEMIES: Slasher Weasel, Specter, High Mandragora, Treant.
NOTES: Try and get Aero Shoes off of Slasher Weasels if you can, they are
really good, best you can get for quite some time.

Woah, new monsters here. You might fight here a bit for some cash so you can
upgrade in Pasela.

ENEMIES: Slasher Weasel, Specter, High Mandragora, Treant.

Head to Guilda's Treehouse. Head NW to where Narcia opened the path to the Cave
of Kings to find Guilda. After a warning from Guilda, the group heads in to
face the monster terrorizing the forest. There's a masked man there, saying
he's not allowing anyone to pass. Kimendoji says he's a dark spirit.

Gorg: ???
Attacks: Body Slam (Attack in front), Upper Cut (Attack in front),

This guy hits pretty hard, but he's really not too dangerous. Moon Slash is a
killer, added with Retribution and Request is insane. Just hit him hard and
fast, and have Narcia keep health up as usual.

There's a strange voice saying it can't let Gorg die here, and Gorg disappears.
Pietro says that the cave is where the Wisdom Crow was, and remembers speaking
with Vasqual. He decides he needs to speak with Sania about what's happened, go
see her. The stronger monsters are gone now, they seem to have left with Gorg's

Go to the throne room. As you enter, a scene starts. Pietro reports what's
happened thus-far, and Sania asks to see the Dragon Sword. She transfers some
of her power to it, and it becomes stronger. It's still likely not stronger
then what you have, but it grows in power as you level.

Okay, you have a choice now. You have two ways to get to Cotrico Island, by
taking the boat in Pasela or by going through the Cave Of Kings, where Vasqual
will open a teleportation gate to the island. What's the difference? Narcia.
More specifically, Narcia and Kai. If you go by boat, Narcia can't come, so
changes into Kai. If you go via Vasqual's teleporter, Narcia is with you. Since
Kai is stronger physically, she's more useful for random encounters, but Narcia
has Heal Rain and Retribution, which make boss fights much easier. It's up to
you who to bring, there isn't any difference storyline-wise or treasure-wise, I

If you want to take Narcia, you'll have to go through the Cave of Kings.

ENEMIES: Specter, Minotaur, Devil Slug.

Head to where the Wisdom Crown was, Vasqual will be there and create a
teleporter to Cotrico Island.

If you want to take Kai, head to Pasela. Once there, go to the E most part of
the dock and speak with Poshtov. Narcia will run off, and a moment later Kai
will come to take her place, much to Gami Gami Devil's dismay.

Whatever route you chose, head to Cotrico Island!

ITEMS: Paralyze Jewel, Gold Ring, Wayfarer Shoes, 500G, Forest Twig, Kunshige,
Guardian Lion, Aged Blade, 1000G, Luck Seed, Pure Water, Storm Bracer.
ENEMIES: Minotaur, White Ant, Todstul
NOTES: If you brought Kai, he equipment is terrible, upgrade it ASAP.

If you came via boat, Poshtov says there are too many monsters around and that
he will pick you up tomorrow. Head N, the orange box by the ladder is an item
shop. Head up the ladder and open the chest for a [PARALYZE JEWEL], then head
back down and go W. The green light can be used as an inn, and further W is a
chest partially hidden behind a pillar with a [GOLD RING] in it. Head back E
and into the ruins. Go SW, then NW into the doorway. Go NE to find two chests,
[WAYFARER SHOES] and [500G]. Go back SW then NW, there is an arch on the NW
wall, head through it go get to another area. Three chests in this room, a
[FOREST TWIG], a [KUNISHIGE] (powerful sword for Kimendoji), and a [GUARDIAN
LION]. Head back out the archway, then NW through the door. Follow the path
down the staircases, then grab the chest N for an [AGED BLADE], a good sword
for Pietro. Head NE through the door, then SE through the SE door. Follow the
stairs down for four chests, [1000G], a [LUCK SEED], a [PURE WATER], and a
[STORM BRACER]. Head back up the stairs, then take the NE door. You've found
the Dark Lion King, and it looks like he's not going back without a fight!


Dark Lion King: 6516 HP.
Attacks: Leo Claw (Attack to one in front + Stone), Slicing Wind (Line attack
in front), Warcry (PWR and DEF boost), Wind Slash (attack in front),

An interesting note here is that Pietro, Gami Gami Devil, and Narcia/Kai are
all overlapping a bit here when the fight starts. Why do you care? If you have
Narcia, you can Retribution all three of them at the same time! You can also
use Insight on everyone at the same time easily, and since it has the effect of
regenerating your HP every turn, it's a huge help if you don't have Narcia
since you have nothing to boost your DEF with or her nice Heal Rain. This
battle is a lot harder if he uses Warcry, but there isn't really anything you
can do to keep him from using it. Try to surround him, you don't want to have
your whole group eating his Slicing Wind, which is bigger then Pietro's. This
doesn't matter as much if you have Narcia, but with Kai it's hard to heal a
group. Keep up an assault of Gami Slingshot, Invoke Lightning, and Moon Slash,
and just wear his HP down. He hits really hard, so don't be afraid to use a
Forest Drizzle or two to make sure your HP stays up.

Even with his defeat, the Dark Lion King doesn't seem to be about to give up. A
light bursts from Pietro and hits th Dark Lion King, overwhelming the dark
spirit and driving it from Paulo. Pietro hugs a rater confused King Paulo.

A mysterious figure is watching them through some power, and sends her minions,
who you may recognize a couple of, to find the stone tablet on the island, and
to steal the others from the Dragon and Fairy kings. With this, the second
story comes to a close...


Three years have passed since the events at Cotrico Island, and there is a
meeting going on. It seems that there was a rock-slide near a dragon's nest in
Pasela, and there are miners trapped because of it. The problem is that there
should be a dragon nearby the nest, so it's dangerous. Pietro volunteers to go
gather information in Pasela, and Sania says there are both good and evil
dragons, and that Pietro must find the nature of the one in Pasela. The meeting
ends, and Pietro heads to his room, but is glomped by his little sister, Elena.
She wants to come with Pietro, but she's sick. Pietro agrees to stay one more
day, and leave in the morning.

Boxie and Zul, two of Maria's henchmen, seem to be up to something involving

the mine where the land-slide was... We also see a large, armor-clad figure
bursting past the rocks to get in...

Well, look at Pietro! Taller and new clothes, as well as some new abilities! He
has what is basically upgraded, more expensive versions of some of his old
moves added to his skill list. Head out to PoPoLoCrois.

Don and Gon have been waiting for you, they join up. Their swords need an
update, you can find a good one in the shop below the Exotic Store. When you're
ready, head to Pasela.

ENEMIES: Dinner Set, Assassin Chef.

New enemies here. While you can go to Godrif, there really isn't any reason to,
so just go to Pasela.

New stuff in the Equipment Shop, but nothing good. Head up the stairs to where
the forge used to be, and head inside. Head NE and into the tunnel.

ITEMS: 180G Panic Jewel, 200G

Head NE and grab the chest with [180G], then continue NE. The door going NW has
a free inn. As you continue NE, you'll find none other then White Knight stuck
in a pile of rocks! With some help from Pietro, Gon, and Don, White Knight
breaks out of the rocks. White Knight seems to b here to slay the dragon, but
Pietro says that he may not have to, the dragon may mean no harm. White Knight
understands, and comes with to find out about it. There's some roaring, and Gon
and Don get spooked and run away. Equip White Knight with any extra armor you
may have, his is a bit old. You might even head back to Pasela to grab him some
new stuff. Head back SW a bit for two chests, a [PANIC JEWEL] and [200G]. Go NE
and through the door to find the dragon! It has a miner trapped, who we know is
one of Maria's henchmen, but Pietro is trying to just talk to the dragon. Boxie
stabs the dragon with some kind of needle and it goes nuts!

Ulthra: 2386 HP.
Attacks: None.

The dragon won't actually attack you, just hit it until it dies.

Pietro's sword breaks, and White Knight shows Pietro the dragon's eggs it was
guarding. One of them hatches. Boxie looks pleased, saying the dragon's spirit
has left it's body and that he must follow it.

It seems the dragon Pietro killed was the Earth Dragon, which kept the land
fertile and habitable. With it's death, the land will become a wasteland if
something isn't done. Pietro must take responsibility for his actions and go to
the Land of Dragons and ask the Great Lord Dragon for forgiveness for what he
has done.

We see Pietro, White Knight, an older Narcia, and the baby dragon, Gabo, riding
on a the Flying Rock, Uranos, which Narcia can talk to, to the Land of Dragons.

ITEMS: Forest Seed.
ENEMIES: Grey Mouse, Hyena, Turtle Camel

You have Narcia back. Like Pietro, she looks and sounds different, but she
doesn't get any new skills. You also have the baby dragon, Gabo, but he starts
very very weak and with no skills. He's pretty much going to be useless, just
try not to let him die. While he and White Knight can do the Illusions
Combination Attack, it's not really useful since Gabo is so slow and weak. Has
some nice range, it's the same as Air Strike.

Head down the ladders and then NW, then just follow the path. You'll come to a
chest by a windmill with a [FOREST SEED], continue S into the town.

ITEMS: 400G, Forest Rain, Needle Jewel.
NOTES: Inn costs 25G.

Head S and grab the chest by the tree for [400G]. The large windmill NW has an
item and gift shop on the second floor. The large windmill SW of that has an
armor and weapons shop, upgrade where you can. SW of the windmill is a chest
with a [FOREST RAIN] in it. SE is the inn in a building with a sign in front of
it, there is a chest with a [NEEDLE JEWEL] in it just E of the inn. Head SW out
of the area.

ITEMS: 2000G.
ENEMIES: Flower Dragon, Saber Cat, Hyena.

Follow the path past a bridge and grab the chest NW with [2000G], then head SW
and follow the path into the cave.


ITEMS: 200G, Eclipse Stone, 300G, Force Seed, Luck Seed, Forest Rain, 300G,
Forest Twig.
ENEMIES: Pot Snake, Frilled Lizard, Ankylosaurus, Hippopotamus,
Head NW and grab the two chests for [200G] and an [ECLIPSE STONE], then go to
the glowing stone and move against it until it pushes into the hole. A doorway
will open NW, go inside. Follow the path and take the NE door for three chests,
[300G], a [FORCE SEED], and a [LUCK SEED]. Exit and continue NW along the path.
After a few screens you come to a room with a glowing rock and a chest. The
chest has a [FOREST RAIN] in it. Push the block into the hole. Now head back a
few rooms. There is now a path going SW that wasn't there before, take it. Head
in the doorway. When you turn NW, there is a chest mostly hidden by the wall
with [300G]. Continue NW and get another chest with a [FOREST TWIG], then go E.

Boxie has a dragon chained into a hot spring, it looks like he wants it to take
him to the Land of Dragons or he's not going to let it out. Boxie says he
tricked you into killing the dragon before, and attacks you!

Boxie: ???
Attacks: Normal attack.

He's weak. REALLY weak. Just attack him, he'll go down soon enough.

Boxie runs off, saying he'll have his revenge later. The dragon doesn't look so
good, so you help it out of the spring. His name's Gilbert, and he's from the
Land of Dragons. Pietro explains the situation, and Gilbert says he'll take you
to the Land of Dragons on his back.

ITEMS: Zappa Orb, Defense Seed, Speed Seed, Magic Seed, Luck Seed.

Follow the path and talk to the black dragon, who will give you the powerful
[ZAPPA ORB]. Follow the path further and head into the building. Head NW up the
stairs, then NE up the stairs for two chests, a [DEFENSE SEED] and a [SPEED
SEED]. Now head back downstairs and go SW down the stairway and through the
door for two more chests, a [MAGIC SEED] and a [LUCK SEED]. Go NE through the
door. Follow the path up the staircases, and around, you will come to the Great

The Great Dragon calls Pietro a "Dragon Killer," and Pietro says he will do
anything to save the land from his mistake. The Great Dragon agrees to test
him, by taking his life for the one he killed. White Knight and Narcia are
horrified, but Pietro agrees to pay his life to save the land of PoPoLoCrois.
Narcia says she will give her life for Pietro instead, and White Knight says to
take his. Gabo starts running around, and a ball of light descends and turns
into the form of the Earth Dragon's head. The Earth Dragon asks th Great Dragon
to forgive these humans, who she knows were tricked into doing what they did.
The Great Dragon agrees, and the Earth Dragon disappears. The Great Dragon then
asks how Sania, his daughter, is doing, meaning that the Great Dragon is
Pietro's Grandfather! He repairs the Dragon Sword, saying you've earned the
right to use it, and that to unlock the power within it you must obtain the
three Dragon Orbs. Pietro, Narcia, and White Knight are preparing to leave, but
Gabo sees White Knight as his father and doesn't want him to go. Pietro says
that White Knight should stay behind with Gabo, and Narcia agrees. Pietro and
Narcia leave on Gilbert.

We see Guilda with her hands full taking care of four dragon hatchlings, then
another one pops out. Just as she says she can't take care of them all at once,
the last egg hatches. Thus ends Book One.


Looks like the circus is in town, but we know the ringleader, Zul... He says
Pietro should be sure to come and gives him some free tickets. Zul leaves, and
Pietro and Narcia decide to go to go together.

The shop is somewhat updated, and the Tech Shop has new gear. After that, head
to Takinen Village.

ITEMS: Dyson Orb.

Go E right away and talk to the man by the boy chopping wood for the [DYSON
ORB]. That's really all there is here, so go back to PoPoLoCrois.

take the SW exit out of town and then go SW to the circus.

There are three booths SW, they all sell various junk. Head NW and speak to
Zul, the man in the hat, when you're done shopping. He shows them to their
seats and the show starts. There seems to be something very odd about the black
lion in the show, and Narcia notices. After the show, Narcia and Pietro sit and
talk outside the tent, then Narcia says she should be getting home. Pietro
offers to walk her home, but she says she'll just fly on her broom. Before she
leaves, Pietro gives her a pendant as a gift, and she gives him a little kiss.
Awww, how sweet. Narcia runs off, throughly embarrassed, and (with a rather
cool animation) jumps on her broom and flies off.

Later that night, Elena has a bad dream and comes to sleep in Pietro's bed. A
short while after, all the town's children are leaving their homes, including
Elena, and are going to the circus... Pietro wakes up the next morning and
assumes Elena went back to her bed.

Head down to the throne room, where there's a small mob of people all saying
their children are gone. A soldier comes running in saying that the circus has
vanished overnight, and the people start saying it must have been them. Pietro
realizes that Elena must have been taken as well, and rushes off to find them.
On the bridge to PoPoLoCrois, Narcia and Guilda come flying in with Elena's
stuffed bear, saying they found it near Pasela this morning. Pietro explains
that the children are missing and runs off. As Narcia tries to follow, Guilda
gives her the Gold Key, just in case. There's nothing new in the shops or
anything, so just head to Pasela.

Go down the steps towards the dock for a scene where we find that the children
in Pasela are missing too, as well as the princess or Roma. Pietro decides to
go to Roma, and a man warns him the area is full of monsters and that he should
get a bodyguard. Head behind the dock, there is a NE path between the houses
that used to be blocked. There you meet none other then Kimendoji! He warns you
it's dangerous and Pietro says he's gotten stronger and can defend himself, but
Kimendoji asks to come along with them to Bayshore Street, it appears he was
about to go there anyway.

ITEMS: Magic Ribbon, Force Seed, Magic Seed, 500G, Forest Seed.
ENEMIES: Scavenger, Kraken, Technician, , Kelpman.
NOTES: You can walk on much of the water here, it's slightly more green.
As they approach the ocean, Narcia needs to change into Kai. Kimendoji is
rather confused (he says it must be ninja magic). Kai looks a tad different,
but she's the same as usual. If you didn't use her for the end of Story Two,
her equipment is going to be horrid, so you may want to give her some new

Head NE until you can start going SE, then hug the wall until you reach an old,
beached ship. This can be used as an inn, and there are three chests here, a
[MAGIC RIBBON] (equip to Kai), a [FORCE SEED], and a [MAGIC SEED]. Head out of
the ship and open the chest directly E for [500G], then go directly NW and get
the chest next to a rock for a [FOREST SEED]. Now just go to the NW corner of
th area and into th next part of the area. Just follow the beach NE to Roma.

ITEMS: 10G, Dragon Tear, 10G, Boris Orb, Forest Drizzle, Forest Leaf, Strength
Seed, Defense Seed.
NOTES: Inn costs 40G.

Kimendoji starts to act rather strangely as a dog walks up, he runs off on
unknown "business." The building just NE with the sign is the inn. Head SE and
open the three chests for [10G], a [DRAGON TEAR], and [10G]. Head down the
stairs going SW to find two street merchants with some gear. Go in the building
NE and talk to the woman behind the counter for the [BORIS ORB], then exit. The
building NW is a souvenir shop. Head out and buck up the stairs, then up the NE
stairs. Go NW. The large building here is the armor and weapons shop. Just NE
of it is a chest with a [FOREST DRIZZLE]. Head SE and down to staircases then
into the building for a chest with a [FOREST LEAF]. Go back up one staircase
then SW. The doorway SW has a man in the back room that will give you 10G over
and over if you talk to him, say no, and then exit the area and come back. Head
SE down the stairs. Go E and down the stairs, there is a chest just SW with a
[STRENGTH SEED] in it. Continue S down the stairs, then SW. The man on the mat
sells items. Continue SW and head down the dock going SE, near the end is a
chest with a [DEFENSE SEED]. Head back NW and then down the SW dock to find an
ice cream shop. Go back to the weapon and armor shop, then go NE up the large

ITEMS: Moon Stone, Force Seed, Speed Seed, 1000G, Meat, Treant Leaf, Forest

...This place is HUGE. Figures, so was the town. Okay, take the SE path under
the canopy into the door going NE, then go NE in that room, then SE, then NE,
then NE, Then SE. This room has a chest with a [MOON STONE]. Go back NW, then
NW, then SW into the garden. Head S and into the greenhouse. Two chests in
here, a [FORCE SEED] and a [SPEED SEED]. Go back out, then back N and SE, then
up the stairs, then SW. Chest up here with [1000G]. So S and through the door
NW, then down the stairs, then NW, then NW again, then NE. There is a chest on
the SE wall with a [MEAT] in it. Go back SW, then up the stairs, then NE, then
NW, then NE. Approach the king. The king is mumbling about his daughter Jilva
and Pietro announces himself. The king recognizes the name and Pietro asks
what's happening. It seems that the the Steel Devil is kidnapping children from
Poleh Poleh Village, as well as the princess, Jivla. Pietro says that something
similar happened in PoPoLoCrois and that he's here looking for clues. Pietro
says that he will go to the Steel Devil's castle. Go NE behind the throne, up
the stairs and around, then up the NW staircase and into the room. There is a
chest in here with a [TREANT LEAF], head SW into the next room for a chest with
a [FOREST RAIN]. Go back out of the rooms and down the stairs, the SE room can
be used as an inn. We're (finally) done with this blasted castle, I sure hope
someone out there appreciates how long it took me wandering this damn maze to
get everything. Head out of the castle and back to Roma City.

Head down to the SE section of the dock area and take the NE path, the guard
will let you by now.

ITEMS: 300G, Poison Jewel, 1500G, Forest Twig, Magic Seed, Panacea, Forest
ENEMIES: Evil Castanet, Maracas, Death Trumpet, Foul Drum, Phantom Harp.

Follow the path, grab the chest for [300G], then keep following the path. At
the fork, go N. Follow the path up, then down the hill. Grab the two chests for
a [POISON JEWEL] and [1500G], then head SW. When you come to a large area,
stick to the S wall. After reaching the S corner, head NE and open the chest
with a [FOREST TWIG], then go around and get the other chest for a [MAGIC
SEED]. There is another chest just NE mostly hidden by trees with a [PANACEA]
in it. Keep going NE, then follow the path S and SW. There is a clump of rocks
with a well-hidden chest on the SE wall f the path with a [FOREST SHOWER] in
it. Continue S to reach the village.


ITEMS: 1G, 200g, Forest Twig, 800G.
NOTES: Inn costs 40G.

The first building SE is the equipment shop, the item shop, AND the inn. Head
SE, the man on the carpet is a gift shop. The building SW of the gift shop has
a chest with [1G] in it. The house SE of that has basement with two chests,
[200G] and a [FOREST TWIG]. Head E, at the NE edge of the piano-like walkway is
a chest with [800G]. Head N then up the stairs and NE out of the town.


ITEMS: Forest Twig, 500G, 10G, Forest Shower.
ENEMIES: Overheat, Genocider, Robot Boxer.

New monsters, might look a bit familiar... Head N and get the chest for a
[FOREST TWIG], then head NE. At the fork, go NW for a chest with [500G], then
go back SE and follow the path. SE at the next fork for a chest with [10G],
then go N. Head NW at the next fork for a chest with a [FOREST SHOWER], then
return to the fork and go NE. Follow the trail into Steel Devil City.


ITEMS: 30G, 30G.
NOTES: Inn costs 50G.

Deja vu, anyone? Head directly NE to find the inn. Exit back out and go to
where you came in, then go NW through the doorway, then NNE into the doors. Go
NE again, then up the steps. This it the equipment shop, which has some nice
stuff, but little you can wear right now. You might want to buy some of it, you
know, in advance (hint hint). Exit out of the shop, then head NW up the green
lift and SW out the door. Head SW again, then S down the steps. The NPC here is
the item shop. Go back up the steps, then SE, then NE, then down the green
lift, then SE. Go NE, then up the stairs and SE through the door. You can watch
a little movie if you talk to one of the NPCs here, and the other is a gift
shop. Go back NW, then just S of the stairs for a path going SW that ends in
stairs going NW. Go SW here for a chest with [30G], then NE for a chest with
[30G]. Go through the NE doorway, then NE again into the castle area.


ITEMS: Forest Seed, Forest Rain, Blessed Water, Battle Jewel, Panacea, Luck
Seed, Strength Seed, Forest Seed, Panacea, Pure Water.
ENEMIES: Overheat, Genocider, Robot Boxer, Doll, Hatamoto Robot.

Head NE, then NW. Go in the NW door. Go W up the ladder, then NW into the door
going NE. Grab the chest for a [FOREST SEED], then press the big red button on
the NW wall. Head back out of the room. The conveyor belt is now stopped, walk
NE on it, then follow it SE and through the door. Go NE up the stairs, then NW
through the door. Circle around down the ladder and follow the path E, then
down the ladder and through the door. Head down the SE ladder and through the
NE door. The chest in this room has a [FOREST RAIN]. Push the statue into the
green square, then go out of the room and into the doorway W. Go SE, then NE up
the ladder, then down to other ladder, then N to another room. Two chests here,
a [BLESSED WATER] and a [BATTLE JEWEL]. Walk up the small steps onto the
conveyor belt and go NW. Go W and down the steps, grab the chest for a
[PANACEA], then go S through the door. Grab the chest NE with a [LUCK SEED],
then step on the big glowing part of the floor. Head SE and up the ladder for a
chest with a [STRENGTH SEED]. Time to backtrack, head back to the room you
walked on the conveyor belt with all the robots working on it. Go SW, then up
the ladder, down the SW ladder, and down the other SW ladder. Head S and
through the door. Go S down a couple of ladders and through another door. S
down a ladder, then go up the W ladder for a chest with a [FOREST SEED]. Go
back down the ladder and SE down another ladder. Push the three glowing blocks
into the spaces on the sides to complete the path, then climb the small ladder
and step on the switch to make a path. Head back up the ladder then down the SW
steps, up the NW ladder, and in the door. Go up another NW ladder, then open
the chest NE for a [PANACEA]. Go SW and up the stairs, then through the NW
door. Go W, up the stairs, then into the NW doorway. Go NE following the path
and into the NE doorway. This room can be used as an inn. Head back out of the
room and into the NW door. Go SE down the stairs, then up the ladder and in the
NW door. Follow the path NE. There's a girl wearing pink clothes and being a
bit bratty, a robot is trying to get her to eat her veggies, she rips it apart.
It's Princess Jilva! As Pietro starts to introduce himself, an alarm goes off.
Three large robots appear, and Jilva runs off.

Trio Robot 1: 3250 HP.
Attacks: Normal Attack.
Trio Robot 2: 4000 HP.
Attacks: Cannon (Attack in front),
Trio Robot 3: 3500 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack.

Yeah, you have to fight all three at the same time. That's really the hardest
part here, but good use of Firebird and Thunder Strike can hit more then one,
or even all of them, at the same time, so use them. Trio Robot 2's Cannon is
magic based, so Kai isn't going to take much damage, but Pietro is. Healing
Water is a bit weak, and Dolphin only works on one person, so you might just
want to stick with items for healing.

It seems Jilva is more then a tad impressed with Pietro, who finally gets to
introduce himself. She recognizes him as the prince, and seems a bit smitten.
She doesn't seem to like Kai much, she hardly notices her. Seems Steel Devil
made her wear that dress, and started calling her Narcia. She takes off the
dress and chucks it across the room, and asks if Pietro is going after the
Steel Devil. Jilva says she wants to go with him, she wants a bit of revenge
for making her wear that stupid dress. As she's leaving toward where Steel
Devil is, Kai stops Pietro and asks if Narcia really looks that weird, to which
Pietro says that she looks fine.
You now have Princess Jilva of Roma. I was actually quite surprised by her,
she's quite a powerhouse. Her Heal Dance does a healing move around her,
similar to Kinendoji's higher levels of Insight, Axle Spin does quite a bit of
damage around her in a number of hits, Olden Dance hits every enemy, and so
does Sexy Dynamite. She and Pietro can do the Hyper Spin Combination Attack,
which hits a good sized area around the for similar damage to Air Strike, but
the positioning is a tad more awkward.

Head in the NW doorway, then head SW. Push the red switch on the NW wall, then
head into the doorway just E. Go NE behind the counter, open the chest for a
[PURE WATER], then press the large red switch. Head back out of the room and go
SW, then up the ladder. Go NE up the stairs, then NE through th door. Circle
around the room into the NE doorway. You've found Steel Devil, who's huge!
Pietro demands Steel Devil release the children, and Steel Devil has no idea
what he's talking about. After a little conversation with Jilva, Steel Devil
gets mad that Pietro gets all the women. His head pops off and attacks!

Steel Devil: 7125 HP.
Attacks: Steel Strike (Attack to one in front), Steel Bomb (attack in front).

It may be a good idea to use an Orb or two here, just to make this battle a bit
shorter. This rust-bucket has a lot of HP, but doesn't have much in the way of
area attacks, so healing isn't too hard. Just keep pounding away at him, he'll
go down eventually.

After the fight, the top of Steel Devil's head opens to reveal none other then
Gami Gami Devil, now clad in red. Pietro immediately recognizes him, and
apologizes, saying he didn't know it was him. Gami pulls out a detonator
switch, again, and Kai calls him a crazy old man. Gami says she's a brat and
should be more like Narcia. Kai changes back into Narcia, to the shock of Gami
and the confusion of Jilva. In his shock, Gami sits on the switch. The door
blocks off, and Gami escapes. This scene look familiar at all? Head in the NW
door, then go to th trash shoot NW and examine it. Hop in, much to Jilva's
displeasure. At least we get to see the castle explode this time. The crew pops
out of the end of the shoot, and Jilva says she needs a bath.

Pietro and Narcia bring Jilva home, where she immediately runs off to take a
bath. A short time later, Narcia and Pietro are talking, they have no leads on
where the circus went. Pietro's worried about Elena, and Narcia comforts him,
and they have a little moment, interrupted by Gon and Don ("Oh, did we
interrupt?" "N..No..." "Of course, you dummy. Prince Pietro doesn't pay patty
cake." This made me laugh), who are here to deliver the news that Guilda found
the circus, they're at Cotrico Island. White Knight already left for there with
the help of Gilbert. Narcia has the idea to ask King Waltz if you can borrow a
ship to get there, and Pietro says they will ask in the morning. Pietro meets
with the King, explaining the situation. King waltz says that you stopped Steel
Devil and saved Jilva, you are a hero of Roma, of course he will let him use a
ship. As Pietro ad Narcia are leaving, Jilva pops out saying she ants to go to.
Her father sys no, of course, but after bit of convincing agrees.

Head out of the castle.

Head down to the port, and SW towards the Ice Cream shop. Just NW of the shop
is the boat, speak to the sailor and hop on.
Narcia runs off and changes into Kai, then the group boards the boat and heads
out. After some time sailing, there are some shouts for help. Looks like Gami
Gami Devil's escape pod crashed in the ocean and is getting ready to sink.
Looks like he was coming to help you, since he knows Narcia would want him to.

ITEMS: Arrow Jewel, Dragon Tear, Strength Seed, Forest Seed, Holy Water, 250G,
Leopard Orb, 100G, Forest Seed.
ENEMIES: Ammowar, Gorgon, Lizardman, Hydra.
NOTES: I'd try to leaving healing to Kai outside of battle. Jilva's MP is
better saved for damage moves, and Kai's Dolphin hits all when it's used
outside a fight.

You have Gami Gami Devil back on the team. You might want to upgrade him with
any extra gear you might have. He and Jilva can do the Explosion Combination
Attack, which hits a nice area and does pretty good damage. I know, a
combination attack that Gami's in that's more then a joke? Absurd! True,

The sailor at the bot can be used as an inn, and the orange box just N is still
an item shop, but now it has the items most shops have now. Upgraded monsters,
of course, so keep on your toes. Head NW into the ruins, then SW, then NW
through the door. Go NW again, then SW down the stairs and around, then NE
through the door. Go SE at the fork, then S down the staircases and the ladder
that didn't used to be there. Go SW down another ladder, then NW through the
door. Go N for two chests with an [ARROW JEWEL] and a [DRAGON TEAR] in them,
then go W and past the stairs, up the little ladder, and up the steps for a
[STRENGTH SEED], then back and down the stairs. Circle around down the
staircases and through the door. Head NW up the stairs, then NE for two chests
with a [FOREST SEED] and a [HOLY WATER] before continuing NE up the steps. Next
to the ladder is another chest with [250G]. Go down the ladder, then down
another one. Follow the path for two rooms. The chest in the middle of the room
is the [LEOPARD ORB]. Continue NE up the stairs and into the next room. Head
down the ramp and grab the chest by the pillar for [100G], the go back up the
ramp and go SE. A scene starts where one of the goblin creatures runs up and
grabs Pietro, yelling something unintelligible. It seems upset when Pietro
tries to move on and keeps yelling something at him, Jilva kicks it aside,
which doesn't sit well with Pietro or Kai. Pietro tells the goblin that he
needs to go, but he'll be back and to just wait there. It seems to accept this.
Continue SE, then SW down the stairs and down the ladder. Go NE on the small
walkway into another room. The green light here can be used as an inn, and the
chest contains a [FOREST SEED]. Head out of the room, down the ladder, down
another ladder, through the door, SW down the stairs, NW through the corridor,
in the door going SW, down the stairs going S, through the door, then just
follow the hallway. The group comes to a cage, it has the black lion from the
circus in it, as well as some kind of odd thing that starts yelling something
you can't understand at Pietro. It points to something, and we see Zul, the
circus ringleader, turning one of the children into a goblin! Pietro confronts
him, and Zul transforms into a spider-creature and attacks!

Zul: 7875 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Sudden Splash (attack in front).

Sudden Splash hurts, but it only hits one person. Other then that this guy
can't really do much. Just keep healed with Heal Dance and Dolphin and pound
away at him from all sides.

Zul leaves behind the key to the cage and an orb which reacts to Pietro's
Dragon Sword, it must be a Dragon Orb! Gami Gami Devil notices the black lion
is gone from the cage, and that there's a woman there instead. Pietro opens the
cage and the woman introduces herself as Lenoa. Apparently, she WAS the lion,
Zul hanged her with his magic. Beating him broke the spell. The other thing in
the cage comes out too, now in it's true form... White Knight! He'd gone on
ahead, but he got caught. Someone starts calling Pietro's name, and Elena comes
running up and hugs Pietro. She say she stayed put just like Pietro told her
to, and Jilva realizes that the goblin she kicked earlier was her and
apologies, but Elena says she doesn't like the old lady, much to Gami Gami
Devil's amusement. Jilva gives him a good kick, and Gami goes out cold. Lenoa
says she will help you get the children back home, and Pietro decides to go see
what it was Zul was looking for. Since Gami's out cold, White Knight comes

Go NE and through the door. Just follow the path and then examine the glowing
thing on the floor. As Pietro goes to pick it up, there is a bright light and
he's thrown back. A figure now stands holding the tablet, Maira. She begins to
launch a spell at Pietro, and Kai turns back into Narcia in an attempt to stop
it, but fails and Pietro is hit, screaming in pain. There is a flash of golden
light, and Pietro and the group disappear, with Maira saying something about
someone named Jurius.


ITEMS: Blessed Talisman, Sunburner, King Star, Venus Ring, Magic Seed,
Soulslayer, Treant Leaf, Holy Charm, Chaos Seed, Pure Water.

Narcia, White Knight, and Jilva find themselves standing on what appears to be
clouds, and they set off to find Pietro. You're controlling Narcia right now,
Pietro isn't on the team at the moment. Head E and into the temple, grab the
chest for a [BLESSED TALISMAN], then exit the temple and go NW and into the
other temple. Go NW, grab the chest for a [SUNBURNER], then go SW outside. Head
W, grab the chest for a [KING STAR], then continue W into the next temple. Grab
th chest NW for a [VENUS RING], then go SE and out of the temple. Go E at the
fork and into another temple, then go NE and get the two chests for a [MAGIC
SEED] and a [SOULSLAYER], then exit the temple. Go back to the fork and head N,
into yet another temple. Get the two chests NE for a [TREANT LEAF] and a [HOLY
CHARM], then go SE and outside. Head NE and into another area, just follow the
path. Get the chest for a [CHAOS SEED], then continue along the path to a
fountain. The green light can be used as an inn, grab the chest SE for a [PURE
WATER], then go NE up the stairs into the really big temple. Go up the stairs
NE, then SE and down the small corridor outside. There are six chests here, but
all of them are empty! Go back NW into the temple and take the large door going
NE. The group comes to a large statue of a man with wings, and Pietro appears
unconscious and floats down. Narcia says something very evil and powerful has a
hold on Pietro's mind, and that's why he can't wake up. The statue begins
speaking, saying that it's the curse of Maira. The statue is the Great God,
Jurius! He explains that he turned Maira into what she is as a punishment for
her vanity, then turned himself into stone for allowing it to happen and for
not being able to forgive her. Maira is attempting to revive Barbaran, who was
born from Chaos. He was only defeated before by the Gods, Dragons, Fairies, and
Humans all working together to defeat it, so he must not be allowed to be
revived. Jurius believes Pietro can accomplish this task, but he is under her
curse... Narcia says she will do anything to help Pietro, and Jurius says her
soul is pure and to take a special leaf, which floats down to Narcia. He says
she should also seek "Maira's Lost Heart," but will not say what it is exactly.
He then teleports the group away.

Don's worried about the group, as the suddenly teleport in behind him. White
Knight takes Pietro to his room. Head there. AS you walk in, a scene starts.
Elena and Sania are both very worried, and Narcia places the leaf on Pietro,
but nothing happens. Narcia has a bit of a breakdown and begins crying and
begging Pietro to wake up and come back to her, and as her tears hit the leaf
it reacts and he wakes up, a bit confused. This is where Book Two ends.


Pietro's pretty much recovered, Jilva and Elena have been taking care of him.
Paulo seems to think the prince of PoPoLoCrois and the princess of Roma make a
nice pair... Since he's feeling better, Jilva decides he should show her around
PoPoLoCrois, and Elena tags along (not as a party member!). Head out to

We see Lenoa and White Knight having a drink, they seem to have hit it off
pretty well. White Knight drinks a bit too much, and some guy says that Lenoa
shouldn't be hanging out with a loser like him and puts his hand on her
shoulder, touching her bow. She knocks his hand away ("Don't touch the bow.")
and the guy insults her, saying that she probably can't even use that old worn
out bow, and Lenoa says she'll show him otherwise outside. Elena, Jilva, and
Pietro see the little crowd that's gathered just outside the city walls for
Lenoa's little stunt, and she's telling the man who insulted her to put an
apple on his had, he thinks is insane. White Knight says that he'll do it, and
in a display of (slightly "fizzled") archery skill, Lenoa pelts the apple with
somewhere in the area of 10 arrows in about 2 seconds. Jilva and Elena are
cheering, and we see Narcia on her broom watching them, but she flies away.
Elena then wonders where Narcia is, she hasn't seen her in awhile. Pietro
decides they should all go see what she's up to.

New stuff in the Tech Shop, upgrade where you can, particularly the Wacho Shoes
for Jilva. Head out of town through the SE gate, where White Knight and Lenoa
say they want to go see Narcia too. After a little teasing by Jilva, they join
up. Minister Morn runs up and drags Elena off for her studies.

Jilva is different from every other character in her normal attack. It's HUGE,
and the damage isn't split on the last hit if you him multiple enemies. This
alone makes her quite useful. She also has some power-packed Skills, which also
have a nice range to them. She and White Knight can do the Grid Shot
Combination Attack, but it's power is pretty mediocre and it doesn't hit a very
large range. As long as Leona is in the party, she will also translate whatever
animals are saying if you talk to them. I'd also suggest running back to the
Tech Shop and getting her a Great Bow, it's pretty powerful.

Head to Takinen Village. A scene starts where we see Narcia, who seems
depressed about something, approached by a strange old woman who can tell she's
in love, but knows witches can't be with humans. She says there is someone that
might be able to make her a human, the Fairy Queen. All she asks is that she
can com with her so that the Fiary Queen can turn her into a young girl, they
won't open the gates for a human, but maybe a forest witch... Narcia agrees to
go with her.

Nothing to see here, go to Guilda's. Once there, go up th ladder and into the
NE room. Guilda says Narcia went to the castle looking for Pietro, she doesn't
know where she is if she's not with him. She always tells her where she's going
so, Guilda decides to check the Magic Well. We see Narcia in Pasela with the
old woman. Narcia pulls out the Gold Key, and after a bit of thought, throws it
into the ocean and walks away. The well goes dark, and White Knight says she
much have run away. But why... Whit Knight says he might know why and stares at
Jilva. The group decides to go find her, and sets off for Pasela. I said "sets
off for Pasela," get walking!

Some new equipment in the shop, and the black market is open again. One of the
street vendors by the port also has some new stuff, one of which is a very nice
accessory for Pietro. You can head to Bryonia by going to the boat that you
could take to Cotrico Island earlier and paying 50G, it's become a tourist
attraction. There's a souvenir shop and a dolphin show, but nothing important.
You need to get to Roma, there are two ways to go about this, either take the
train for 50G, or walk Bayshore Street like you did to get there the first
time. New gear in the shops, worth a look. After you're done, head NW from the
equipment shop along the path. After a little comment from Leona, the party

ITEMS: Force Seed, Taser Blade, Quake Jewel, Metal Bandanna, 2000G, Defense
Seed, Panacea, Panacea.
ENEMIES: Shell Slug, Wererabbit, Condor, Lionman.

The path is really straightforward, just take it. There's a chest with a [FORCE
SEED] along it N of some rocks. After going across the bridge, before you go up
the next ladder there is a chest with a [TASER BLADE] in it, then at the top of
the ladder before going up the next one is another chest with a [QUAKE JEWEL],
then at the top of the next ladder is a [METAL BANDANNA]. At the top of the
next ladder, go NE and grab the chest for [2000G] before going NW. There is
another chest in the corner with a [DEFENSE SEED]. There's another chest along
the path with a [PANACEA]. You should be at a snowy area now. At the sign, go
NE into the cave. There are three shops, a green light that works as an inn,
and a chest with a [PANACEA]. After you're done there, head SE down the path.
After a bit, we see a scene with Boxie, who it looks like is just a ways behind
you, but thought he was ahead of you.

ITEMS: 1500G, Holy Water, Forest Drizzle.
ENEMIES: Shell Slug, Wererabbit, Condor, Lionman.

Technically it isn't another area really, but I'm writing this, so I'm saying
it is! BAH! Head along the path, after going down the two slopes go SE for a
chest with [1500G], then go SW. Grab the chest on the path for a [HOLY WATER]
and continue S. Follow the path, when you come to a clearing with a sign a
scene will start. Leona seems to be conflicted about something, then a man
walks around from the back of the hut in the clearing and recognizes her. It's
her dad! They all sit down for a drink, and Leona's dad starts telling
embarrassing stories about her and she runs out, White Knight following. We
learn a bit about Leona's past and how she got turned into a lion. Her owl
friend says that a girl with a pointed hat, obviously Narcia, went into Fairy
forest, and that to help Leona find her he will act as a guide. In the morning,
Leona's father gives her his bow, which is very powerful, and the group sets
off for the forest. The green light in the house can be used as an inn, and
there is a chest just NE of the house with a [FOREST DRIZZLE]. Head NE across
the bridge and down the path.

ITEMS: Paladin Bracer, Dragon Bracer, Peace Symbol, PoPoLo Seal.
ENEMIES: Skeeterfly, Tent Bug.

Walk NE and approach the owl. It wakes up and says to follow it. After a way,
the group comes to a large talking tree, Roshmov. He says he saw Narcia heading
to Fairy Castle, and Pietro says he needs to get there to find her. Lenoa asks
the tree to take them to Fairy Lake, since she knows that the woman with Narcia
must be up to something. He agrees. The owl can be used as a save point. Before
talking to the tree, we're going to go grab some stuff. Now follow my
directions, this place is really confusing if you don't know what you're doing:
SW, SW, SE, SE, NE. Grab the four chests for a [PALADIN BRACER] (for White
Knight), a [DRAGON BRACER] (for Pietro), a [PEACE SYMBOL], and a [POPOLO SEAL].
Now you need to get back to where you were, so go SW, NW, NW, NE, NE. Speak to
Roshmov and go to Fairy Castle. We see Narcia and th old woman enter that Fairy
Castle. After walking a bit, they come to a large door, and Garp turns Narcia
into some kind of creature, saying she's far to gullible. She then knocks
Narcia aside, makes herself look like Narcia, and goes through the door. We see
Pietro and the group approaching the castle, then a large group of monsters
goes running past them and inside. As usual, the green light is an inn. When
you're ready, head NE into the castle.

ITEMS: Tech Bandanna, Curto Orb, Princess Seal, Forest Drizzle, Dragon Symbol,
Moon Stone, Heroic Blade, Magic Seed, Milt Orb, Dragon Boots, Meditative Staff,
Elite Hammer, Pure Water, Paladin Boots,
ENEMIES: Pansy, Negative Energy, Bad Kitty, Manticora.

This place is pretty simple, the path only splits in one place, so I'm going to
keep this brief. Just head NE into the castle proper. NE up the steps, SE down
the steps, chest with a [TECH BANDANNA], follow the path around, another chest
with the [CURTO ORB], head NE through the door, go NE, NE through the hall, NE
and around, chest with a [PRINCESS SEAL], NW through the door, NW for two
chests with a [FORST DRIZZLE] and a [DRAGON SYMBOL] (for Pietro), SW down the
steps, step on the glowing thing in the middle of the room. Chest SE with a
[MOON STONE], head N up the stairs, NE through the door, there is a green light
in this room and three chests, a [HEROIC BLADE] (for White Knight, WOW it's
strong), a [MAGIC SEED], and the [MILT ORB]. Head back SW out of th room and
down the S staircase, get the three chests for [DRAGON BOOTS] (for Pietro), a
[MEDITATIVE STAFF], and an [ELITE HAMMER]. E through the door, NE and around up
the stairs, SW down the stairs, get the chest for a [PURE WATER], E, get the
chest in the corner for [4000G], SE through the door, SE, then NE up the
stairs, get the chest for [2800G], go W and get the other chest for [PALADIN
BOOTS], NW up the stairs and through the door, NW up the stairs, through the
door NE. Jilva sees the creature we know to be Narcia and attacks it, giving it
a good kick. It drops Narcia's pendant, then it tries to get through the door
again and passes out. Examine the door (it's a little hard for some reason) and
go through. We find the Fairy Queen badly wounded, and she tells Pietro that he
needs to go get the stone tablet before "they" do. Head NE through the door.
Garp, disguised as Narcia, has some fun messing with Pietro and the group and
gives the stone tablet to Maira. Maira disappears, and Garp transforms and

Garp: 10500 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Slicing Wind (same as Pietro's), Assault (same as
Leona's Arrow Wave).

Not so hard, Slicing Wind hurts, but it shouldn't be too bad as long as you try
to keep spread out. FA + Skill, as usual. Heal Dance, items, or the Milt Orb to
heal. I just don't know what else to say about this fight.

Another Dragon Orb appears and the Dragon Sword absorbs it. An earthquake
starts, looks like it's time to get outta here. The Fairy Queen wishes to
remain with the castle, so the group leaves her. They find Narcia passed out
outside the room and put together that the creature was Narcia. Jilva seems to
have a habit of doing that, no? Pietro picks her up and they all flee from the
castle as it sinks into the lake from which it came. Pietro and Narcia have a
little moment, and Book Three ends.


Narcia is resting at Guilda's, she says the best thing for her right now is
some rest. Guilda explains to the group that the reason Narcia must have gone
was because she wanted to be human. It's impossible to be with someone of a
different race, that's the rule. Pietro points out the obvious fact that he's
here, the child of a dragon and a human, so that can't be true. Guilda reveals
that Narcia is really not a forest witch, she's a fairy. Guilda found her
outside her house during a storm and, after she chose a name for her, which
means "fairy from the blue lake" apparently, raised her. She's an unusual
fairy since she's so big, so Guilda never told her she was a fairy. Well, no
matter what's happening with Narcia, there's the immediate problem of Maira and
the stone tablets. She has three of them, the one from the gods, the humans,
and the fairies, meaning that only the one that the dragons have isn't in her
possession. Time to head there, to protect the last tablet.

Head towards PoPoLoCrois, you have to take the long way since the other path is
blocked again. Along the way, some of Leona's animal friends pop in and pull
her away, her father has finished a new bow for her and she should go see him,
so she leaves. Continue to PoPoLoCrois.

New stuff in the Tech Shop. Nothing else here, head to the castle.

There's an odd woman waiting for Pietro, looks like it's Jilva's mother, Queen
Rumba! She's here to take Jilva home, she doesn't really have much of a choice
in the matter and leaves with her mother. Go to the throne room. Pietro
explains the situation to King Paulo, and Paulo says that no matter what the
case, Pietro shouldn't do anything before he gets some rest. White Knight
agrees, and Pietro says he will stay the night. In his dreams, he sees Vasqual,
who begins to tell him something, but then yells for Pietro to wake up. Maira
appears in his room! She attacks Pietro and he evades. The noise has woken
Paulo, who comes into the room to see what's happening as is knocked away by
Maira. Pietro draws his blade, but Maira zaps him a bit and he falls to the
ground. She says she will use Barbaran to overpower Jurius, and Pietro says her
heart is as ugly as her form. Maira starts choking Pietro, but Sania come in.
Maira says that if Sania doesn't let her have her body, then she will kill
Pietro, and Sania gives in. Pietro goes unconscious, and when he awakens Sania
is gone and Paulo is yelling that he will go find her, being help back by some
of the guards and White Knight. Narcia comes in, she knows what's happened.
Paulo tells Pietro that only he can save Sania, and that the fate of the world
is in his hands. No pressure, right?

Equip Narcia with all the new stuff you've gotten for her, like the Meditative
Staff and the Princess Seal. Head out to PoPoLoCrois, on the way, Gilbert does
a fly-by and picks up the group to take them to the Land of Dragons.

After landing, Gilbert says you should hurry and see the Great Dragon, and Gabo
comes running up to meet the group. White Knight talks to Gabo a bit, it looks
like "Sania" is already here and has gone to see the Great Dragon! The ground
shakes a bit, and the group runs off to see the Great Dragon. As the group
arrives, we see Maira holding the last tablet and she vanishes. Pietro runs to
Sania, who tries to say something, but then dies. Pietro has a breakdown,
saying that it's always him, he can't do anything to stop this, that he
couldn't do anything to stop his own mother from dieing right in front of him
and that he doesn't care about the world anymore. Narcia slaps him and tells
him that Sania wanted to save this world more then anything, because that's
where the ones she loves are. Pietro snaps back, and says that she's right. The
Great Dragon tells Pietro that Maira must be going to the Sealed Palace,
located beneath Cotrico island. Go to where Gilbert is, the group hops on him
and say they need to get to Cotrico Island as fast as possible. Gabo hops on as
well, he has no intention of being left behind again.

ENEMIES: Hydra, Gold Golem, Lizardman.

Gabo is still weak to the point of uselessness, there isn't really much you can
do about it. The shop-thing is still in the same spot if you want to use it.
Head inside, just go towards where you did before. When you reach the room with
the large symbol in the middle and the staircases, Gorg is standing as a guard
and attacks!

Gorg: 12750 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Body Slam (attack in front), Upper Cut (attack in

Keep Gabo back, you don't want him getting whacked if you can help it. He's
going to be pretty useless, have him use an Orb or heal with items or
something. Retribution, FA + Skill, keep spread out, the usual. He hits hard,
but you should be used to that at this point.

Go NE, then NE again to where the Dark Lion King was. We see Maira, it's too
late to stop Barbaran's resurrection. She undoes the seal on Barbaran, and all
the group can do is watch. The whole place begins to shake, and Pietro, White
Knight, Narcia, and Gabo all run for it. They get on Gilbert, and we see the
lost continent of Remoria which holds Barbaran rising from the sea. A large man
made of clouds appears, Jurius, as well as one of the Fairy Queen and the Great
Dragon. They attempt to stop Remoria from rising, but their power isn't enough,
they need the power of humans as well... The force of everything knocks Gilbert
out of the air, and they all vanish in a flash of light.


Looks like this is where they ended up, right outside Jurius' temple. Go NE
twice. Jurius says that the seal on Barbaran is still in place, but that's not
going to be to case for very long. The only option is to kill Maira, which
Jurius can accept. Pietro must get the power of Humans, because Maira in her
current state is going to be too much for him to fight. He must travel the
world and tell the people that they must unite. He then teleports the group

The group is teleported to the throne room, where Raduk is waiting for them.
Paulo demands to know where Sania is, and with a heavy heart, Pietro tells him.
Paulo understands that Sania loved the people of this world and wished to
protect them, and Pietro says that he will do the same, and seal Barbaran back
up. As the group is leaving the castle, White Knight says that they should use
Gilbert's help to travel. White Knight whistles to call him, but it turns out
Pietro doesn't know how, so White Knight suggests he use his ocarina instead.
You now have the ability to use Pietro's ocarina, found in the key items, in
any outdoor area to call Gilbert, who will then drop the group off at a
location of your choosing from a list. You can also speak to Don and Gon in
PoPoLoCrois Castle, they are in the main central room, and switch them with
your party members. When you get more members, this is where they will go.
We're at the last leg of the game, you know what that means. That's right,
SIDEQUEST TIME! First is going to be how to get all of the characters.

Go to Roma Castle. Go to the throne room, then NE behind the throne, up the
stairs and around, then through the SW door. Jilva's mother is giving her some
lessons, and Pietro says he would like her help and explains the situation.
Jilva says she'll go, but her mother says she can. Jilva runs off, mad. Go NE
out of the room, then NW up the stairs, then SW into the fountain room. Jilva's
mother followed Pietro, and after a bit of a conversation, Jilva runs off
again. Go back to the throne room. Go SE, SE, down the stairs, NW, NW, NE. You
should be in the library. Go down the stairs. Jilva's here, but her mother
followed again and she runs off. Go back up the stairs, SW, SE, SW, then into
the greenhouse in the E corner. We find Jilva, but her mother shows up and
Jilva quickly disappears. Go back to the castle entrance. Jilva is standing
there, still with the giant book on her head, speak to her. The queen shows up,
once again, and says perhaps Jilva should take the book off her head.
Apparently, Jilva hadn't noticed it was there. After a rather impressive jump,
the queen says that she's trained enough, and that the point of all this was to
make her stronger. She wants to give Jilva something, and Jilva says she'll
meet Pietro in PoPoLoCrois Castle.

Go to North Mountain. Go SW to Jilva's house. She's trying to use her new bow,
it seems it's rather difficult. Pietro says that he could really use her help
in defeating Maira, and after some hard training, Leona says she will meet him
in PoPoLoCrois after some sleep.


Go to Steel Devil City. Go NE into the inn, then Ne into the door, then down
the stairs in the middle of the room. There are Steel Devil monsters in this
area. Go down the stairs, then NW through the door. Go Ne onto the elevator,
then SE down the ladder. There's only one direction to go, just follow the
path. When you come to a room with pushable, glowing stones, push th first one
directly NW into the hole, the second one NE a bit then NW into the hole. For
th third one, circle around and push it SE a bit, then NE along the small path,
then circle back around and push it SE into the hole. Step on the glowing
switch to open a door, take it. After another room, we see some robots
panicking. Looks like after the group split up, Gami Gami Devil when looking in
his newest plane for Narcia and never came back. I know it's a pain, but you
have to walk all the way back and outside to call Gilbert. Go to Hunba Hunba
Village. Go SE out of the town. The monsters here are rather powerful, be
careful. Go SW, SW, NW, SE, NE, NE. Found Gami, he wants to go home. Asks in
what isn't the nicest way, of course. On the way, Pietro says he'd like Gami's
help, and he says he will, but he needs something first, so he'll meet him in
PoPoLoCrois Castle.

When on Gilbert, there are two choices that are labeled as "???", take the top
one, Warbler City. Go SE, NE up the stairs, then NW up more stairs. Go NE, then
N, then SE and around into the prison and approach the cell. There's Kimendoji,
looks like his lord locked him up for failing in his mission to find a guardian
dragon to replace the one their land had lost. Pietro asks for Kimendoji's
help, and he would like to go, but without his lord's permission he must stay.
Go SE, then NE and around, then in the NE door. The path, while long, is fairly
straightforward, just follow it to the castle. The green mats are elevators.
When you reach the castle, go up the stairs, then up the next staircase, then
through the NE door, then NE again. We meet Kimendoji's lord, whom everyone
just calls "Lord," and Pietro asks that he be set free. After some, uh,
conversation, we find he wants a Dragon Whisker, and that if you get it for
him, he'll let Kimendoji go. He gives you a pass to get to the area where it
is. Head out of the castle and all the way back to where you came into the
town. Just keep going E, the E most building is the boat shop, go in. Speak to
the boatman and take the boat. Just head N, the path is straightforward. When
you reach a fork, take the S path into the cave. Monsters in here, check the
treasure section on this area for what ones. The path is really simple, just
follow it. After awhile, a large frog-monster appears and attacks Pietro!

Sumo Frog: 9000 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Sump Slap (attack on all), Frog Oil (heals Sumo Frog
for 800).

Sumo Slap hurts, and it has a lot of HP. Just pound away at him, he shouldn't
be more then you can handle.

After the fight, Pietro continues on and finds the Dragon Whisker at the
shrine. Time to go, leave the shrine and go see Lord. He takes the Dragon
Whisker (he said "woot!") and gives Pietro the key to the cell. Go see
Kimendoji, he hasn't really moved. Pietro lets him out, and Kimendoji says he
will meet Pietro in PoPoLoCrois Castle.

I promise I will add this later, I just want the walkthrough complete and a
break from the game before I go back to it. Just wander the world, there's
plenty of stuff abound!

When you're ready, head to the Remoria Continent on Gilbert. I do NOT suggest
taking Gabo, at least not until later.

ITEMS: To come in a later version!
ENEMIES: Chaos Hound, Chaos Dragon, Chaos Knight, Gargoyle.
NOTES: You can't leave from the first screen for whatever reason, but you are
able to leave from many places on Gilbert. Note that I'm NOT doing a full-item
walkthrough of this area. You will just have to grab chests as you go, I'm not
going to say what's in them until a later version. There are also a number of
chests that are quite hard to see, and others that are hidden entirely behind
pillars and such, so make sure to check all over.

I would suggest bringing White Knight, Kimendoji, and Jilva with you, for now
at least. You'll know why in a bit. Head NE up the stairs, then NW into the
building. Follow the path for a bunch of stuff, then NE and up the ladder at
the fork for more. Go back down the ladder and SE. Grab the chests around and
go S. After a path going NE, go down all the ladders and then just follow the
path for awhile. There are a lot of chests here you can't see at all, just try
examining everywhere you don't have a good view of. After a time, you'll come
to a large, temple-like area.

ITEMS: To come in a later version!
ENEMIES: Chaos Angel, Dragon Spirit, Chaos Emperor, Giant King, Griffin
The green light can be used as an inn, as usual. Head NE into the temple.
You're about to do what I'd (and likely many others) consider the hardest part
of the game, so I'd be sure to at least have a bunch of consumables. Step on
the the symbol in the center of the room and the group is teleported apart.
Each person will have to move forward alone, they will meet back up later.
Jilva and Kimendoji can heal themselves, and White Knight has enough raw DEF
and HP to not get himself killed, this is why I suggested bringing them. Narcia
lacks DEF and HP so can die pretty fast, and you'd have to use a lot of items
to keep her MP up. Gabo is pretty much useless, he can die in one critical, I
wouldn't bring him at all. Don't be afraid to use items, Guardian, and run away
from fights, some bad luck can net you a game over. We start with Pietro. Just
follow the path for a bit and check the gold-colored door, which he can't open.
We now go to the character in the second slot, White Knight if you brought the
people I suggested. Follow the path E, and take the second door going NE. Just
keep following the path. Eventually you'll reach a gold-colored door, examine
it. We go to the third character, Kimendoji if you listened to my advice. It's
pretty much a straight path, just follow it. On to the fourth character (Jilva
if you listened to me), just go NE, then in the next room up the nearby
staircase for some stuff, then back down and NE, follow the path until a fork,
where you should go NW for some items, then back and SE. Follow the path,
you'll eventually come to a bridge, which will crumble, causing some stuff,
like the door blocking Pietro, to break. Back to Pietro, go through the new
door. There's an orca in the way, examine it and Pietro will push it back into
the water. Just follow the path, it's simple enough. Eventually, Pietro comes
to a room where a creature begins playing organ, and it causes Pietro to pass
out. On to the second character, The damage from earlier causes the door to
open, go on it. Follow the path, then take the NE door for a chest, then go
back and take the NW door. Most of the chests in this room are empty, but some
have stuff. Go to the next room, where we find the thing that caused Pietro to
pass out, which attacks!

Chaos Commander: 1124 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Chaotic Darkness (damage, slow, and age to all).

I'd suggest using two orbs in this fight, particularly Milt for it's healing
abilities. It's not really that dangerous, just keep your HP up and try to get
rid of any statuses you end up with.

Continue along the path. You'll come to a symbol like the one in the temple
that split you up, then you change to the third character. Push the purple
block onto the glowing section to open the door. Just, guess what, follow the
path. Eventually you'll come to the area where character two was, just go N and
in the door, where they will meet up at that symbol. On to character three,
follow the slug-thing NW a few times. After a few rooms, it will transform and

Zombie Dragon: 1027 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Unholy Breath (attack in front that causes poison).

Again, Orbs are good, particularly Milt. Also not particularly dangerous, just
keep your guard up.

After the fight, just continue on. Eventually you'll come to the area
characters two and three passed through, just go NE through the door and meet
up with them. Pietro wakes up, continue W. You'll be in the area two, three,
and four passed through after climbing the staircase, go meet up with them. The
bridge crumbles and Pietro falls, but the orca Pietro helped earlier saves him
and drops him back with his friends. The symbol reacts, and the door from
earlier that blocked you is now open. You can go E, then SW a few times to get
to it. If you want to bring a different group, now would be a good time, that
blasted solo section is over. The green light can be used as an inn, as always,
go NE and the door will open, head in. After a bit of a scene, Boxie attacks!

Boxie: 15000 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Devour (attack in front).

Heal Dance (at level 5) and Meditate are very useful for their regenerative
property, it makes keeping healed a breeze. If you don't have either of those,
Milt is helpful. He's really pretty easy, his attacks have a short range, just
pound away at him.

After the fight, Boxie runs off. WARNING! POINT OF NO RETURN APPROACHING!
Follow him NE. We see Maira, now with the power of Barbaran. She destroys
Boxie, as he is no longer useful. It's time to stop Maira!

Maira: 16000 HP.
Attacks: Hurricane (line attack in front), Cut Down (attack around), Invoke
Lightning (attack on all).
Maira's Tail 1: ???
Attacks: Normal attack, Revive (revives itself when dead).
Maira's Tail 2: ???
Attacks: Normal attack, Revive (revives itself when dead).
Maira's Tail 3: ???
Attacks: Normal attack, Revive (revives itself when dead).

Maria's tails are a pain, try to use wide area attacks to hit them as well as
her if you can. Thunder Strike is great for this. Thy revive themselves, so
killing them isn't really all that helpful, but it cuts down the damage you
take if you're killing them most of the time. Maria is going to be hitting a
lot of people, and hitting them hard. Heal Dance is great (at level 5), both
for the healing to everyone and the regeneration. Just use your strongest
skills, take her down. The fight is pretty long, you may need to use some
items, particularly ones to refill your MP.

Looks like Maira isn't really beaten, the full power of Barbaran begins filing
her and she transforms into her original, godly self. But then, Barbaran's
powers begin to go out of control, and Maira is paralyzed by it's power.
Jurius' voice echo's in Pietro's head, "Will you try to save Maira?" Pietro
will, as it's the right thing to do. He takes Maira's hand, and is
transported... Somewhere else.

ENEMIES: Ectoplasm.

There's a green light just SE that can be used as an inn. Just follow the path.
When you reach the large black sphere, the goodness in Maira's heart begins
talking to Pietro, telling him to defeat Barbaran by destroying Maira's heart,
it's power.

Maira's Heart: Unknown (not a lot).
Attacks: Hell Sniper (attack in front), Shadow Cluster (summons a Shadow Cell),
Dark Bomb (attack on all),
Shadow Cell(*?): ???
Attacks: Normal attack.

This fight is cake compared to the last one, just whack away at the thing. If
it summons a Shadow Cell, just take it out real quick and go back to pounding
on the heart. The only move to worry about is Dark Bomb, and everything Maira
had was worse.

Seed of Barbaran: Unknown (crazy huge).
Attacks: Metamorphosis (attack in front), Tornado (attack on all), Shadow Edge
(attack around).

No rest, no healing, this battle starts immediately after the last one. Buffs
don't carry over, and your characters start off in set spots, but HP and MP are
the same. This guy's going to be hitting pretty much everyone pretty much every
turn, so Heal Dance (at level 5) is amazing here, it basically means you don't
need to heal outside of it's occasional use. This frees you up to pound the
living hell out of it, which is good, as it has insane HP. Orbs are good, as
they are just another person to help you bring down it's HP. Actually, this
fight is pretty boring if you use Heal Dance, I actually just started setting
the AI on Assault for everyone but Jilva and let them go at it until it finally

After the fight, the rest of the party falls unconscious from exhaustion and
vanish, only Pietro is left. Sania speaks to Pietro, saying he has done it. He
says there is still one more thing to do, and falls unconscious. A voice is
calling Pietro, it's Gilbert. Pietro says he still has one thing left to do,
and that Gilbert should take everyone else home, which he does. Pietro is going
to reseal Barbaran, and sink Remoria back beneath the sea. Just go S and follow
the path. Eventually you'll reach the seal, and Pietro hears Narcia's voice
call his name. She comes running out from where he just came from, looks like
she made Gilbert bring her back. She reminds Pietro that he promised they would
stay together. Pietro tells her to leave, saying that they would never be able
to get out, and that he wants her to live. Narcia says she won't, they will do
this and then go home together, no matter what. Pietro agrees, and they go back
to the seal, where they both have words come into their minds.

"Duon is the light.

We are the successors of the light.
The successor inherits the spirit
of the gods, of the dragons, of
the fairies, and of the humans.
WE possess the spirit of light.
We are the successors of the light.
We are the children of Duon.
WE appeal to Duon, for his spirit to
shine forth, expelling the darkness,
and annihilating the chaos.
By the power of the light of Duon
we will end Chaos forever!"

With that, Remoria begins to reseal itself and Pietro and Narcia run for the
exit, which shuts before they can go through. Pietro begins trying to break
down the door, but he can't. Seawater begins to flood the area, and Pietro
tells Narcia to run to higher ground. Narcia does, and Pietro tries to break
the door again, but can't and follows her. The path behind him is collapsing,
but he makes it. He and Narcia are now trapped on the seal platform, and
Pietro doesn't know what to do. It seems Narcia has given up, she had expected
this. The seawater continues to rise, and Pietro holds Narcia up above it, not
letting her give up. She hugs him, and the seawater rushes in, completely
flooding the chamber. Pietro, submerged, swims to Narcia, and she grabs him,
then turns into bubbles. Pietro is unconscious in a dark area, and Vasqual
appears before him, congratulating him on Barbaran's resealment. Pietro says he
did, but doing so caused him to lose the thing that mattered most to him. Every
creature needs companionship, so why do they fight? Pietro says that they have
withdrawn themselves, and have become obsessed with only themselves and
forgotten what is truly important is your relationship with others. Vasqual
says that Pietro now understands what the True Treasure of Kings is. Vasqual
says he will grant Pietro one wish, any wish he desires. Pietro is shocked, and
Vasqual reveals himself to be Jurius. Pietro makes his wish...


Pietro wakes up in his room, apparently he as found on the beach after Remoria
sank. Sania comes into the room, much to Pietro's confusion. A celebration is
then help for Pietro.

Similar to the last chapter of Story One, there are no monsters. Go to the
Fountain of Gallop.

There's Narcia, sitting in the middle of the fountain. Pietro and Narcia have a
bit of a moment, neither saying anything very definite until the fairy pops out
and yells at them to just say how they fell and starts telling Pietro the kinds
of things that Narcia says when she's there alone. They do, mostly, and the
game ends with Pietro saying "Will you...?" to Narcia...


Practice Sword 100G
Worn Bracer 160G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G

Wooded Stick 300G
Toy Ring 120G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Walnut 18G
Radish 28G
Takinen Bread 10G

Equipment Shop: Item Shop:
Bronze Scimitar 300G Forest Leaf 20G
Wooded Stick 300G Forest Shower 65G
Metal Bracer 240G Panacea 40G
Toy Ring 120G Dragon Tear 250G
Seafood Lunch 800G
Street Vendor 1: Street Vendor 2:
Bronze Bracer 440G Falcon's Charm 500G
Cheap Shoes 200G Wolf Charm 500G
Leather Shoes 250G Rainbow Charm 500G

Short Sword 1500G
Oaken Bracer 320G
Glass Ring 240G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Picnic Basket 500G


Item Shop (1): Item Shop (2):
Forest Leaf 20G Iron Sword 400G
Forest Shower 65G Oaken Staff 800G
Blesses Water 180G Long Sword 2000G
Panacea 40G Bronze Bracer 440G
Dragon Tear 250G Leather Shoes 250G

Gift Shop:
Pennant 1000G
Lantern 800G
Gami Gami Doll 3200G
Gami Gami Cake 300G

Vending Machine:
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Shower 65G
Blesses Water 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G

Weapon Shop: General Store:
Steel Sword 1200G Zephyr Symbol 1200G
Dreamchaser 1250G Fang Charm 800G
Broad Sword 2400G Forest Leaf 20G
Boink Hammer 1100G Forest Shower 65G
Steel Bracer 1120G Panacea 40G
Eye Ring 800G Dragon Tear 250G
Wooden Shoes 600G

Item Shop:
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G

Traveler Shop: Exotic Store:
Sentinel Staff 2000G Banana 250G
Steel Bracer 1120G Meat 800G
Rubber Shoes 1000G Spiked Tail 350G
Forest Charm 800G Mini Palm Tree 2400G
Zephyr Symbol 1200G Daruma 500G
Fang Charm 800G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G

Vindication 3600G
Mallet 1800G
Forest Ring 2000G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G
Walnut 18G
Radish 28G
Takinen Bread 10G

Item Shop: Black Market:
Forest Leaf 20G Model Yacht 3500G
Forest Twig 50G Mini Bryonia 3000G
Forest Shower 65G Daruma 500G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G
Seafood Lunch 800G

Sentinel Staff 2000G
Steel Bracer 1120G
Elusion Bracer 2400G
Rubber Shoes 1000G
Forest Charm 800G
Fang Charm 800G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G

Elusion Bracer 2400G
Magic Ring 2400G
Sneakers 1700G
Elf Seal 2000G
Courage Badge 2400G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G

Elusion Bracer 2400G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Pure Water 280G
Picnic Basket 500G


Nimble Boots 1750G
Elder's Staff 2400G
Mindwrecker 3200G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Shower 65G
Blessed Water 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G


Equipment Shop: General Store:
Silvered Blade 3000G Fire Charm 3000G
Soulweaver 4500G Ice Charm 3000G
Devastator 3980G Forest Leaf 20G
Norimune 3400G Forest Twig 50G
Ice Bracer 2880G Forest Shower 65G
Silver Ring 3600G Panacea 40G
Ring of Fairy 2800G Dragon Tear 250G
Hata Hata Shake 2458G

Traveler Shop: Exotic Store:
Elf Seal 2000G Lizard Tail 330G
Courage Badge 2400G Roasted Lizard 380G
Ujishige 4800G Kuma 580G
Forest Leaf 20G Little Girl 1800G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G Tech Shop:
Forest Drizzle 180G Ice Bracer 2880G
Panacea 40G Silver Ring 3600G
Dragon Tear 250G Ring of Fairy 2800G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G

Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G
Walnut 18G
Radish 28G
Takinen Bread 10G

Elusion Bracer 2400G
Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G
Picnic Basket 500G

Item Shop: Equipment Shop:
Forest Leaf 20G Golden Blade 4500G
Forest Twig 50G Orcish Staff 2900G
Forest Shower 65G Fireforged Maul 7000G
Forest Drizzle 180G Iceforged Maul 7000G
Panacea 40G Kaneshige 3900G
Dragon Tear 250G Silver Bracer 2000G
Blessed Water 180G Ring of Might 3920G
Pure Water 280G Spiked Shoes 2250G
Seafood Lunch 800G

Street Vendor 1: Black Market:

Bronze Bracer 440G Lucky Cat 1200G
Cheap Shoes 200G Porcelain Cat 1200G
Leather Shoes 250G Cat Balloon 500G
Pretty Ribbon 2000G
Battle Charm 1500G

Street Vendor 2:
Fire Charm 3000G
Ice Charm 3000G
Thunder Charm 3000G
Wind Charm 3000G

Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G

Traveler Shop: Tech Shop:
Forest Leaf 20G Golden Blade 4500G
Forest Twig 50G Orcish Staff 2900G
Forest Shower 65G Vindication 3600G
Forest Drizzle 180G Silver Bracer 2000G
Panacea 40G Crystal Ring 6400G
Dragon Tear 250G Spiked Shoes 2250G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G

Item Shop: Equipment Shop:
Forest Leaf 20G Golden Blade 4500G
Forest Twig 50G Defiance 4000G
Forest Shower 65G Orcish Staff 2900G
Forest Drizzle 180G Fireforged Maul 7000G
Panacea 40G Iceforged Maul 7000G
Dragon Tear 250G Silver Bracer 2000G
Blessed Water 180G Ring of Might 3920G
Pure Water 280G Spiked Shoes 2250G
Seafood Lunch 800G

Forest Leaf 20G
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Dragon Soul 1200G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G

Item Shop: Gift Shop:
Forest Leaf 20G Robe 700G
Forest Twig 50G Mansel Pinwheel 1500G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G
Egg 230G

Traveler Shop: Tech Shop:
Forest Twig 50G Sleepwalker 7000G
Forest Shower 65G Battle Staff 5800G
Forest Drizzle 180G Sacrifice 5200G
Panacea 40G Golden Bracer 3360G
Dragon Tear 250G Jade Ring 6080G
Dragon Soul 1200G
Pure Water 280G
Holy Water 500G

Traveler Shop:
Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Dragon Soul 1200G
Pure Water 280G
Holy Water 500G
Walnut 18G
Radish 28G
Takinen Bread 10G

Ice Cream Shop: Gift Shop:
Ice Cream 50G Lion Souvenir 1000G

Takinen Bread 10G
Mushroom 6G
Clown Mask 200G
Glow Stick 100G
Clown Hat 150G
Cannonball 400G
Ball 160G

Item Shop: Street Vendor:
Forest Twig 50G Bronze Bracer 440G
Forest Shower 65G Cheap Shoes 200G
Forest Drizzle 180G Leather Shoes 250G
Panacea 40G Pretty Ribbon 2000G
Dragon Tear 250G Battle Charm 1500G
Dragon Soul 1200G Dark Charm 5000G
Pure Water 280G
Holy Water 500G
Seafood Lunch 800G

Street Vendor 1: Street Vendor 2:
Blessed Talisman 3000G Aero Shoes 3700G
Mirror Symbol 3000G Earring 8000G
Zephyr Ribbon 5000G Smershy's 8500G

Music Store: Armor

Model Ship 500G Golden Bracer 3360G
Blue Marlin 700G Crystal Ring 6400G

Street Vendor 3: Weapon Shop:

Forest Leaf 20G Crystalline Edge 8000G
Forest Twig 50G Battle Staff 5800G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G Ice Cream Shop:
Panacea 40G Ice Cream 50G
Dragon Tear 250G
Dragon Soul 1200G
Blessed Water 180G
Pure Water 280G
Dried Scallops 150G
Item Shop: Equipment Shop:
Forest Twig 50G Firestrike 8500G
Forest Shower 65G Crystal Bracer 6560G
Forest Drizzle 180G Instinct Ring 6240G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Dragon Soul 1200G
Pure Water 280G
Holy Water 500G

Gift Shop:
Note Souvenir 1200G
Toy Piano 600G
Orgel 1500G
Guitar 5000G


Item Shop: Department Store:
Forest Twig 50G Staff of Secrets 6200G
Forest Shower 65G Maul of Slaying 8200G
Forest Drizzle 180G Elite Sword 6400G
Panacea 40G Fairy Seal 3500G
Dragon Tear 250G Steel Boots 4000G
Dragon Soul 1200G Ruby Ring 7600G
Pure Water 280G
Holy Water 500G

Gift Shop:
Pennant 1000G
Lantern 800G
Gami Gami Doll 3200G
Gami Castle 4500G
Nartza Doll 770G
Gami Gami Cake 300G

Forest Twig 50G
Forest Shower 65G
Forest Drizzle 180G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G
Dragon Soul 1200G
Pure Water 280G
Holy Water 500G

Tech Shop: Traveler Shop:
Storm Blade 9800G Forest Twig 50G
Justifier 7900G Forest Shower 65G
Great Bow 9000G Forest Drizzle 180G
Holy Bracer 7200G Panacea 40G
Force Ring 8160G Dragon Tear 250G
Ear Stud 9800G Dragon Soul 1200G
Who? 10800G Pure Water 280G
Hunter Charm 5000G Holy Water 500G
Wacho Shoes 4650G
Equipment Shop: Black Market:
Golden Blade 4500G Pietro Doll 580G
Orcish Staff 2900G Tire 16G
Defiance 4000G Fang 300G
Fireforged Maul 7000G
Iceforged Maul 7000G
Kiyomitsu 7500G
Jaded Bracer 6000G
Super Shoes 4550G

Street Vendor:
Bronze Bracer 440G
Cheap Shoes 200G
Leather Shoes 250G
Pretty Ribbon 2000G
Battle Charm 1500G
Dark Charm 5000G
Justice Badge 3000G

Dolphin Shirt 1800G
Automan Model 3200G

Weapon Shop: Armor Shop:
Gale Sword 10000G Shielding Bracer 7536G
Battle Staff 5800G Hunter Ring 7440G
Pathwarden 9000G
Fairy Bow 9500G

Street Vendor:
High Heels 5000G
Silver Cape 10200G
Smucci 13000G

Item Shop: Weapon Shop:
Forest Twig 50G Staff of Secrets 6200G
Forest Shower 65G Maul of Slaying 8200G
Forest Drizzle 180G Elite Sword 6400G
Panacea 40G
Dragon Tear 250G Armor Shop:
Dragon Soul 1200G Fairy Seal 3500G
Pure Water 280G Steel Boots 4000G
Holy Water 500G Ruby Ring 7600G

Tech Shop:
Cyclone Blade 12000G
Thunder Rod 8000G
Septiego's Blade 10000G
Darkforged Maul 9800G
Bracer of War 7840G
Dragon Collar 7800G
Earth Shoes 4800G

To be completed: Skills, FAQ, Character section, Boss section, Items section,

Equipment section, Tips and Tricks section, getting the last Dragon Orb, item-
walkthroughs for the last areas, and getting all of Gabo's summons.

To be revised: The last section of the walkthrough, which at this point is

skimpy at best.

I also plan to do a number of in-depth guides, all graphical versions of skills

with exact ranges of every level.

I plan to play through the game again at least once more in order to get better
data on bosses, as well as a few skill details I do not have at this point.

A number of formatting things I also plan to change. Nothing major, just some
cleanup and some things to seperate sections a little better.


You, for reading this. No, really. If you're reading this, then it was worth

GameFAQs.com, both the site itself and the boards. The site for hosting this,
and the boards for inspiring me to do it and being generally a fun place.

Myself, because I did it despite all distractions.

VanityOfTheDevil, who wouldn't shut up telling me to put him in the credits. He

didn't actually do a damn thing. That's his AIM name, please go bother him as
payback for me.

Smeet, for cheering me on and being a generally cool guy.

Anti-Credits: Work, for taking a lot of my time. My mother, for taking even
more of my time. Okay, she had a good reason, but still. G-Artists, for making
the last story so damn long, particularly 3-2. And Maira's Temple with all the
characters split up. That SUCKED.

I hope that perhaps I have helped you, have fun!

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