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April 12 2023
Balance sheet
Assets Startup 2023 2024 2025
Current Assets
Cash 24940 135940 274940 1324320
Prepaid rent 60000 60000 60000 60000
Inventory 68370 20000 50000 60000
Account Receivable 0 0 0 30000
Notes Receivable 0 0 0 500000

Total current Assets 153310 215940 384940 1974320

Non-current Assets
office equipment 63900 63900 63900 63900
Production equipment 41790 41790 41790 41790
Furniture & fixture 41000 41000 41000 41000
Accumulated Depriciation(production eq) 0 -3482 -6964 -10446
Accumulated Depriciation(office eq) 0 -3195 -6390 -9585
Accumulated Depriciation 0 -2733 -5466 -8199

Total non-current Assets 146690 137280 127870 118460

Grand Total of Assets 300000 353220 512810 2092780

Laibilities And Owner Equity Startup 2024 2025 2026
Account Payable 0 0 0 0

Owner Equity
Capital 300000 231630 211630 1159760
Retained Earning 0 121590 301180 933020

Grand Total 300000 353220 512810 2092780

For the Year endeed April 12 2023
Income Statement
Revenue 2023 2024 2025

Sales 2331000 2565000 3015900

Interest Received 0 0 105000
CGS -1404000 -1530000 -2010600
Gross profit 927000 1035000 1110300
operating expenses
Rent Expense 180000 180000 180000
Salaries Expense 120000 120000 120000
Utilities Expense 96000 96000 96000
depriciation expense(production eq) 3482 3482 3482
depriciation expense(office eq) 3195 3195 3195
depriciation expense(furniture & fix) 2733 2733 2733
Total Expense 405410 405410 405410
Profit before tax 521590 629590 704890
Income Tax Expense 0 0 -3740
Net Profit 521590 629590 701150
Eco-Friendly wraps
For the year April 12 2023
Cash Flow Statements
Cash Flow from Operating Activities Startup 2023 2024 2025

Cash received from the customer 0 2331000 2565000 3015900

Cash paid to employees 0 0 0 0
Cash Paid to supplier & Employees 68370 1544000 1700000 2190600
Cash paid as Utilities 0 96000 96000 96000
Cash paid as rent 60000 180000 180000 180000
Income tax Paid 0 0 0 3740
Net cash increase or decrease in operating Activities -128370 511000 589000 545560
Cash Flow from investing Activities
Purchase of furniture and fixture 41000 0 0 0
Purchase office equipment 63900 0 0 0
Purchase of production equipment 41790 0 0 0
Notes Receivable 0 0 0 500000
Interest Received 0 0 0 105000
Net cash increase or decrease in Investing Activities -146690 0 0 -395000
Cash Flow from financing Activities
Cash withdraw by owner 0 400000 450000 800000
Net cash increase or decrease in financing Activities 0 -400000 -450000 -800000

Net Increase or Decreas in cash & cash equivalent -275060 111000 139000 -649440
Net cash & cash equivalent at begning of year ( Start up) 300000 24940 135940 1973760
Net cash & cash equivalent at end of year (Start-up) 24940 135940 274940 1324320
April 1
Current Assets
Prepaid rent

Total current Assets

Non-current Assets
office equipment
Production equipment
Furniture & fixture

Total non-current Assets

Grand Total of Assets

Eco-Friendly Wrap
April 12 2023
Balance Sheet
Rs Liabilities +Owner Equity Rs2


41790 Owner Equity
41000 Capital stock 300000


300000 300000
Cash 300000 Inventory
275060 Description Quantity per unit cost
24940 Cotton Cloth (Yards) 80 500
Bees Wax (KG) 10 2210
Pine Resin (KG) 3 960
Coconut Oil (L) 3 1130

Production Equipment
Description Quantity per unit cost
oven 1 33000
Iron 1 3000
Mason Jar 3 800
Brushes 2 370
spoons 6 50
pinking shears 1 1000
stirring rods 2 150
parchment paper 3 350
Office Equipment use in 20 years
Total cost Description Quantity per unit cost Total cost 3195
40000 computer 1 45500 45500
22100 Printer 1 12500 12500
2880 Internet device 1 3000 3000
3390 Telephone 1 1500 1500
68370 Stationary 1 1400 1400
63900 63900
ent use in 12 years
Total cost 3482 Furniture and fixture use in 15 years
33000 Description Quantity per unit cost Total cost 2733
3000 office table 1 9000 9000
2400 office chair 4 3000 12000
740 workshop chair 2 2000 4000
300 fans 2 8000 16000
1000 22000 41000
use in 20 years

use in 15 years
ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2024
Income Statement
Account Rs Rs2
Sales 2331000
CGS -1404000
Gross profit 927000
operating expenses
Rent Expense 180000
Salaries Expense 120000
Utilities Expense 96000
depriciation expense(production eq) 3482
depriciation expense(office eq) 3195
depriciation expense(furniture & fix) 2733
Total Expense 405410
Profit before tax 521590
net profit 521590
per unit cost 200
price 300 Product
profit per unit 100 Pack of 3 wraps
Pack of 5 wraps
Family Pack 10 Wr

per unit cost price per unit products 1 day sales revenue
600 900 Pack of 3 wraps 10 9000
1000 1500 Pack of 5 wraps 5 7500
1400 3000 Family Pack 10 Wrap 7 21000
22 37500
Price in PKR cost profit
900 864 36
1500 1440 60
3000 2880 120

cost per month sales per year sales Revenue2 Cost2

6000 50 540 486000 324000
5000 27 730 1095000 730000
9800 35 250 750000 350000
20800 112 1520 2331000 1404000
re ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2024
Retained Earning
Net income 521590
Less drawing -400000
Current Year Retained Earning 121590
O-Friendly Wrap
e period= 12,04,2024
etained Earning
Eco-Friendly Wrap
April 12 2024
Balance Sheet
Assets Rs Liabilities +Owner Equity Rs2
Current Assets Liabilities
Cash 135940
Prepaid rent 60000
Inventory 20000

Total current Assets 215940

Non-current Assets
office equipment 63900
Production equipment 41790 Owner Equity
Furniture & fixture 41000 Capital stock 231630
Accumulated Depriciation(production eq) -3482 Retained earning 121590
Accumulated Depriciation(office eq) -3195
Accumulated Depriciation -2733

Total non-current Assets 137280

Total Assets 353220 353220

I ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2025
Income Statement
Gross profit
operating expenses
Rent Expense
Salaries Expense
Utilities Expense
depriciation expense(production eq)
depriciation expense(office eq)
depriciation expense(furniture & fix)
Total Expense
Profit before tax
Income tax expense
Net income
-Friendly Wrap
period= 12,04,2025
ome Statement 2000
Rs Rs2


per unit cost price per unit products 1 day sales revenue
600 900 Pack of 3 wraps 10 9000
1000 1500 Pack of 5 wraps 5 7500
1400 3000 Family Pack 10 Wrap 7 21000
22 37500
cost per month sales per year sales Revenue2 Cost2
6000 50 600 540000 360000
5000 27 750 1125000 750000
9800 35 300 900000 420000
20800 112 1650 2565000 1530000
ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2025
Retained Earning
Net income
Previous Year Retained Earning
Less drawings
Retained Earning
ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2025
Retained Earning
Eco-Friendly Wrap
April 12 2025
Balance Sheet
Assets Rs Liabilities +Owner Equity Rs2
Current Assets Liabilities
Cash 274940 Account Payable 0
Prepaid rent 60000
Inventory 50000

Total current Assets 384940

Non-current Assets
office equipment 63900
Production equipment 41790 Owner Equity
Furniture & fixture 41000 Capital stock 211630
Accumulated Depriciation(production eq) -6964 Retained earning 301180
Accumulated Depriciation(office eq) -6390
Accumulated Depriciation(furniture&fix) -5466

Total non-current Assets 127870

Grand Total of Assets 512810 512810

ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2026
Income Statement
Account Rs
Interest Received
Gross profit
operating expenses
Rent Expense 180000
Salaries Expense 120000
Utilities Expense 96000
depriciation expense(production eq) 3482
depriciation expense(office eq) 3195
depriciation expense(furniture & fix) 2733
Total Expense
Profit before tax
Income tax expense
Net income
y Wrap


per unit cost price per unit products 1 day sales
600 900 Pack of 3 wraps 10
1000 1500 Pack of 5 wraps 5
1400 3000 Family Pack 10 Wrap 7
revenue cost per month sales per year sales Revenue2 Cost2
9000 6000 50 500 450000 300000
7500 5000 27 700 1050000 700000
21000 9800 35 200 600000 280000
37500 20800 112 1400 2100000 1280000
ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2025
Retained Earning
Net income
previous year Retained Earning
Less drawings
Current Year Retained Earning
ECO-Friendly Wrap
For the period= 12,04,2025
Retained Earning
Eco-Friendly Wrap
April 12 2026
Balance Sheet
Assets Rs Liabilities +Owner Equity Rs2
Current Assets Liabilities
Cash 1324320 Account Payable 0
Prepaid rent 60000
Inventory 60000
Account Receivable 30000
Notes receivable 500000

Total current Assets 1974320

Non-current Assets
office equipment 63900
Production equipment 41790 Owner Equity
Furniture & fixture 41000 Capital stock 1159760
Accumulated Depriciation(production eq) -10446 Retained earning 933020
Accumulated Depriciation(office eq) -9585
Accumulated Depriciation(Furniture&fix) -8199

Total non-current Assets 118460

Grand Total of Assets 2092780 2092780

Eco-Friendly wraps
For the year April 12 2023
Cash Flow Statements
Cash Flow from Operating Activities Startup 2024 2025 2026

Cash received from the customer 0 2331000 2565000 3015900

Cash paid to employees 0 0 0 0
Cash Paid to supplier & Employees 68370 1544000 1700000 2190600
Cash paid as Utilities 0 96000 96000 96000
Cash paid as rent 60000 180000 180000 180000
Income tax Paid 0 0 0 3740
Net cash increase or decrease in operating Activities -128370 511000 589000 545560
Cash Flow from investing Activities
Purchase of furniture and fixture 41000 0 0 0
Purchase office equipment 63900 0 0 0
Purchase of production equipment 41790 0 0 0
Notes Receivable 0 0 0 500000
Interest Received 0 0 0 105000
Net cash increase or decrease in Investing Activities -146690 0 0 -395000
Cash Flow from financing Activities
Cash withdraw by owner 0 400000 450000 800000
Net cash increase or decrease in financing Activities 0 -400000 -450000 -800000

Net Increase or Decreas in cash & cash equivalent -275060 111000 139000 -649440
Net cash & cash equivalent at begning of year 300000 24940 135940 1973760
Net cash & cash equivalent at end of year 24940 135940 274940 1324320

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