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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Salvacion Daraga, Albay

Subject: Content and Pedagogy for the Mother Tongue

Name: ____________________________________________________ Block:

Time started:
Time finished:

Final Examination

I. Direction: Complete the following statement by filling the blanks with the correct answer
1. The number of words read per minute is referred to as ______________________.
2. Spelling is ________of sounds heard to alphabet letter names.
3. Decoding is word____________________ rather than higher units of meaning identification.
4. Approach in teaching reading instruction that involves letter sound relationship and sounding out of words is
5._______________ is an integral part of education and in any form and any type of curriculum

II. Enumeration:
6-15. What are the major approaches in teaching comprehension? Discuss.
16-25. What are the strategies for phonological awareness? Explain
26-35. Enumerate the process of assessment?

III. Reflection:
. (15 points)
Cite the importance of the used of Mother Tongue as a medium of instruction on your early childhood years.

Note: This is a 1hr exam. Response within 1 hour is strictly advice. Thanks
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