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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) For Demo Teaching

Name of Teacher:


Learning Area: Mathematics 7

Grade Level & Section: 7 - Principle

Quarter: 2nd Quarter

Duration: 60 minutes

1. Learning The learner solves problems involving algebraic

Competency expressions.

Code: M7AL-IIg-2

2. Content Patterns and Algebra

3. Learning Resources Reference: 1. DepEd - Region XII, & Mercado, A. (2020).

Quarter 2 – Module 7: Solving Problems
Involving Algebraic Expressions (First
Edition, 2020) [Pdf]. DepEd.
2. Mathematics7_034_Lesson. (n.d.).

Materials: Visual Aids, Whiteboard & Markers

4. Procedures

I. Introductory Activity ★ Ask students about their hobbies

★ Create a situation in which a mathematical word problem
arises with the help of the class.
★ Together with the students:
○ Assess the problem
○ Translate it into an algebraic expression
○ Solve the algebraic expression
○ Determine whether or not the solution to the
algebraic expression solves the word problem.
★ Repeat until you’ve solved about 2-3 with increasing

● A student says they enjoy baking cupcakes.
● You and the class can create the scenario: Nicole’s red
velvet cupcake recipe can bake a dozen cupcakes for 3 ½
cups of flour. If Dean ordered 3 dozen and Emma ordered 2
dozen, how many cups of flour does Nicole need?
● As a group you then:
○ Assess the problem and figure out what needs to be
■ Nicole has 2 orders for the same cupcake
recipe. She needs to figure out the total cups
of flour she needs to fulfill both orders.
○ Figure out how to write the problem as an algebraic
expression by breaking it down into smaller parts.
■ Let x be the amount of flour in cups, needed to
bake a dozen of Nicole’s red velvet cupcakes.
■ If Dean orders 3 dozen, and Emma orders 2
dozen, we have: 3x + 2x =
○ Solve the algebraic expression.
■ 3x + 2x = 5x
■ According to the recipe, 3 ½ cups of flour is
needed to bake a dozen cupcakes.
■ Since x = 3 ½, 5x = 5(3 ½) = 17 ½
○ Determine if the solution to the algebraic expression
solved the word problem.
■ We now know that in order to fulfill both Dean
and Emma’s orders, Nicole needs 17 ½ cups
of flour.

II. Analysis Ask the students if they recognized a pattern from the previous
activity. Was it easier to translate the word problem when it was
broken down into smaller phrases? How did they figure out
which phrases needed to be translated into algebraic

III. Abstraction Write down all of their ideas on the board until you have
enough to list down the four steps in solving word problems.

1. Explore the problem

a. Identify the information given
b. Identify what you are asked to find
c. Choose a variable to represent one of the
unspecified/constant numbers in the problem. This is
called the defining variable
d. Use the variable to write expressions for the other
unspecified numbers in the problem.
2. Plan the solution - to solve problems involving algebraic
expressions, you need to translate the word problem into
an algebraic expression
a. Thirteen decreased by a number a = 13 - a
b. Thrice the sum of x, y and z = 3 (x + y + z)
c. 50 decreased by the product of c and d = 50-cd
d. Six times the number x, increased by 10 = 6x + 10
e. The product of 8 and n, increased by the product of q
and r = 8n + qr
3. Solve the problem - solve the algebraic expression you
came up with
4. Examine the solution - determine whether or not the
solution to the algebraic expression solves the word

IV. Application Let the students pair up for the following activity.
Each of the pairs will begin by answering the problem
individually. They will then exchange their work, discussing and
analyzing each other’s answers.

Q: One day, Miso and Mochi ate cookies for 2 hours. They ate
a total of 20 pieces of cookies. Miso ate 8 cookies more than

a. How many cookies were eaten all in all? (20)

b. How long did Miso and Mochi eat? (2 hours)
c. Who ate more? (Miso)
d. If Miso ate m number of cookies, How many did Mochi
eat? (m-8)
e. If Mochi ate c number of cookies, how many did Miso eat?

V. Assessment Quiz (Individual)

Instructions: Answer the following problems involving algebraic
expressions, show your solution.

1. Durian costs Php x per piece. How many will 3 dozen


There are 12 pieces of durian in 1 dozen durian.
This means that there are 36 pieces of durian in 3
dozens. If x is the cost of each durian then, Php 36x is
the cost of 3 dozen durians.

2. Mark saves p pesos in his weekly allowance.

a. How much will he save in 3 weeks?
b. How much is his savings in 4 months?

a. He will save 3p. (3 weeks x p pesos)
b. He can save 16p. (4 months x 4 weeks x p pesos)

3. Ana worked m hours finishing her homework in

mathematics. She worked p hours less on her homework
in science. Write an expression that represents:
a. the number of hours she spent finishing her
homework in science; and,
b. the total number of hours she worked for her
homework in mathematics and science.

a. Because she worked m hours in finishing her
homework in mathematics and p hours less in science,
she worked m – p hours finishing her homework in
b. Because she worked m hours on her homework in
math and m - p hours in science, the total time she
spent on the two subjects was m + (m - p).

4. Rey is 5 years younger than his sister Roan. If Roan’s age

is R, what expression stands for Rey’s age?

Rey’s age is 5 less than Roan’s age.
Five less than R is R – 5. The answer is R – 5.

5. There are b people on a bus. At the next stop, 7 people

get off and 10 more get on. How many people are on the
bus now?

b – 7 represents the number of people left on the bus
when 7 get off.
If 10 people get on the bus, the expression would be (b
– 7) + 10.

VI. Assignment Post an assignment on your class’ Google Classroom.

Instructions: Read and understand each situation below and

solve the given problems involving algebraic expressions.
Show your solutions. Attach your work as a pdf file.

1. Maria had b pesos. She spends 50 pesos for a snack

and d pesos for her cellular load. How much money is
2. Anne purchased a cloth at Php 75 per meter. How
much will she pay for x meters?
3. Mang Juan needs to fence a rectangular garden. If the
length is 2 meters longer than its width. What is the
perimeter of the lot if its width is w meters?
4. A water tank has 155 liters of water. What is the amount
of water if c liters have been used?
5. Grade 7 students went on a field trip. What is the
number of students in b buses if each bus has 45

Answer Key:
1. b - (50+d)
2. 75x
3. P = 41 + 2w
4. 155 - c
5. 45b

5. Remarks Here is where I will indicate special cases including but not limited to
continuation of lesson plan to the following day in case of re-teaching or lack
of time, transfer of lesson to the following day, in cases of class suspension,

6. Reflections In this section I will reflect on my teaching and assess myself as a teacher. I
will think about my student's progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help my
instructional supervisors can provide for me so when I meet them, I can ask
them relevant questions. Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate

a. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

b. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for

c. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

d. No. of learners who

continue to require

e. Which of my learning
strategies worked
well? Why did these

f. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?

g. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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