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Fusion HCM – Payroll Basics

Aravind Alavanthar
Fusion Setup Steps for payroll
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity HCM Information - Legal Employer & Payroll Statutory Unit (LDG)
Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards
Manage Legal Reporting Units
Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information - Tax Reporting Unit (TRU)
Manage Consolidation Group
Assign Legal Entity to Primary Ledger
Assign Balancing Segment
Manage Bank
Manage Bank Branch
Manage Bank Account
Manage Organization Payment Method
Manage Payroll Definition
Manage Elements ( Element Creation & Element Eligibility)
Salary Basis
Prerequisite checks for Payroll – Assign Payroll/Salary Basis/Element & Input Values to Employee
Payroll Process
Payroll Considerations
Payroll Creation -- Payroll name, Type, Consolidation Group, Ledger, Default Payment Method

Legislative Data Group -- Country, Cost & Currency

Element -- Classification, Category & Requirement

Pay Value -- Input value in a Element to Pay or Deduct in Payroll process

Element Eligibility -- Link by Job, Grade, Position, Payroll & other

Fast Formula -- Calculation Logic

Formula Results -- Returning Values from Formula to Element

Salary Basis Creation -- Link Element

Payroll Process -- Retro, Payroll Run, Prepayments, Costing, Transfer to GL, Archive, Payslip & Etc

Retro -- Arrears

Proration -- Change of Salary mid of payroll month

Payroll Statutory Unit -- Mark a legal entity as PSU in order to run payroll

Tax Reporting Units -- In order to handle Legislative calculations

Calculation Cards -- Statutory Elements for Payroll process

Org Payment Method -- will act as source bank and require in Payroll creation
Element Creation – Basic Information
Element Creation – Additional Information
Employee Eligible for payroll Process
Employee Payroll Consolidation Group

Payment Method

Salary Basis

Element Eligibility Element


Fast Formula Formula Result

Payroll Process
Retro Process

Payroll Run


Cheque/Cash/EFT payments

Costing Archive

Transfer to GL Pay slip Generation

Fusion Payroll Process Concurrent:

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes - Submit a process to calculate retrospective changes that were not included in the original
payroll run.

Calculate Payroll - Submit a process to calculate the payroll run results such as the gross to net results.
Calculate Prepayments - Submit a process to calculate payment distributions based on payment types such as cash, check,
and electronic fund transfer.
Archive Periodic Payroll Results - Submit a process to archive the payroll results, which are used for reporting purposes.
Generate Payslips - Submit a process to generate payslips for employees.
Generate Check Payments - Submit a process to generate checks for employees or third parties.
Make EFT Payments - Submit a process to generate electronic payments for employees or third parties.
Calculate Costing of Payments - Submit a process to allocate costs for payment results, plus voided, cleared and external payments.
The is run before creating accounting entries.
Transfer to Sub ledger Accounting - Submit a process which transfers payroll costs to sub ledger accounting.

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