IELTS 4.0 - Lesson 2

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Lesson 2: Dictation

Hello. Good Moves Accommodation Agency. Ben speaking. How can I help?
Good morning. I'm calling about an apartment on your website, and was wondering if I could have some more
Certainly. Can I take your details before we get started?
Right, what's your name, please?
OK, my name is ___________________________________________________
And have you got a contact number?
Yes, I'll give you my mobile, which is ____________________________.
That's great, thanks. And can I ask how you found us?
Of course. __________________ used you last year and ____________________ you. So, I
______________________________ and, well, that's why I'm calling now.
OK, so, which property are you interested in?
The apartment on Statham Street, the one __________________________.
Let me see. Ah, I'm afraid that flat's no longer available.
No, it went this morning. It's in _______________________________ of town. We do have ___________ on
the same street, if you're interested. It's £_______ a month.
Er, no, I think that's much ____________________. I think ________________________________.
Oh, so it's not just for you?
No, _____________________ . We're both starting work in the town next month.
Oh right, so it's _______________. So, let's see. Do you have any preferences in terms of ________?
Both our jobs are in _________________, so it would be good to be within ________________ of that, or
perhaps _________________________. Neither of us have a car, so we'd be
And what's your budget?
I'm sorry?
How much can you pay a month?
Let me see, er, £___________ a month is probably our limit.
No, that would be for the both of us. We wouldn't be able to pay more than £______ each. Oh, and that would
have to include _____. Not phone bills, obviously, but things like ________________________.
Hmm, OK, well, we do have a place in the Bampton district, which is about ten minutes by bus from town. It's
a two-bedroom apartment, and it's less than your budget, at £_____ a month. Bills would be extra,
unfortunately, but that should still work out at less than £_____. Although remember that electricity and gas
prices are going up all the time, so I can't guarantee that.
Do you have an address?
I do. The apartment number is 3, and it's at __________________________
Hang on, let me just make a note of that. ____
_____________________________ And the district is called Bampton.
Do you have an _________________? - Yes.
In that case, I can send you the details, and then you can think about it. And if you're interested, I could
arrange for a visit so you can see the place for yourself. How does that sound?
Lesson 1


___________________ a person or animal that lives in a certain place

___________________ a legal member of a country

___________________ group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area

___________________ an act against the law

___________________ a need to do something more quickly than usual

___________________ to pay no attention to

___________________ how the public views or regards an individual

___________________ the focusing of mental resources on select information

___________________ an amount or number of something

___________________ to determine the size, amount, or degree of an object by comparison with

a standard unit

___________________ result

___________________ of, relating, or characterized by industry

___________________ outside of a city

___________________ very small

___________________ fill or meet a want or need

___________________ to make something new

___________________ to use up

___________________ give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation

___________________ a means to obtain entry or a means of approach

___________________ an effect or result

___________________ the status of belonging to a particular nation

___________________ a ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units

___________________ to act as if something is true when it is not true

___________________ amazing; impressive; fantastic

___________________ landscape

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