Occupancy Agreement Campus West 2024

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This Agreement is made on: ___________________________

Between: KMSAC PTY LTD ABN 47 127 493 172 (Owner) and {{Name_First}} {{Name_Last}} (Occupant)

Occupancy Agreement Details

Occupant information

Student ID Number

Date of Birth

Home Address



Dates of Agreement

Start Date

End Date

Room and Residence


Room (confirmed on

Room Type

Operator UniLodge Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 078 121 169)


Application Fee $55.00 (non-refundable)

Residential Life Fee $150.00 (non-refundable)

Security Deposit

Occupancy Fees (p/w)

Note: Occupancy Fees include
the cost of Utilities

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 1


The Occupant is entering into a legal contract for a Room in the Residence. The Owner agrees to provide the
Occupant the Room:

1. from the Start Date to the End Date;

2. for the Occupancy Fee;

3. on the terms and conditions set out in the Offer of Accommodation which includes:
(a) the document titled Occupancy Agreement Acknowledgment;

(b) the document titled Occupancy Agreement; and

(c) the Resident Handbook.

I, the Occupant, acknowledge, agree and confirm my understanding of the following:

 I have received and read the Offer of Accommodation, the Occupancy Agreement, and the Resident

 My occupancy of the Room is subject to the terms and conditions in the Offer of Accommodation, the
Occupancy Agreement, the Resident Handbook and all relevant policies and rules of the Owner, as they
may be applicable to the Occupancy Agreement and updated from time to time.

 I am required to provide evidence of my ongoing enrolment in units of study throughout the term of
my Occupancy Agreement on request from the Owner.

 I have not relied on any promise, representation, warranty or undertaking either express or implied has
been given by or on behalf of the Owner or the Operator as to the suitability of the Room for my
particular needs.

 I understand that the duration of the Occupancy Agreement is from the Start Date until the End Date.
If I cancel my Occupancy Agreement before the End Date, I may be required to pay a Cancellation Fee,
the Occupancy Fees to the End Date and other charges specified in the Fee Schedule.

 I understand that I must pay the Fees two (2) weeks in advance throughout the duration of the
Occupancy Agreement.

 I understand that I must remain enrolled in at least one unit of study per Semester to satisfy the
eligibility requirements for Occupancy as set out in clause 2.1 of the Occupancy Agreement.

Any hand amendments made to the terms of this Occupancy Agreement are not effective unless they have been
initialed by the Occupant and the Owner.

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Signed by the Occupant or Parent/Legal Guardian
for those Occupants that are under the age of 18


Witness signature:

Witness name:


(ABN 47 127 493 172)
by its authorised representative:

Signature of Dale Brosnahan,
General Manager, UniLodge

Witness signature:

Witness name:

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 3

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement - 2024
1. Interpretation
1.1 Definitions
In this Agreement, capitalised terms have the meaning given in this clause:

Agreement means this agreement between the Occupant and the Owner and which includes the
Occupancy Agreement Acknowledgement, and the Resident Handbook.

Assistance Animal has the same meaning as the Disability Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT) and means an
assistance animal trained to assist a person with disability to alleviate the effect of the disability (including
by guiding a person who is blind of vision impaired or alerting a person who is deaf or hearing impaired
to sounds), that satisfies any requirements prescribed by regulation.

Assistance Animal Declaration means the declaration to be completed by an Occupant notifying the
Owner of the Occupant’s assistance animal or guide dog.

Business Day means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or bank holiday in the Australian
Capital Territory.

Check In is the date and time the Occupant is to arrive to collect their access card to the Room. Check In
may occur after 2:00pm any day on or after the Start Date.

Common Areas means those parts of the Residence specified by the Owner from time to time for use by
occupants of the Residence in common with the Owner and the Owners employees, invitees, licensees
and any other persons authorised by the Owner, including all shared facilities, but excluding other rooms
on the Residence which may or may not be leased or licenced to any person.

Condition Report means the condition report for the Room and the furniture (if any) as at the Start Date
prepared under clause 9.1.

Double Room means a room that is occupied by two people that are in a relationship.

Drugs includes:

(a) a controlled drug, controlled plant or controlled precursor as those terms are defined in the
Criminal Code 2002 (ACT); and

(b) prescription medication, where that prescription medicine is used for a purpose other than its
intended purpose.
End Date means the date and time specified as the end date in the Occupancy Agreement

Fee means the fees and charges specified in the Fee Schedule or as otherwise set out in this Agreement,
including the Occupancy Fees. A type of Fee referred to in this Agreement that is capitalised but is not
defined in this clause 1.1 has the meaning given to it in the Fee Schedule.

Fire Safety Equipment means any smoke alarm, fire exit sign, fire door, fire extinguisher, hose, blanket,
fire panel, evacuation plan or any other fire protection equipment.

Fee Schedule means the schedule of Fees and charges payable by the Occupant from time to time, which
are set out in Annexure A of this Agreement.

GST has the meaning given in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.

Higher Education Institution means an institution that provides formal post-secondary education and
includes universities, TAFEs and other vocational colleges in the Australian Capital Territory unless on an
approved placement. Loss means claims, loss, liability, damages, demands or costs of any kind.

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Mandatory Fees are the Fees specified as such in the Fee Schedule which the Occupant is required to

Multishare Room means a room which the Occupant shares with 2 or more other people.

Notifiable Disease means a disease identified as a notifiable disease from time to time on the
Department of Health website.

Occupancy Agreement Acknowledgment means the form attached to the Occupancy Agreement, which
forms part of this Agreement and contains details of the Term, the Room Allocation, the Room Type, and
the Occupancy Fee.

Occupancy Fees mean the fees set out in the Fee Schedule.

Offer of Accommodation means the letter from the Owner to the Occupant which offers the Room to
the Occupant for the Term, of which this Agreement forms part.

Operator means the entity identified in the Occupancy Acknowledgement Form or such other entity as
appointed by the Owner from time to time in its sole discretion to be the operator pursuant to this

Operator’s Property Manager means the person identified in Annexure B to this Agreement or other
person notified to the Occupant by the Owner from time to time.

Operator’s General Manager means the person identified in Annexure B to this Agreement or other
person notified to the Occupant by the Owner from time to time.

Prohibited Weapon has the same meaning as given by the Prohibited Weapons Act 1996 (ACT).

Reasonable Notice means a notice period that is reasonable in the circumstances, having regard to all
relevant factors including but not limited to the seriousness of any breach of this Agreement or a Owner
Requirement by the Occupant, but shall not be less than two (2) weeks, except in extreme circumstances
where a shorter notice period may be reasonable including, but not limited to:

(a) where a termination of the OA is a result of a decision under an Owner Requirement, including under
rule 14(6) of the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 resultant from serious
misconduct by the Occupant; or
(b) as may be required to protect the safety and wellbeing of any person or the security of property; or
(c) to comply with any law or order of a court or tribunal.

Residence means the accommodation building as specified in the Occupancy Agreement

Acknowledgement in which the Room is located.

Resident Handbook means the resident handbook prepared by the Operator available at
https://www.unilodge.com.au/student-accommodation-canberra/ for the relevant Residence and any
updates or amendments to that handbook by the Operator which are notified to the Occupant.

Residential Life is the Operator’s structured program of engagement and support, which is developed in
consultation with the Owner, and provides a broad range of opportunities to help residents grow and
succeed during their time at the Residence. The Residential Life Program Fee as set out in the Fee
Schedule is payable by the Occupant in support of the Residential Life Program.

Room means the room the Owner has allocated to the Occupant as specified in the Occupancy
Agreement Acknowledgement, or any replacement room which the Owner notifies the Occupant in
writing that the Occupant is entitled to occupy.

Room Type means a Double Room, Single Room, Twin Room or Multishare Room in the Residence as
specified in the Occupancy Acknowledgement Form.

Security Deposit means the security deposit amount specified in the Occupancy Agreement

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Single Room means a studio or single room which is only occupied by the Occupant.

Start Date means the date and time specified as the start date in the Occupancy Agreement

Student means a person who has been admitted or is awaiting admission to a course of study at the
University of Canberra or another Higher Education Institution.

Student Conduct Rules means the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 as updated from
time to time.

Term means the period from the Start Date to the earlier of the End Date specified in the Occupancy
Agreement Acknowledgement, or the date of any termination of this Agreement.

Tobacco Free University Policy means the University’s policy relating to tobacco, as updated from time
to time.

Twin Room means a twin share room that the Occupant occupies with another person.

University’s Accommodation Manager means the person identified in Annexure B to this Agreement or
other person notified to the Occupant by the University from time to time.

University Requirement means a statute, rule or policy about student discipline or medical leave made
under, or authorised by, the University of Canberra Act 1989 (ACT) which, for the avoidance of doubt,
includes the Student Conduct Rules.

2. Occupant must be Student

2.1 Eligibility

(a) To be eligible to reside in the Room, the Occupant must:

(i) be at least 17 years old on the Start Date;

(ii) be a Student from the Start Date and maintain their status as a Student for the Term of
their Occupancy Agreement; and

(iii) must maintain the minimum study load requirement throughout the Term as follows:

Minimum Equivalent Full Time Study Load (EFTSL) requirements

UC Students studying their course in person 0.25 EFTSL

UC Students studying their course in an online or hybrid 0.75 EFTSL


Students of other ACT Higher Education Institutions 0.25 EFTSL

studying their course in person

Students of other ACT Higher Education Institutions 0.75 EFTSL

studying their course in an online or hybrid format

Student of Non-ACT Higher Education Institutions 0.75 EFTSL

studying their course online

(b) This Agreement is not binding on the Owner until the Occupant provides the Owner with:

(i) confirmation of the Occupant’s enrolment at an educational institution; and

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(ii) documentary proof of enrolment that demonstrates the Occupant meets the minimum
EFTSL requirement for their location and category of study per clause 2.1(iii) or the
University Accommodation Officer approval of any other EFTSL load.

2.2 Failure to meet eligibility requirements

If the Occupant:

(a) does not meet the eligibility criteria in clause 2.1 otherwise fails to maintain their eligibility
throughout the Term; or

(b) is not a Student,

then the Owner will have the discretion to terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 15.1,
noting the Owner will consider terminations on a case by case basis.

2.3 Occupant to report enrolment status to Operator

The Occupant agrees:

(a) to provide evidence of their continued eligibility in accordance with clause 2.1 to the Operator
no more than two (2) working days after the Census Date of each semester;

(b) to notify the Operator in writing within 2 working days of a change in their eligibility for
Occupancy, upon which the Owner may terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause
15.1; and

(c) that the Operator may access the Occupant’s academic progress for the purpose of determining
the Occupant’s status as a Student and continued eligibility for Occupancy per clause 2.1(ii) and

3. Grant of occupancy licence

3.1 Licence for Room

(a) The Owner grants the Occupant a licence for the Term to reside in the Room and use the
Common Areas on the terms of this Agreement.

(b) The licence:

(i) is not exclusive as against the Owner;

(ii) is not a lease and does not give the Occupant any tenancy, estate or interest in all or
any part of the Room or the Residence or the furniture owned by the Owner;

(iii) is personal and must not be assigned;

(iv) is subject to the exclusive right of the Owner to have possession and control over the
Room, the Common Areas and the Residence and to exercise unrestricted control over,
access to and use of the Common Areas and the Residence; and

(v) may not be sublicensed by the Resident without the prior written consent of the

(c) For the avoidance of doubt, the licence does not confer any right to reside in any part of the
Residence other than the Room.

3.2 Occupant’s right to quiet enjoyment

Subject to clause 3.1(b), provided the Occupant complies with the obligations imposed in this Agreement,
the Occupant will have the right to quiet enjoyment of the Room and to occupy the Room throughout the

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4. Rights of the Owner and Operator
4.1 Operator as Owners agent

(a) The Occupant acknowledges and agrees that:

(i) the Owner may appoint or may have appointed the Operator to manage this
Agreement on behalf of the Owner;

(ii) the rights of the Owner under this Agreement may be exercised by the Operator as
agent for and on behalf of the Owner; and

(iii) the Occupant will accept and comply with any direction or notice issued by the
Operator on behalf of the Owner as if such direction or notice was issued by the Owner

(b) Nothing in this clause 4 precludes the Owner from acting in its own right. If there are any
inconsistencies between directions from the Owner and those from the Operator, the
directions from the Owner will prevail.

4.2 Owner may modify, introduce or enforce rules

(a) Subject to providing 8 weeks prior notice to the Occupant, the Owner has the absolute
discretion to:

(i) establish or modify rules regarding the Room, the Common Areas and the Residence; or

(ii) increase or change any Fees if reasonably required to do so.

(b) If the Owner proposes to increase or change any Fees in accordance with clause 4.2(a)(ii), the
Owner may consider any compassionate or compelling circumstances demonstrated and
supported by evidence by the Occupant before increasing or changing that Occupant’s Fees.

4.3 Waiver

(a) A waiver by the Owner in respect of a breach of a provision of this Agreement by the Occupant
or of a right under this Agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver in respect of any other
breach or right.

(b) The failure of the Owner to enforce at any time any provision of, or any rights under, this
Agreement will in no way be interpreted as a waiver of such provision or right.

5. Transfer or relocation
5.1 Request by Occupant
Subject to alternative accommodation being available, the Occupant may request a transfer of
accommodation to an alternative room within the Residence or other residence by completing the
relevant forms and paying the applicable Fee.

5.2 Relocation by Owner

(a) The Owner may move the Occupant to another room in the following circumstances:

(i) by giving the Occupant at least 14 days’ notice at any time:

(A) during the summer break period; or

(B) if reasonably necessary to do so (at the Owners sole discretion), for example, if
repairs, summer cleaning or general maintenance are needed, or to cater for
the needs of another resident; or

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(ii) immediately, either temporarily or permanently, if the Owner (acting reasonably)
considers it is in the best interests of the Occupant or the other residents in the
Residence to do so, or reasonably necessary for the health and safety of the Occupant
or other residents or if the Room has become uninhabitable.

(b) The cost of the alternative Room will be the same or less than the Occupancy Fee.

(c) The Occupant must comply with any notice given under clause 5.2(a)(i) and a direction given
under 5.2(a)(ii) and, if the Occupant does not relocate within the time required, the Owner may
move the Occupant’s possessions to the alternative room or to storage at the Occupant’s cost.

5.3 Terms of occupation of alternative room

The terms of this Agreement continue to apply if the Occupant moves to an alternative room in
accordance with clauses 5.1 or 5.2, unless the Owner requires the Occupant to sign a new occupancy
agreement, in which case this Agreement surrenders and the new agreement will apply.

6. Fees
6.1 Occupancy Fees
The Occupant must pay to the Owner in advance the Occupancy Fees from the Start Date and on every
agreed instalment date specified in the Fee Schedule, in accordance with the method of payment set
out in the Fee Schedule.

6.2 Fee Reviews

(a) The Owner reviews fees annually through a review of market rental rates and will advise
residents of any Fee changes in accordance with clause 4.2(a)(ii) and 4.2(b).

6.3 Other Fees and charges in the Fee Schedule

The Fee Schedule sets out Fees that will be payable by the Occupant, or may become payable under
this Agreement, in addition to the Occupancy Fee.

7. Failure to pay
7.1 Recovery of Fees
If the Occupant fails to pay any Fees that are outstanding under this Agreement or any other debt due
and payable to the Owner, then the Owner may do one or more of the following:

(a) terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 15.1;

(b) apply the Security Deposit towards unpaid Fees;

(c) take legal action, including by engaging debt collectors, against the Occupant to recover those
Fees and debts and the Occupant will be liable for the Owners recovery costs, including any
legal fees and disbursements incurred by the Owner; or

(d) block the Occupant’s student account. The block on the student account may prevent the
Occupant from accessing the following services:

(i) exam results;

(ii) access to buildings and labs;

(iii) access to library services;

(iv) re-enrolment; or

(v) graduation.

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7.2 Late Payment Fee
The Owner may charge the Occupant the Late Payment Fee set out in the Fee Schedule on each
instance that the Occupant’s payment is late. This Late Payment Fee is necessary to cover the Owners
administrative costs, including reminding the Occupant to pay.

8. Security Deposit
8.1 Payment of Security Deposit
The Occupant must pay the Security Deposit to the Owner on or before the Start Date. Interest does
not accrue on the Security Deposit.

8.2 Return of Security Deposit

Subject to clause 15 and upon the termination or expiry of this Agreement, the Owner will inspect the
Room and, within 4 weeks from the date of the Occupant’s departure, the Owner will refund the
Occupant the Security Deposit, less any amount for any of the following:

(a) Departure Cleaning and any Additional Departure Cleaning as stated in the Fee Schedule;

(b) any unpaid Fees invoiced to the Occupant;

(c) costs of repair or replacement of fixtures, fittings and furniture of the Room where the
condition varies from the Condition Report, fair wear and tear excepted; and

(d) costs to repair any damage to the Common Areas or the Residence caused by the Occupant.

8.3 Shortfall of costs

If the Security Deposit is insufficient to cover the costs listed in clause 8.2, the Occupant must pay to
the Owner the amount of any shortfall as a debt due and payable on demand.

9. Condition of Room and furnishing

9.1 Condition Report

(a) The Room is licensed to the Occupant in the condition set out in the Condition Report.

(b) The Owner will provide the Occupant with the Condition Report signed by the Operator on
behalf of the Owner, no later than 1 day after the Start Date.

(c) The Occupant must notify the Owner within 2 Business Days of arrival if the Occupant does not
agree with any comment in the Condition Report.

9.2 Furniture

(a) All fixtures, fittings and furnishings in the Room, excluding the Occupant’s personal belongings,
are the absolute property of the Owner.

(b) The Occupant is responsible for providing any additional furniture, equipment and other items
required by the Occupant, subject to any restrictions that are set out in the Resident Handbook.

9.3 Care and notification of damage

(a) The Occupant acknowledges and agrees that:

(i) it is the Occupant’s responsibility to keep the Room clean and in good order at all
times; and

(ii) the Occupant has a shared responsibility with other occupants in the Residence to keep
the Common Areas clean and in good order at all times.

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(b) The Occupant must take reasonable care to avoid damaging the Room, the Common Areas and
the Residence and the Occupant must notify the Owner as soon as possible if there is any
damage to the Room, Common Areas or the Residence.

(c) The Occupant is responsible for all costs of repairing the Room and the Common Areas,
including the costs of any Operator staff or tradesmen needed to carry out repairs if that
damage is caused by the Occupant (excluding fair wear and tear).

10. Occupant’s obligations

10.1 General obligations of the Occupant
The Occupant must:

(a) at all times behave appropriately and ensure that any guests behave appropriately;

(b) use the Room as the Occupant’s residence;

(c) comply with the Student Conduct Rules;

(d) comply with the policies and procedures of the Owner, and the Resident Handbook;

(e) ensure lights and other electrical equipment are turned off when not in use;

(f) use all facilities and equipment in the Residence for their proper purpose, including the

(g) ensure the Room is secured during the Occupant’s absences and comply with all security
requirements of the Residence;

(h) comply with all notices and directions given by the Owner, the Operator and Operator staff;

(i) comply at all times with the Tobacco Free University Policy; and

(j) immediately notify the Owner of any Notifiable Disease suffered by the Occupant while in the

10.2 Prohibited conduct

The Occupant must not:

(a) attach anything to the Room, including furniture, or make any alterations to the Room without
prior written approval by the Owner;

(b) overload any electrical or telecommunications cabling and infrastructure;

(c) remove any fixture, fitting or furniture supplied as part of the Room;

(d) threaten, abuse, harass or intimidate (whether physically, verbally or otherwise), or

intentionally cause or threaten injury or harm to any resident, Owner or Operator staff or any
other person, whether this is done directly or through social media or other online means;

(e) do anything that causes, or is likely to cause, harm to the reputation or character of the Owner
or the Operator;

(f) cause damage to or misuse the Room, the Common Areas, the Residence, the Owners property
or property of other residents;

(g) use any equipment or device that is reasonably likely to cause damage to the Room, Residence,
other occupants, and Operator or Owner staff;

(h) engage in any illegal acts, including (without limitation) theft of property of other residents or
unlawful discrimination;

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(i) smoke or vape any substance in the Room, at the Residence or in any location, inside or
outside, on the University campus;

(j) possess, cultivate, supply or use any Drugs or any equipment used for Drugs. If the Occupant is
in possession of any Drugs or Drug related equipment or tools, the Owner may (amongst other
things) immediately confiscate the Drugs and Drug related equipment and may report the
incident to the police;

(k) possess any Prohibited Weapons. If the Resident is found to be in possession of any Prohibited
Weapons the Owner may (amongst other things) immediately confiscate the Prohibited
Weapons and may report the incident to the police;

(l) use the internet network of the Residence (if any), or any other parts of the Residence to
conduct any illegal activity;

(m) keep any hazardous or dangerous materials including items such as chemicals, aerosol paint
spray cans, propane, kerosene or flammable or corrosive materials in the Room or the

(n) conduct a business from the Room or Residence;

(o) create noise in or around the Room, Common Areas or Residence that is likely to interfere with
the peaceful enjoyment by other residents or any other person; and

(p) allow any other person to occupy the Room overnight, subject to clause 12.1.

10.3 Animals

(a) Occupants must not keep any pets or animals other than an Assistance Animal.

(b) The Occupant must:

(i) notify the Owner if the Occupant has an Assistance Animal;

(ii) complete the Assistance Animal Declaration which can be provided to the Occupant
upon request;

(iii) keep the Assistance Animal maintained and ensure the Assistance Animal meets the
standards of hygiene and behaviour that are appropriate for an animal in a public
place, including that:

(A) the Assistance Animal is appropriately toilet trained for apartment

accommodation; and

(B) is not and has never been a threat to other animals or people and is trained to
behave in an appropriate manner for public places.

(c) The Occupant acknowledges and agrees that where an Assistance Animal Declaration has been
completed by the Occupant:

(i) it forms part of this Agreement; and

(ii) is subject to annual review by the Owner.

(d) The Occupant must seek approval from the Owner for the keeping of tank or aquarium pets in
the Room.

10.4 Alcohol

The Occupant must not:

(a) possess or consume alcohol if the Occupant is under the age of 18 years;

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(b) consume alcohol on an alcohol-free floor in the Residence;

(c) supply alcohol to any person under the age of 18 years; and

(d) sell or distribute alcohol in the Residence.

10.5 Consequences of inappropriate behaviour or misconduct

If the Occupant’s conduct or behaviour breaches clause 10 the Owner may:

(a) terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 15; and

(b) liaise with the Owner to revoke the Occupant’s licence to access and use the Owner campus.

11. Common Areas

11.1 Use of Common Areas and facilities
The Occupant may use the Common Areas for their intended purpose in common with other residents.

11.2 Obligations relating to Common Areas

The Occupant must:

(a) not obstruct access to, overload, store or leave any equipment or personal belongings in or
otherwise interfere with Common Areas;

(b) promptly clean up any mess made by the Occupant in the Common Areas;

(c) not cause any damage to any part of the Common Areas or the furniture and fittings in those
areas. The Occupant is responsible for any damage they cause to the Common Areas; and

(d) not remove any fixtures, fittings or furniture in the Common Areas.

11.3 Events in Common Areas

If the Occupant wishes to hold a private event in a Common Area, the Occupant must seek the Owners
prior written consent and comply with all conditions of the approval, any health and safety
requirements and any other applicable laws or requirements.

12. Guests and overnight visitors

12.1 Permitted guests

The Occupant is permitted to have guests, including overnight guests, subject to the following:

(a) The Occupant complies with the Resident Handbook in relation to the guest.

(b) The Occupant ensures that the guest complies with clause 22.

(c) Where the guest is an overnight guest, and in addition to clauses 12.1(a) and (b), the Occupant
ensures that:

(i) The Occupant seeks the prior approval of the Owner before the guest stays overnight;

(ii) Where the Occupant occupies a shared apartment, the Occupant demonstrates to the
Owner on request by the Owner that they have sought the prior consent of their
roommates to have the guest stay overnight; and

(iii) The guest stays for no longer than 1 night per week in the Room; and

(iv) The guest does not stay in the Common Areas.

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If an Occupant wishes for a guest to stay in the Room for more than 1 night per week, the Occupant
must contact the Owner and have the guest’s name added to the Occupancy Agreement for the Room
(Double rooms only).

12.2 Behaviour of guests and overnight visitors

The Occupant acknowledges and agrees that the Occupant:

(a) is at all times responsible for the conduct and behaviour of the Occupant’s guests and overnight
visitors, and that any behaviour of guests and overnight visitors that contravenes this
Agreement will be taken to be the behaviour of the Occupant;

(b) must ensure any guest or invitee complies with the Occupant’s obligations under this

(c) undertakes responsibility and liability for any damage, loss or injury caused by a guest; and

(d) understands and agrees that the behaviour of the Occupant’s guest may lead to the
termination of this Agreement.

13. Fire Safety Equipment, fire and emergencies

13.1 No interference
The Occupant must not remove, interfere with, tamper or obstruct any Fire Safety Equipment within
the Room, Common Areas or any part of the Residence.

13.2 Occupant not to create fire hazard

The Occupant must not do anything, or permit anything to be done by guests, in connection with the
Residence that might result in a fire safety risk or hazard, including but not limited to:

(a) tamper, cover or obstruct any Fire Safety Equipment;

(b) using electric blankets or heaters unless those items have been tested and approved by the

(c) using or lighting candles, oil burners, open flame torches, incense or other open flame devices
anywhere inside or around buildings in the Residence, in Rooms and Common Areas;

(d) misusing heaters or the stove in any manner that would be a fire hazard, such as by drying
clothes on or close to heaters, or placing heaters close to curtains or soft furnishings or leaving
the stove on unattended.

13.3 Occupant responsible for fees

The Occupant is responsible and liable to pay any Fee for:

(a) emergency services call outs triggered by the Occupant or guests, including any false alarms; or

(b) the cost of replacing or repairing fire safety equipment, including smoke detectors, if required.
An indicative amount is specified in the Fee Schedule and the Occupant is responsible for the full

14. Access
14.1 Notice of access

(a) The Owner will give the Occupant reasonable notice of any intention to enter the Room for
purposes such as carrying out repairs, inspections and showing prospective occupants, unless it
is not practicable to do so in the circumstances.

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(b) If the Owner enters a Room without prior notice the Owner will advise the Occupant of the
access and why as soon as practicable after.

14.2 Circumstances where no notice is required

The Occupant acknowledges and agrees that the circumstances where it is not practicable to give
notice include but are not limited to the following:

(a) if the Owner has reasonable concerns about an imminent risk to the welfare of the Occupant or
another person; or

(b) if the Owner has reasonable concerns about an imminent risk of property damage and the
Occupant cannot be contacted; or

(c) if it is an emergency; or

(d) if the Owner is required to carry out emergency repairs.

14.3 Cooperation
The Occupant must cooperate with the Owner and the Owners tradespeople as reasonably required.

14.4 Abandoned Room

The process in section 71EM of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (ACT) will apply to determine if the
Room has been abandoned.

15. Termination
15.1 Termination by Owner
Without limiting any other clauses of this Agreement, the Occupant will be in breach of this Agreement
and the Owner may terminate this Agreement prior to the End Date on Reasonable Notice to the
Occupant if any one or more of the following events occurs:

(a) the Occupant breaches a clause of this Agreement and either:

(i) the Owner has given the Occupant a notice specifying the breach and a time period
within which the breach is to be rectified, and the Occupant has failed to remedy the
breach to the Owners satisfaction within that time period; or

(ii) the breach is not capable of being remedied;

(b) the Occupant or persistently breaches this Agreement;

(c) the Occupant fails to occupy the Room within 10 days after the Start Date;

(d) the Owner is entitled to do so under a Owners Requirement;

(e) the Occupant abandons the Room before the End Date and clause 14.4 applies;

(f) the Occupant fails to pay any amounts due under this Agreement by the due date and the
amounts remain unpaid for 21 days after the due date for payment;

(g) the Owner considers that the Occupant’s continued occupation poses a serious threat to the
safety, welfare or quiet enjoyment of other occupants or Owner or Operator staff;

(h) does not meet the eligibility criteria in clause 2.1 or otherwise fails to maintain their eligibility
throughout the Term; or

(i) if the Room becomes uninhabitable for reasons outside the Owners control.

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 15

15.2 Termination by Occupant

(a) The Occupant may terminate this Agreement prior to the End Date for any reason by providing
the Owner with 4 weeks’ written notice, provided that:

(i) the Occupant identifies a potential resident who is acceptable to the Owner to take up
the Occupant’s Room;

(ii) the Owner accepts the substitute resident; and

(iii) the substitute resident enters into an occupancy agreement with the Owner.

(b) The Occupant may request that the Owner agree to terminate this Agreement before the End
Date where unusual extenuating circumstances apply. This will be considered in the Owners
absolute discretion and on a case by case basis.

15.3 Fees payable on termination

(a) If this Agreement is terminated before the End Date for any reason whatsoever (excluding the
Occupant’s death), then the Occupant is liable for and must pay to the Owner:

(i) the applicable Cancellation Fee in the Fee Schedule;

(ii) if the proposed termination date is after the Start Date – the Occupancy Fees until the
earlier of:

(A) the End Date; or

(B) a substitute resident commences occupation.

(b) The Occupant acknowledges that the relevant Cancellation Fee in the Fee Schedule is a
reasonable estimate of the Owners costs incurred as a consequence of the Occupant’s early

(c) The Owner may deduct the Fees owing to it under clause 8.2 from the Security Deposit.

(d) If the Security Deposit is insufficient to cover the Fees listed in clause 15.3(a)(i), the Occupant
must pay to the Owner the amount of any shortfall as a debt due and payable on demand.

16. Notice of change to Agreement

16.1 Owner to give notice
The Owner must give the Occupant:

(a) at least 8 weeks’ prior written notice before:

(i) changing a clause of this Agreement;

(ii) increasing a Fee, charge or penalty payable under this Agreement; or

(iii) introducing a new Fee, charge or penalty payable under this Agreement or a new clause
of this Agreement; and

(b) reasonable notice about imposing a penalty for breach of a clause in this Agreement.

16.2 Termination by Occupant

If the Owner provides notice under clause 16.1(a) to the Occupant, the Occupant may terminate this
Agreement by giving 2 weeks’ written notice to the Owner before the end of the Owners 8 week notice

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 16

17. Continuation of occupancy
17.1 Request to continue occupancy

(a) Where the Occupant wishes to continue occupying a room in the Residence following the End
Date of this Agreement, the Occupant must provide the Owner with 28 days’ notice, and subject
to availability and clause 17.1(c), the Occupant will enter into a new agreement.

(b) The Owner reserves the right to change the terms of the occupancy agreement or Fees in any
new occupancy agreement to those set out in this Agreement.

(c) The Owner is not obliged to accept an Occupant’s request to continue the occupancy and will
consider requests and make decisions in relation to them at its absolute and sole discretion.

17.2 Room allocation

The Occupant may be allocated a new room or remain in their existing Room at the absolute and sole
discretion of the Owner.

18. Vacating Room and abandoned items

18.1 Occupant to vacate room
On the End Date or earlier termination of this Agreement, the Occupant must:

(a) return the Room to the condition in which the Room was first provided to the Occupant as set
out in the Condition Report, fair wear and tear excepted; and

(b) remove all of the Occupant’s property and personal belongings, including but not limited to
furniture not belonging to the Owner.

18.2 Abandonment of belongings

(a) If the Occupant does not remove their personal belongings from the Room by the End Date or
the date of earlier termination, the Owner may enter the Room and remove the Occupant’s
belongings and place these in a storage facility.

(b) The Occupant will pay all costs in relation to the removal and storage of the Occupant’s
belongings in accordance with clause 18.2(a).

(c) The Owner will give the Occupant written notice that the Occupant’s belongings have been
removed and placed in storage must be collected within 3 months from the date of the notice.

(d) After the expiry of 3 months, if the Occupant has not contacted the Owner to make
arrangements for collection or paid the Storage Fees then the Occupant’s property will be
considered uncollected goods for the purpose of the Uncollected Goods Act 1996 (ACT) and
disposed of accordingly.

18.3 Late Checkout Fee

If the Occupant fails to vacate the Room by the End Date the Owner will charge the Occupant the Late
Checkout Fee set out in the Fee Schedule for each day or part day that the Occupant remains in
occupation of the Room after the End Date.

18.4 Additional Departure Cleaning Fee

If the Owner is required to clean the Occupant’s Room above the standard cleaning, including but not
limited to:

(a) steam cleaning of furniture or carpets;

(b) acid washing of bathroom tiles; or

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 17

(c) removal of excess rubbish or items left by the Occupant,
then the Owner may charge the Additional Departure Cleaning Fee to the Occupant, which will be
determined at the Owners discretion (acting reasonably).

19. Liability and indemnity

19.1 Liability and responsibility
(a) The Occupant occupies and uses the Room, the Common Areas and other parts of the
Residence and its facilities and services at the Occupant’s own risk, subject to clause 19.1(c).

(b) The Occupant is responsible for contents insurance for any of the Occupant’s personal
belongings held in the Room or Residence.

(c) The Occupant releases the Owner from, and indemnifies the Owner against all actions, claims
and demands of any kind and from all liability which may arise in respect of any accident or
damage to or loss of property (including by theft or robbery) or injury to or death of any person
in or in the vicinity of the Room or Residence, except to the extent that any accident or damage
to property or injury or death is caused by the Owners wilful or negligent act or omission.

19.2 Indemnity by Occupant

The Occupant indemnifies the Owner and the Owners personnel against any direct Loss incurred by the
Owner in connection with:

(a) damage, loss, injury or death to any person (including the Occupant, the Occupant’s guests) or
damage to any personal belongings which might be suffered or incurred while the Occupant or
the Occupant’s guests and invitees are in the Residence, the Common Areas or the Room; or

(b) a breach of this Agreement by the Occupant, including costs associated with remedying the
default or breach or terminating this Agreement,
except to the extent that the Loss is caused by the Owner.

20. Privacy
20.1 Occupant to provide information

(a) The Occupant must provide the Owner with any relevant information required to enable this
Agreement to be entered into.

(b) Failure to provide the Owner with the relevant information may prevent the Owner from being
able to provide the Occupant with a licence under this Agreement or access to the Room.

20.2 Occupant’s consent to disclosure

The Occupant consents to the Owner:

(a) using the Occupant’s personal information, which the Occupant has provided to the Owner, for
any purpose related or incidental to this Agreement, the Occupant’s occupation of the Room,
the Common Areas or the Residence;

(b) providing the Occupant’s personal information to third parties including the Operator for any
purpose related to or incidental to this Agreement, the Occupant’s occupation of the Room, the
Common Areas or the Residence;

(c) sharing information about the Occupant to ACT Health if it is considered that there is significant
concern regarding the Occupant’s health or well-being;

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 18

(d) notifying the person the Occupant has identified as their “parent/guardian/next of
kin/emergency contact” in the application form if it is considered that there is significant
concern regarding the Occupant’s health or well-being; and

(e) contacting the person the Occupant has identified as their “parent/guardian/next of
kin/emergency contact” to update Occupant’s contact information where the Owner has been
unable to contact the Occupant.

20.3 Use of personal information

The Owner will otherwise handle the Occupant’s personal information in accordance with the
University’s Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time and available on the University’s website.

21. Complaints
21.1 Complaint resolution process
If the Occupant has an issue or complaint regarding their occupancy at the Residence the following
process, managed by the Operator, will apply:

(a) In the first instance, the Occupant may direct their matter to the Operator’s Property Manager
located at the Residence reception.

(b) If the matter is unsatisfactorily resolved by the Operator, the Occupant may submit details in
writing to the Operator’s General Manager, who will arrange a meeting with the Occupant to
discuss the matter within 5 Business Days of receipt of correspondence from the Occupant.

(c) If the matter remains unsatisfactorily resolved, the Occupant may submit details in writing to
the University’s Accommodation Manager who will subsequently arrange a meeting to discuss
the matter.

21.2 Occupant and Owner to cooperate

Where possible, the parties agree to endeavour to resolve any disputes, issues or complaints in
accordance with the process set out in clause 21.1 or by a process of discussion, cooperation and
conciliation as soon as possible following an incident.

21.3 Support person

The Occupant is entitled to bring a support person to any meetings regarding any issue or complaint.

21.4 Occupant can apply to ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal

Where a matter cannot be resolved following the process in clause 21.1 or otherwise between the
Occupant and the Owner, the Occupant is entitled to apply to the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal
for resolution of the occupancy dispute.

21.5 Human Rights Commission

An Occupant may make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission without first complying with
clause 21.1.

21.6 Contact details

Contact details for bodies who can assist the Occupant in a complaint are listed in Annexure B.

22. Health
22.1 Recommendations in relation to Health
(a) The Owner recommends that:

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 19

(i) when occupying the Room, Occupants are vaccinated against infectious diseases,
including COVID-19 and Influenza viruses.

(ii) when Occupants have guests to Residences, that guests are vaccinated against
infectious diseases, including COVID-19 and Influenza viruses prior to the guest
accessing the Room or the Residences.

(b) Occupants are not required to show evidence of vaccination, however where Occupants are
vaccinated, Occupants may provide evidence of their vaccinations to the Owner (or the
Operator as the case may be) prior to commencing the occupancy of the Room under this

22.2 Collection Notice

(a) The Occupant acknowledges that the Owner is committed to providing a safe campus and
recommends that Occupants are vaccinated to achieve this.

(b) The Occupant may show a myGov certificate or an international vaccination certificate to the
Owner if they wish to demonstrate their vaccination status.

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 20

Annexure A: Fee Schedule
1. Mandatory Fees
1.1 Table of Mandatory Fees from 1 January 2024 (AUD)
Item Amount (including GST) Due date
Application Fee $55.00 Before the Start Date
Residential Life Fee $150.00 Before the Start Date
Specified in the Occupancy
Agreement Acknowledgement
No more than 4 weeks of the
Security Deposit Before the Start Date
Occupancy Fee if longer than 6
months, otherwise, 2 weeks of the
Occupancy Fee.
As specified in the Occupancy
Occupancy Fee Refer to Direct Debit Schedule
Agreement Acknowledgement

1.2 What is included in Mandatory Fees

(a) Occupancy of the Room with furniture and fittings as per the Condition Report.

(b) Use of Common Areas including study and social spaces.

(c) Provision of utilities (including but not limited to electricity, water and gas.

2. Other Fees
2.1 Cancellation Fees
Cancellation timeframe Refundable amounts Amounts charged or non-refundable

After the Offer of 1. Security Deposit 1. Application Fee

Accommodation is accepted, 2. 2 weeks of Occupancy
but more than 14 days before Fees
3. Residential Life Fee
the Start Date
Between 1 and 14 days before 1. Security Deposit 1. Application Fee
the Start Date 2. 2 Weeks of Occupancy 2. Cancellation Fee of 1 week of
Fees Occupancy Fee
3. Residential Life Fee
At any time on or after the Not applicable 1. Application Fee
Start Date and before the End 2. Residential Life Fee
Date 3. Cancellation Fee of 1 week of
Occupancy Fee
4. Occupancy Fees charged and
Security Deposit retained until a
suitable replacement is secured, or
until the End Date

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 21

2.2 Other charges and fees
Fee/Charge Amount (including GST)
Services are available at reception and will be charged at
Facsimile, printing and photocopying a ‘per-page’ rate. Rates for each service can be found in
the Resident Handbook.

Telephone calls Telephone calls are charged based on usage.

Late Payment $30.00 per instance.

$50.00 per afterhours lockout where the Residential

Afterhours Lockout Fee Advisor needs to be called. Lock outs during reception
hours are not charged.

Direct Debit Dishonour Fee $30.00

Replacement of a Swipe Card/Key $10.00 per replacement

Replacement Lock/card reader. As determined by the Owner

Replacement of a Hard (Metal) Key and/or Barrel Key Replacement $50.00

and Key Barrel and Key Replacement $350.00
$50.00 minimum charge applies for any rubbish that is
Rubbish Removal not disposed of correctly inside an apartment or in the
garbage rooms

Room or Building Move Fee $55.00 (a move within the Residence)

Cancellation Fee, which includes Owner

administrative costs such as processing 1 week of Accommodation Fees
applications by potential new occupants
Re-lease / Short Stay Fee (if Agreement is for a
period less than 6 months)
$180.00 Departure Cleaning Charges will be outlined in
Departure Cleaning your Offer and are payable at the end of your Contract
or upon a Room Move.

Additional Departure Cleaning As determined by the Owner

Costs of any damage to the Room (including costs

for locksmiths, electrician, plumber or pest
As determined by the Owner
control) or damage or missing to the Owners
items in the Room (other than fair wear and tear)
As determined by the Fire Brigade and Fire Monitoring
False fire alarms triggered by the Occupant or the
Service (approx. $1,600 or otherwise charged, as
Occupant’s guests
determined by ACT Fire & Rescue).
Disconnection or covering of a Detector $50.00 per
Tampering with Fire Equipment
Any other tampering or obstruction as advised by the
Late Checkout Fee $100.00 per day or part thereof after the End Date.
A surcharge will be charged on all payments made via
Credit Card Surcharge Credit Card, surcharge amounts are displayed at

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 22

3. Direct Debit Schedule 2024
(a) Direct Debits will be processed on the dates highlighted below only and cannot be processed on
alternate dates or weeks. It is the Occupant’s responsibility to ensure that the Occupant has the
funds available prior.

(b) Occupancy Fees are prorated based on the Start Date and End Date.

(c) Rental amounts are calculated as per the Room Fee weekly rate.

(d) Should Direct Debit fall on a Public Holiday, it will be processed the following Business Day.

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 23

Direct Debit Schedule 2024


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unilodge.com.au uc.campuswest@unilodge.com.au +61 2 6185 1820

The Glasshouse, 2/19 Cooinda St Bruce ACT 2617 Mail LPO Box 5501, Bruce, ACT, 2617
KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement ABN: 49 078 921 169 Page 24
4. Method of payment
4.1 Payment of Occupancy Fee

(a) The Occupant must either pay the Occupancy Fee on a regular instalment basis via a direct debit
facility or prepay the Occupancy Fee for the full year or semester by EFTPOS, credit card, direct
deposit, via the Accommodation Portal or Novatti.

(b) If the Occupant pays the Occupancy Fees by direct debit, the Occupant must complete, sign and
promptly return (or submit your request electronically via the Accommodation Portal) to the
Owner any request or authority form or other document the Owner reasonably requires from
the Occupant to set up the direct debit arrangements.

(c) It is the Occupant’s responsibility to ensure payments are made and cleared by the payment
dates. If payments are dishonoured the Occupant may be required to pay the Direct Debit
Dishonour Fee set out in the Fee Schedule.

(d) If the Occupant is experiencing financial hardship or difficulty, the Occupant must contact the
Owner or the Operator at the earliest opportunity, and the Owner may consider entering into a
payment plan with the Occupant.

(e) The Owner is under no obligation to enter into payment plans with Occupants, and the Owner
will consider entering into payment plans with Occupants on a case by case basis and at the
Owners absolute and sole discretion.

4.2 Payment of other charges

(a) Other fees and charges may be paid by EFTPOS, credit card, direct deposit, via the
Accommodation Portal or Novatti.

(b) The Occupant acknowledges that a surcharge, as displayed at Reception, will be charged on all
payments made via Credit Card.

4.3 Financial communication

(a) The Owner or the Operator will contact the Occupant in relation to any financial matters such as
unpaid Fees, regardless of who pays the Fees (such as the Occupant’s parents, guardians or any
other third party).

(b) The Owner will communicate with the Occupant via the Occupant’s allocated email address in
the Agreement Details. The Occupant is solely responsible for ensuring they review the emails
sent by the Owner or the Operator to this address.

(c) If the Occupant owes a debt to the Owner, the Occupant acknowledges that the Owner may
provide information and contact details of the Occupant to a debt collector to recover the debt.

4.4 Invoices and receipts

(a) The Occupant’s initial invoice will be sent to the Occupant prior to the Start Date.

(b) The Occupant’s statement of account will be emailed to the Occupant or, upon the Occupant’s
request, to the Occupant’s parents or guardians.

(c) Invoices or receipts for payments of any amount over $75 will be provided to the Occupant.

(d) The Occupant is required to request written receipts for payments of amounts less than $75.

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 25

Annexure B: Contact details

UniLodge @ UC, 2/19 Cooinda Street, Bruce, ACT, 2617

General Manager: Dale Brosnahan

Email: dale.brosnahan@unilodge.com.au Phone: 61 2 6185 1820 Mobile: 0437 583 090

Property Manager Operations: Jared Schutterups

Email: pmo.campuswest@unilodge.com.au Phone: 61 2 6185 1820 Mobile: 0428 994 106


KordaMentha trading as KMSAC PTY LTD

Level 5, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

Email: mbutler@kordamentha.com Phone: 61 2 8257 3065

University’s Accommodation Manager

Rachel Overton, Associate Director Student Accommodation, University of Canberra, Building 5 Level C, 11
Kirinari Street, Bruce, ACT, 2617

Email: Rachel.overton@canberra.edu.au Phone: 61 2 6201 5601 Mobile: 0408 901 990

Conflict Resolution Service

3.10 Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street, Canberra ACT 2601

Email: admin@crs.org.au Phone: 6189 0590

Human Rights Commission:

Level 1, 5 Constitution Avenue Canberra ACT 2601

Email: human.rights@act.gov.au Phone: (02) 6205 2222 Fax: (02) 6207 1034

Victims Support contact number: 1800 822 272

Legal Aid

2 Allsop St, Canberra ACT 2601

Email: legalaid@legalaidact.org.au Phone: (02) 6243 3411 Fax: (02) 6243 3423
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal

ACT Health Building, Level 4, 1 Moore Street, Canberra City ACT 2601

Email: tribunal@act.gov.au Phone: (02) 6207 1740 Fax: (02) 6205 4855

COVID-19 information and advice in the ACT

Phone: (02) 6207 7244 Website: https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/

KMSAC PTY LTD Occupancy Agreement Page 26

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