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Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

IoT-Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System



Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Abstract to be followed by

Agriculture is done in every country from ages. Agriculture is the science and art of cultivating
plants. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization. Agriculture is
done manually from ages. As the world is trending into new technologies and implementations it is a
necessary goal to trend up with agriculture also. IOT plays a very important role in smart agriculture. IOT
sensors are capable of providing information about agriculture fields. we have proposed an IOT and
smart agriculture system using automation. This IOT based Agriculture monitoring system makes use of
wireless sensor networks that collects data from different sensors deployed at various nodes and sends it
through the wireless protocol. This smart agriculture using IOT system is powered by Arduino, it consists
of Temperature sensor, Moisture sensor, water level sensor, DC motor and GPRS module. When the IOT
based agriculture monitoring system starts it checks the water level, humidity and moisture level. It sends
SMS alert on the phone about the levels. Sensors sense the level of water if it goes down, it automatically
starts the water pump. If the temperature goes above the level, fan starts. This all is displayed on the LCD
display module. This all is also seen in IOT where it shows information of Humidity, Moisture and water
level with date and time, based on per minute. Temperature can be set on a particular level, it is based on
the type crops cultivated. If we want to close the water forcefully on IOT there is button given from
where water pump can be forcefully stopped.
S Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our departmental teachers for guiding us
through the extensive research process that became this book. Furthermore, we would like to
thank Mr. Soham Paul for exposing us to this topic and guiding us by theoretical clarification of
the overall project view.
It helped us lot of research and we came to know about a lot of things related to this topic.
Lastly we want to thank our family & friends for their encouragement & belief in us.
S Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Table Of Contents

Title Page I
Declaration of the Student (Signed by Student) II
Certificate of the Guide (Signed by Guide,HoD,Principal) III
Certificate IV
Abstract (Evaluated & Signed by Guide) V
Acknowledgement VI
List Of Figures VII
List Of Tables VIII


1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 IoT in Agriculture 2
1.3 Structure of IoT n Agriculture 3
1.4 Motivation 5
1.5 Objectives 5


2.1. Literature Review 7

2.2 Need for Present study 9
2.3 Proposed Approach 10
2.4 Objectives and Scope 10


S Smart Agriculture System Using IOT
3.1 Project Definition 11
3.2 Specification 11


4.1 Block Diagram Explanation 13

4.2 Design stages 14
4.3 Hardware Tools 14
4.3.1 Arduino Uno 14
4.3.2 DHT 11 Sensor 21
4.3.3 SoilMoisture Sensor 22
4.3.4 Sun Light Sensor 23
4.3.5 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 24
4.3.6 Motor 25
4.4 Software Tools 25
4.4.1 Arduino IDE 25
4.4.2 Thinspeak 27
4.5 Adafruit 27


5.1 Algorithm 29


6.1 Conclusion 41
6.2 Advantages/Disadvantages 41
6.3 Applications 42
6.4 Future scope 42


7.1 Referenecs 43
Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


1.1 Introduction :

Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection or network of physical devices that is

interrelatedcomputing devices, digital and mechanical machines, people or animals, objects that
can sense, accumulate and transfer data over web without any human involvement. Everything
is provided with unique identifier. It is a progressed examination and mechanized frameworks
which uses detecting, organizing, enormous information and man-made consciousness
innovation to convey total framework for an administration. Basically IoT is about extending
the power of internet beyond smart phones and computers.
IoT has changed today’s world. Smart cities, smart car, smart homes everything
around us can be turned into a smart device with the help of IoT. It also has applications in
agriculture, business sectors, healthcare, transport and logistics.
There are four main components of IoT-

Low power embedded system- High performance and less battery consumption are the
inverse factors that play an important role in design of electronic system.
Cloud computing- Data collected from devices is stored on reliable storage servers so
here cloud computing comes into action.
Availability of Big Data- As IoT is highly dependent on sensors that are real time. So the
usage of electronic devices is spread throughout every field that is going to trigger a massive
flux of data.
Network connection- For communication, internet connectivity is necessary where each
physical object is assigned by an IP address. A network connection is build between the
devices with the help of these addresses
Technology today has not reached its 100% capability. So the advantages and
disadvantages of this technology are given below-
Advantages of IoT

1. Utilization of Resources Efficiently

2. Minimization of Human Efforts

3. Time-saving

4. Increase Data Collection

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Disadvantages of IoT
1. Security

2. Privacy

3. Complexity

Figure 1.1 Description of IoT

1.2 IoT in Agriculture:

Internet of Things has capacity to transform the lives of people in the world in an
efficient manner. The ever growing population would touch more than 3 billions in few years.
So to feed such an immense population, agriculture industry need to embrace IoT. The
demand for more food has to address challenges that include excessive climate conditions,
weather change and different environmental affects that results from farming practices. From
survey of United Nations – Food and Agriculture Organisations, the world wide food
production should be increased by 70% in 2050 for evolving population.Agriculture is the
basis for the human species as it is the main source of food and it plays important role in the
growth of country’s economy. It also gives large ample employment opportunities to the
people. The farmers are still using traditional methods for agriculture, which results in low
yielding of crops and fruits. So the crop yield can be improved by using automatic
machineries. There is need to implement modern science and technology in the agriculture
for increasing the yield. By using IoT, we can expect. the increase in production with low
cost by monitoring the efficiency of the soil, temperature and humidity monitoring, rain fall
monitoring, fertilizers efficiency, monitoring storage capacity of water tanks and also theft
detection in agriculture areas.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Figure 1.2 Smart Farming

The destiny of Indian agriculture must be worked with understanding and excessive cease
technologies that can expand production and furthermore regains the attention of farmers in
this industry. So these smart farming techniques would assist farmers to lessen scrap and
enhance capacity. It is basically a high tech and capital intensive system for growing crops in
a sustainable manner for masses. This technology can help farmers to monitor field
conditions from anywhere with the help of sensors and can also irrigate fields with an
automated system. It is the application of Information and Communication Technology into
the field of agriculture.

1.3 Structure of IoT in Agriculture :

Basically this system structure consists of 3 layers that are sensor layer, transport layer,
application layer and the functions of these layers are below –
1)Sensor layer- One of the challenge of the sensor layer is to obtain automated and real time
transformations of the figures of actual world agricultural manufacturing into digital
transformation or information which could be processed in virtual world through different or
various means. The data that they collect are-
 Sensor information- Humidity, temperature, gas concentrations, pressure etc.

 Products information- name, model, price and features.

 Working condition - operating parameters of different equipments, apparatus etc.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

 Location information

The major challenge of Information layer is to mark diverse kinds of information or data and
gathering the information and marked information in the actual world by means of techniques
of sensing, after which remodels them for processing into digital information. This sensor
layer includes some strategies- RFID tags, cameras, two dimension code labels, sensor

1) Transport layer- This layer’s task is to acquire and summarize the data of agriculture
acquired from the above layer for processing. It is believed as the nerve centre of IoT. This
layer includes the combination of telecommunication management centre and also internet
network, information centre, smart processing centres.
2) Application layer- The function of this layer is to analyse and process the information
collected for the cultivation of digital awareness of actual world. It is considered as a fusion
of IoT and agricultural market intelligence.

Benefits of IoT in Agriculture :

 IoT empowers simple gathering and the executives of huge amounts of information which
is gathered from sensors used and with the help of joining of distributed evaluating
administrations such as cloud storage, farming field maps and more information can be
retrieved from any place and everywhere which enables live monitoring and connectivity
which is end to end.
 IoT is viewed as an important segment for smart farming because with precise use of
sensors and also the smart gadgets, farmers could expand the output by 72% upto year
2050 as delineated by specialists.
 By the use of IoT creations expenses could be diminished to an astounding dimension that
would thus expand productivity and survivability.
 By the use of IoT efficiency level would be further expanded as far as utilization of water,
soil, fertilizers, pesticides etc.

Applications of IoT in Agriculture:

 Precision farming

 Agricultural drones

 Livestock monitoring

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

 Smart greenhouses

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Figure 1.3 Applications of IoT


Different kind of problems faced by the farmers motivated us for the recommended
system that are: the Indian farming is on the hitch because of the limited technical know how
of the best and efficient agricultural practices and moreover they are still dependent on
conventional methods of agriculture that leads to lesser productivity of crops. So by using
upcoming technology the productivity of crops can be maximized at minimal cost. This also
reduces burden of taking up of heavy loans on farmers which they have incurred on
themselves in order to sustain their livings or to get good yields of their crops. Apart from
these issues scarcity of resources also adds up in their problem causing hindrance or stopping
framers from cultivating and hence Indian economy is also additionally getting influenced to
large extent as most of the fruitful lands of the nation are being destroyed that forms the vital
part of GDP.So through this framework we are presenting solution for this issue by
introducing an automated and systematic farming strategies that enable farmers to cultivate in
a productive way also with limited resources and greater yield which is assured and efficient.


1. To update farmers with the new technology and to avoid manual labour.

2. To reduce wastage of water and enhance productivity of crops by providing them ideal
3. To meet the difficulties such as severe weather conditions and advancing climate change,

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

and environmental consequences resulting from intensive farming practices.

4. Design a model and connect it to the android app and cloud server.

Figure 1.4 IoT based Smart Farm

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


Literature Survey

2.1 Literature Review:

Internet Of Things (IoT)is a shared network of objects or things which can interact
with each other provided the internet connection. IoT plays an important role in agriculture
industry which can feed 9.6 billion people on the Earth by 2050. Smart Agriculture helps to
reduce wastage, effective usage of fertilizer and thereby increase the crop yield. In this work,
a system is developed to monitor crop-field using sensors (soil moisture, temperature,
humidity, Light).

In this paper, authors S. Sivacharan,K. Balkrishnan, K. Navin propose an embedded

soil analyser with measures the pH value of the soil and based on this value gives measure of
various soil nutrients. This model helps in prediction of the soil sequence based on the
availability of nutrients. Many techniques monitors various soil parameters and this paper
points at soil fertility. The main aim of this model is to replace the conventional method of
soil testing by automated soil testing.
This paper presents an IoT based smart stick that enables live monitoring of the
different agricultural parameters. This stick helps farmer acquire live data of temperature, soil
moisture. The agricultural IoT stick gives the idea of plug and measures in which farmers can
instantly enact smart monitoring system by positioning the stick in the field and obtaining
live data feeds on different smart gadgets like smart tablets, phones etc.
In this paper, the author Anand Nayyar,Er. Vikram Puri proposes a model where the
flow and direction of water is supervised and controlled. This is done with the help of
DHTT11 and soil moisture sensor. This method also proposes a way to select the direction of
water and this information is also sent to the phone and gmail account of the farmer. This
model also enables the farmer to switch on and off the motor with a single click..
In this paper, author Apurva C. Pusatkar,Vijay S. Gulhane focus on using WSN that is
Wireless Sensor Network. Use of WSN helps in real time monitoring of the agricultural field.
In addition to the conventional parameters like humidity, temperature and soil moisture, this
paper focuses on water level, flood, wind direction, wind speed, weather etc.
The average productivity in India is less than the world average and this paper
presents a way to attain ‘evergreen revolution’ in agriculture. Fertilizers play a vital role in
good yield but imbalanced use of P, K, N causes decrease in crop production.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

In many research papers it is devised that information must be collected from

different sensors and live monitoring should be done but in this research paper the stress is
laid on getting things automated. In this paper the writers aims at increasing the crop yield by
using different technologies. It also presents a cost efficient WSN for getting information
from humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor and temperature sensors.
In this paper author Dr. N. Suma, S.R. Samson, S. Saranya focus on using GSM
technique. Also PIR sensor is used in addition which can’t detect temperature, humidity and
sun light intensity but it detect movement of animals and human.
This paper presents proposed model for smart agriculture to develop real time
monitoring system for soil properties like temperature, moisture, pH and to implement
decision support advisory models for Pest & Disease forewarning, Crop Disease
identification using image analysis and SMS based alerts. It will also be possible to control
various operations of the field remotely from anywhere, anytime by mobile as well as web
application.Ubi sense sensor having temperature,humidity,light intensity,barometric sensor.
UbiSense reads values from sensor, detects Proximity IR LED and generates an alarm
through Buzzer. It transmits the measured physical value from the Ubi-Sense mote over the
IoT and smart agriculture using automation. Monitoring environmental factors is the
major factor to improve the yield of the efficient crops. The feature of this paper includes
monitoring temperature and humidity in agricultural field through sensors using CC3200
single chip. Camera is interfaced with CC3200 to capture images and send that pictures
through MMS to farmers mobile using Wi-Fi.
This paper has described the designandimplementationofourIoT-
basedmonitoringsystem.Adevicecombined with sensors node and a sink node, a server, and a
smartphone application is used for this system. In this work, the field data monitoring device
is a composition of a microcontroller, GSM module, Bluetooth module, SD card module, and
various sensors to acquire data from an agriculture field and transmit it to a server through
GSM network. On the other end, the Web interface written in PHP is implemented to connect
to a database directly. And a smartphone application has been developed to display all the
data. Furthermore, this implementation is low cost (approximately 40$–50$ for each node)
and easily accessible..
This paper presents several existing sensor-based M2M agriculture monitoring
systems with their working principles. Most of these monitoring systems are implemented for
farmers in developed countries. However, a few iterative, participatory sensor-based
agriculture monitoring systems are being designed and implemented in developing
Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

countries. As the

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

information requirements of the farmers and socio-economic conditions in developing

countries are different than those in developed countries, the agriculture monitoring systems
for developing countries have different design requirements and technological frameworks.
Authors also presented the key features on which these monitoring systems differ in
developed and developing countries. Finally, authors came up with the design and
implementation of a novel sensor-based M2M agriculture monitoring system for developing
countries. They classify M2M system.
In this paper, the IoT based agriculture parameter monitoring system for a smart
agriculture system is presented. The system measures temperature, humidity, moisture, and
pH using the respective sensors. These values are uploaded on the IoT platform
using nodeMCU. These values can be monitor from anywhere. Another facility includes in
this approach is animal detection using the IR sensor. This system can prove to be very
helpful for farmers to monitor the soil parameters and environmental parameters from the IoT
platform. By selecting the predefined threshold for humidity, temperature, moisture, and pH,
an alert can be produced for anomaly detection. The system also senses the attack of animals
which is a prime reason for the reduction in the production of crops.

2.2 Need for Present study:

Agriculture is the most important sector for humankind to survive their existence. It
enhances a big concern to manage food for people all over the world. Most of the farmers
follow very traditional methods to cultivate their crops. They used to be present physically on
their farm to monitor crops. Use of technology can make this job easier and time efficient.
Internet of things (IoT) is a technology which can send or receive any data to a server using
the Internet. Using this technology, farmers can monitor the actual condition of the crops
without being present in their field. In this paper, we have proposed a system to monitor the
farming field with the help of IoT technology. This system allows various devices and sensors
to send data over the Internet. It enables farmers to monitor their field remotely from their
home by using a smartphone or a computer. The major problem faced in many agricultural
areas isthat lack of mechanization in agricultural activities. In India agricultural activities is
carried out by manual labor, using conventional tools such as plough, sickle etc. Our Smart
Farming System reduces the manual work and automates the agricultural activities.
The combination of traditional methods with latest technologies as Internet of Things
and Wireless Sensor Networks can lead to agricultural modernization. The Wireless Sensor
Network which collects the data from different types of sensors and send it to the main server

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

using wireless protocol. There are many other factors that affect the productivity to great
extent. Factors include attack of insects and pests which can be controlled by spraying the
proper insecticide and pesticides and also attack of wild animals and birds when the crop
grows up. The crop yield is declining because of unpredictable monsoon rainfalls, water
scarcity and improper water usage.

2.3 Proposed Approach:

Using the Internet of Things Technology for supervising agriculture parameters can
greatly enhance the performance, monitoring and maintenance of the plant. With
advancement of technologies the cost of renewable energy equipment is going down globally
encouraging large scale agriculture field. The project is based on implementation of new cost
effective methodology based on IOT to remotely monitoring plant performance evaluation.
Also by this project we will get data which we can use all over world for betterment of

2.4 Objectives and Scope:

The ever-growing global population would touch around 9.6 billion by 2050. So, to
feed this immense population, the agriculture industry needs to embrace IoT. The demand for
more food has to meet overcoming challenges such as, rising climate change, extreme
weather conditions and environmental impact that results from intensive farming practices.
Agri-Tech greenhouse organization and uses technologies and IoT for providing services. It
builds modern and affordable greenhouses by using IoT sensors that are solar powered. The
greenhouse state and water consumption can supervise with these sensors through sending
SMS alerts to the farmer with an online portal.
Agri-Tech greenhouse organization and uses technologies and IoT for providing
services. It builds modern and affordable greenhouses by using IoT sensors that are solar
powered. The greenhouse state and water consumption can supervise with these sensors
through sending SMS alerts to the farmer with an online portal.
The sensors in the IoT system in the greenhouse provide information on temperature,
pressure, humidity, light levels.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


Project Definition and Specifications

3.1 Project Definition:

In the field section, various sensors are deployed in the field like temperature sensor,
moisture sensor ,sun light sensor and DHT 11 sensor. The data collected from these sensors
are connected to the arduino through ESP8266.
In control section, the received data is verified with the threshold values. If the data
exceeds the threshold value the buzzer is switched ON and the LED starts to blink. This
alarm is sent as a message to the farmer and automatically the power is switched OFF after
sensing. The values are generated in the web page and the farmer gets the detailed description
of the values.
Moisture sensor will sense availability of water in soil. If the water is less or more
than need it will show it on mobile of user .Then if water is less then need then it will get
water by pump.
Sun light sensor will sense the sun intensity if it is observed that intensity is harmful
to the crops then user will get to know and take precaution measures accordingly.

3.2 Specifications:

Sr No.
Component Names Quantity

1 Arduino Uno 1

2 Voltage Sensor/Voltage divider 1

3 LCD 1

4 Base Sheet 25*35 cm

5 Potentiometer 1

6 Resistor 6

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

7 Arduino USB cable 1

8 General Purpose PCB 1

9 Ribbon wire 2

10 Female header 4

11 Male header 4

12 Voltage regulator 1

13 Texting on Panel sheet 10*20


14 Soldering Wire 1.5m

15 Toggle Switch 1

16 Base sheet Stand 6

17 Fan Regulator 1

18 Water Pump 1

19 LED 1

20 Power socket 1.75m

21 5 volt relay 1

22 Water Pump pipe 1m

23 Fevi quick 4

24 double side tap 1

25 LED lamp holder 3

26 Heat shrink tube 3m

27 soil moisture sensor 1

28 Fitting screws 10 Set

29 5 mm AC connector 1 set

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


System Analysis & Design

4.1 Block diagram explanation:

Figure 4.1 Block diagram

The basic building blocks of an IoT System are Sensors, Processors and applications.
So the block diagram below is the proposed model of our project which shows the
interconnection of these blocks. The sensors are interfaced with Arduino Uno, data from the
sensor is displayed on the mobile app of the user. Mobile app provides an access to the
continuous data from sensors and accordingly helps farmer to take action to fulfil the
requirements of the soil.
5 volt regulator is used to energize arduino system including the sensors.ESP 8266
module which will provide wifi functionality to system. Arduino uno is the most important
part of the entire system which is used to run the entire system.It works as the brain of the
setup.Small solar cell is used as a light sensor.Relay is used to control the water pump.And

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

LED is also attached to see it’s status.Soil moisture sensor is used to measure the quantity of

water available in the soil.LCD is used print humidity,moisture,motor status and light
intensity.DHT 11 sensor is used to detect weather connection.Water pump is used to supply

4.2 Design Stages:

Figure 4.2 Design Stages

4.3 Hardware Tools:

4.3.1 Arduino Uno:

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It

has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a
16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset
button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a
computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial
driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

4.3.1 Arduino Uno

Fig 4.3.2: Top view of Arduino

Uno Starting clockwise from the top centre:

 Analog Reference pin (orange)

 Digital Ground (light green)

 Digital Pins 2-13 (green)

 Digital Pins 0-1/Serial in/Out - TX/RX (dark green) - These pins cannot be used for
digital i/o (digitalRead and digitalWrite) if you are also using serial communication (e.g.

 Reset Button - S1 (dark blue)

 In-circuit Serial Programmer (blue-green)

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

 Analog in Pins 0-5 (light blue)

 Power and Ground Pins (power: orange, grounds: light orange)

 External Power Supply in (9-12VDC) - X1 (pink)

 Toggles External Power and USB Power (place jumper on two pins closest to desired
supply) - SV1 (purple)
 USB (used for uploading sketches to the board and for serial communication between
the board and the computer; can be used to power the board) (yellow)
1) Digital Pins

In addition to the specific functions listed below, the digital pins on an Arduino board can be
used for general purpose input and output via the pinMode(), digitalRead(), and digitalWrite()
commands. Each pin has an internal pull-up resistor which can be turned on and off using
digitalWrite () (w/ a value of HIGH or LOW, respectively) when the pin is configured as an
input. The maximum current per pin is 40 mA.
 Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. On
the Arduino Diecimila, these pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the FTDI
USB-to-TTL Serial chip. On the Arduino BT, they are connected to the corresponding
pins of the WT11 Bluetooth module. On the Arduino Mini and LilyPad Arduino, they are
intended for use with an external TTL serial module (e.g. the Mini-USB Adapter).

 External Interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on a

low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See the attachInterrupt() function
for details.

 PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite()
function. Onboards with an ATmega8, PWM output is available only on pins 9, 10,
and 11.

 BT Reset: 7. (Arduino BT-only) Connected to the reset line of the bluetooth module.

 SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI communication,
which,although provided by the underlying hardware, is not currently included in the
Arduino language.

 LED: 13. On the Diecimila and LilyPad, there is a built-in LED connected to digital pin
13. Whenthe pin is HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

2) Analog Pins

In addition to the specific functions listed below, the analog input pins support 10bit analog-
to-digital conversion (ADC) using the analogRead() function. Most of the analog inputs can
also be used as digital pins: analog input 0 as digital pin 14 through analog input 5 as digital
pin 19. Analog inputs 6 and 7 (present on the Mini and BT) cannot be used as digital pins.

I2C: 4 (SDA) and 5 (SCL). Support I2C (TWI) communication using the Wire
library(documentation on the Wiring website).
3) Power Pins

 VIN (sometimes labelled "9V"). The input voltage to the Arduino board when it's using
an external power source (as opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or other
regulated power source). You can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage
via the power jack, access it through this pin.
 5V. The regulated power supply used to power the microcontroller and other components
on the board. This can come either from VIN via an on-board regulator, or be supplied by
USB or another regulated 5V supply.
 GND. Ground pins.

4) Other Pins

 AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analogReference().

 Reset. (Diecimila-only) Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically
used to add a reset button to shields which block the one on the board.
5) Microcontroller:

ATmega 328 Microcontroller is used in Arduino Uno board. It is the 28 pins IC.

Features ATmega 328

Flash (bytes) 32K

SRAM (bytes) 2K

EEPROM(bytes) 1K

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

GPIO’s 23


TWI(I2C) 1


ADC 10-Bit 15K SPS

ADC Channels 8

8-bit Timer/Counter 2

16-bit Timer/Counter 1

Table 4.1: Atmega328 Configuration

Fig.4.3.3: Arduino Uno

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Table4.2: Specification of Arduino Uno Node MCU:

It is an open sources firmware and development kits to build IoT products. It includes
firmware that run on ESP8266 WiFiSoC and hardware that has an ESP-12 module. The kit
has analog (A0). It also has digital (D0-D8) pins on the board. It even assists serial ports
communications such as SPI, UART, I2C etc.

Figure 4.3.4Node MCU

 The version of the NodeMCU used here is DevKit1.0.
 It can be used on a breadboard easily.
 It is small and light weight.
 It supports Arduino C programming language.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

 NodeMCU is operated at a voltage of 3.3V and can be powered using USB.

 It has a wireless protocol that is 802.11 b/g/n.

 It has a PCB antenna on the ESP-12E chip.

 It also contains built-in capabilities.

 It operates CP2102 Serial Communication interface module.

 It can be used with Arduino easily.

All the calculated data by ATmega328 is further processed by Wi-Fi Module in order
to store on IOT (Internet of Things) Server or Cloud. In order to analyze this data on
daily, weekly and monthly basis we are using popular IOT platform Adafruit.
In this proposed system we have an open source cloud platform application think
speak is used. Which retrieves and stores the data from the sensor or the things connected
to the systems through internet that uses hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) from the
local network to the cloud? It updates all the data logs received from the sensors, tracking
location applications, and the status application giving to the users and taken from the
users.To use this the user has created an account which contains different channels for
monitoring of different parameters in the system or in the monitoring the parameters in a
remote device. This cloud enables the administrator or the user to visualize the data in
graphical representation. With internet-based monitoring, energy output data is
transferred to a router, making it available through an online interface. The main
advantage of systems like these is that your solar panel output information is readily
available anywhere you can get an internet connection.The node MCU acts as a key
processing element for the proposed system as shown in figure 4 and figure 5 which is
developed by ESP8266 open source community of microcontroller on single board that
can be programmed using the Arduino IDE having a RAM size of 128Kbytes and
program storage capacity of 4 Mega Bytes. It can be powered by a USB cable, having an
operating voltage of 3.3 to 5 volts and an in built Wi-Fi SOC Architecture.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Figure 4.3.5 Pin diagram of NodeMCU

The figure gives the description about the different pins of the microcontroller NodeMCU.
There are 17 GPIO pins that are for general purpose input output functions with transmitter
and receiver pins. All the sensors are attached to different analog and digital pins of this
microcontroller to acquire the data.
4.3.2 DHT11 Sensor

This sensor is basically a cost efficient digital humidity & temperature sensor. This
sensor supplies digital output and therefore can be directly connected to data pins of
microcontroller in spite of using ADC. It also consists of eight bit microcontroller to provide
values of temperature & humidity in the form of data that is serial. It has 4 pins they are
VCC, GND, DATA and NC. It operates from 3.3-5 volts power supply. This sensor has
exceptional quality, anti-interference capability, economical performance and fast reaction
benefits. Humidity is calculated by means of measuring the conductivity of liquid substrate
that alters with exchange in humidity and temperature is calculated by the usage of a
thermistor. The function called read() is used to take readings from the sensor which is
included in <DHT.h> library.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Figure 4.3.6 DHT11 sensor

Table 4.3 Parameters of Temperature and Humidity (DHT11)

Parameter Specifications
Input/output voltage 3V / 5V
Humidity Range 20-80 percent
Temperature Range 0-50 deg C
Sampling Rate 1Hz
Response time 50 ms
Sensing Range 20-90%RH
Accuracy +\-5%RH
Temperature Accuracy +\-2% deg C

4.3.3 Soil Moisture Sensor

Moisture sensor has 3 pins – one is for voltage input, second for ground and
third is for analog input. Moisture content of the soil (volume %) is measured by this
sensor. The analog value need to be mapped in the range of 0-100 as moisture
content is evaluated in percentage. The property used by this sensor is electrical
resistance of soil. There are 2 probes in this sensor that permits the current to pass
through the soil. After that it gets the value of resistance to measure the water
content level. This implies that higher the water content higher is the conduction of
electricity which means lesser resistance. If the soil is dry then the conduction in the
soil is poor, this leads to increase in level of resistance. Hence it uses the property
of resistance to

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

measure the moisture in soil. It could be joined in two different ways they are Analog
and Digital mode.

Figure 4.3.7 Soil moisture

sensor Table 4.4 Performance parameters of Soil Moisture


Parameter Specifications

Model name YL-38

Operating Temperature -40 to +60 deg C

Sensing Range 0-45%volumetric water content of soil

Operating Voltage 5V DC
Power Consumption 3mA

4.3.4 Sun Light Sensor :

A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts the energy
of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical
phenomenon. It is a form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical
characteristics, such as current, voltage, or resistance, vary when exposed to light. Individual
solar cell devices are often the electrical building blocks of photovoltaic modules, known
colloquially as solar panels.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Figure 4.3.8 Sun Light Sensor

The common single junction silicon solar cell can produce a maximum open-
circuit voltage of approximately 0.5 to 0.6 volts.

Solar cells are described as being photovoltaic, irrespective of whether the source
is sunlight or an artificial light. In addition to producing energy, they can be used as
a photodetector (for example infrared detectors), detecting light or other electromagnetic
radiation near the visible range, or measuring light intensity.

4.3.5 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD):

LCD is used for displaying the voltage, currents and power etc.

Fig.4.3.9.: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

When LCD is connected to the solar monitoring system then all the parameters are
also shown at the LCD screen. Here we use a 16*2 LCD screen. It has 16 pins for interfacing
to Arduino.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

4.3.6 Motor

It is a micro submersible pump which works on dc 3-6v with cost efficient and
portable. It is able to take around 120 litres for every hour with extremely low current
utilization. Water level should be higher as if the motor is used without water it can harm the
parts of this device due to overheating. There are many applications such as controlled
fountain water flow, hydroponic systems, controlled garden watering system.

Fig. 4.3.9 Motor

4.4 Software Tools:

4.4.1 Arduino Ide (Integrated Development Environment) :

Arduino IDE is an open source programming which is basically used to write &
compile code using a module that is Arduino. This is an official programming software which
makes compiling of code simple so a typical man can understand the learning procedure. This
software is readily available for all operating systems like MAC, windows, Linux. Arduino
Mega, Arduino Uno, Arduino Leonardo and more are range of Arduino modules that are
available. It basically has a text editor which is used for writing code, a text console, a
message area, a toolbar with buttons for some of the common functions. Sketches are called
as the programs that are written using this software. Coding on this software mostly uses
functions of c/c++.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Figure 4.4.1 Arduino IDE

Figure 4.4.2 Sketch Area of Arduino

The above figure shows the picture of Arduino sketch. The tool bar consists of many
icons. The first icon from the left is to verify, the second one is to upload, the third one is for
opening new project, the fourth one is to open a project and the fifth one is to save the
project. The icon on the extreme right is for opening serial monitor. The white area in the
middle is coding area.

The above figure shows the picture of Arduino sketch. The tool bar consists of many
icons. The first icon from the left is to verify, the second one is to upload, the third one is for
opening new project, the fourth one is to open a project and the fifth one is to save the
project. The icon on the extreme right is for opening serial monitor. The white area in the
middle is coding area.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

4.4.2 Thingspeak Cloud Server

It is an open source application. This platform provides services that allows to

visualize, analyse & aggregate live data streaming on cloud server. It presents instant
visualizations of information published by different devices to this cloud server. It has the
capacity to execute MATLAB code on this server we can carry out online evaluation and
processing of statistics as it comes in. It is regularly used for prototyping.
On the left side there are smart devices that live at the edge of the network. These
devices collect information and include things like heart rate monitors, wireless sensors,
wearable devices etc. In the middle there is a cloud where data from different sources is
analysed in real time. The right side depicts the algorithm development connected with IoT

Fig.4.4.2 Thing Speak


4.5.1 Adafruit: is a cloud service that just means we run it for you and you don't have to
manage it. You can connect to it over the Internet. It's meant primarily for storing and then
retrieving data but it can do a lot more.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Fig.4.5.1 Adafruit

Fig.4.5.2 AdafruiT

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


5.1 Algorithm :

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // this header is used to enable esp8266 wifi

#include "Adafruit_MQTT.h" // this header is used to inculde ada fruit IoT
functions #include "Adafruit_MQTT_Client.h" // this header is used to include ada fruit
client IoT functions

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // this header is used to add all serial communication

function in the programm

#include <ArduinoJson.h // this header is used to add all JSON library function in the

#define WLAN_SSID "Note4" //used to store the name of Wifi network

#define WLAN_PASS
"00000000" //used to store the password of Wifi

/************************* Setup

*********************************/ #define AIO_SERVER ""
// used to store server name
#define AIO_SERVERPORT 1883 // use 8883 for SSL

#define AIO_USERNAME "VaishnaviTisge" //used to store user name of account

#define AIO_KEY "aio_xkmM20wpsOBtnrzgykHU42nUciUh" //used to store key of


WiFiClient client;

Adafruit_MQTT_Client mqtt(&client, AIO_SERVER,

AIO_SERVERPORT, AIO_USERNAME, AIO_KEY); //set the data to mqqt

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Adafruit_MQTT_Publish Feed1 = Adafruit_MQTT_Publish(&mqtt, AIO_USERNAME

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

"/feeds/MoistureInAbs"); // used to send the voltage data to server

Adafruit_MQTT_Publish Feed2 = Adafruit_MQTT_Publish(&mqtt, AIO_USERNAME

"/feeds/humidity"); // used to send the current data to server

Adafruit_MQTT_Publish Feed3 = Adafruit_MQTT_Publish(&mqtt, AIO_USERNAME

"/feeds/Light1"); // used to send the Kwh data to server Adafruit_MQTT_Publish Feed4
= Adafruit_MQTT_Publish(&mqtt, AIO_USERNAME "/feeds/temperature"); // used to
send the watt data to server

Adafruit_MQTT_Publish Feed5 = Adafruit_MQTT_Publish(&mqtt,

AIO_USERNAME "/feeds/state"); // used to send the watt data to server void
MQTT_connect(); //
user defined function for MQQT function declation

SoftwareSerial s(D4, D3); // this function is esed to specify the serial pin for data
receving void setup()

Serial.begin(115200); // this function is used to set the

speed of serial monitor of IDE delay(10); //
used to print the data on monitor with 10 milli seconds
Serial.println(F("Solar Power Monitoring")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

/************************* Connecting to Wifi Network ***********************/

Serial.print("Connecting to "); // print the as it is sentence on serial
monitor Serial.println(WLAN_SSID); // used to print the wifi name
on Monitor

WiFi.begin(WLAN_SSID, WLAN_PASS); // used to initialize the wifi network on Node


while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)

Serial.print("."); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


Serial.println("WiFi connected"); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

Serial.println("IP address: "); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

s.begin(9600); while (!Serial) continue;


void loop()
// Part of JSON library
StaticJsonBuffer<1000> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& deroot =
jsonBuffer.parseObject(s); if (root ==
valid()) return;
// delay(0);

Serial.println("IOT based Agriculture Monitoring Sytem"); // print the as it is

sentence on serial monitor root.prettyPrintTo(Serial);

Serial.print("MoistureInAbs"); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

float MoistureInAbs = unroot["MoistureInAbs"]; // used to store the data into
variable Serial.print(MoistureInAbs);// print the voltage data on serial monitor

Serial.print("Light1"); // print the as it is sentence on serial

monitor int Light1 = unroot["Light1"]; // used to
store the data into variable Serial.print(Light1);

Serial.print("humidity"); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

int humidity = unroot["humidity"]; // used to store the data into

Serial.print(humidity); // print the voltage data on serial monitor

// print the voltage data on serial monitor

Serial.print("temperature"); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

int temperature = unroot["temperature"]; // used to store the data into
Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

variable Serial.print(temperature); // print the voltage data on serial monitor

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Serial.print("state"); // print the as it is sentence on serial

monitor int state = root["state"]; // used to store the data into variable
MQTT_connect(); // this funcion connets to server, it is defined in the last

// this is our 'wait for incoming subscription packets' busy subloop

//Serial.println(F("\nSolar monitoring... ")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

// this part continously check either the data is sent to sever or not and see the status
on monitor of IDE //
if (! Feed1.publish(MoistureInAbs))

Serial.println(F("Failed")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor



Serial.println(F("OK!")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor


if (! Feed3.publish(Light1))

Serial.println(F("Failed")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor


Serial.println(F("OK!")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor


if (! Feed2.publish(humidity))

Serial.println(F("Failed")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor



Serial.println(F("OK!")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

if (! Feed4.publish(temperature))

Serial.println(F("Failed")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor



Serial.println(F("OK!")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor


if (! Feed5.publish(state))

Serial.println(F("Failed")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor



Serial.println(F("OK!")); // print the as it is sentence on serial monitor


// ping the server to keep the mqtt connection alive

// Function to connect and reconnect

as necessary to the MQTT server. //
Should be called in the loop function
and it will take care if connecting.
void MQTT_connect()

int8_t ret;
// Stop if already
connected. if

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


Serial.println("Connecting to Adafruit... ");

uint8_t retries = 3;
while ((ret = mqtt.connect()) != 0)

// connect will return 0 for connected

Serial.println("Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds...");

delay(5000); // wait 5
seconds retries--;

if (retries == 0)

// basically die and wait for WDT to reset me

while (1);

Serial.println("Adafruit Connected!");

code of arduino

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // this header file is used to enable serial

communication between arduino and node

#include <ArduinoJson.h> // this header file is used to enable JSON library

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // this header file er is used to drive the 16x2 LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); // this function is used to assign the Pin of
SoftwareSerial s(6, 5); // this function is used to assign serial data pin of arduino

// Part of Moisture Sensor

float Moisture = 0;

float MoistureInPer =0;

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

float MoistureInAbs = 0;
float a, b, c;
// Part of DHT11 Sensor
<SimpleDHT.h> int pinDHT11 = 4;
SimpleDHT11 dht11(pinDHT11);
int humidityTst;
int temperatureTst;
float temperature;
float humidity;
// Part of light
sensor float Light =
float LightInPer =
0; float PerfLight =
0; float LightV = 0;
float r1 = 500.0;
float r2 = 1000.0;
int RelayPin = 3;
int state;
float Light1;
// void set up is used to run anything once at the time of starting and Pin direction assignment
void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2); // this function is used to start the LCD operation for 16x2 lcd
Serial.begin(9600); // used to print the data on serial monitor of arduino IDE
s.begin(9600); // used to set the speed of serial communication (set for 9600 baud

pinMode(RelayPin, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(7, LOW); //Name Printing on LCD//

lcd.clear(); // used to clear the data on

lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // used to set the cursor position for data

printing on LCD (column, Row) lcd.print("Project By"); //

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

used to print the data as it is

delay(3000); // delay is used to hold the data on LCD for 2
seconds lcd.clear(); // used to clear the data on LCD

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // used to set the cursor position

for data printing on LCD (column, Row) lcd.print("
// used to print the data as it is

lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // used to set the cursor position

for data printing on LCD (column, Row) lcd.print(" Narendra
Tisge"); // used to print the data as it is

delay(4000); // delay is used to

hold the data on LCD for 3 seconds lcd.clear();
// used to clea the data on LCD
// void loop is used to run the the
fundtion continously untill the aduino is
on //
void loop(){
// part of DHT11 sensor
// read without samples.
byte temperatureTst = 0;
byte humidityTst = 0;

int err = SimpleDHTErrSuccess;

if ((err =, &humidityTst, NULL)) != SimpleDHTErrSuccess)


Serial.print("Read DHT11 failed, err=");


temperature =
Serial.print("Sample OK: ");
humidity = (int)humidityTst;

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

Serial.print(" *C, ");

Serial.println(" H");

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

// DHT11 sampling rate is 1HZ.

// Part of Moisture Sensor
Moisture = analogRead(A0);
MoistureInPer = (((Moisture / 1024) * 100) - 100) ;
MoistureInAbs = (abs(MoistureInPer)) * 1.2500;
// Part of light sensor
Light =
LightInPer = ((Light * (4.76 / 1024) * ((r1 + r2) / r2)) / 7) * 100; Light1 = LightInPer;


if (MoistureInAbs < 20)

digitalWrite(RelayPin, HIGH);
state = 1;

if (MoistureInAbs > 70)


digitalWrite(RelayPin, LOW);
state = 0;

if (MoistureInAbs > 100)


MoistureInAbs = 100;

if (state == 1)

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

lcd.setCursor(7, 1); // used to set the cursor position for
data printing on LCD (column, Row) lcd.print("ON");

if (state == 0)

lcd.setCursor(7, 1); // used to set the cursor position for
data printing on LCD (column, Row) lcd.print("OF");
//Part of serial communication//

StaticJsonBuffer<1000> jsonBuffer; // used to start the serial communication

JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // used to store the value into a

root["MoistureInAbs"] = MoistureInAbs; // used to send the voltage data to the

Node MCU

root["Light1"] = Light1; // used to send the current data to the Node MCU

root["humidity"] = humidity; // used to send the milli watt hour data to

the Node MCU

root["temperature"] = temperature;
root["state"] = state; // used to send watt data to the Node MCU
// this function checks the value of serial data, if it is greater than zero, it keeps the serial
communication on if (s.available() > 0)


// data printing on lcd//

lcd.setCursor(7, 0); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on
LCD (column, Row)

lcd.print("MT"); // used to print the data as it is

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

// used to print the current data and, 0 is used to display no of decimal point of the data

lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on
LCD (column, Row)

lcd.print("M="); // used to print the data as it is

lcd.setCursor(2, 0); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on
LCD (column, Row)

lcd.print(MoistureInAbs, 0); // used to print the current data and,

0 is used to display no of decimal point of the data lcd.setCursor(5, 0);
// used to set the cursor position for data printing on LCD (column, Row)
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on
LCD (column, Row)

lcd.print("L="); // used to print the data as it is

lcd.setCursor(2, 1); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on
LCD (column, Row)

lcd.print(Light1); // used to print the voltage data and, 2 is used to display no

of decimal point of the data
lcd.setCursor(10, 0); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on
LCD (column, Row)

lcd.print("H="); // used to print the data as it is

lcd.setCursor(12, 0); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on
LCD (column, Row)

lcd.print(humidity, 0); // used to print the watte data and, 3 is used to

display no of decimal point of the data lcd.setCursor(15, 0); // used to
set the cursor position for data printing on LCD (column, Row)

lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // used to set the cursor position for
data printing on LCD (column, Row) lcd.print("T="); // used to
print the data as it is

lcd.setCursor(12, 1); // used to set the cursor position for data printing on LCD

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

(column, Row)

lcd.print(temperature, 0); // used to print the milli watt hour data and, 0 is used to
display no of decimal point of the data lcd.setCursor(15, 1); // used to set
the cursor position for data printing on LCD (column, Row)

delay(11000); // delay is used to hold the data on LCD for 9 seconds
lcd.clear(); // used to clear the data on LCD so that next data should only
present on LCD

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


6.1 Conclusion:

The proposed model explores the use of IoT (Internet of things) in the agriculture
sector. This model aims at increasing the crop yield by helping in predicting better crop
sequence for a particular soil. Thingspeak helps in real time sampling of the soil and hence
the data acquired can be further used for analysing the crop. We have also taken many
readings of the soil moisture, temperature and humidity of the environment for various days
at different times of the day. Data on the cloud also helps the agriculturists in improving the
yield, evaluating the manures, illness in the fields. This system is cost effective and feasible.
It also focuses on optimizing the use of water resources which combats issues like water
scarcity and ensures sustainability. This model focuses on the utilization of IoT in
agriculture and the solutions proposed in this paper will improve farming methods, increase
productivity and lead to effective use of limited resources.

6.2 Advantages And Disadvantages:


1) It is a robust and easy to use system.

2) There is no need for extra training of that person who is using it.

3) The schematic of Arduino is open source, for the future enhancement of the project board
can be extended to add more hardware

3) It is of low cost.

4) Improved livestock farming.


1) High speed internet connection required

2) When the new users want to connect, first download application software and then
configuration must be done.

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT

6.3 Applications:

1) Precision Farming

2) Green Farming

3) Industrial Farming

6.4 Future Scope :

The future scope of this project could be including variety of soil sensors like pH
sensor, Rain sensor and then collecting and storing the data on cloud server. This would make
the predicting and analysing processes more accurate. It also includes making different data
mining algorithms suitable for data analysis in agriculture

Smart Agriculture System Using IOT


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