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Side by Side Webpage Comparison

If you see a blank screen, please open the page in a new tab by clicking the Url of the page.
If it does not open in the new tab either, choose 'Page not found'

See for Song Type Tasks (August 2023) - Song type tasks may be tricky! Please be careful and visit
recently added "See for Song Type Tasks" section to the end of the guidelines.
Book translations and their original versions should be considered the same entity - check
instruction for more detail
In order to see the webpages, you need to use Chrome browser, and install UHRS Chrome Extension


1. Book editions and publishing houses may vary, this does not make the book

2. A translation of a book to a local language when compared to the page where the
book in the original language should be considered Same entity. Even if the translated
version technically has more authors (the translators' names are listed alongside the
author's name). Please check "Examples" section!

3.The same book might be named differently in different languages! Please check the
original title!

4.When the book comes in several parts or volumes, one volume is not the same as the
full book, they are different! Please be attentive.

5. Audio books are not the same as text form books.

6. Please pay attention to adaptations vs. original works! It might not be clear from the
name that this is an adaptation or a shortening, but the synopsis and an extra writer are
a hint.

7. Illustrated books are the same as the originals, because they share the text, but comic
books based on novels, stories etc are NOT the same because the text gets changed!

Task Overview
Given Two Webpages, compare them and decide if they refer to the same Primary Entity.

Process Steps
1. Read the web page on the left.
2. Read the web page on the right
3. Determine the primary entity of both pages and decide if it is the same.
4. Choose ‘Same’ or ‘Different’ as the answer. If you see a blank screen instead of a web page
please open in a new tab, if it does not open in the new tab either, or does not exist, please click
on 'Page Not Found'.
5. If there are not enough details available to make a decision, please choose 'Not Enough Info'
6. You can skip the task if you are not sure
Rating Examples
1. "Same" if the two webpages refer to the same Primary Entity. Examples:

1.1. Person - Same name, same birth/death date/year if available, same image if available. Basically if
there is evidence that they refer to the same person.

1.2. Movie - Same name, same release year if available, approximately same duration if available,
same director, cast & storyline if available. Basically, if you watch the film it would look same. Note that
different names for different markets are possible for the same movie!

1.3. Book/Product - Same name, author/company, year(s) of initial publishing. Basically, it should be
same book/product - editions and publishing houses (for books) may vary. Note that different version of
same story should be considered different!


1. Book editions and publishing houses may vary, this does not make the book
2. A translation of a book to a local language when compared to the page
where the book in the original language should be considered Same entity.
Even if the translated version technically has more authors (the translators'
names are listed alongside the author's name). Please check "Examples"
3.The same book might be named differently in different languages! Please
check the original title!
4.When the book comes in several parts or volumes, one volume is not the
same as the full book, they are different! Please be attentive.
5. Audio books are not the same as text form books.
6. Please pay attention to adaptations vs. original works! It might not be clear
from the name that this is an adaptation or a shortening, but the synopsis and
an extra writer are a hint.
7. Illustrated books are the same as the originals, because they share the text,
but comic books based on novels, stories etc are NOT the same because the
text gets changed!

1.4. TV Shows - Same season number if the webpage is about a season. Same episode number if the
webpage is about particular episode of a particular season of a particular series. Basically, if you watch,
it would look same. Please be careful to notice what the page is mainly about: the show, the season
or a particular episode. Both pages should be about the same topic. A season and an episode are not
the same topic!

1.5. Places - Same name, city, country, same full address if available.

1.6. If a Wikipedia page redirects to a section within a full-page, but the full-page refers to the same
primary entity that the other webpage refers to, please mark as "Same". IMPORTANT! Not only
Wikipedia has a special URL to a section of a particular page. Some TV shows have separate sections for
separate episodes – and if the URL directs to that particular section, this is the topic you should
compare to the topic of the other page! Please see more in “Examples” section.

Here are some examples of webpages that should be marked 'Same'
• The same film/book/person/etc., even if the pages for comparison are in different languages
(but refer to same entity).
• The same film/book, even if the names used in different countries vary (e.g. 'Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer’s stone' in the US vs 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone' in the UK).
• Different editions (different years, publishing houses) of the same book by same author. Even
when the languages differ, but you still can understand them.

2. "Different" if the two webpages refer to different Primary Entities. Examples:

2.1. Person - people with different names. People with same name but different birth/death
dates. Different images. Basically if there is enough evidence that these are different people.

2.2. Movie - movies with different directors, cast. Series vs a particular episode in that series
should be marked as "Different". Basically, if you watch the movie, it would look different.

2.3. TV Shows - Full Series vs a particular season/episode in that series should be marked as

2.4 TV Shows - a Wikipedia page called 'List of [series name] episodes' vs a page of the series
itself should be marked as "Different". IMPORTANT! Please analyze attentively, if the page has just the
list of episodes as its main topic, or it is the TV show’s/season’s page but with a block for a list of
episodes. Please see more in “Examples” section.

2.5. Sports - Team vs Player who played for the Team should be marked "Different".

2.6. Music - Band webpage vs individual artist webpage should be marked "Different".

ABOUT ORIGINAL AND REMIXED SONGS/ALBUMS: Original versions of songs/albums as

opposed to Deluxe, Remastered, Remixed, Instrumental, Expanded, In-House etc
versions should be considered different entities!

2.7. Wikipedia page showing list of different pages vs. a particular page should be marked

Here are some examples of webpages that should be marked 'Different'
• The first book of a book trilogy vs full trilogy (same as a TV Show example above)
• An article about an artist vs a book of the artist's paintings
A book vs a film based on the same story
and similar examples

3."Not Enough Information" should be used when even though the pages opens, there is not enough
context on one or both pages to compare them.

4. "Page Not Found" for cases when the comparison cannot be made because one of pages does not

If you are not sure, you can skip the task.

Note: Sometimes you might have to translate the webpage to the language you understand. Most
browsers support translation. For example, both Chrome and Edge support Right Click > Translate to
Some tips

1. Please don't forget that the same film might have different names in different
countries. Often one of pages will also provide information about the film's other
name(s) - use it.
2. Check the Director's name. It is very useful, when comparing films, but don't forget that
name and surname might be shortened and go in different order (e.g. John Lee and Lee
John is likely the same director if we compare likely same films)
3. Check the film length. Please keep in mind that some difference in length (e.g. 127 min
and 129 min) sometimes could be indicated even for the same film. But if the films differ
in length considerably (e.g. 15 min and 126 min), it should make you doubt it is the same
4. Check the release year. There could be +- 1 year differences for the same film because
of different release dates in different countries. Also, sometimes a festival film might be
released on wide screen 2-3 years later, and this also results in the same film's having
several release dates.
5. For TV series, check if the page is about an episode, a season or the whole series. If one
page is about, say, season, and the other is the whole series, these are different
6. TV Shows - a Wikipedia page called 'List of [series name] episodes' vs a page of the
series itself should be marked as "Different".

Url 1 Url 2 Comment
Both pages refer to the same 1922
k/show/6874684-el-peor-viaje- _peor_viaje_del_mundo memoir about the Antarctic
del-mundo expedition called - El peor viaje del
mundo– by Apsley Cherry-Garrard,
same published date and genre.
The book comes in 2 volumes, but
both are in the same book
represented in goodreads page.
So, Same entity. A book and its translation should
ever_Peace ow/21622.paz_interminable be labelled as the same entity,
even if the translation has more
authors technically (for
translations both the author and
his translators might be mentioned
in the "Author(s)" section) A special edition of the Rabbit
bbit_Don't_Come_Easy um/rabbit-dont-come-easy- Don't Come Easy album is not the
special-edition/1593910364 same as the classic version. Classic
versions as opposed Deluxe,
remastered, remixed,
instrumental, expanded versions
etc should be considered different
entities according to the
Please note it is the same film - the
wiki page has the original film name that matches the name on
29563/ imdb page. All other attributes
match too. The director, characters and casts,
08112/ ying_Dagger and the release year, length are
match. The titles of the film are
country variations Please check the mention of films

m0723038/ eo_P._Ribuffo that
Leo Ribuffo is known for - you will
see that there are matching ones
on both pages. This serves as proof
that this is the same person ,
because it is highly unprobable
that 2 people with same not
common name stared in the same
film The synopsis and the poster help
movie/the-karma-killer 1247639/ understand that this is the same
film The left and right web pages

42501/season/1/episode/1 3693728/ inform about the same season and
same series of an anime. Both have
the same plots, the same images,
and the same casts. Please pay
attention to the URL of the left
page and notice, that the page is
zoomed to a particular block of the
page - about this particular
episode. the same episode, as in
the page on the right Both pages refer to the same
367/season/1/episode/3 0620779/ specific season and episode S1E3
from the series called -Klovn-,
same characters according to the
plot and same aired date. Same
entity. These are the same film. Please
movie/statute-of-limitations osed_by_Prescription check the storyline, original title
and year The left and right web pages

86240/season/2/episode/11 11746380/ inform about the same season and
same series and same episode.
Please pay attention to the Url of
the left page and notice, that the
page is zoomed to a particular
block of the page - about this
particular episode. the same
episode, as in the page on the right The left and right web pages
33238/season/1/episode/342 7622476/ inform about the same season and
same series and same episode.
Please pay attention to the URL of
the left page and notice, that the
page is zoomed to a particular
block of the page - about this
particular episode. the same
episode, as in the page on the right

Url 1 Url 2 Comment The page on the right is
ook/show/2892210-the-hound- of_the_Baskervilles about the third of the four
of-the-baskervilles crime novels called - The
Hound of the Baskervilles–
by Arthur Conan Doyle,
and the page on the left
refer to an adaptation of
the original called with the
same name by the Henry
Brook. Original vs
adaptation. Different
entities. Left page is the first of 4
ook/show/2269282.Conversaci es_con_Dios books from the collection
ones_Con_Dios books from right page.
Different One is an Audio Cd while
ook/show/25076418-das- ne_Symbol the other one is about a
verlorene-symbol book. Therefore, different. Please be attentive! The
movie/358996-hero Japanese_film) name of the film and the
release year are same, but
the directors and length
are very different. These
are two different films Please be attentive! The
10442492/ lm) name of the film is the
same, the release years
are close, but they have
completely different
directors and lengths.
These are different films. The imdb page is for
0229149/episodes?season=2 riors season 2 only while the
wiki page is for the whole
series. These are different
entities. Please be attentive! One is
/tv-show/mickey-mouse- ey_Mouse_Clubhouse_episodes a TV Show and the other is
clubhouse list of episodes of that
show. Lists of episodes are
not the same as a page for
a show. One is about a particular
14792828/ _of_Lu_Xiaofeng_(TV_series) episode, while the other
one mentions about the
whole season.
entities. One is a tv series called
0650991/ y_Python_sketch) Monty Python's Flying
Circus while the other one
is a sketch called Spam
(Monty Python sketch).
Names are similar but they
are different entities.
Therefore, different. While Spotify page
7sbOVnW14rSzEgTWCXd10k Moore mentions Gatemouth
Moore with Tiny Grimes
Swingtet, the wiki page is
about Gatemouth Moore
alone, so these are not the
same entity*A While the left website is
/tv-show/m-a-s-h *S*H_episodes the page of the whole
series on justwatch, the
right page is called "List of
episodes". It is a narrower
entity, so these are not the
same. The page on the right is
movie/413256 Entertains about a 1909 silent short
film called -Mrs. Jones
Entertains - by D.W.
Griffith and the page on
the left refers to another
1909 silent short film
called -Mr. Jones Has a
Card Party - by the same
director, but it´s different
plot and length. Different
entities. Please read the
plot and synopsis on both
sides to see, these are
different short films. While the left website is
/tv-show/kickin-it n'_It_episodes the page of the whole
series on justwatch, the
right page is called "List of
episodes". It is a narrower
entity, so these are not the
same. The left and right web
v/68586 pages inform about
Devilman. The left web
page informs the TV
series, and the right web
page informs about the
manga. Therefore, both
entities are different.

Update on 8/15/2023

See for Song Type Tasks (August 2023)

Comparing web pages for song type content may be tricky! Please follow the item mentioned above to increase your
success in SBS evaluation.

➢ Check the page content but not only page titles!

Left Webpage Right Webpage

Comment: Although the webpages have same title, Primary Entities covered on these pages are totally different.
Left page is a song and right page is a football player. Hence, correct mark should be DIFFERENT!

➢ Pay attention to similar named songs.

Left Webpage Right Webpage
Comment: At the first glance, Primary Entities may look similar but please be careful! Here, we have same named
song but they are DIFFERENT entities.

➢ How to evaluate songs’ cover versions/older or newer versions etc?

Left Webpage Right Webpage

Comment: By considering only page title, you may think Primary Entities are totally same! However this is a
significant mistake. Right page is written for the original song and left page is just a cover version. They should be
accepted as different entities, so correct mark should be DIFFERENT.

Left Webpage Right Webpage

Comment: Left page is offering content for July 13, 1973. On the other side, we have a content titled as 2022
Remaster. Although they have the same lyrics, we should care about release dates and label them as DIFFERENT!

Left Webpage Right Webpage

Comment: Release dates are good signs to differentiate contents. We see the same titles on both page but right
page has 2022 as release date and left content is uploaded to host on 2020. Hence, it is a good clue to accept Primary
Entities as DIFFERENT!

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