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NIA AGUSTINA : 20101035303266
SRI ROSNITA SARI : 20101035303244
RINA AFRIANI : 20101035303285
TRIANA WULANDARI : 20101035303298
MUQODDIMATUL YUSRO : 20101035303266




First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of

Allah, writers finished writing the paper entitled “marketing
strategy” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the
assignment that given by Mrs. Nadiatul khoiroh,S.Pd.MM as
lecturer in english major.
the writers realized tha this paper still imperfect in
arrangment and the content. then the writer s hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writers in perfecting the next
paper.last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the
readers to gain more knowledge about english major.

Batanghari, Desember 4th, 2021


COVER ........................................................................... 1
PREFACE ........................................................................ 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................... 3

CHAPTER 1 ......................................................................4
INTODUCTION .................................................................4
1.1 Background Of The Paper ................................... 4
1.2 Questions Of The Problem ..................................5
1.3 ObJectives ....................................................... 5

CHAPTER II .....................................................................6
DISCUSION ..................................................................... 6
2.1 Definition of a Marketing strategy ..................... 6
2.2 Role and Function of Marketing Strategy .............. 8
2.3 The concept of marketing strategy........................ 9
2.4 Types of Marketing Strategies............................. 10
2.5 Elements of a 4P Pemasaran Marketing Strategy .....12
2.6 Example of a 4P Marketing Strategy .................... 15
2.7 Steps To Run Marketing ..................................... 16

CHAPTER III ...................................................................19

CONCLUSION .................................................................. 19

3.1 conclusion .......................................................... 19

3.2 suggest ............................................................... 19

REFERENCES................................................................... 20



Strategy is the science and art of effectively using the

best possible shared capabilities of resources and the
environment. There are four important elements in terms of
strategy, namely: capabilities, resources, environment, and
goals. The four elements are combined in such a rational and
beautiful way that several alternative choices emerge which
are then evaluated and the best taken.
The existence of a strategy must also be consistent with
the environment, have alternative strategies, focus on
excellence and be comprehensive, consider the presence of
risk, and be equipped with social responsibility. In short, the
established strategy should not ignore the objectives,
capabilities, resources, and environment. The existence of a
strategy has a relatively long period of time. This implies that
the prediction of environmental changes is important to get
Marketing plays an important role in the survival of a
company business. The increasingly fierce competition
requires a marketing strategy that effective in attracting
consumers to increase sales volume.One of the reasons why
marketing strategies don't work effectively, though that
strategy has been purposefully planned, is the lack of
functioning of the division sale. Therefore, rescheduling or
procurement of divisions is needed sales who are fully
responsible for carrying out activities such as;identify and
understand market segments, towards target markets that
precise, product positioning, planning for the short, medium
and long termlong. Think long about marketing strategies,
namely bycooperation and good communication between
suppliers and customers who will support marketing in
increasing sales volume.

1.2 Questions Of The Problem

1. What is a marketing strategy?

2. What is the role and function of marketing strategy ?
3. What are the concepts in marketing strategy ?
4. What are the types of marketing strategies ?
5. What is a 4P marketing strategy ?
6. What is an example of a 4P marketing strategy ?
7. What are the steps in carrying out a marketing strategy ?

1.3 ObJectives

1. To Know the meaning of marketing strategy

2. To know the role and function of the marketing strategy
3. To know the concept of marketing strategy
4. To know the types of marketing strategies
5. To Know the 4Ps marketing strategy
6. To Know an example of a 4P pemasaran marketing strategy
7. To Know the steps in carrying out a marketing strategy


2.1 Definition of a Marketing strategy

Definition of a marketing strategies is the effort to

market a product, whether it is an item of goods or services,
using specific patterns of plan and tactic to make sales higher.

Definition of a marketing strategy can also be defined

asa chain of efforts by companies in order to achieve a
particular goal, since the potential to sell proposition is
limited to the number of people who know it.

Marketing strategies play an important role in a company

or a business because they function to determine the economic
value of a company, whether the price of goods or services.
There are three factors that determine the price value of goods
and services: production, marketing, consumption. In this
regard, marketing has become a link between production and
consumption activities.

Some experts have explained the definition of a

marketing strategy, some of which are:

1. Kotler and Armstrong

According to kotler and Armstrong (2008), the

understanding of marketing strategies is the marketing logic in

which the business unit hopes to create value and benefit from
its relationship with consumers.

2. kurtz

According to kurtz (2008), the concept of marketing

strategy is the company's overall program in determining
market targets and satisfying consumers by building a
combination of elements of marketing mix; Product,
distribution, promotion and price.

3. Philip kotler.

According to Philip kotler, the notion of marketing

strategy is a mindset marketing which will be used to
accomplish the purpose of marketing, where it contains
detailed strategies regarding the target market, position
setting, marketing bails, and budget for marketing.

4. tjiptono

According to tjiptono, the understanding of the

marketing strategy is a fundamental tool designed to reach the
company's goals by developing a sustainable competitiveness
advantage over the approved market, and the marketing
program used to serve the target market.

5. Stanton

According to Stanton, the sense of marketing strategy is

something that surrounds all systems that have a connection
with the purpose of planning and pricing to promote and

deliver products (goods or services) that will satisfy

2.2 Role and Function of Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is one of the weapons forcompanies to

face market competition. Basically the marketing strategy is to
find a match between the company's internal capabilities and
external opportunities in the market.
Every company must have a marketing strategy, this plays an
important role in determining the company strategy that will
be used by the company. This strategy supports the company in
earning profits, increasing sales volume and maintaining the
company's viability.

The function of a marketing strategy for a business is

very important because it can increase the economic value of
the company, the price of goods and services will increase in
value due to targeted marketing. There are three factors that
affect the price of goods and services, namely production,
marketing, and consumption.
Broadly speaking, the marketing strategy function consists of 4
functions, including:
1. Increasing Business Development Motivation
Opportunities do not always exist in market demand, but
are also created by business actors themselves. How do
you do that? With an effective marketing strategy the

company can hit the market with the latest innovations.
So that this condition makes consumers who initially feel
they don't need to buy something to be moved to buy,
2. Make Team Coordination Mare Effective Practical
Strategies Perform Service
Marketing Strategy is a tool to achieve goals. With a
marketing strategy, team coordination becomes better and
more focused to achieve the same goal.
3. Formulating Company Goals This
is where the crucial function of marketing strategy is,
which is to clearly define the company's goals.
4. Supervise Marketing Activities
Supervision here means clear attention so that the
potential of each member can be detected and used to
support the company in achieving its goals.

2.3 The Concept Of Marketing Strategy

Many marketing experts say customer satisfaction is a

key to the concept of marketing and marketing strategy. In
other words, each company has its own way of doing the
marketing process, according to its individual characteristics
and abilities.

Basically, the goal of that marketing will still lead to

achieving consumer satisfaction. The following are the 5
concepts of marketing strategy:

1. Market rate

Every consumer has different needs and habits. A
company would have to classify a heterogeneous market into
one homogeneous market unit.

2. Market positioning

No company could own the entire market. That is why

companies must have a specific pattern to gain a strong
position in the market, which is to select the most profitable

3. Market entry strategy

It's a corporate strategy to get in on a certain market

segment. Duck the way it's often done:

 bought another company

 internal development

 sync with another company

4. Marketing mix strategy

Marketing mix is a collection of some variables that

companies have used to affect consumer responses. Some of
these variables:

 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion

 Participant
 Process
 People Physical Evidence

5. Timing strategy

Timing in marketing is also vital to attention. Companies

need to make good preparations in the field of production, and
establish the right time to distribute the products to the

2.4 Types of Marketing Strategies

In order to be able to choose the most effective marketing

strategy, companies must look at the most important aspects
that support their business. Certain products may need to be
marketed in a conventional way, but there are also products
that are more effective when promoted digitally.

1. Direct selling
Direct selling or direct selling is a type of marketing
strategy in which the seller will sell his products directly
to consumers. Although direct, but generally the seller is
not done in retail stores.You can do this door-to-door or
meet consumers directly. You as a marketer can visit the
homes of targeted consumers.
2. Paid advertising

In paid advertising, the company pays the ad space
provider to display its products in that space. The price
paid is usually determined through negotiations between
the marketer and the ad space provider.
Paid advertising consists of several categories, including
display or banner ads, pay-per-impression (PPI), and
pay-per-click (PPC). This method is very effective for
companies that want to show their name to a large
3. Internet Marketing
The last is a marketing strategy through internet
marketing. who doesn't know the internet? The internet
has great potential for use in marketing. Internet
marketing offers many conveniences in transacting for
consumers who are not limited by space and time.
In the internet marketing marketing strategy, we can
create our own e-comers website or we can use large
platforms that already exist on the internet such as
Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, Lazada, and so on. or you
can also use social media to market products such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of getting traffic from organic,
editorial, or free search results on search engines. This
strategy is closely related to content marketing, it even
helps determine whether a content can be said to be of
high quality.
Content that meets SEO will occupy the top position in
search results. If the content increases rapidly, the
company will get high traffic. This can increase brand
awareness so that the number of consumers also

5. Referral program
Maybe you have often heard of this marketing strategy or
have used it. The referral program is a strategy that
really requires the role of consumers and potential
customers. That is, by encouraging them to tell people
around them about a particular product or service.Many
large companies have successfully applied this marketing
strategy, such as the accommodation rental company,
Airbnb. This startup has succeeded in increasing the
number of bookings by 25% and continues to increase by
300% in the 2.0 application version.

2.5 Elements of a 4P Pemasaran Marketing Strategy

In the 1950s Neil Borden popularized the term marketing

mix or marketing mix which contains more than ten marketing
elements. Fundamental among them is the 4p marketing
Then in the 1960s, Jerome McCarthy designed the 7 P
model, perfecting the essentials of the marketing mix. Over
time, a lot of P has crystallized like 5P, 8P, etc.
But the 4P marketing strategy is like the purest crystal that
is at the core of developing a marketing model. Every other P-
model is an extension or modification of the original 4P.
Hence, it is the foundation of any form of marketing.

1. Product
The product is the heart of the marketing mix. All
marketing activities start with the product. Products are
not just physical entities; it captures all tangible and
intangible aspects such as service, personality,
organization and ideas.

Without a product, we have no price, promotion or place.
Hence, of all the 4 P's, the Product is the most elemental

Here, it is important to understand the relationship

between product and marketing mix. Product mix is the
entire range of products that a company offers to its

Decisions regarding the product mix will depend on

many factors such as:
 Design
 Features
 Brand name
 Product variety
 Quality of Service Packaging, returns, etc.

2. Price
Price is the monetary value that must be paid by
customers to acquire or own a company's products. It is
an important revenue-generating component for the

Pricing decisions must be taken with extreme care, as

this is a double-edged sword. If your product is
overvalued, it may give the impression of being of high
quality. At the same time, it will get your product
placed in limited stores and. So, marketers must know
the art of using proper pricing.

Price mix decisions need to consider the following

marketing variables:
 Pricing method, policy, strategy
 Benefits
 Discounts, rebates
 Payment period
 Credit policy

3. Promotion

One of these 4P marketing strategies aims to serve
two purposes. First, tell potential customers about your
product and second, persuade them to buy your product.

The promotional strategy will thus include various

ways that you can use to communicate with the target
audience. An effective promotion mix will ensure good
sales and marketers should strive to create a conducive

The main elements of the promotion mix are:

 Advertising
 Personal selling
 Public Relations
 Direct marketing Publicity -social media, print,
 Sales promotion

4. Place or distribution
Physical place or distribution relates to the transfer of
ownership of the product from the producer to the

Your profit margin depends on how quickly you can

deliver the goods. The sooner a product reaches the
point of sale, the more likely it is to satisfy customers
and increase brand loyalty. Therefore, the Place factor
is very important in ensuring the competitiveness of your
product in the market.

The following are the distribution mix elements:

 Distribution channel
 Warehousing decisions
 Product handling
 Logistics
 Inventory control
 Order process
 Scope

2.6 Example of a 4P Marketing Strategy

If you find the discussion of 4p marketing strategies too

complicated, let's look at some examples.
The first P stands for Product. For example, a KFC
chicken product would include a food display, a shiny red
bucket with a smiling Colonel Sanders face, words on a combo
package such as “Friendship Bucket” or “Triple Treat”.
Second, the pricing strategy has been used by the Spotify
company in Indonesia to get the best penetration. It almost
erases all physical tapes.
The third P is Promotion, for example, Coca cola utilizes
the 2010 World cup and the K'naan theme song in such a way
that, Coca Cola and football are all synonymous.
Place or Distribution is the fourth Q. Example: Apple
iPhones are found easily in well-known e-commerce stores like
Amazon and not in online stores selling building materials.

2.7 Steps To Run Marketing

Here are 5 marketing strategies in business that you can

apply to increase sales of your products or services:

1. Get to know the customer

Identify your target market. For example, if your
business is engaged in marketing Muslim youth fashion,
you can target teenagers who wear hijabs who are
synonymous with various Muslim fashions.If your
business is engaged in the marketing of wedges shoes,
you can target women with an age range of 20-35 years.
The right identification can make it easier for you to

develop an effective marketing strategy and prevent you
from wasting money and time.
2. Promoting
Do product introductions or promotions to consumers in
a creative way. Always try, you do a consistent and
continuous promotion.For example, every time you
travel, you can bring brochures and pamphlets containing
your business products to be distributed to the intended
person, family, co-workers, or distributed in public
Observe how the promotions are applied by competitors.
If your promotion is more interesting, please continue.
However, if the competitor's promotion is much more
interesting, immediately prepare a promotion that is more
unique, creative, and interesting.Do not miss also to do
word of mouth promotion. It is undeniable that this
method can attract far more customers. With these
various ways, you can find customers by yourself.

3. Choosing a Strategic Location

Another important thing to consider is the choice of a
business location. You can see an example of it through
the various bakeries that stand along a busy street and
are traversed by many people.The choice of location is
one of their strategies to attract customers. Therefore,
choose a strategic and appropriate business location so
that your business can be reached by customers.
4. Using Internet Marketing
One of the most effective marketing strategies today is
internet marketing. By displaying your business products
on social networking sites, you can find out how

consumers taste and what they need. Every day buying
and selling activities through online shops are
increasingly being carried out.Consumers tend to want to
shop in a more private space and avoid crowds. The
internet opens wide doors for you to innovate. One of the
ways to maximize the marketing of your products or
services is through social media, especially Facebook.
There have been so many young entrepreneurs and
business people using Facebook to blow up the sales of
their products or services.You can display your business
products on websites, blogs, Facebook, and other sites,
by posting photos that can attract consumers. By using
internet marketing, you can also interact directly with
consumers without being limited by space and time.
5. Establish Good Relationships with Consumers
Consumers are king. This one slogan should be
maintained in order to maintain the continuity of a
business. Establish a good relationship with consumers.
Contact them to simply ask for testimonials about your
business products or to inform them of the products you
just released, and ongoing promos.Consumers need
products and you need consumers for profit orientation.
So, apply a symbiotic mutualism in terms of doing
business.Establishing a good relationship with consumers
is the last key that you must hold to achieve success in



3.1 Conclusion

Marketing strategy is one of the weapons for

companies to face market competition. Basically the marketing strategy is to find
a match between the company's internal capabilities and external opportunities in
the market.
Every company must have a marketing strategy, this plays an important
role in determining the company strategy that will be used by the company. This
strategy supports the company in earning profits, increasing sales volume and
maintaining the company's viability.

3.2 Suggestion

Marketing plays an important role in the survival of a company business.

The increasingly fierce competition requires a marketing strategy that effective in
attracting consumers to increase sales volume. One of the reasons why marketing
strategies don't work effectively, though that strategy has been purposefully
planned, is the lack of functioning of the division sale.
Therefore, rescheduling or procurement of divisions is needed sales who
are fully responsible for carrying out activities such as; identify and understand
market segments, towards target markets that precise, product positioning,
planning for the short, medium and long term long. Think long about marketing
strategies, namely by cooperation and good communication between suppliers and
customers who will support marketing in increasing sales volume.


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