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Learning Outcome:
Able to write narratives coherently to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas, in which the
development, strategy, organization, and style are appropriate for writing purposes.

Your Project:
Demonstrates understanding of the concept of structure, function, and cause-effect when creating a
story of a minimum of 200 – 350 words by applying writing strategies and organization based on the
writing purpose. The poem/ story contains the answer to the Big Question.

After learning about elements of story, historical and science fiction, writing strategies, plot twists,
and writing conventions, students will demonstrate these abilities in their story writing. Students will
create a historical fiction related to the province they were assigned in Social Studies. After that,
students will publish their stories in the Book Creator.

The product will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, students must use this rubric as a
guide when working on the writing product and recheck it before submitting it.

HP (High Performance) P (Proficient) NY

Student’s work have fulfilled the Effectiveness and Meaningfulness: Do not
“Proficient” criteria, and in 1. Demonstrates of the fulfill the
addition, the student also understanding of the concept P
demonstrate: of structure, function, and criteria.
cause and effect when
1. Writes a story while
creating a story of minimum
including consideration of
200-350 words
other perspectives, e.g., by
2. by applying writing strategies
including various facts and
and organization based on the
opinions about a subject
writing purpose.
matter described in the
3. The story contains the answer
story (Consideration of
to the big question.
Multiple Perspectives)
2. Shows and explains writing Clarity
strategies (journalistic A. Applies writing strategies to:
questions and double-entry 1. Organize ideas
journaling) 2. Gather and select ideas
to write stories for friends 3. Revise and edit based on
or lower grade students. the writing conventions.
(Contribution to Community)
This appears in the student’s B. Use appropriate tools and
technology, including internet,
presentation. to produce and publish writing.
3. Uses the writing process and
writing strategies in other C. Use appropriate graphic
subjects for academic organizer to organize ideas
purposes. (Application in using 6+1 traits and writing
Different Context) process (pre-writing and
drafting stages).

D. Using narrative techniques to

develop the characters or
events in stories.

E. Give reasons why specific

writing strategy or graphic
organizer helps him/her to
achieve a writing purpose.

Accurately uses content specific
vocabulary when applying a writing
process with 6+1 traits, and explaining
writing conventions correctly.

Learner Outcomes Requirements:

Outcomes Details

Impactful Writing Showing the ability to adapt to different target readers by considering the
audience’s educational backgrounds, beliefs, and roles, and to use strategies and
tactics accordingly. An impactful writer also writes according to the situation
and need.

Reflect on their Makes a judgment on their performance based on overall evaluation of the
personal performance towards the goal. Reflect on why the students are at that position.
performance Determines how the goal was or was not achieved.

erupsi gunung sinabung

Timeline :

1. Plan (14-16 November 2023)

● Prewriting: Brainstorm your ideas using journalistic questions.
Use the following questions to help you find data and information about your story. You can modify these
questions to your needs.

1. Which historical event from the province I was assigned to for the Social Studies PBC project will be
the source for my story ideas?
Sumatera Utara

2. What year? Where did it happen? How was the situation at that time?
2020 10 Agustus di Gunung Sinabung at 10:16 WIB with an ash column as high as 5 kilometers into
the sky and at 11:17 WIB with an ash column as high as 2 kilometers into the sky with thick intensity
towards the east and southeast.

3. Who was involved?

Society and taman alam

4. Mention the facts and opinions about your story.

a. Facts: Di Gunung Sinabung at 10:16 WIB with an ash column as high as 5 kilometers into the
sky, at 11:17 WIB with an ash column as high as 2 kilometers into the sky with thick
intensity towards the east and southeast.

-Menimbulkan korban jiwa sebanyak 28 orang meninggal dunia dan ribuan jiwa harus
mengungsi dari rumah ke pos-pos pengungsian.

-Keenam korban meninggal adalah Karman Milala, 60 tahun, Irwansyah Sembiring (17),
Nantin Br Sitepu (54), Leo Perangin-angin, Ngulik Ginting, dan Ersada Ginting (55).

b. Opinions:
I find this event very tragic

Every natural disaster is always unfair

5. Cite your sources here:

● Drafting: Use a double-entry journal to draft your story.

What I Need to Find For My Story My Findings
Topic: The topic will be the
Theme: eruption of a volcano
POV: Theme is Natural Disaster

The conflict in the story will

be about the struggle to
Characters: escape the eruption of the
1. Main character (Unreal Character): volcano
2. Supporting character (Real Character):
POV of the story will be a
3rd pov

Main character:
Setting: Kenzie
Supporting character:
Karman Milala
Ersada Ginting
Background crowd

The location of where the

Situation: story sets is in, Gunung

Social Studies-related vocabulary: The story will take place in

the morning as kenzie is
doing his daily routine

The situation will be

regarding an disaster that
happends unpredictably

Vocabularies used related

to social studies are:
Village, Gunung Sinabung,
Habitat, Metropolis..
2. Do (17-22 November 2023). Write your rough story in the
following column.

An eruption of regret
The bird's tweet, the sun rises,
And the morning breeze sways.
A morning dawned upon us.

It was another morning in Gunung Sinabung located in Sumatra Utara, and another
daily task for Kenzie. Kenzie sighed deeply as he said,

“Nothing ever happens here.”

A dark figure breaks out from the alleyway and replies to Kenzie.

“You take the peace for granted, Mr Kenzie.”

Kenzie blurted out to the man.

“No way you're not bored, Sir Ersada.”

The two of them glared at each other before Erada gave a sound of amusement.

“Heh, that's the charm of this place Kenzie.” He looks at the horizon and towards the
sun from the mountain.

“Our village isn't a metropolis, it's just a tranquil habitat Kenzie.”

Kenzie scuffs at his answer

“It's not enough.” Kenzie rebuttals Erada's statement, walking away back to his home
avoiding Erada.

Kenzie every morning opens a small shop which conveniently be his front house, he
sells snacks and usual house supplies to people in the village. Most of his consumers
are children buying snacks and candies, to mothers buying house supplies. He
finishes opening his shop at 9 am and waits in front of his small shop. Many kids
visit Sir Kenzie and his stall, buying candy and talking to Kenzie. At this moment if
only Kenzie knew that this would be his final moment, to enjoy peace.
Kenzie felt a shake, H-huh? What was that? He quickly rushes out of his home and
instinctively looks upon the volcano

Smoke comes out of the tip of the volcano, and the ground shakes, but for some
reason, Kenzie isn't panicking. The adrenaline rushes as he dashes up the hill to the
other villagers aiming to help them, he rushes to help people. Just then he catches a
glimpse of an old man, It was Ersada stuck. Then suddenly Kenzie sinks and his
body burns from the magma of the volcano, he thinks to himself. I wish I could go
back to when everything was peaceful, where I could appreciate the peace of this
village. I wished.

3. Revising and Editing (23-24 November 2023). Write the

revision you made on the story in the table below.

An eruption of regret
The bird's tweet, the sun rises,
And the morning breeze sways.
A morning dawned upon us.

It was another morning in Gunung Sinabung located in Sumatra Utara, and another
daily task for Kenzie. Kenzie sighed deeply as he said,

“Nothing ever happens here.”

A dark figure breaks out from the alleyway and replies to Kenzie.

“You take the peace for granted, Mr Kenzie.”

Kenzie blurted out to the man.

“No way you're not bored, Sir Ersada.”

The two of them glared at each other before Erada gave a sound of amusement.

“Heh, that's the charm of this place Kenzie.” He looks at the horizon and towards the
sun from the mountain.

“Our village isn't a metropolis, it's just a tranquil habitat Kenzie.”

Kenzie scuffs at his answer,

“It's not enough.” Kenzie rebuttals Erada's statement, walking away back to his home
avoiding Erada.

Kenzie every morning opens a small shop which conveniently be his front house, he
sells snacks and usual house supplies to people in the village. Most of his consumers
are children buying snacks and candies, to mothers buying house supplies. He
finishes opening his shop at 9 am and waits in front of his small shop. Many kids
visit Sir Kenzie and his stall, buying candy and talking to Kenzie. At this moment if
only Kenzie knew that this would be his final moment, to enjoy peace.

Kenzie felt a shake, H-huh? What was that? He quickly rushes out of his home and
instinctively looks upon the volcano

Smoke comes out of the tip of the volcano, and the ground shakes, but for some
reason, Kenzie isn't panicking. The adrenaline rushes as he dashes up the hill to the
other villagers aiming to help them, he rushes to help people. Just then he catches a
glimpse of an old man, It was Ersada stuck. Then suddenly Kenzie sinks and his
body burns from the magma of the volcano, he thinks to himself. I wish I could go
back to when everything was peaceful, where I could appreciate the peace of this
village. I wished.
4. Publishing (27 November-8 December 2023)

An Eruption of Regret
Afrand 89A
The bird's tweet, the sun rising,
And the morning breeze sways.
A morning dawned upon us.

It was another morning on Mount Sinabung, located in North Sumatra, and another
daily task for Kenzie. Kenzie sighed deeply as he said, “Nothing ever happens here.”A dark
figure breaks out from the alleyway and replies to Kenzie. “You take the peace for granted,
Mr. Kenzie.” Kenzie blurted it out to the man. “No way you're not bored, Sir Ersada.”

The two of them glared at each other before Erada gave a sound of amusement. “Heh,
that's the charm of this place, Kenzie.” He looks at the horizon and towards the sun from the
mountain. “Our village isn't a metropolis; it's just a tranquil habitat, Kenzie.” Kenzie scoffs
at his answer “It's not enough.” Kenzie rebuttals Erada's statement, walking back to his
home, avoiding Erada.

Kenzie every morning opens a small shop, which conveniently is his front house, He
sells snacks and other house supplies to people in the village. Most of his consumers are
children buying snacks and candies and mothers buying house supplies. He finishes opening
his shop at 9 a.m. and waits in front of his small shop.

Many kids visit Sir Kenzie and his stall, buying candy and talking to Kenzie. At this
moment, if only Kenzie knew that this would be his final moment to enjoy peace. Kenzie
felt a shake, H-huh? What was that? He quickly rushes out of his home and instinctively
looks upon the volcano. Smoke comes out of the tip of the volcano, and the ground shakes,
but for some reason, Kenzie isn't panicking. The adrenaline rushes as he dashes up the hill to
the other villagers, aiming to help them, he rushes to help people.

Just then he catches a glimpse of an old man, it was Ersada stuck. Then suddenly
Kenzie sinks and his body burns from the magma of the volcano, he thinks to himself. I wish
I could go back to when everything was peaceful, where I could appreciate the peace of this
village. I wished.

5. Review (self-edit rubrics).

Let’s Check!
☑ My planning has sources cited.
☑ My story answers the Big Question
☑ My story uses writing strategies
☑My covers all the vocabulary related
☑My story has no mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors
What’s going well so far?
My main vision of the story

What might I try next?

Different characteristics of my future character

What else have I tried?

making a light novel

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