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Dodayav 1705109

Question Bank Solve Of measurement and

industrial instrumentation(ME 3225)(2019-


Dodayav 1705109

Question Bank Solve Of measurement and industrial

instrumentation (ME 3225) (2019-2015)


Manual By:

MD Al-Amin Jouhor Dodayav

Mechanical Engineering

Information Gather From:


Dr. MD. Helal- Al-Nahiyan sir

MD. Shariful Islam sir

Mrittunjoy vai 2k09

Helping by
Asmaul Husna Hadia

Dodayav 1705109

The majority of the information was gleaned from N.V RAGHAVENDRA

K.J HUMAN’s & G.H. SHARP's book, MD.Shariful Islam sir's and Dr.
MD.Helal- Al-Nahiyan sir's slides, and sheets (Mrittunjoy vai 2K09).
Some information is also sourced online. Unintentional blunders do
happen occasionally. I sincerely apologize for those. This note is
written for Mechanical Engineering students of KUET in order to
achieving good preparation before examination having an idea about
question pattern including solve of those questions. The questions
(2019-2011) are given at the last of this pdf/notes.

If you want soft-copy you should to go this link:

Dodayav 1705109

1. Why measurement is necessary in
engineering fields? (2018)
Measurements play a very significant role in every branch of scientific research and engineering process
which include the following: (i)Control system

(ii)Process instrumentation

(ii)To acquire data or information

In the case of process industries and industrial manufacturing

(i)To improve the quality of the product

(ii)To improve the efficiency of production

(iii)To maintain the proper operation

Importance of Measurement is simply and eloquently expressed in the following statement of famous
physicist Lord Kelvin: ”I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about and can
express it in numbers, you know something about it; when you cannot express in it numbers your
knowledge is of meager and unsatisfactory kind”

2. Briefly describe the types of

instrumentation in industry?(2018)
The technology of using instruments to measure and control the physical and chemical properties of
materials is called Instrumentation. When instruments are used for the measurement and control of
industrial manufacturing, conversion or treatment process, the term “process instrumentation” is used.

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When the measuring and controlling instruments are combined so that measurements provide impulses
for remote automatic action, the result is called a “control system”

3. What is calibration?(2018)

Answer: Calibration is a comparison between a known measurement (the standard) and

the measurement using your instrument. Calibration is the process of finding a relationship between two
unknown quantities(One is standard, another is test instrument). The device with the known or assigned
correctness is called the standard. The second device is the unit under test, test instrument, or any of
several other names for the device being calibrated .Typically, the accuracy of the standard should be
ten times the accuracy of the measuring device being tested. However, accuracy ratio of 3:1 is
acceptable by most standards organizations.

4. Clarify the concept of accuracy and

precision with necessary figure?
Accuracy is how close a measured value is to the actual (true) value. Precision is how close the measured
values are to each other. Both accuracy and precision reflect how close a measurement is to an actual
value. But accuracy reflects how close a measurement is to a known or accepted value, while precision
reflects how reproducible measurements are, even if they are far from the accepted value.

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4. Define measurement and

instrumentation? (2019)
Measurement : Measurement is the act, or the result of a quantitative comparison between a
predetermined standard and an unknown magnitude.

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Instrumentation : The technology of using instruments to measure and control the physical and

chemical properties of materials is called Instrumentation.

5. Explain the applications of

measurement and instrumentation in
industries? (2019)

(i)To improve the quality of the product

(ii)To improve the efficiency of production

(iii)To maintain the proper operation

6. How error occur when spherical end

gauge are not aligned? (2017, 2018,

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7. Briefly explain different types of

measurement errors? (2017)
Measurement Error is the difference between a measured value of a quantity and its true value. In
statistics, an error is not a "mistake". Variability is an inherent part of the results of measurements and
of the measurement process. It is not possible to completely eliminate error in a measurement.
Measurement errors can be divided into two components:

(i)Systematic Error and

(ii)Random Error

Systematic Error:
Systematic error is predictable and typically constant or proportional to the true value. If the cause of
the systematic error can be identified, then it usually can be eliminated. Systematic errors are caused by
imperfect calibration of measurement instruments or imperfect methods of observation. Incorrect
zeroing of an instrument leading to a zero error is an example of systematic error in instrumentation.

Random error:
Random error is always present in a measurement. It is caused by inherently unpredictable fluctuations
in the readings of a measurement apparatus or in the experimenter's interpretation of the instrumental
reading. Random errors show up as different results for ostensibly the same repeated measurement.
They can be estimated by comparing multiple measurements, and reduced by averaging multiple

8. What are meant by measurement “error”

and “correction”? (2017)


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(i) Error : Measurement Error is the difference between a measured value of a quantity
and its true value.

(ii) Correction: When we are correcting the measurement data, we put out a single
data and we replace it with another single data into the series of measurement
data. Thus, in correction of measurement, the actual number of data does not

9. How digital micrometer measures the

diameter of a round bar?.......(2017,2016)

Principle of Operation
The basic principle of operation of a micrometer is as follows:
The amount of axial movement of a screw that is made accurately can be measured by the
amount of rotational movement of it. This is because the pitch of the screw is constant.
The measurement made due to the rotational movement is some amplified form of the
actual axial movement of the screw.

To see video , you can visit

10. Discuss the relative advantages of

micrometer and vernier calipers? (2017)

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11. What are the difference between “Line

Standard” and “End Standard”? How will you
compare between them ? (2019, 2018 , 2015)
When the length is measured as the distance between centers of two engraved lines, it is called line
standard. Both material standards yard and meter are line standards. The most common example of line
measurements is the rule with divisions shown as lines marked on it.

Scales can be accurately engraved but the engraved lines themselves possess thickness and it is not
possible to take measurements with high accuracy.

❑A scale is a quick and easy to use over a wide range.

❑The scale markings are not subjected to wear. However, the leading ends are subjected to wear and
this may lead to undersize measurements.

❑Scales are subjected to parallax error.

❑Also, the assistance of magnifying glass or microscope is required if sufficient accuracy is to be

When length is expressed as the distance between two flat parallel faces, it is known as end standard.
Examples: Measurement by slip gauges, end bars, ends of micrometer anvils, Vernier calipers etc. The
end faces are hardened, lapped flat and parallel to a very high degree of accuracy.

These standards are highly accurate and used for measurement of close tolerances in precision
engineering as well as in standard laboratories, tool rooms, inspection departments etc.

❑They require more time for measurements and measure only one dimension at a time.

❑They are subjected to wear on their measuring faces.

❑Group of slips can be "wrung" together to build up a given size; faulty wringing and careless use may
lead to inaccurate results.

❑They are not subjected to parallax effect as their use depends on feel.

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13. How digital inside caliper measure the

inside diameter of a hole ? Describe with neat

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14. Mention different methods by which the

angle of tapper is measured. Describe the
measurement of tapper plug gauge by using
sine bar? Accuracy depends on sine bar?
......................(2017, 2016, 2015)


A sine bar is made up of a hardened steel beam having a flat upper surface. The bar is mounted on two
cylindrical rollers. These rollers are located in cylindrical grooves specially provided for the purpose. The
axes of the two rollers are parallel to each other. They are also parallel to the upper flat surface at an
equal distance from it. The sine bar in itself is not a complete measuring instrument. Another datum
such as a surface plate is needed, as well as other auxiliary equipment, notably slip gauges, and
indicating device to make measurements. Sine bars used in conjunction with slip gauges constitute a
very good device for the precise measurement of angles.

Sine bars are used either to measure angles very accurately or for locating any work to a given angle
within very close limits. The accuracy attainable with this instrument is quite high and the errors in
angular measurement are less than 2 seconds for angle up to 45. here, l= distance between

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centers of ground cylinder (typically 5’’ or 10’’) h = height of the gauge blocks θ =the angle of the


θ = a*sin(h/l)

Equality of size of rollers.

Centre distance of rollers (must known).

Parallelism of roller axes to each other. Parallelism

of roller axes to upper surface of bar.

Flatness of upper surface of bar.

Equality of distance from roller centers to upper surface.

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15. Describe the working principle of hot

wire anemometer? ........ (2017,2018,2019)

To see video:

A thermal anemometer works under the principle that the rate of convective heat transfer from a hot
object to the surrounding fluid increases as the speed of the fluid flowing around the object increases.
These instruments are particularly useful in the airways with low velocity air streams. They are quite
accurate till a velocity of 0.1m/s. The hot wire anemometer is used to measure fluid velocities by
measuring heat loss by convection from a very fine wire which is exposed to the fluid stream. The wire
is electrically heated by passing an electrical current through it. When the heated wire is cooled by a
fluid stream its electrical resistance decreases, because the resistance of metal wire varies linearly with
its temperature.

Constant current anemometer

In this case, the current through the wire is kept constant. When the flow takes place over the hot wire,
changes in temperature and resistance occur. The resultant change in voltage is calibrated against

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Constant temperature anemometer:

In constant temperature (resistance) method, the velocity is determined in terms of current needed to
maintain a constant temperature of the wire.

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16.Why pitot satic tube is used in

measurement? Describe its working
principle? (2016)
To see video :

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The Pitot-static tube is an instrument which uses the principle of pressure exerted by flowing air and is
suitable for measurements of high velocity. Unlike an anemometer it is not capable of measuring
average velocity directly but measures the velocity at a given point in the airway/duct. The instrument
consists of two concentric tubes .Out of which the outer tube, which contains perforations in the form
of small holes drilled at right angles to its periphery, measures the static head .While the inner tube
measures the total head.

17. What are the various ways of measuring air

velocity in open atmosphere? Explain each with
neat sketch? (2018)

There are many ways of measuring air velocity in open atmosphere. The most common of them are cup
type anemometer and Turbine(Fan type) anemometer.

The one shown here has three cups, but four-cup anemometers are also common. Cup type
anemometers work on the principle that the open (concave) side of the cup experiences a higher drag
force than does the closed (convex) part. Thus, when the wind blows, the shaft rotates in a preferred

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direction. To infer the wind speed, some type of mechanism converts shaft rotation speed into a
voltage, a current, or a series of pulses that is calibrated to display the wind speed in the desired units
(mi/hr, m/s, km/hr, knots, etc.). Some handheld cup type anemometers are also commercially available.

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18. Explain Taylor’s principle as applied to limit

gauge? (2019, 2018, 2015)
Statement 1:

The “Go” gauge should always be so designed that it will cover the maximum metal condition (MMC),
whereas a “NOT-GO” gauge will cover the minimum (least) metal condition (LMC) of a feature, whether
external or internal.

Statement 2:

The “Go” gauge should always be so designed that it will cover as many dimensions as possible in a
single operation, whereas the “NOT-GO” gauge will cover only one dimension.

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20. Describe different types of gauges?

Answer: to see video:


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29. What is meant by comparator? Mention its application?

Describe merits and demerits of mechanical and pneumatic
comparator? …………………………….. (2017,2018,2016) Answer:

Comparator: There are certain devices in which the standards are separated from the
instrument. It compares the unknown length with the standard. Such measurement is known as
comparison measurement and the instrument, which provides such comparison, is called a comparator.

(i)Laboratory Standards

(ii)Working Gauges

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(iii)Final Inspection Gauges

(iii)Receiving Inspection Gauges

(iv)For Checking Newly Purchased Gauges

Mechanical comparator:

(i)Do not require any external source of energy

(ii) Cheaper and portable

(iii)Robust construction and compact design

(iv)The simple linear scales are easy to read

(v)Unaffected by variations due to external source of energy such air, electricity etc.


(i)Range is limited as the pointer moves over a fixed scale

(ii)Pointer scale system used can cause parallax error.

(iii)There are number of moving parts which create problems due to friction, and ultimately
. the accuracy is less

(iv)The instrument may become sensitive to vibration due to high inertia.

Pneumatic comparator:

(i)Very high magnification

(ii)Less friction, wear and inertia

(iii)Less measuring pressure

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(iv)Determines ovality and taperness of circular bores


(i)Scale is generally not uniform

(ii)Requires compressor and accurate pressure regulator

(iii)Non portable

(iv)Less sensitivity

30.Briefly discuss the simple arrangement of

PH meter? …………………(2019, 2018) Answer:
The pH meter detects the change in potential and determines [H+ ] of the unknown by the Nernst

The pH value of a solution is measured by using pH electrode/meter. It essentially consists of a pair of

electrodes: measuring and reference electrode, both dipped in the solution of unknown p H. These two
electrodes essentially form two half-cells; the total potential developed is the difference between the
individual electric potential developed in each half cell.

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The pH measuring electrode is a hydrogen ion sensitive glass bulb. The reference electrode output does
not vary with the activity of the hydrogen ion. A sample is placed in a cup and the glass probe at the end
of the retractable arm is placed in it. The probe is connected to the main box. There are two electrodes
inside the probe that measure voltage. One is contained in liquid with fixed p H . The other measures the
acidity of the sample through the amount of H+ ions. A voltmeter in the probe measures the difference
between the voltages of the two electrodes. The meter then translates the voltage difference into pH
and displays it on the screen. Before taking a pH measurement the meter must be calibrated using a
solution of known p H

31.What is the operating principle of a

positive displacement flow-meter?(2018)
Answer: Fluid flows into a chamber or compartment of known volume and is “trapped” there. The
fluid in the chamber is displaced from the upstream to the downstream side, where it is discharged. The
number of discharges is counted per unit time to calculate the volume flow rate. Positive displacement
flow-meters are quite similar to positive displacement pumps (PDPs) – in fact, you can think of a positive
displacement flow-meter as a PDP running backwards. Two typical examples are shown below. On the
left is a photograph of a double helical three-lobe impeller positive displacement flow-meter, which is
similar to a gear pump running backwards. In the middle and on the right is a nutating disk flow-meter,
commonly used as a water or gasoline meter.

32.Write short note on sample size for

statistical data analysis? (2016, 2017)
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Regression models the relationships between dependent and explanatory variables, which are usually
charted on a scatter plot. The regression line also designates whether those relationships are strong or

Hypothesis Testing

Also commonly called it testing, hypothesis testing assesses if a certain premise is actually true for your
data set or population. In data analysis and statistics, you consider the result of a hypothesis test
statistically significant if the results couldn’t have happened by random chance. Hypothesis tests are
used in everything from science and research to business and economic

Sample Size Determination

When measuring a large data set or population, like a workforce, you don’t always need to collect
information from every member of that population – a sample does the job just as well. The trick is to
determine the right size for a sample to be accurate. Using proportion and standard deviation methods,
you are able to accurately determine the right sample size you need to make your data collection
statistically significant.

33. What are the statistical methods of

data analysis in measurement ? Explain?
In the Information Age, data is no longer scarce - it’s overpowering. The key is to sift through the
overwhelming volume of data available to organizations and businesses and correctly interpret its
implications. But to sort through all this information, you need the right statistical data analysis tools.
With the current obsession over “big data,” analysts have produced a lot of fancy tools and techniques
available to large organizations.


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(ii)Standard Deviation


(iv) Sample Size Determination

(v) Hypothesis Testing

34.Differentiate between limits, fits and tolerance?

The two extreme permissible sizes of a part between which the actual size should lie.

A fit may be defined as the degree of tightness and looseness between two mating parts.

Tolerance is the difference between maximum and minimum dimensions of a component, i.e, between
upper limit and lower limit.

35.Write in brief the resource

management of ISO 9000:2000 including

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36.Mention the important points to be considered

during gauge design? Discuss in brief. ……... (2015, 2018)
Design Consideration of Limit Gauges

(i)Design of a gauge should be such that minimum time is taken to position, engage and disengage a

(ii) A pilot is provided at the nose of the plug gauge for speed up of operation.

(iii) A Gauge should be light as possible and should not be the source of fatigue to the user.

(iv) A Gauge designed for blind holes should be provided with relief air grooves for easy escape of
trapped air.

(v) A Gauge should have dimensional stability during use. It does not affected with temperature and
environmental conditions.

(vi) A Gauge should be wear resistance either by case hardening or by using chrome layers at contact

(vii)A Gauge should be designed for overall low cost, with all the required properties.

37. Define and differential between

tolerance and allowance? ............ (2015)
Tolerance is the difference between maximum and minimum dimensions of a component, i.e, between
upper limit and lower limit.

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Tolerance is of two types, bilateral and unilateral.

Unilateral Tolerance: When the tolerance distribution is only on one side of the basic size, it is known as
unilateral tolerance. In other words, tolerance limits lie wholly on one side of the basic size, either above
or below it.

Bilateral Tolerance: When the tolerance distribution lies on either side of the basic size, it is known as
bilateral tolerance. In other words, the dimension of the part is allowed to vary on both sides of the
basic size but may not be necessarily equally disposed about it.

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It is the difference between the basic dimensions of the mating parts.

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When the shaft size is less than the hole size, then the allowance is positive and when the shaft size is
greater than the hole size, then the allowance is negative.

38. What is meant by fit? Discuss different types

of fit? …………………………………. (2016)
A fit may be defined as the degree of tightness and looseness between two mating parts.

In clearance fit, an air space or clearance exists between the shaft and hole. Such fits give loose joint. A
clearance fit has positive allowance, i.e. there is minimum positive clearance between high limit of the

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shaft and low limit of the hole. Allows rotation or sliding between the mating parts. Loose Fit, Running
Fit, Slide Fit or Medium Fit

A negative difference between diameter of the hole and the shaft is called interference. In such cases,
the diameter of the shaft is always larger than the hole diameter. It used for components where motion,
power has to be transmitted. Tight Fit or Force Fit, Shrink Fit or Heavy Force Fit, Medium Force Fit

It may result in either clearance fit or interference fit depending on the actual value of the individual
tolerances of the mating components. Transition fits are a compromise between clearance and
interference fits. They are used for applications where accurate location is They are used for applications
where accurate location is important but either a small amount of clearance or interference is
permissible. Push Fit or Snug Fit, Force Fit or Shrink Fit, Wringing Fit

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40. Define and differentiate sensors and

transducers? …………………………………… (2019)

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41. Write short note on

(i) Sensitivity,
(ii) Range,
(iii) Resolution,
(iv) Non-linearity by using graph…………….(2019)

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Difference between the maximum and minimum value of the sensed


Resolution: The smallest change the sensor can differentiate

Sensitivity: Ratio of change in output to a unit change of the input

Nonlinearity Error:

The nonlinearity indicates the maximum deviation of the actual

measured curve of a sensor from the ideal curve. Figure shows a
somewhat exaggerated relationship between the ideal, or least squares
fit, line and the actual measured or calibration line.

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42. Differentiate between open loop and close

loop control system with block diagram?


Open Loop Systems

Open loop system look only at its input to determine what it should do.

Open Loop System Examples

Control system of a microwave turns it off after set time
Does not look at temperature of food to “decide” turning off microwave
No feedback
Regulator of Ceiling Fan depends on electrical resistance in the circuit
No feedback RPM is received by the regulator

Closed-Loop Systems
Closed loop system looks both at its input as well as output to determine what to

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Closed Loop System Examples:

AC Temperature control system looks at the sensor readings of surrounding temperature If
different than desired temperature takes action

43. Define sensor? Draw the schematic diagram showing

elements of a measuring system with sensor? …
Sensor is a device that when exposed to a physical phenomenon (temperature,
displacement, force, etc.) produces a proportional output signal (electrical,
mechanical, magnetic, etc.).

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44. Which factor should be considered to select

a sensor? Write a brief note on “Nuclear
Sensor”? ………………………………………….. (2018)
Answer: Self study

45. Design an advanced instrument and explain

its function ?..........................................(2018)
Answer: Self study

Linear Measurement
1. Describe the working principle (LDVT) with
neat sketch ? …………………………….(2019)
Answer: to see video :
Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a primary transducer used for measurement of
linear displacement with an input range of about ±2 to ±400 mm in general. It has non-linearity
error ± 0.25% of full range. Figure shows the construction of a LVDT sensor. It has three coils
symmetrically spaced along an insulated tube. The central coil is primary coil and the other two

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are secondary coils. A magnetic core attached to the element of which displacement is to be
monitored is placed inside the insulated tube.

Due to an alternating voltage input to the primary coil, alternating electro-magnetic forces
(emf) are generated in secondary coils. When the magnetic core is centrally placed with its half
portion in each of the secondary coil regions then the resultant voltage is zero.

If the core is displaced from the central position as shown in Figure, say, more in secondary coil
1 than in coil 2, then more emf is generated in coil 1 than the other, and there is a resultant
voltage from the coils. If the magnetic core is further displaced, then the value of resultant
voltage increases in proportion with the displacement.

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When the core is at its normal (NULL) position, the flux linking with both the secondary
windings is equal and hence equal emfs are induced in them. Therefore, at null position: ES1 =
ES2. Thus, the output voltage E0 is zero at null position.

Now if the core is moved to the left of the null position, more flux links with S1 and less with
winding S2. Accordingly, output voltages ES1 is greater than ES2. The magnitude of output
voltage is thus, E0 = ES1 - ES2 and say it is in phase with primary voltage.

Similarly, when the core is moved to the right of the null position ES2 will be more than ES1.
Thus the output voltage is E0 = ES1 - ES2 and 180° out of phase with primary voltage.

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Linear Velocity measurement

1. How moving magnet type transducer
measures the velocity of an object ?Advantages
and disadvantages ? (2017, 2015)
These devices use an inductive coil placed near to the rotating body. A small magnet on the
body generates a pulse every time it passes the coil. If the body is made of ferrous material, it
will work without a magnet. A discontinuity in the surface such as a notch will cause a change in
the magnetic field and generate a pulse. The pulses must be processed to produce a digital

2.Describe the working principle of Laser

Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) with neat
sketch? (2017)

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A linear velocity transducer (LVT) is an inductive device that is similar in principle to the linear
variable displacement transducer (LVDT) discussed previously. It utilizes the link between
electricity and magnetism as found by H. A. Lorentz, namely, if a magnetic field moves near an
electrical wire, current flows through the wire. Whereas an LVDT measures displacement, an
LVT measures velocity.

An LVT consists of a rod called the core (a permanent magnet), and two electrical coils. The
core slides inside a hollow cylindrical tube called a bobbin. A DC voltage is generated when the
core moves. Since the two coils are wrapped with opposite polarity, and since the magnet also
has two poles (north and south), the south pole induces a voltage primarily in coil 1, and the
north pole primarily in core 2. It turns out that the net voltage is proportional to the speed of
the core and is relatively independent of position within some limited range near the center
(typically about ±15% to either side of center). Although the range is limited, LVTs are used in
some types of machinery, like milling machines.

3. What is SONAR? How it works? (2019)


to see video:

It is a technique that uses SOUND propagation to navigate, communicate with, or detect

objects on or under the surface of the water. Sonar are used as a means of acoustic location
and measurement of the echo of objects in the water.
There are two types of sonar technology;

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(i)Passive sonar: is essentially listening for the sound made by objects.

(ii)Active sonar: is emitting pulses of sounds and listening for echoes.

Working principle:

It uses a sound transmitter and a receiver. It creates a pulse of sound, and then listens for echo
of the pulse. This pulse of sound is created electronically using a sonar project (signal
generator), power amplifier and electro-acoustic transducer. To measure the distance of an
object, the time from transmission of a pulse to reception is measured and converted into a
range by knowing the speed of sound.

4. Briefly explain the dropler radar velocity

measurement process ? (2019)

To see video:

Doppler radar works by the Doppler shift principle, but with radio waves instead of sound
waves. When radio waves strike a moving object, the frequency of the reflected radio waves is
altered in a similar manner as the sound waves. Radio waves of wavelength λ are transmitted
(incident waves) towards a moving object. The object moves with velocity V at angle θ relative
to the radar unit, as sketched.

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The radio waves reflect off the moving object, and are sensed by a radio wave detector
(receiver), that is also mounted on the radar unit. The detector measures the frequency of the
reflected radar beam, and the unit compares the frequency of the transmitted and reflected
beams. Some trigonometry reveals that the Doppler frequency shift ΔfD , defined as the change
in frequency of the radar beam, is ΔfD = 2Vcos θ/λ .
Doppler radar units are used by police to measure the speed of automobiles, and they are also
used in professional sports to measure the speed of baseballs, etc. Laser light can be used in
place of radio waves. Then, the device is called a laser Doppler velocimeter.

5. Explain the working principle of a proximity

sensor that works in short range but very good
for repetitive motion detection. Mention the
advantage over other…………….(2019)


To see video :

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Eddy current proximity sensors are used to detect non-magnetic but conductive materials. They
comprise of a coil, an oscillator, a detector and a triggering circuit. Figure shows the
construction of eddy current proximity switch.

When an alternating current is passed thru this coil, an alternative magnetic field is generated.
If a metal object comes in the close proximity of the coil, then eddy currents are induced in the
object due to the magnetic field. These eddy currents create their own magnetic field which
distorts the magnetic field responsible for their generation. As a result, impedance of the coil
changes and so the amplitude of alternating current.

6. Describe the working principle of particle image

velocimeter. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of particle image velocimeter?
. (2018)
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Doppler radar works by the Doppler shift principle, but with radio waves instead of sound
waves. When radio waves strike a moving object, the frequency of the reflected radio waves is
altered in a similar manner as the sound waves. Radio waves of wavelength λ are transmitted
(incident waves) towards a moving object. The object moves with velocity V at angle θ relative
to the radar unit, as sketched.

The radio waves reflect off the moving object, and are sensed by a radio wave detector
(receiver), that is also mounted on the radar unit.
The detector measures the frequency of the reflected radar beam, and the unit compares the
frequency of the transmitted and reflected beams.
Some trigonometry reveals that the Doppler frequency shift ΔfD, defined as the change in
frequency of the radar beam, is ΔfD = 2Vcos θ/λ .
Doppler radar units are used by police to measure the speed of automobiles, and they are also
used in professional sports to measure the speed of baseballs, etc.
Laser light can be used in place of radio waves. Then, the device is called a laser Doppler

Angular Velocity Measurement

Dodayav 1705109

1. Which angle measurement system is used in

servo motor? Explain its working procedure

Optical encoders provide digital output as a result of linear / angular

displacement. These are widely used in the Servo motors to measure
the rotation of shafts.

Figure shows the construction of an optical encoder. It comprises of a

disc with three concentric tracks of equally spaced holes. Three light
sensors are employed to detect the light passing thru the holes.

These sensors produce electric pulses which give the angular

displacement of the mechanical element e.g. shaft on which the Optical
encoder is mounted.
The inner track has just one hole which is used locate the ‘home'
position of the disc.The holes on the middle track offset from the holes

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of the outer track by one-half of the width of the hole. This arrangement
provides the direction of rotation to be determined. When the disc
rotates in clockwise direction, the pulses in the outer track lead those in
the inner; in counter clockwise direction they lag behind. The resolution
can be determined by the number of holes on disc. With 100 holes in
one revolution, the resolution would be, 360°/100=3.6°.

2. Describe the various ways of rotational

speed? (2015)
There are many types using different principles and most of them produce an electrical output.
1. Optical Devices
2. Magnetic Devices
3. Tachometers

To know more tachometer , you can see- (i)


3. How stroboscope measure the angular

velocity of rotational shaft? (2016,2017,2015)

To see video:

The stroboscope utilizes the phenomenon of vision when an object is viewed intermittently. The human
sense of vision is so slow to react to light stimuli that it is unable to separate two different light impulses
reaching the eye within a very short period of time (less than 0.1 second). Successions of impulses
following one another at such brief intervals are observed by the eye as a continuous unbroken

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sequence. A mechanical disk type stroboscope consists essentially of a whirling disk attached to a motor
whose speed can be varied and measured. A reference mark on the rotating shaft is observed through
an opening in the rotating disk. The speed of disk is adjusted until the mark on the shaft appears to be

4. What are the ways of measuring air velocity in open atmosphere?

Explain each with neat sketch? (2015)

There are two types of measuring air velocity in open atmosphere.

(i)The cup type anemometer and

(ii)Turbine(Fan type) anemometer

Another very popular type of rotating velocimeter is the turbine anemometer, also called a vane
anemometer. This device employs a rotating turbine to infer velocity. A turbine anemometer works on
the same principle as the cup anemometer, except that the turbine looks like a small ducted window fan
(running backwards). The more accurate turbine anemometers usually have a separate turbine portion
and electronics portion, as shown to the near right, but the “all in one” units are more convenient to
use. A temperature sensor (thermistor or thermocouple) is typically included with a turbine
anemometer so that both air temperature and air speed are measured simultaneously. Such devices are

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called thermo-anemometers. Turbine anemometers are smaller and more convenient to use than cup
anemometers, and they can be turned in any direction to face the air flow – even vertically if necessary.
Turbine anemometers are often used by HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) engineers to
measure the air flow in ducts and out of air supply diffusers, etc.

Measurement Of Force

Dodayav 1705109

Measurement Of Force By
Strain Gage
1. How strain gage is used to measure the force on an
object? …………………… (2017, 2019, 2018, 2015)

To see video:

The electrical resistance R of a wire of length L and cross-sectional area A is given by

R = (ρ*L)/A

ρ is the resistivity of the wire material.

The electrical resistance of the wire changes with strain:

(i) As strain increases, the wire length L increases, which increases R.
(ii)As strain increases, the wire cross-sectional area A decreases, which increases R. (iii)For
most materials, as strain increases, the wire resistivity also increases, which further
increases R

The principle discussed above, namely that a wire’s resistance increases with strain, is key to
understanding how a strain gage works. The strain gage was invented by Ed Simmons at Caltech
in 1936. A strain gage consists of a small diameter wire (actually an etched metal foil) that is
attached to a backing material (usually made of plastic) as sketched. The wire is looped back
and forth several times to create an effectively longer wire. The longer the wire, the larger the
resistance, and the larger the change in resistance with strain. Here, four loops of metal foil are
shown, providing an effective total foil length L that is eight times greater than if a single wire,
rather than a looping pattern, were used. Commercially available strain gages have even more
loops than this.The direction of the applied strain is indicated on the sketch. The connecting
wires or leads go to an electronic circuit that measures the change in resistance.

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Measurement of Torque
1. What are the different instruments for
measuring torque? (2019) Answer:
Torque measuring devices are called as dynamometers.
Torque measurement is usually associated with determination of mechanical power

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Dynamometers can be broadly classified into two types.

Power Absorption Dynamometers: Power Absorption dynamometers measure and absorb the
power output of the engine to which they are coupled. The power absorbed is usually
dissipated as heat by some means. Examples of power absorption dynamometers are Prony
brake dynamometer, Rope brake dynamometer, Eddy current dynamometer, Hydraulic
dynamometer, etc.

Power Transmission Dynamometers: In power transmission dynamometers the power is

transmitted to the load coupled to the engine after it is indicated on some scale. These are also
called torque meters.

To know more :




2. Explain the working principle of prony brake

dynamometer? (2019)

To see video:

Prony Brake is one of the simplest dynamometers for measuring power output (brake power).
It is to attempt to stop the engine using a brake on the flywheel and measure the weight which
an arm attached to the brake will support, as it tries to rotate with the flywheel. The Prony
brake shown in the above consists of a wooden block, frame, rope, brake shoes and flywheel.
It works on the principle of converting power into heat by dry friction. Spring-loaded bolts are
provided to increase the friction by tightening the wooden block. The whole of the power
absorbed is converted into heat and hence this type of dynamometer must the cooled.
The brake power is given by the formula
Brake Power (bp) = 2π NT
Where T = Weight applied (W) × distance (l)

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Measurement Of Flow Rate

1. Discuss the various ways of measuring flow
rate of fluid flowing through pipes ?
……………………………………………(2018, 2015, 2019)
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In many engineering applications, either mass flow rate or volume flow rate must be measured.
Mass flow rate is denoted by ṁ (pronounced "m-dot) and volume flow rate is denoted by Q. If
the density ρ of the fluid is known, mass flow rate and volume flow rate are related by ṁ=
ρQ. consider only incompressible flow. Special care must be taken when the flow is
compressible, such as the flow of air or natural gas through a pipeline.
Instruments that measure volume flow rate are called flow-meters.

There are two broad categories of flow-meter:

(i)End-line flow-meter
(ii)In-line flow-meter

(i)End-line flow-meter:

An end-line flow-meter, also called a discharge flow-meter, is used at the outlet or discharge of
the flow at the end of the line. To measure volume flow rate, we measure how much time, t it
takes to fill up a container of known volume, V and calculate
Q = / (m3 /s or L/s)
A simple example of an end-line flow-meter is measurement of the volume flow rate through a
garden hose using a bucket and stopwatch, as shown in figure. There are some variations of the
bucket and stop-watch approach – for example, we may weigh the fluid instead, and calculate
the mass flow rate instead of the volume flow rate. End-line flow measurement is extremely
accurate, and is often used to calibrate in-line flow-meters.

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(ii)In-line flow-meter :

An in-line flow-meter is a device that is placed in line with the pipe or duct rather than at the
outlet. An in-line flow-meter is necessary when the outlet or discharge is not available or splits
into many separate outlets.For example, the water company must measure the volume of
water used in your home or apartment. Obviously, an end-line technique would not work here.
There are five main categories of in-line flow-meters:

(i)Obstruction flow-meters - measure the pressure drop across an obstruction placed in the
(ii)Rotameters - raise an object due to aerodynamic drag and measure its height.
(iii)Positive displacement flow-meters - fill up a known volume and then pass it on down the
(iv)Turbine flow-meters or paddlewheel flow-meters - spin a shaft and measure its rpm.
(v)Miscellaneous flow-meters - use magnetic, optical, sonic, ultrasonic, vortex shedding, or
various other means to measure volume flow rate.

To know more informations : (i)


Dodayav 1705109

2. Discuss the methods of measuring flow

rate of fluid flowing through a nozzle and
venturimeter including their equation.

Nozzle Flow Meter:

A flow nozzle consists of a restriction with an elliptical contour approach section that terminates in a
cylindrical throat section. Pressure drop between the locations one pipe diameter upstream and onehalf
pipe diameter downstream is measured.Flow nozzles provide an intermediate pressure drop between
orifice plates and venturi tubes.The flow calculations for the long radius nozzle are similar to that of the
orifice plate, with the exception of the values of the discharge coefficient.

Venturi Flow Meter (Venturi meter):

A Venturi flow-meter works under the same operating principle as the other two obstruction
flow-meters – pressure drop through an obstruction.
The obstruction in a Venturi meter is not only rounded on the upstream side, as in a flow
nozzle, but also has a gradual expansion (a diffuser) on the downstream side from throat
diameter d to pipe inner diameter D, as shown in figure.
The flow is efficiently guided through the opening, just as in the flow nozzle flow-meter, and
thus the discharge coefficient is similar to but slightly larger than that of a flow nozzle. To
maximize sensitivity, the downstream (low pressure) pressure tap is located in the smallest

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diameter portion of the Venturi meter – the throat, where the pressure is a minimum and the
velocity is a maximum.

3. Describe the working principle of transit time

ultrasonic flow meter? (2016)

To See video:

An ultrasonic flow-meter uses sound waves to infer volume flow rate.
There are two basic kinds of ultrasonic flow-meter: transit-time and Doppler-effect. A
transit-time ultrasonic flow-meter operates as follows:

An upstream transmitter transmits sound waves downstream, and a downstream transmitter

transmits sound waves upstream, as sketched. The downstream sound waves are carried along
by the flow and therefore travel faster than the upstream waves. Receivers near the
transmitters measure the sound waves reflected by the pipe wall, and built-in electronic
circuitry measures the difference in travel time to calculate the average flow velocity. Finally,
since the diameter of the pipe is known, the volume flow rate is calculated as average velocity
times cross-sectional area of the pipe

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Measurement Of Viscosity
1. What are the possible ways of measuring
viscosity of fluid ? …………… (2019, 2018)
The device used for measurement of viscosity is known as viscometer and it uses the basic laws
of laminar flow.
The principles of measurement of some commonly used viscometers are discussed here:
(i)Rotating Cylinder Viscometer
(ii)Falling Sphere Viscometer
(iii)Capillary Tube Viscometer
(iv) Saybolt and Redwood Viscometer

To know more :


(ii) (iii)


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2. Describe with neat sketch the procedure to measure the

viscosity of a fluid by falling object viscometer. Also deduce the
expression which will be used to evaluate the viscosity of the
fluid? …………………………………………………………………… (2016)

To see video :

It consists of a long container of constant area filled with a liquid whose viscosity
must be measured. Since the viscosity depends strongly on the temperature, so
this container is kept in a constant temperature bath as shown in figure. A
perfectly smooth spherical ball can fall vertically through the liquid by virtue of its
own weight (W) . The ball will accelerate inside the liquid, until the net downward
force is zero i.e., the submerged weight of the ball (FB) is equal to the resisting
force (FR) given by Stokes’ law. After this point, the ball will move at steady
velocity which is known as terminal velocity. If w(l) and w(s) are the specific
weights of the liquid and the ball, respectively and the spherical ball has the
diameter D that moves at constant fall velocity V in a fluid having viscosity µ
then. The constant fall velocity can be calculated by measuring the time (t ) taken
by the ball to fall through a distance (L ) .

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Deduce the expression :

3. Explain the working principle of Saybolt

viscometer? (2019)

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The Saybolt viscometer has a vertical cylindrical chamber filled with liquid whose viscosity is to
be measured (Figure). It is surrounded by a constant temperature bath and a capillary tube
(length 12mm and diameter 1.75mm) is attached vertically at the bottom of the chamber.
For measurement of viscosity, the stopper at the bottom of the tube is removed and time for
60ml of liquid to flow is noted which is named as Saybolt seconds. For calculation purpose of
kinematic viscosity (ν), the simplified expression is obtained as below

Measurement of Pressure
1. What are the ways of measuring pressure of
fluid? (2017)
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(ii)Bourdon tube pressure gauge

(iii)A dead weight tester
(iv)Diaphragm gauges
(v)Bellow gauges to measure gauge pressure
(vi)Bellow gauge to measure differential pressure
(vii)Cylindrical type pressure cell
(viii)Bridgman pressure gauge
(ix)McLeod vacuum gauge
(x)Thermal conductivity gauges
(xi)Pirani gauge
(xii)Ionization gauge

2. Describe how pressure may be measured by

micrometer? (2017)
To see video :
Simple Manometers - A simple manometer is one which consists of a glass tube, whose one end
is connected to a point where pressure is to be measured and the other end is open to
U Tube manometer

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3. How Bourdon pressure gauge measure the

pressure of fluid? Describe its construction and
working principle? (2017)

To see video:

The bourdon tube works on a simple principle that a bent tube will change its shape .As
pressure is applied internally , the tube straightens and returns to its original form when the
pressure is released. The tip of the tube moves with the internal pressure change and is easily
converted with a pointer onto a scale.

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4. Describe the working principle of hydraulic load

cell with neat sketch? (2017,2019)
The force to be measured is applied to the piston. The applied force moves the piston
downwards and deflects the diaphragm and this deflection of the diaphragm increases the
pressure in the liquid medium (oil). This increase in pressure of the liquid medium is
proportional to the applied force. The increase in pressure is measured by the pressure gauge
which is connected to the liquid medium. The pressure is calibrated in force units and hence the
indication in the pressure gauge becomes a measure of the force applied on the piston

Dodayav 1705109

Measurement of Humidity
1. What are the different humidity sensors?
(2019, 2017, 2018)
Relative humidity measuring instruments:

(i)Sling psychrometer
(ii)Wall Mounted psychrometer
(iii)Hair hygrometer
(iv)Hair Hygrograph etc.

To know more information:


2. How hair hygrometer works to measure the

relative humidity of air? (2015, 2017, 2019)

To see video :

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Human(horse) hair is used as the humidity sensor. The hair is arranged in parallel beam and
they are separated from one another to expose them to the surrounding air/atmosphere.
Number of hairs are placed in parallel to increase mechanical strength. This hair arrangement is
placed under small tension by the use of a tension spring to ensure proper functioning. The
hair arrangement is connected to an arm and a link arrangement and the link is attached to a
pointer pivoted at one end. When the humidity of air is to be measured, this air is made to
surround the hair arrangement and the hair arrangement absorbs the humidity from the
surrounding air and expands or contracts in the linear direction. This expansion or contraction
of the hair arrangement moves the arm & link and thus the pointer to a suitable position on the
calibrated scale and thus indicating the humidity present in the air/atmosphere. These
hygrometers are used in the temperature range of 00C to 750C.These hygrometers are used in
the RH (Relative Humidity) range of 30 to 95%.

3. How capacitive humidity sensor works? …………………………(2019)


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In Capacitive Relative Humidity (RH) Sensors, the electrical permittivity of the dielectric material
changes with change in humidity. A simple Capacitive RH Sensor can be made from an air filled
capacitor as the moisture in the atmosphere changes its permittivity. Hence, the space between
the capacitor plates is usually filled with an appropriate dielectric material (isolator), whose
dielectric constant varies when it is subjected to change in humidity. he common method of
constructing a capacitive RH sensor is to use a hygroscopic polymer film as dielectric and
depositing two layers of electrodes on the either side. Another way to use the capacitive RH
sensors is to observe the changes in the frequency of the oscillator constructed using a
capacitor with RH sensitive test subject as dielectric. This setup is often employed in
pharmaceutical products. The test samples like medical tablets are placed between two plates
(which form the capacitor electrodes) to form a capacitor in the LC Oscillator circuit. The
frequency of the oscillator changes with humidity surrounding the test sample.

4. Describe the construction and working principle with necessary

sketch of Sling Psychrometer? (2018)
Answer: to see video:

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It consists of a wooden frame with a handle attached to it. The handle is used for rotating.
Two thermometers are mounted in the wooden frame. They are mounted such that they do not break
when wooden frame is rotated. One of the thermometers is directly exposed to atmosphere while the
other has a muslin cloth wrapped around the bulb. The muslin cloth has one end (lower) dipped in water
container. The water from container makes the muslin cloth wet by capillary action. The former records
dry-bulb temperature while the latter one records wet-bulb temperature. The muslin cloth, wrapped
around the bulb of the thermometer, is made wet using distilled water. Then the wooden frame is
rotated at a uniform speed of around 200 rpm for a span of 1-2 minute, so that a steady reading is
obtained. This rotation provides the air-current causing water to evaporate. Due to this, the

temperature of the thermometer with wet-muslin cloth is depressed.

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Measurement of Temperature
1. What are the commonly used temperature?
. (2018)
There are many ways to measure temperature, using various principles. Four of the most
common are:
(i)Mechanical (Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers, Bimetallic strips, Pressure Thermometer, etc.).
(ii)Thermoresistive (Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) and thermistors).
(iii)Thermojunctive (Thermocouples).
(i)Radiative (Infrared and Optical pyrometers).

2. Write the procedure of thermocouple to

measure the temperature by thermocouple

To see video:

When two dissimilar conductors are joined by their two end that is
known as thermo-couple. (Conductors should be different in
thermocouple and joints will be known as junction). If two junctions of
thermocouple are placed at different temperature, then an emf will be
produced in thermo-couple which will be proportional to the
temperature difference. This is called Seebeck Effect.

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Measuring junction is heated, small DC voltage (millivolts) generated in thermocouple wires

Thermocouple converts thermal energy into electrical energy Note: thermocouple only
generates a millivoltage signal when there is temperature difference between “hot” and “cold”
junctions “cold” junction usually set to 32oF(0oC)

A thermocouple is a device made by two different wires joined at one end, called measuring
junction end. The other end is called reference junction end. The two wires are called
thermoelements or legs of the thermocouple: the two thermoelements are distinguished as
positive and negative ones. The measuring junction end is immersed in the environment whose
temperature T2 has to be measured, which can be for instance the temperature of a furnace at
about 500°C, while the reference junction end is held at a different temperature T1, e.g. at
ambient temperature. Because of the temperature difference between two junction ends a
voltage difference can be measured between the two thermoelements at the reference
junction end: so the thermocouple is a temperature-voltage transducer.

The temperature vs voltage relationship is given by:

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where Emf is the Electro-Motive Force or Voltage produced by the thermocouple at the
reference junction end, T1 and T2 are the temperatures of reference and measuring end
respectively, S12 is called Seebeck coefficient of the thermocouple and S1 and S2 are the
Seebeck coefficient of the two thermoelements; the Seebeck coefficient depends on the
material the thermoelement is made of.

3. Write brief note on J-type and K-type

thermometer wires? (2015, 2016, 2018)
A type K thermocouple has the color yellow, and uses chromel and alumel as its component
Chromel is an alloy of ≈ 10% chromium and ≈ 90% nickel and Alumel is an alloy consisting of
approximately 95% nickel, 2% aluminum, 2% manganese, and 1% silicon.
Type K thermocouples are the most popular variety in use today. They are available in the −200
°C to +1350 °C range. Sensitivity is approximately 41 µV/°C
A type J thermocouple has the color black, and uses iron and constantan as its component
Constantan is an alloy of ≈45% nickel and ≈ 55% copper).
Type J (iron–constantan) is less popular than type K due to its limited range (−40 to +750 °C).
Type J thermocouples have a sensitivity of about 50 µV/°C Other thermocouples are Type B,
R, S, E, T etc.

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4. Write the equation relating to temperature

and voltage in thermocouple with physical
significant? What is seebeck effect?
. (2018)

seebeck effect:

If two junctions of thermo-couple are placed at different temperature, then an emf will be
produced in thermo-couple which will be proportional to the temperature difference. This is
called Seebeck Effect.

the equation:

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5. Advantages and Disadvantages of

Thermocouple? (2019)

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6. Describe the working principle of bimetallic

thermometer? (2018)
The bimetallic thermometer strip is made of two thin strips of metals which have different
coefficients of expansion. The two metal strips are joined together by brazing, welding or
riveting so that the relative motion between them is arrested. The bimetallic strip is in the form
of a cantilever beam. An increase in temperature will result in the deflection of the free end of
the strip as shown in diagram. This deflection is linear and can be related to temperature

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7. Briefly describe how RTD measure

temperature. Also mention advantages and
disadvantages? …………… (2018, 2015, 2019)
A change in temperature causes the electrical resistance of a material to change.
The resistance change is measured to estimate the temperature change.
There are two types of thermoresistive measuring devices: resistance temperature detectors (RTD) and
RTD’s resistance increases as temperature increases.
Controller measures resistance value and converts to temperature reading, fairly linear relationship.
Unlike thermocouple, no electrical signal generated
Controller measures resistance by passing current through RTD

Use a base resistance value (ex: for Platinum, value of 100 ohms at 0oC (32oF)

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It consists of a mica crossed frame, inside which a platinum coil is present. The whole arrangement is
placed in an evacuated tube of a stainless steel. The coil arrangement generates the strain when the
temperature rises. As tension increases with an increase in the strain, this will cause a considerable
change in the resistance of the wire. Better electrical insulation can be achieved by placing mica in
between the evacuated tube and platinum coil.

In a metal, the change in resistance with respect to temperature is given by the following relationship:
Rt = Ro (1 + αt + βt2 + ϒt3----------)
Ro = resistance at 0 ⁰C Rt =
resistance at t ⁰C α, β, ϒ etc.
are constants here.
Rt from the above equation can be approximated as:
Rt = Ro (1 + αt + βt2 )
When the element is pure platinum,
α = 3.94 x 10-3 /K β = – 5.8 x
10-7 /K2

The above equation can be rewritten as:

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Rt = Ro (1 + C tpt)
C = mean resistance temperature coefficient between 0 ⁰C and 100 ⁰C.

tpt = platinum temperature coefficient and is given by

Rt, Ro, R100 are the resistance at t ⁰C, 0 ⁰C, 100 ⁰C

The equation given below shows the difference true temperature ‘t’ and platinum temperature ‘tpt’

δ = constant
The value of δ lies between 1.488 to 1.498. Since a smaller value of δ indicates a high degree of purity.
The type of wire used in RTD determines its effective range. The temperature range of platinum RTD is
between 100 ⁰C to 650 ⁰C.

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8. What is Thermistor? What are the

advantage and disadvantages of
thermistor? (2017, 2018, 2016)
Thermistors are temperature sensitive semiconductors that exhibit a large change in resistance
over a relatively small change of temperature.

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9. Differentiate (RTD and Thermistor) their

importance by using graph? …………..(2018)
RTD’s resistance increases as temperature increases.
Controller measures resistance value and converts to temperature reading, fairly linear
Unlike thermocouple, no electrical signal generated
Controller measures resistance by passing current through RTD
Use a base resistance value (ex: for Platinum, value of 100 ohms at 0oC (32oF)

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Thermistors are temperature sensitive semiconductors that exhibit a large change in resistance
over a relatively small change of temperature.
There are two main types of thermistors, positive temperature coefficient (PTC) and negative
temperature coefficient (NTC).
NTC thermistors exhibit the characteristic of resistance falling with increasing temperature.
These are most commonly used for temperature measurement.

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A thermistor is similar to an RTD, but a semiconductor material is used instead of a metal

A thermistor is a solid state device and has larger sensitivity than does an RTD.
Unlike RTD’s, the temperature resistance characteristic of a thermistor is non-linear, and cannot
be characterized by a single coefficient. Furthermore, unlike RTDs, the resistance of a
thermistor decreases with increasing temperature.
Thermistors cannot be used to measure high temperatures compared to RTDs. In fact, the
maximum temperature of operation is sometimes only 100 or 200°C.

10. Write a brief note on Infared thermometer?

Infrared thermometers work based on black body radiation, According to which any material
with a temperature above absolute zero has molecules moving within it. The higher the
temperature, the faster the molecules move. The molecules emit infrared radiation as they
move, and emit more radiation, including visible light, as they get hotter. Infrared
thermometers detect and measure this radiation. Infrared light can be focused, reflected or
absorbed like visible light. Infrared thermometers employ a lens to focus infrared light from an
object onto a detector known as a thermopile. The function of the thermopile is to absorb
infrared radiation and convert it to heat. The thermopile gets hotter as it absorbs more and

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more infrared energy. The excess heat is converted into electricity, which is transmitted to a
detector which determines the temperature of the object.

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11. Differentiate NTC and PTC? (2018)


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Dodayav 1705109

Deparmaeni of Mecharnicc. engineering
B. Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2019
ME 3225
(Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 210
N.B: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separatu
ii) Figures in the righ1 margin indicate full marks.
ii) Assume reasonable data if any missing.

1(a) Define measurer ient and instrumentation. Expiain the applications of 13
mcasurement and instrumentation in Industries.

1(6) Show that the error for alignment of spherical end gauges is , where L 1 T0
distance between the center of two gauges and D is the diameter of spherical end.

c) What is line standard and end standard? What are the uses of Sin bar? Show 12

2(a) State the principle based on which hot wire anememeter works? Bxpiain the
working principie of pitot staiic tube.

A6) Write a short note on strain gauge. Explain the woking princip!e oi hydrauiic loac i4
cell with sketch.

Ac) What are the different instruments for measuring to:que? Expiiin the working i
principle of Prony brake dynamorneter.

3(a) Briefly discuss the simpie arrangement of a pH neter.


36) Whai is LFD cevice? Describe the working priueipie of bimetallic themiometer

3(c) What are the ditferent ways ofreiaüve humidity? Explain working principie of' hair

4(a) What are the end-line flowmeter and in-line

low etcr? Expiain the
principle of an in-line flov/meter. wo:king


c) State Taylor's princip!e of gsuge asizr. Appiy Tev.or's rincipl tor beering

S(a) Define and differentiate sensors and transducers. 06

Write short 12
S(b) notes on:
(ii) Resolution, (iv) Non-lincarity error by using
() Sensitivity, (i) Range.

S(e) Differentiate between open loop and closed loop control system with block diagram. 09

S(d) Clarify the coneept of accuracy and precision with figure. 08

6ta) Explain the working prineiple of a proximity sensor that works in short range but 13
very good for repetitive motion detection. Mention the advantages over others.

6(b) Which angle measurement system is used in servo motor? Explain its working

6(c) What is LVDT? Describe the working principle of LVDT.

7(a) Elaborate the working principles of RTD and thermistor. Differentiate their 14
importan: features by using graphs

7) Explain the working process of thermocoupie with its advantages and 11

7(c) What are the diferent iunidity sensors? How capcoitive humidity sensor works? 10

a) What is SONAR? How it works? Explain. 0

8b) Briefly explain the Doppier radar velocity measurement process. 10

84c) Explain the force measurement methods byusing magnetic suspension balance and 15
double series magnetic suspension method. Compare their performances in
measurement accuracy.
Department of Mecharical Engineering
B. Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2019

ME 32055
(Heat Transfer I1)
Time:3 Hours Total Marks: 210
N.B.: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full merks.
i) Assume reasonable data if any missing.

1a) Derive the relation between Ca and Nur at Pr= 1, incaseof horizontal flat plate. 08

106) Air is flowing in parallel over the upper surface of a flat plate with a length of 4 m. 13
The first half of the plate length, from the leading edge, has a constant surface
temperature of 50°C. The second half of the plate length is subjected to a uniform
heat flux of 86 W/m. The air has a free stream velocity and temperature of2 m/sec
and 10°C respectively. Determine the local convection heat transfer coefficient at
I m and 3 m from the leading edge. Evaluate the air properties at a film temperature
of 30°C.

Ke) A stainless steel ball (p = 8055 kg/m', Cp= 480 Jkg.K) of diameter D = 15 cm is 14
removed from the oven at a uniform temperature of 350°C. The ball is then
subjected to the flow of air at 1 atm pressure and 30°C with a velocity of 6 m/s.
The surface temperature of the ball eventually drops to 250°C. Determine the
average convection heat ransfer coefficient during this cooling process and
estimate how long this process has taken.

2fa) Show that Nu = 2Nu1, incase of parallel flow over a horizontai flat plate with 05
constant temperature heating.

20p) For liquid metal flows over the horizontal plate at laminar condition, show that 15
Nu = 0.53VPe, , where symbois have their usual meanings.

2(c Air is to be heated by passing it overa bank of 3 m long tubes inside which streamn 15
is condensing at 100°C. Air approaches the tube benk in the normal direction at
20°C and 1 atm with a mean velocity of 5.2 m/s. The outer diameter of the tube is
1.6 cm, and the tubes are arranged staggered with longitudinal and transverse
pitches of SL = ST = 4an. There are 20 rows in the flow direction with 10 tubes in

each row. Determine the rate of heat transtfer. Evaluate the air properties at an
assumed mean temperature of 35°C and ! atm.

3(a) For fully developed flow inside a duct, show that convection heat transfer 08
coefficient is independent of its length.

Showthat "= Constant.incaseof fully developed flow inside the 06

dx OX

duct with constant surface heat flux.

3(c) Temperature inside a circular pipe with constant heat flux in laminar condition 08
varies according to the following equation:

Where symuuls have their usual mcaning.
In this condition show that Nu have a constnl which is equal to 4.36.
3{d) Detcrminc the convertion benr transfr coefficient for the flow of a (i) air and (ii) 13
water at a velocity of 0.2 m/src in an 8 cm diameter and 17 m long tube when the
tube is subjected to uniform heat flux from all surfaces. Use fluid properties at
25 °C.

4(a) What is natural convection? How does it differ from forced convection? What 06
forces causes natural convection currents?

4(6) How does the Rayleigh number differ from Grashof number? 06

4(c) Consider laminar natural convection from a vertical het plate, will the heat flux be 08
higher at the top or the bottom of the plate? Why?

4) A fine wire having a diameter of 0.03 mm is maintained at a constant temperature 15

of 55°C byan electric heater. The wire is exposed to air at 1.3 atmospheric pressure
and 14°C.Calculate the power necessary to maintain wire ten1perature, ifthe length
of the wire is 72 cmn.

5(3 Write the disadvantages of film-wise condensation. Derive the expression of mean 20
heat transfer coefficient for icminar flow of condensation over a vertical
5(6) A vertical rectangular plate 72 cm by 45 cm is exposed to air at 1.0 atmosphere and
24°C. The plate temperature is 2°C. Calculate:
i) The amount of heat transfer
(i) The mass of moisture condensed per hour.

6(a) Draw the boiling curve and identify the burn out point on the curve. Explain how 10
burn out is caused.

6b) What is boiling? What mechanisms are responsible for the very high heat transfer 10
coefficient in nucleate boiling?

6(c) A nickei heating clement with ä heating surface area of 35 cm is maintained et

uniform temperatare vf .05C. The heaing element is used to boil water at 95°C.
Calculate the surface heat flux and the rate of evaporation. Consider, Cst = 0.009,
n= 1.0 and o = 58.8 x10TS N/m.

7(a) Show that the temperature profile of two fluid streams (hot and cold) that have the
same heat capacity rates parallel to each other at every section of the counter flow
heat exchanger.

706) What is the significance of NTU and LMTD? 08

7() A condenser having the geomet:y of shell and tube type is constructed with tubes 15
of outside diameter 2.5 cm, single pass and horizontal tubes with steam condensing
at 48°C. The cooling water enters the tube at 28°C with a mass flow rate of
0.7 kg/sec per tube and leaves at 37°C. The overall heat transfer coetficient based
on outer surface of the tuhe is 3500 W/m°C. Caiculate the tube length and the rate
of heat transfer from the tube.

a) State and explain the Ficks law of diffusion. Derive the expression of Stefan's 18

8(b) Calculate the diffusion rate of water from the bottom ofa giass tuoe hav1ng 2.3 cm 17
in diameter and 18 cr l g ory atnospheric air at 29°C. Given for water
úiffusicn coefficient to be 0.256 cm/scec and Ro = 8315 J/ kg.mol K.
B. Sc.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering 3rd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2019
ME 3217
(Machine Design II)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 210
N.B.: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing.

A 4 in., 360° bearing, with L/D = 1, is to be support 5 kips with a minimum film
thickness 0.0008 in.; Ca=0.004 in., n = 600 rpm. Determine (i) the needed absolute
viscosity of the oil, ii) suitable oil if the average film temperature is 1600 °F
(ii) the frictionai ioss in hp, (iv) adjusting only ho to the optimum value for
minimum friction, determine the fhp and compare, (v) this load varies, what could
be the magnitude of the maximum impulsive load if the eccentricity ratio becomes
0.8? Ignore squeeze effect.

A certain bearing is to carry a radial load of 10 kips at a speed of 10 rpm for 20%
of the time, a load of 8 kips at a speed of 50 rpm for 50% of the time, and a load of
Skips at l100 rpm during 30% of the time, with a desired life of 3000 hour and no
i) Compute the cubic mean load.
ii) What ball bearings may be used?
ii) What roller bearings may be used?

A pair of helical gears, subjected to heavy shock loading is to transmit 50 hp at 35

1750 rpm of the pinion; me 4.25; y= 15°; minimum D =4 in.: continuous
service, 24 hr/day; 20° F.D. teeth in the normal plane, carefully cu; through
hardened to a maximum BHN = 350. Decide upon the pitch, face width, materiai

and its treatment.

A pair of straight bevel gears are to transmit a smooth load of 45 hp at 500 rpm. of 35
thepinion; mg =3. A proposed design is D= 15 in., b 2in., Pa= 4. Teeth are
carburized AISI 8620, SOQT 450 °F. The pinion overhangs, the gear is straddle
mounted. Would these gears be expecied to perform with high reliability in
continuous service? Ifnot, would you expect more than I failure in 100?

A worm gear set has been designed for the door of a ferry. The input to a wom 35
gear is to 25 hp at 600 rpm of the worm with mw=20. The hardened steel worm is
to be the shell type and a minimum of 4 threads; the gear is to be chilled phosphor
(1) Considering wear and strength only, determine face width and axial pitch,
provided that normal pressure angle (¢n) is appropriate to the value of lead angle.
(ii) Find efficiency. (ii) Estimate the radiating area of the case and compute the

temperature rise of lubricant. Is special cooling needed?

Page I ot2
A belt drive is to be designed for = 3, while transmitting 60 hp at 2700 rpm of
the driver Di; m» = 1.85, use a medium double belt, cemented joint, squirrel cage
line starting motor with mildly jerking load, center distance is expected to be about
twice the diameter of the larger pulley.
(i) Choose suitable iron pulley sizes and determine the belt width for a
maximum permissible S = 300 psi.

(ii) Determine the belt width by ALBA procedure.

(ii) Compute the maximum stress in the slack part of the ALBA belt (use
belt width obtained from (i).
(iv) If the belt
in (i) stretches until the tight tension becomes 525 b,

1 A hoist in a copper mine lifts ore a maximum of 2000 ft. The weight of car, cage
and ore per trip is 10 kips, accelerated in 6 sec to 2000 fpm; drum diameter is 6 ft.

Use a 6 x19 plow-steel rope. Determine the size for N=1.3 on the basis offatigue
(i) for a life of 200000 cycles, (ii) what is the expected life of rope found in? (ii)
Ifa loaded car weighing 7 kips can moved gradually onto the freely hanging cage,
how much would the rope stretch? (iv) What total energy is stored in the rope with
full load at the bottom of the shaf? Neglect the rope's weight for this calculation.
() Compute the pressure of the rope on the cast-iron drum. Is it reasonable?

The steel band for the brake shown in lined with flexible asbestos and it is
expected 35
that the pernmissible pressure is satisfactory: 0 245°, a =
20 in., m
D=18 in. and face width b = 4 in.; rotation ciockwise. The cast iron wheel turn

3 in.,
200 rpm. Set up suitable equations, use the average f given and compute (i) the
force in each end of the band, (ii) the brake torque and fhp, (ii) Determine the
mechanieal advantage for the limit values of f and its percentage variation from
that for the averagef. (Gv) Lavestigate the overheat1ng prob.em.

Fixed point
Department of Mechanical Engineering
B. Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2019

ME 3215
(Engineering Metallurgy)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 210
N.B.: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing.

i(a) What is metallography? Write down it's importance. 06

16) Explain the factors that affect the hardness test results. 14

1(c) What inspection technique would be appropriate for the following defects in cast 15
() Surface cracks in aluminium alloy casting
(ii) Surface cracks in ductile cast iron casting
(ii) Internal cavities in a large steel casting
(iv) Internal cavities in aluminium alloy casting

2(a) Classify alloy. Explain different types of compound alloys.
Platinum and Gold are completely soluble in both the liquid and solid
26) Assume the melting point of Platinum is 300°C and that of Gold is 200°C. An alloy
containing 40% Gold starts to solidify at 280°C by separating crystals of 15% Gold
and an alloy containing 70% Gold starts to solidify at 260°C by separating crystals
of 37% Gold.
piece of graph paper and label
) Draw equilibrium diagram to scale on a

all points, lines and areas.

Give the initial and final temperature of solidification for an alloy
containing 70% Gold
Give the chemical composition and relative amount of each phases
present at 240°C

general equations of five common reactions that can be 05

3(a) Write down the names and
found in phase diagrams.

allotropic change of Iron using delta region on 05

3(b) Explain the effects of carbon on

Iron-Iron carbide diagram.

liquid to room 25
the slow cooling of 1.5% carbon steel from molten
3(c) Explain
figures of microstr:cture and cooling curve.
temperature with necessary

Which heat treatment processes may

need to make a steel knife and why?
4(a) carburizing.
Differentiate between pack carburizing and gas
of crystal 12
of atoms in the following types
4(b) Draw neat sketches of the arrangement
lattice: Face centered cubic (FCC).
Body centered cubic (BCC), (i)
i) crystal lattices.
of atoms per unit cell for both
Also calculate the number

Page 1 of 2
4(c) How austempering is done? Distinguish between regular tempering and 07
4(d) How Bainite can be obtained by controlling cooling of steel? 05

5(a) What is cast iron? Explain the differences in microstructure and properties of white 12
cast iron and gray cast iron.

S(b) Write down the propcrties and applications of carbon steel with respect to its 08
carbon content.

S(c) Briefly describe the manufacturing process of cast iron with help of Cupola furnace. 15

6la) What is stainless steel? Explain the mechanism of corrosion resistance of stainless 10

6b) Briefly describe the manufacturing of steel by Bessemer converter with proper 13
chemical reactions. Also state the drawbacks of Bessemer process.

b(c) Classify various types of steel. What are the effects of relatively large amount of 12
Sulphur and Phosphorous on the properties of steel?

a)What properties ofnon ferrous metals and alloys are made them suitable in many 06
applications though we have ferrous metals and alloys?

7(6) Write down the properties and major uses of the following materials: 12
i) Copper (i) Nickel ii) Lead.

7(c) Write down the compositions and uses of the following non-ferrous alloys:
(i) Gun metal (i) Hastelloy X (iii) Duralumin.
7(d) Name the metals generally used for the following objects: 05
Refrigerator tufbings, Piston of petrol engine, Bathroom fittings, Electric cables,
and Car body

What is powder metallurgy? Write down the basic steps of powder metallurgy 13
manufacturing process. Explain sintering process briefly.

strength? Explain the process of cold 11

B(b) What is powder compressibility and green
isostatic with figure.

8(c) Why surface treatment is needed? Explain briefly a metal spraying process. 11

Page 2 of 2
Department of Mechanical Engineeing
Examination, 2019
B. Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 2nd Term
ME 3223
(Power Plant Engineering)
Total Marks: 210
Time: 3 Hours
N.B.: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
i) Figures in the right margin indicate full
ii) Assume reasonable data if any missing.

What is meant by power plant? Briefly explain the power system master plan 2016 12
of Bangladesh.

1(b) What is load curve? What are the utilities of load curve? 07
1(c) What are meant by base load and peak load power plant? What are the effects of 08
variable load on power plant?

1(d) A diesel station supplies the following loads to various consumers: 08

Industrial consumer 1600 kW; Commercial establishment = 750 kW; Domestic
power = 100 kW; Domestic light = 500 kW.

If the maximum demand of the station is 2500 kW and the number of kWh
generated per year is 50x 10°, detemmine (i) the diversity factor, and (i) annual
load factor.

2a) What are the factors to be considered while selecting the capacity of a power plant? 05

2(b) Explain the fixed and operating cost of power plant. 10

2(c) What is meant by tariff? Explain the tariff system in Bangladesh. 08

2(d) A power plant of 500 MW installed capacity has the following particulars: 12
Capacity cost = Tk 30,000/kW installed;
Interest and depreciation = 12%;
Annual load factor = 65%;

Annual capacity factor = 58%;

Annual operating cost = Tk 500 x 10;

Energy consumed by power plant auxiliaries = 6%.

(i) The cost of power generation per kWh, and
ii) The reserve capacity.

3(a) Sketch and describe a schematic arrangement of equipments of a steam power 12


3b) What are the steps involved in coal handling in a thermal power plant? Describe 15
the coal transfer methods using belt conveyor and grab bucket elevator.

3(c) What is fluidized bed combustion system? State the advantages of fluidized bed 08
combustion system.

4(a) What is meant by pulverized coal? Name the different types of coal pulverized 11
mills. Describe any one of them with neat sketch.

Page 1 of 2
4(b) Why lubrication is necessary in diesel
engine? State the properties of
a good 10

4(c) What are the common steps for starting the engine in diesel power plant?
4(d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of diesel engine power plant?

5fa) Describe the essential features of a hydro-electric power plant with neat sketch.
S(b) Write short notes on:
i) Hydrograph, (ii) Run-off, (ii) Draft tube.
S(c) Explain the governing of impulse turbine with neat sketch.
5(d) The following data pertain to
Available head = 150 m, catchment
area = 2200 plant:annual average rainfall =, 4

150 cm, turbine

efficiency 85%, generator efficiency =90%, percolation and

evaporation losses =16%. Determine the power developed and suggest the type of
turbine to be used if the runner
speed is kept below 240 rpm.

6la) What is nuclear power plant? What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear
power plant?

6(b) What are the properties of moderator and control rod?

6(c) Discuss the classification of nuclear reactor. Explain the working principle of
pressurized water reactor (PWR) with neat sketch.

6(d) Compare nuclear power plant with coal power plant. 08

7(a) What are the safety measures should be taken in nuclear power plant? 07

7(b) Why is power generation by gas turbines attractive these days?


7(c) What methods are used to improve the efficiency of gas turbine? Explain the effect 10
of regeneration in a gas turbine plant.

7(d) What is c bined cycle power plant? Explain the combined working of gas turbine 12
and steam turbine plant.

a) What is the function of cooling tower in the power plant? Describe the working of 09
a cooling tower.

8(6) Write down the purpose of chimney. Derive an expression for the height ofa 08
8(c) Why feed water treatment is necessary in steam power plant? List out the methods 14
of feed water treatment. Describe the mechanical treatment nmethod with neat

8(d) Write short notes on: 04

() Switchgear (i) Relay

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