12th Rubrics Edited

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● Generates the different ways of expressing concentrations.

● Describe the solubility of gases and solids in liquid

● State Raoult’s law

● Classify ideal and non-ideal solution.

● Describes about colligative properties.

● Identifies the abnormal molecular mass calculations.

Objectives Working towards Meeting expectation Exceeds expectation

Expectation(WE) (ME) (EE)

Generates the different ways of Able to generate some ways Able to Generates the Able to solve problems by
expressing concentrations. of expressing concentrations different ways of expressing using the knowledge

Describe the solubility of gases Able to describe the solubility Able to describe and Able to apply the solubility of
and solids in liquid of gases and solids. Generalize the solubility of gases and solids in daily life
gases and solids.

State Raoult’s law Able to state Raoult’s law Able to derive Raoult’s law Able to analyse and apply
Raoult’s law

Classify ideal and non-ideal Able to define ideal and non- Able to explain ideal and Able to identify and analyse
solution. ideal solution. non-ideal solution. ideal and non-ideal solution
from given datas

Describes about colligative Able to define colligative Able to derive molecular Able to solve problems based
properties. properties. mass of solute from on this.
colligative properties.

Identifies the abnormal Able to define abnormal Able to identify abnormal Able to solve problems
molecular mass calculations. molecular mass molecular mass calculations.



● Define electrochemical cells

● Derive Nernst equation

● Explain conductance of electrolytic solutions

● Compares the molar conductance at infinite dilution of strong and Weak electrolyte.

● States Kohlrausch’s law and mentions its application

● Explains the concepts of primary and secondary cells and fuel cells.

● Describes the chemistry of corrosion and suggest its prevention.

Objectives Working towards Meeting expectation Exceeds expectation

Expectation(WE) (ME) (EE)

Define electrochemical cells Able to define Able to identify and define Able to apply the principle
electrochemical cell electrochemical cell behind the electrochemical
cell in daily life

Derive Nernst equation Able to write Nernst Able to derive Nernst equation for Able to apply the Nernst
equation galvanic cell equation for calculating Ecell

Explains conductance of Able to Define conductance Able to Find out conductance of Able to apply the concept in
electrolytic solutions of electrolytic solutions electrolytic solutions daily life

Compares the molar conductance Able to explain molar Able to Compares the molar Able to analyse and apply
at infinite dilution of strong and conductance at infinite conductance at infinite dilution of molar conductance at infinite
Weak electrolyte. dilution of strong and Weak strong and Weak electrolyte. dilution of strong and Weak
electrolyte. electrolyte.

States Kohlrausch’s law and Able to States Kohlrausch’s Able to state and explain Able to apply the concept for
mentions its application law Kohlrausch’s law finding out λm of weak

Explains the concepts of primary Able to explain primary and Able to write the electrode Able to apply the knowledge
and secondary cells and fuel secondary cells reactions and working of different in daily life
cells. primary and secondary cell.

Describes the chemistry of corrosion Able to describe chemistry Able to write the chemical equation Able to analyse mechanism of
and suggest its prevention. of corrosion and mechanism of rusting of iron corrosion and its prevention.



● Write the names of compounds using IUPAC nomenclature ,

● Explainsclassification and preparation of haloalkanes.

● Explains the properties of haloalkanes.

● Distinguish between haloalkanes andhaloarenes.

● Write the names of haloarenes using IUPAC nomenclature ,

● Explains classification, preparation and properties of haloarenes.

Objectives Working towards Meeting expectation Exceeds expectation

Expectation(WE) (ME) (EE)

Write the names of compounds using IUPAC

Able to write the Able to write the Able to write nomenclature,
nomenclature andexplains classification and of nomenclature , and explain classification and preparation
haloalkanesand halo arenes.. classification of haloalkanes
preparation and propertiesof haloalkanes. and properties of haloalkanes
and halo arenes.. and halo arenes..

Explains the properties of Able to identify the properties able to write the equation of Able to to write the equation
haloalkanes and halo arenes.. of haloalkanes and halo properties of haloalkanes and and explanation of the
arenes.. halo arenes.. properties of haloalkanes and
halo arenes..

Distinguish between Able to distinguish between Able to identify haloalkanes Able to identify and classify
haloalkanesandhaloarenes. haloalkanes andhaloarenes. andhaloarenes.
haloalkanes andhaloarenes.



• Write the name of alcohols using IUPAC nomenclature, and explains the classification and
preparation of Alcohols .
• Explains the properties of alcohol.
• Write the name of phenols using IUPAC nomenclature ,and explains classification ,preparation
and properties of Phenol.
• Write the name of ethers using IUPAC nomenclature , and explains classification , preparation and
properties of ethers.

Objectives Working towards Meeting expectation Exceeds expectation

Expectation(WE) (ME) (EE)

Able to write the Able to write the Able to analyse and

● Write the name of alcohols using IUPAC
nomenclature,and nomenclature, and explain apply
nomenclature, and explains the identifyclassification classification and
classification and preparation of and preparation of preparation of Alcohols.
Alcohols Alcohols.

Able to identify the Able to identify and Able to explain the

● Explains the properties of alcohol
properties of alcohol. explainthe properties of properties of alcohol.

Write the name of phenols using IUPAC Able to write the Able to write the Able to analyse and
nomenclature ,and explains nomenclature , nomenclature , and explain apply
classification ,preparation and classification classification , preparation
properties of Phenol preparation and and properties of Phenol.
properties of Phenol.

Write the name of ethers using IUPAC . Able to write the . Able to write the Able to analyse and
nomenclature , and explains nomenclature , nomenclature , and explain apply
classification , preparation and classification classification , preparation
properties of ethers preparation and and properties of ethers
properties of ethers

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