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Jharkhand University of Technology,2022Ranchi

B.Tech. 3rd Semester )Examination,
Subject : Mathematics-lI Subject Code : BSC-301/MA-301N
Full Marks : 70
Time Allowed :3 Hours
Candidates are required to heir answers in their
OWn words as far e practicable.
The figures in the right-handrgin indicate full marks.
Question No. I scompulsory and answrany four questions from the rest.
out of
. There are seven multiple choice questions, Eack uestion has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d).2x7m14
which only one is correct. Choose the correct anscr
) IfL¯(O)) = F(s), then the L¯ (at)) is equal to

e) aF)
G0 The inverse Laplace transforn of is equal to

(ii) The Z-transform of n is equal to


(d) None of these

(iv) The Fourier transform of f() is defined by
a) f)e"dt () s0elt dt
(c) r)eli dt d) None of these
(v) The only suitable solution of the heat equation = c is

(a) u= (G cos px +c sin px)e-c'p't (b) u=(c, cos pt + c sin pt)ept

(c) u = (C cos px + sin px)e"p'x ) None of these

(vi) Which one of the following is not correct?

(a) A=E-1 (b) =1-E-1
(c) 8= EV2 -g-1/
25968 Please Turn Over
(v) Ir f(0)0,/(0S) 025f0)- Las)-22s and f(2) 4. hen the value of
Cr)d by Simpson's rd nule is
(e) (d) None of these

2 (a) Find the Laplace transform of (1-cost

(b) Use convolution theorem to find the inverse Laplace transform of (ay}
(c) Show that e sin't dt 54544

3 (a) Fnd the complex form of Fourier series f(x) = e in the interval (-, ).
(b) Find the Fourier transform of
f)= sin x, 0<x<n
0, x>tand x<0.
Hence, deduce that da
(c) Find f ) if its Fourier sine transform is 545+4

(a) Find the Z-transform of cos h(+0)

(b) Using the inversion integral method, findthe inverse Z-transform of a2+3
(c) Solve by Z-transform of yn+1 + =.(n2 0)., y(0) =0. 545+4

5. (a) An insulated rod of length Ihas its ends Aand Bmaintained at 0°C and 100°C respectively
until steady state conditions prevail. IfB is suddenly reduced to 0°C and maintained at 0°C.
find the temperature at a distance x from A
at time t.
(b) Solve the Laplace equation t =ay² 0 subject to the conditions
u(0, y) =u(l,y) =u(x, 0) = 0 and u(x, a)= sin 747

6. (a) Find the missing terms of the following data:

115 22:533:54
f)6 10 20 155

b) Using Newton's fornula find the value of f(22) and f(42) from the following table:
X 20 25 30 35 40 45
f)354 332 291| 260 231 204 7+7
(3) 301

AI rod is rotating in a plane. The followine table gives the angle 0 (radians) through which the
7. (a) t et second:
rod has turned for various values of the
0-8 1-0 12
t 0-2 0-4 06
0 O12 0-4912 2-02 3-20 4-67

angular velocity and angular acceleration of the rod, when t = 06.

Calculate the
c1 dx Simpson's rd nue and Weddle rule taking h = 1/66 and compare the
(b) Evaluate J using
its actual value.
results with

Jharkhand University of Technology,,Ranchi

B.Tech. 3rdI Semester Examination, 2022
Subject Code :
Subject : Basic Electronics Full Marks : 70
Time Allowed : 3
in their
Candidates are required to Rive their answer
Own words as far
questions from the rest.
Question No. Iis compulsory and answer any four
The figures in the right-hand marginindicate full
1. Choose the correct alternative of the following:
conductivity of a semiconduetor increase with increase in temperature because
) The electrical concentration Increases.
(a) the mobility of the carriers increases. (b) the carrier
(d) thermal energy of electron increases.
c) Both (a) & (b)
semiconductor, the number of electrons is equal to the number of holes at
() In an intrinsic
which temperature?
Ab) 0°C
(a) OK
(c) High temperature (d) All temperature
(i) The current IcBO flows in the
(a) Emitter and base leads (b) Collector and base leads
(d) None of these
Jc) Emitter and collector leads
(iv) In an R-C coupled amplifier, the voltage gain
(a) remains almost constant over range of frequency
(b) always increase with frequency
(c) always decrease with frequency
d) None of the above
(v) The ideal OPAMP is an ideal
(a) Voltage controlled Current source Aby Voltage controlled Voltage source
(c) Current controlled Current source (d) Current controlled Voltage source
(vi) The time period of IC555 monostable multivibrator operation is
Ae) 1.38 RC (b) 1.1RC
(c) L45 RC (d) 13.8 RC
(vii) The octal equivalent of the HEX number AB.CDis
(a) 253.314 (b) 253.632
(c) 526.314 Ad) 526.632
Please Turn Over
301 (2)
cutoff, active
(a Draw the input and output characteristics of CB configuration and show
saturation region.
(b) Explain construction and working of depletion type MOSFET.
3. (a) Draw Circuit diagram and output voltage waveforms of Centre-Tap Full-Wave Rectifier.
(b) A full wave rectifier with a centre-tapped transformer supplies a de current of 100mA to
load resistance of R= 20 2. The secondary resistance of transformer is 1 2. Each diode has
forward resistance of 0.5 2. Determine the following:
() ms value of the signal voltage across each half of the secondary
() DC power supplied to the load
(üi) PIV rating for each diode
(iv) AC power input to the rectifier
(v) Conversion efficiency
the gain expression of an
4. (a) What is OPAMP? Mention its important characteristics, Calculate
op-amp in non-inverting mode.
150 Vand
(b) Determine the output voltage of an OPAMP for input voltages of V= CMRR is
Vg= 140 V. The amplifier has a differential gain of Aq = 4000 and the value
i) 100
(ii)) 10 7+7

5. (a) How square wave signal can be generated using 555 timer ic? Explain it with block diagram
(b) What is Zener diode? How it is used for voltage regulation? 7+7

6. (a) Give the two transistor version of silicon controlled rectifier. Define the term gate off and
gate ON times. Show how an SCR can be used to control power in the output circuitry.
(b) What are the various mode of operation of a TRIAC? Explain in detail. Compare the
performance of SCR and TRIAC.
7. Write short notes on any two of the following: 7×2=14
(a) Applications of CRO in Electronics Measurements
(b) Drift and Diffusion current
(c) Applications of Zener Diode
(d) UT
(e) Need of Modulation

Jharkhand University of Technology.2022Ranchi

B.Tech. 3rd Semester
Examination, Subject Code : EE-301
Subject : Electrical Machine-I Full Marks : 70
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Candidates are required to give their answer in their
Own words as far as Practicable.
Question No. lis compulsory and aMSer any four questions.
The figures inthe margin indicate full marks.
1. Choose correct answer of these multiple choice questions:
) The full-load copper loss of atransformer is 1600 W. At half-load, the copper loss will be
(a) 1600W (b) 640O W
e) 400 w Ady 80O W
(u) A 25 kVA transformer is constructed to aturns ratio of Ng/N= 10. The impedance of
primary winding is 3 + j5 ohms and of secondary winding is 0.5 +j0.8 ohms. What will be
the impedance of transformer when referred to primary?
(a) 53 +j85 ohm (b) 85 +j53 ohm
(c) Cant' be calculated (d) 3.5 +j5.8 ohm
(i) For apower transformer operating at ful load it draws voltage and current equal to 200V and
100 Arespectively at 0.8 pf. Iron and opper losses are equal to 120 kW and 300 kW. What
is efficiency?
Se) 97.44% (b) 99.12%
(c) 86.44% (d) 96.44%
iv) In which mode machine is operating, given that
conductor emf?
conductor current is in the same direction of
(a) Motoring
s Generating
(c) Can't be determined using direction sey In both modes for
(v) In a DC machine, the form of armature mmf waveform is
different cycle
Aa) triangular (b) sinusoidal
(c) sawtooth
(d) rectangular
(vi) The 'crawling' in an induction motor is caused by
(a) high loads (b) low
(c) improper design of machine voltage supply
d harmonics developed in the motor
Please Turn Over
301 rotor e.m.f. will be
V, 50 Hzinduction motor has 4% slip. The frequency of
(vi) A3-phase
(a) 200Hz (b) 50 Hz
(d) 0.2 Hz
(c) 2 Hz parameters
ofatransformer and describe the various
equivalent ereut
2. (a) Draw the exact
involved in it. 7+47
(b) Describe briefly the various losses in a
merits and demerits over a two winding
autotransformer. State its
3. (a) Define an copper losses are 350 Wand
400 WN
transformer, the iron and
(b) In a 25 kVA 2000/200
iron and copper losses, which will give maximum
respectively. Determine the values of 747
efficiency and also find the value of maximum efficiency.

a de machine. Hence bring out clearly how e.m.f and current in

4. (a) Develop the circuit model of
the armature conductors of a de motor oppose each
generator has no load generated e.m.f of 500 V when driven at
A 4 pole lap connected de
Calculate the flux per pole if the armature has 120 slots with 6 conductors per slot.
1200 rpm. 7+7

5. (a) Explain the methods of improving commutation in de machine.

proportional to the cube of
(b) A de series motor is driving a fan load where the load torque is
10 A
speed. The resistance of the armature and field in series is l ohm and the motor takes
and runs at 1000 rpm when operating from a 200 V supply. Calculate the value of resistance
to be inserted in series with the arnaturetoreduce the operating speed to 800 rpm. 7+7

6. (a) What are the advantages and disadvanthges of a squirrel-cage motor over a wound rotor

(b) Draw and explain the torque characteristic of a three phase induction motor. 7+7

7. (a) Explain with the help of connection and phasor diagrams how a Scott connection is used to
obtain two phase supply from three phase supply.
(b) A three phase step down transformer is connected to 6600 on primary side. The ratio of turns
per phase is 12 and line current drawn from mains is 20 A. Find the secondary line
and line current if the transformer is.
i) Star-star
(iü)) Star-Delta

Technology, Ranchi
Jharkhand University of 2022
B.Tech. 3rd Semester Examination, EE-302
Subject Code :
Subject : Network Theory Full Marks : 70
Time Allowed : 3 Hours
as far as
their own
Candidates are required to give their answerin questions fromthe rest.
Question No. I is compulsory and answer any four
full marks,.
The figure inthe right-hand margin indicates
1. Choose the correct answer:

0 Two sinusoidal currents are given hy the equation i =50sin(wt +)
iz= 25sin(2wt-). The phase difference between them is degrees.
(a) 75 A) 15
(C) 0 (d) cannot determine

() Which parameter is not related to an ACcircuit?

(a) RMS value Atj Cultivation of wave
(c) Form factor (d) Peak to peak value
(i) As shown in figure, a 12 resistance is connected across a source that has a load line
V+i= 100. The current through the resistance is

(a) 25A by 50A

(c) 100A (d) 200A
iv) If an ideal voltage source and 1deal
current source are connected in series, the
¥s the samne properties as a curent source alone.
by has the same properties as a voltage source alone.
c) has the same properties as the source which has a
higher value.
results in the branch being redundant.
Please Turn Over
compensation example. WVhat are the applications
5 (a) Elaborate the theorem with Suitable
limitations of this theorem when apply to any
circuit circuit, One branch consisting of
expression the resonant requeneyof a parallel
(b) Derivean branch of capacitor CFarad. 14
acoil of inductance L henry and resistance RO and other

that the resonant frequency of a is the geometric mean of the lower

(a) Show series RLC circuit
and upper half-power frequencies. connected in series
(b) Aresistor of 150, an inductance of 4H and a capacicitance of 25uF are
across a 240V a.c. supply. Calculate:
) the frequency at which the current shall bemaximum
(i) the curent at this frequency 14
(ii)) the p.d. across the inductance.
7. Write short notes of any two of the following:
(a) Super position theorem
(b) Hurwitz Polynomials
(c) Causality and Stability
(d) Classification of Filters
Jharkhand University of Technology,
B.Tech. 3rd Semester Examination, Subject Code : BSC-302
Subject : Environmental Science Full Marks : 70
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks : 21

answer im their own words as far as practicable.

Candidates are required to give their compulsory.
Answer any five questions. Question no. 1is
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Choose the corect answer:

) Which of the following is Renewable Resources?

(b) Animals
(a) Sunlight
(d) All of these
(c) Soil

(i) Geothermal Energy is

(b) heat of moon
(a) heat of planet
(c) heat of earth (d) heat of cloth

(iiü) Abiotic component means

(a) non-living component (b) living component
(c) space component () planet component
(iv) M.I.C. is
(a) Methyl ISO Cyanide (b) Methyl ISO Cynate
(c) Methane Induced Carbon (d) Magnesium Induced Carbon
(V) Air pollutants mixing up with rain can
(a) high acidity (b) low acidity
(c) neutral condition (d) None of these
(vi) Industrial wastes may contain toxic
(a) chemicals (b) phenols
(c) acids (d) All of these
(vi) Which of the following gases has maximumcontribution to increasegreenhouseeffects?
(a) CFC's (b) CH4
(c) CO; (d) N¿0
25958 Please Turn Over
Discuse how it contribute to global warming 4+446
gases and itseffect.
2. Explain greenhouse
the s O t air pollution and explain to minimization of air
3. Define air pollution. Discuss 2+6+6
noise and its unit. Discuss the sources and its effect.
4. Define
of a lorest. Discuss deforestation and various causes of
5. Explain the economic importance 5+4+5

explosion in Indian context. Explain reason for increase population and its
6. Discuss population 14
7. Write short notes on:
(a) Bio-Medical Waste
(b) Bio-magnification
(c) Ground Water Pollution
(d) Thermal Pollution

Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi

B.Tech. 3rd Semeser Examination, 2022
Subject Code : EE-303
Subject : Electromagnetic Field Full Marks : 70
Time Allowed : 3 Hours
own words as far as practicable.
Candidates are required to give their am er in their
The figure in the marcin indicates full marks.
Answer any five questions Ouestion No. I is
1. Choose the correct answver:

) The gradient of a scalar function is a

Ab) a vector
(a) scalar
(c) neither scalar nor vector (d) somnetimes scalar and sometimes vector

(ii) The electric field strength at any point is defined as

(a) potential gradient at that point.
b) negative of potential gradient at that point.
(c) voltage applied at that point.
d) All of the above
vector J is related as
(ii) The magnetic field intensity vector H and current
b) curl H=J
(a) Vx H=J
) Either (a) or (b) d) V.H =J
(iv) Select the false statement.
(a) Electric charges at rest produces electrostatic field.
(b) Electric charges in motion produces magnetic field.
(c) Curl of vector potential is magnetic induction field.
(d) The product of area of loop and the current is called dipole moment.
(e) None of the above
(v) When a charge q moves with velocity v in an electric field E and magnetic field B the
Lorentz force Fis given by
(a) F= qE (b) F=vBq
Ae) F=qE + vqB (d) F= Zero

(vi) Poynting vector is related to

(a) Watts (b) Watts per metre
o Watts per metre (d) Newtons
25956 Please Turn Over


total electric and magnetic intensies E and Hrespectively are related for a uniform
(vii)) The
plane wave as
(b) EH = Eo
(a) EH o


State and explain Gauss law. Give the various application of Gauss law.
(a) 747
energy in terms electric field intensity.
(b) Derive an expression for clectronic
displacement density.
2. (a) Define the terms Electric intensity' and Electrical 7+7
(b) Derive Poisson's and Laplace's equation from fundamentals.
3. (a) State and explain uniqueness theorem.
electric and
potential field intensity due to electric dipole. 7+7
(b) Find out the expression for
4 (a) Derive the boundary conditions to be satisfied by
magnetic fields at the boundary of two
different media.
(b) Explain Biot-Savart's law. Derive the formula for the magnetic field intensity at a general
Biot-Savart's law. 7+7
point for an infinitely long straight current carrying conductor from
5. (a) Obtain the Poynting theorem for conservation of energy in electromagnetic fields and
the physical meaning of cach term in resulting equation.
(b) Explain Ampere's Circuit law. Explain it in its differential and integral

6. (a) Write down all the Maxwell's equations and discuss their physical significance.
(b) Explain the energy stored in magnetic field.

7. () What is magnetic dipole? Derive an expression for the vector potential and magnetic field
due to a long wire of small circular cross-section carrying the current of I amp.
(b) Discuss the reflection of plane electromqgnetic wave at the interface of vacuum and
dielectric at normal incidence. 7+7

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