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ICAR Manual

Priority Setting, Monitoring and Evaluation

National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Delhi Office

National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi


Section Particulars Page No.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Project management Cycle 1
1.3 PME Cells 4
1.4 PME Mechanism 5
1.5 PME Manual 6
2. Priority Setting of Research Projects
2.1 Existing Mechanism 8
2.2 Expectations from Research Priority Setting System 9
2.3 Priority Setting Mechanism 10
2.4 Steps in Setting Institute Priorities 10
2.5 Steps in project Priority Setting 11
2.6 Frequency of Exercise 14
2.7 Partial Budgeting Method for Economic Evaluation (B/C Ratio) 15
3. Monitoring of Research Projects
3.1 Existing Mechanism 17
3.2 Setting Targets for M&E 18
3.3 Baseline Survey 18
3.4 Levels of Monitoring 18
4. Evaluation of Research Projects
4.1 Timing of Evaluation 23
4.2 Attention Required 23
4.3 Undertaking Evaluation 24
4.4 Evaluation Methods 24
4.5 Grading of Projects 25
4.6 Steps in Evaluation 29
4.7 Economic Impact Analysis 29
5. Utilization of Manual
5.1 Focus 31
5.2 Facilitators 31
Annexure I: Method of calculating average scores of individual projects by 33
an evaluator
Annexure II: Example for use in priority setting exercise of Section 2 34
Annexure III: Example for evaluation purpose in Section 4 35

Dr S Ayyapan
Secretary, DARE and DG - ICAR,
Department of Agriculture Research
and Education
Ministry of Agriculture, Govt of India
1. Introduction

1.1 Background
The ICAR constitutes one of the two major arms of the National Agricultural
Research System (NARS). Through a vast network of Research Institutions, numbering about
100 along with several Research Stations working under them, distributed in different parts of
the country undertake Basic and Strategic Research as well as Applied and Adoptive
Research on problems of national importance. Scientists working in these institutions strive
to identify problems faced by a wide variety of stakeholders associated with agricultural
development by interacting with them and come out with appropriate solutions by
undertaking research in their respective areas of specialization. In order to bring about
synergy and at the same time avoid duplication of research efforts, the scientists are
encouraged to plan and implement multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and inter-institutional
research projects. Though majority of the projects undertaken by the scientists are funded by
ICAR, there is an increasing trend in the number of projects being supported by various
agencies, both national and international, to solve emerging problems of national and global
significance. In recent years, the ICAR promotes in a big way of conducting research in
public-private partnership (PPP) mode.
In order for the research projects to be efficient and effective, a proper institutional
mechanism becomes necessary to: i) select relevant projects with specific objectives based on
priority, national or institutional, among the competing ones; iii) closely monitor their
progress as planned and take mid-course corrections to overcome the constraints identified, if
any; iii) and finally evaluate the achievements in relation to the objectives set at the
beginning. Over the years, the ICAR has evolved a variety of ways and means to meet this
requirement. On the basis of past experience and very useful suggestions provided by high-
level Committees, an attempt has been made in this Manual to describe a user-friendly
procedure to select projects in accordance with priority, periodically monitor their progress
and finally evaluate their achievements by utilizing relevant parameters/indicators.

1.2 Project Management Cycle

Project management refers to a framework for systematic planning, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation of research projects. Project management follows a series of steps
that constitute the ‘Project Cycle’, as under:

1.2.1 Identification of Priority Areas
It requires that there is a demand / felt need for the outputs and the availability of
resources to produce them. The three ways by which the problems for research can be
identified are: i) National priorities (ICAR Vision Document) and Institute priorities
(Institute Vision, QRT, EFC and RAC Documents) that are broadly identified and
accepted/approved; ii) Pre-project/ Scoping/ Desk Study to have a feel of the
problems/constraints and their relative importance; and iii) Participatory Rural Appraisal
(PRA) - This will help to link the scientists with end users for identification of real world
problems faced by the latter, research results already available and the gaps in research which
need further research. After the problems along with research gaps are identified, they need to
be prioritized keeping in view the resources at the disposal of scientists/Institutes.

1.2.2 Preparation of Proposals

Once the priority areas are identified, they need to be developed into project
proposals by paying attention to: i) Title - Clear, concise and self-explanatory; ii)
Justification/ Rationale - Need for the project after identification of research gap through
review; iii) Objectives - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound; iv)
Organization/ Governance - Various individuals/units associated with implementation; v)
Strategies and Methods - Plan of action including the methodology, tools and techniques; vi)
Schedule of Activities - With specified time frame to be included for monitoring the progress
against time and targets; vii) Resources Required - Manpower, facilities, equipment, services,
etc.; viii) Budget - Head-wise, both recurring and non-recurring; ix) Objectively verifiable
indicators - Indicated for monitoring and evaluation: and x) Expected Outputs - Various
forms to be specified in measurable terms.

1.2.3 Reviews and Reformulation of Proposals

The developed proposals need to be reviewed in terms of relevance, feasibility and
scientific quality. This could be achieved by inviting suggestions for improvement from
experts in the focus area of the project, either through written communication or e-
consultation within a reasonable time frame. If necessary, the required modifications have to
be undertaken to improve the quality of proposals.

1.2.4 Approval of Proposals and Allocation of Resources

The appraisal of proposals formulated by the scientists will be done by the
competent authority more objectively based on specifically identified criteria such as
Relevance of research, Addressing the Institute and/or National priority, Rationale /

Justification on the basis of research gap identified, Innovativeness expected,
Appropriateness of design or techniques included, Elements of bias addressed, Adequacy of
scientists’ time allocation to various activities, Effectiveness of scientists’ control over the
experiments, Economic evaluation and cost effectiveness, and Appropriateness of the
expected output answers the questions being addressed. Whichever projects satisfy these
criteria to the maximum extent, they are approved and the required resources are allocated for

1.2.5 Implementation and Monitoring of Research

Various activities included under the approved project proposals are then
implemented with the resources provided. The progress (both technical and physical) needs
to be assessed periodically through proper monitoring by reviewing the achievements against
the monitorable targets set. A sound monitoring system is required for efficient management
of research projects.
 Purpose of monitoring: i) Collection of information that will enable ongoing
decision-making regarding activities and progress, as well as decide on the mid-
course corrections to be taken to overcome the constraints, if any, identified during
monitoring; and ii) Documentation of input use and activities carried out for
accountability requirements.
 Instruments used for monitoring: i) Progress reports (for technical and physical
progress); ii) Internal reviews by the competent authority in the Institute; and iii)
External reviews, wherever required.
 Components of monitoring: i) Collections of relevant information; ii) Processing and
analysis of collected information; iii) Decision-making based on information
collected; and iv) Action plan development.
 Users of monitoring: i) Researchers (project team); ii) Project leaders; iii) Research
Managers; and iv) Funding agencies.

1.2.6 Evaluation of Results and Impacts

It basically refers to appraising or determining the worth, value, or quality of
research in terms of its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and impact.
 Principles of evaluation: i) It will be more effective if adequate monitoring,
recording, and information mechanisms are in place and faithfully implemented
during the course of the project; ii) It has to situate the activity in the institutional,
social and economic context in which it is carried out; and iii) It must clearly bring

out the extent of achievement of research objectives set at the beginning and the
actual contribution of these results to broader development objectives.
 Types of evaluation: i) Ongoing evaluation during the course of project
implementation after the achievement of a particular objective; and iii) Final
evaluation after the completion of the project.
 Methods followed should be: i) Valid – Sound and correct; ii) Credible – High quality
and acceptable; and iii) Feasible – Implementable and easy to understand.
 Uses of evaluation: i) Use of results for public accountability; and ii) Use of results
to improve management and decision-making by research managers in the Institute.
 Focus of evaluation: i) Relevance of objectives set; ii) Achievement of objectives
(project effectiveness); iii) Appropriateness of the design and methods followed
(project efficiency); iv) Contribution to the overall knowledge in research area; v)
Adoption and use of information and technology generated; vi) Lessons learned from
the project, and vii) Recommendations for future research.

1.3 PME Cells

Prior to the implementation of the World Bank supported National Agricultural
Technology Project (NATP), Directors of Institutes were assisted by Technical Cells in
managing their respective Institute research activities. Either the Scientists or the Technical
Staff were made In-charge of these Cells. In order to make these Cells more competent to
provide necessary technical support towards making the Priority Setting, Monitoring and
Evaluation (PME) functions more effective, an idea was mooted to create PME Cells
equipped with Scientists having technical expertise and PME skills in the ICAR Institutes. As
a result, more than 30 such PME Cells were piloted in both ICAR Institutes and State
Agricultural Universities (SAUs) with NATP funding. While Social Scientists (SS) were
made In-charge of these Cells in some Institutes, others were headed by Biological Scientists
(BS). With a view to developing necessary skills in managing the PME Cells more
effectively, many training programmes and workshops were organized for the In-charge of
these Cells. Since the entire process could not fully institutionalized and integrated with the
decision making process, many of these Cells became ineffective after the NATP was over.
Realizing the importance of PME Cells and the critical role they could play in
facilitating effective management of research projects in the NARS, greater emphasis was
again made in the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) implemented with World
Bank support during 2006-14. Under the NAIP supported VPAGe project, 14 PME Cells

which functioned fairly well under NATP were supported in a few selected ICAR Institutes
and SAUs and concerted efforts were made to institutionalize them in the NARS.
Simultaneously, a high-level Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. S.L.Mehta was
constituted by NAIP in 2010 to examine the status of PME Cells established under NAIP and
to suggest measures to integrate and mainstream. The Committee has made very useful
recommendations towards integration and institutionalization of PME in the NARS.
The ICAR has subsequently made it mandatory for the Institutes to create PME
Cells (vide ICAR letter no. 30(8)/2010/PME Cells/NAIP/O&M) and transfer all the activities
of Technical Cells to them. One Principal Scientist is to be made In-charge of the PME Cells
and he/she has to be assisted by one to three Technical Officers (depending on the Institute
size). In addition, ICAR has also taken a conscious decision to institutionalize the PME Cell
concept in the SAU System by providing necessary technical and funding support. Once
these PME Cells are institutionalized, the project management functions are expected to
become more efficient and effective in the NARS.

1.4 PME Mechanism

In the ICAR System, the mechanism for Priority Setting, Monitoring and
Evaluation (PME) has evolved over years of experimentation and experience.
While the ICAR has its Vision documents beginning with 8th Five Year Plan
indicating the research priorities at the national level, each Institute has developed individual
Vision documents orienting its activities and mandate in tune with the ICAR Vision. Keeping
in view the Vision and mandate of the Institute they serve, as well as the ICAR Vision, the
scientists develop project proposals based on the information collected through: i) field visits
and interaction with various stakeholders to identify the problems and research gaps; and ii)
literature search to understand the existing research gap. The proposals are submitted to the
PME Cell in their Institutes, and they are critically examined in terms of their relevance,
scientific merit and feasibility by the Project Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (PMC)
chaired by the Institute Director and all the Heads of Division acting as Members (vide ICAR
letter no. 30(8)/2010/PME Cells/NAIP/O&M). In large Institutes, they are discussed at the
Division level before submitted to the PME Cell. While the PME Cell in the Institute acts like
a ‘Facilitation Unit’ (not to be considered as a ‘Policing Unit’), the PMC is the actual
decision making body in the Institute.
After thorough discussion by the PMC the proposals with recommendations of PMC
are submitted to the Institute Research Council (IRC) chaired by the Institute Director. The

proposals along with IRC recommendations are then critically examined and the projects are
prioritized based on certain criteria and approved for implementation. Although the IRC is an
internal body, some Institutes also invite external experts to facilitate more objective
selection process. During implementation of the selected projects, their progress in terms of
technical and physical achievements are periodically monitored by the PMC by involving one
external expert and mid-course corrections are made on the basis of genuine constraints faced
by the project team during implementation.
Once the projects are completed, their final achievements are evaluated against the
targets by a two-member Committee (one internal and one external) appointed by the PMC,
and the Institute may plan to initiate new projects based on the lessons learned from
evaluation. While the project monitoring is essentially an internal process, final evaluation
invariably involves external experts to assist the Institute in the evaluation process. A good
practice followed in CGIAR institutes in evaluation is involvement of stakeholders. This may
also be considered. The outcome of periodic monitoring of ongoing projects and final
evaluation of completed projects are presented and discussed in the IRC meetings and later to
RAC meetings.
All the information generated and recommendations emerged from the IRC meetings
in respect of new projects approved (RPP-I), monitoring of ongoing projects (RPP-II) and
evaluation of completed projects (RPP-III) are documented and stored in the Institute PME
Cell. All these are submitted to the Research Advisory Committee (RAC), which comprises
outside experts with the Institute Director as one of the Members, for information and advice,
if any. All the information pertaining to the entire research activities of the Institute
undertaken during the preceding five years are also submitted to the ICAR appointed
Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) comprising external experts and Director as one of the
members during the performance evaluation of the Institute undertaken by the Team once in
five years.
The PME mechanism has well laid out structure and functioning, and it now looks
for guidance to make it more open, transparent, objective, effective and most importantly,
acceptable to the scientists to make them accountable and also acceptable to funding

1.5 PME Manual

With the integration and institutionalization of PME Cells in the Institutes, it
becomes necessary to strengthen the existing PME mechanism by streamlining its

functioning. Keeping in view the saying that ‘whatever cannot be measured, it cannot be
managed effectively, it was felt necessary by the ICAR to infuse objectivity into the entire
research priority setting, monitoring and evaluation process followed in the Institutes. This
could be achieved by:
 Identifying suitable parameters/ indicators for each of these three project management
functions; and
 Objectively scoring the individual research projects against the parameters/ indicators
identified for the purpose.
In this context, the high-level Committee appointed by ICAR under the
Chairmanship of Prof. M.L.Madan in 2011 has developed detailed guidelines to carry out
Priority Setting (RPP-I), Monitoring (RPP-II) and Evaluation (RPP-III) functions in a more
objective way. The recommendations of the Committee have been approved by ICAR for
implementation. In order to make the broad guidelines of the Committee simple, specific and
implementable in the Institutes, ICAR was contemplating to develop an open, transparent,
effective, user friendly and more acceptable “PME Manual” for implementation in the ICAR
This onerous task of preparing the manual was assigned to the National Academy of
Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) and Delhi Centre of the International Food
Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) by the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
(NAAS). Keeping Prof. Madan Committee’s guidelines as the template and the feedback
received from the selected In-charge of PME Cells of ICAR, PME Cells In-charges located
in Hyderabad-based ICAR Institutes and Directors who attended the EDP at NAARM during
January, 2015, project management at the Institutes level is dealt. All the three functions of
project management, viz. Priority Setting, Monitoring and Evaluation of research projects
included in the Manual are briefly described in the following Sections.

2. Priority Setting of Research Projects
Agricultural research is an economic activity that involves the allocation of scarce
resources to generate knowledge in order to increase agricultural productivity as well as to
meet other societal goals. Since the expenditure on agricultural research is treated as an
investment, besides improving the agricultural productivity it has to meet other social
objectives. In order for the agricultural research be able to compete with other demands for
the limited funds available with the Government, the ICAR has to be competitive by paying
greater attention to higher productivity, greater quality, cost-effectiveness and sustainability
issues. These developments call for rationalization of allocation of current and future
resources for enhanced research efficiency.
In the Institutes, research resources in terms of personnel, finance and physical
facilities are becoming increasingly scarce. The availability of these scarce resources often
does not commensurate with the actual needs to meet the emerging challenges. At present,
the research managers are facing the difficult task of identifying priorities and allocating
resources among the competing research projects, with a view to optimizing the resource
utilization. They have to make critical decisions, which have direct bearing on the relative
importance attached to a particular crop or commodity or area of research.
In the face of increasing resource crunch and more complex problems requiring
appropriate solutions, the research managers are looking for more formal methods of research
prioritization at present. In fact, there is an urgent need for more systematic procedures,
methods and tools for setting research priorities in agriculture now than ever before, in order
to complement the informal exercises that are based on past experience and personal
judgment. Institutionalizing a systematic analysis of agricultural research priorities and
integrating it with an effective monitoring and evaluation system, therefore, holds the key to
making the system efficient and effective. This implies that sound mechanisms in the Institute
should exist to assist the research managers in establishing priorities and make suggestions to
allocate its limited resources among competing projects to maximize the Institute’s ability to
attain its goals.

2.1 Existing Mechanism

The Institutes have established PME Cells with one Principal Scientist as its In-
charge. The PME Cell has to expand its efforts in problem identification (which are the
hindrances to meet vision, mission and objectives) and their corresponding researchable
project in the Institute. In order to avoid losing valuable research projects for want of research

resources, there is a need to assess research priorities so that the PME Cell can make
suggestions to allocate the available resources in an optimal manner to meet the demands for
research services from widely varying stakeholders.
At present, majority of the PME Cells do not use formal tools in systematically
planning research projects. Research planning is the responsibility of individual researchers
with the concurrence of Heads of Institutes or Stations (HI/HS). The current procedures in
research allocation require that the HI or HS and the scientists be familiar with the broad
institutional framework so as to take it into account in their planning activities. Generally, the
scientists seems to be not fully aware of the real purpose of their research (i.e. in relation to
the Institute’s vision, mission, goal), or the stated objectives. The outcome is that the funded
research projects and activities are a collection of individually inspired or individually
conceived projects and proposals based on individual interpretations of broad institutional
objectives moderated by the Head of the Institute or Station and Divisional Heads. Even if the
individual scientist is aware of the Institute’s goal, the integration of different project
outcomes to present on a larger canvas of institutional achievements is difficult and not clear.
Therefore, priority setting by the PME Cell adds to align with the broader research agenda of
the Institute, which comprises of many small multi-disciplinary projects. Lack of use of
proper prioritization mechanism may reduce the effectiveness of ICAR Institutes in
responding to the needs of stakeholders.
Besides the appraisal, as suggested by the Madan Committee, the PME Cell needs to
prioritize individual projects to define the research portfolio of the Institute. It has to be based
on parameters like alignment to Institutes’ objectives, mission and vision, availability of time
of project team, soundness of the project, duplication of research (if any), actions/targets
formed in consonance with the expectation of the project, system review, effective control to
experiments, economic evaluation and cost efficiency analysis, appropriateness of questions
to be answered, etc.

2.2 Expectations from Research Priority Setting System

 Bring more objectivity in scope of the project;
 Aligning the objectives of project to the institutional priorities;
 Integration of projects in such a way that the institutional outcome is clearly visible
and measurable;
 Rationalizing the allocation of human and financial resources to increase the overall
system efficiency;

 Reduction of biasness in project proposals;
 Promotion of innovation in research;
 A mechanism for proper decision making; and
 Integration of PME into research management processes.

2.3 Priority Setting Mechanism

The goal of priority setting is to develop a common research agenda and action plan
based on shared priorities. Priority setting is a fundamental step in the management of
research activities because the financial resources are not unlimited and there is never as
much funding as is needed to address all problems and pursue all research needs. Moreover,
these needs are far from static; they can change from time to time as they can be affected by
current demands, environmental conditions, demographic trends, consumer habits, and new
opportunities in science due to advances in research or better research instruments. Thus, it is
fundamental to start from the analysis of the current situation in order to have an evidence-
based study. In the process of priority setting, it is critical to decide who sets the priorities
and what criteria should be used to determine them. It is important to understand from the
start that a single, universal concept of priority does not exist. A priority may look different
from each stakeholder’s point of view as the concept of priority serves the purpose, the
capacity, the resources, the mandate, and the culture of each stakeholder. Therefore, it is
important to build a participative and dynamic process among the stakeholders to reach
agreement among the participants step by step during the priority setting exercise. A
participatory appraisal can be undertaken by a multidisciplinary team in close interaction with
stakeholders like farmers, extension workers, private sector, etc. periodically to understand
fast changing scenario in the sector/production system.

2.4 Steps in Setting Institute Priorities

Priority setting of research at the Institute level is the key requirement for achieving
the objectives and goal of the Institute towards realizing its vision. Priority identification for
the Institute through ranking method is one of the simplest tasks. This can be achieved by
involving the Heads of Division (HODs) in large and medium size Institutes and all the
scientists in the case of small Institutes. There can be a maximum of ten priorities for a large
Institute and five priorities for a small Institute depending on various parameters like staff
strength, infrastructure availability, finding pattern, etc.

For a large Institute, the HODs and for small Institutes all the scientists need to
provide broad researchable areas. They may be of any number. These researchable areas then
have to be listed and a meeting of the major stakeholders identified for the purpose could be
called for soliciting their considered opinion. Before the meeting, the stakeholders be given
the mandate, vision and mission of the Institute. The stakeholders’ opinion to be sought on a
scale of 10 for different researchable areas identified. The stakeholders would rank them
based on the importance of the work to be taken up to achieve the objectives and goal of the
Institute in accordance with its vision. Then the average score is worked out for different area
and put in the descending order. This ranking then put up before the IRC/RAC for vetting.
Once this is done, the ranking of researchable areas are set. The scientists are then required
to propose projects as per the priorities identified based on their specialization.

2.5 Steps in Project Priority Setting

2.5.1 Planning of the Priority Setting Process
Priority setting is not a one-time process. It requires to be taken up at regular
intervals. Inviting projects from different scientists is the first step. Submission of RPP-I is
the most critical factor in this planning its checklist has details of presentation of the project
in the Divisional/Institutional Seminar, and action taken on the inputs, details on the
workload of team, additional manpower requirements, inclusion of work plan/activity chart,
status of the requirements of the equipment and infrastructure for the project and their
provision in the Institute EFC, so that project does not face any problem during its operation.
Priorities may be slightly amended if there is strong recommendation of IRC.

2.5.2 Elements for Priority Setting Documentation at the PME Cell:
 The PME Cell on receiving a project document provides a temporary number to the
document; the document should be given at least six weeks before the IRC meeting
 The document is then put on the canvas (Annexure I) for the purpose of evaluation.
The canvass has the project details on the left and the criteria for marking on the right
side. It is a two dimensional canvas.
 The canvass is then provided to the evaluator, who would be asked to provide
evaluation within a timeframe (may be a week or a fortnight) so that the next process
at PME can be carried out in time. It is mandatory for the evaluator to provide
objective evaluation.

 Average score of the evaluator will be taken into account. Average score = Aggregate
of score divided by the number of criteria answered. (For example, if the evaluator
has not evaluated the project on one or more criteria, then the total will be divided by
10 – (minus) the number of criteria he/she did not attempt to evaluate (Annexure I).
 Once the priority score is compiled, it has to be placed before the PMC and then the
IRC for thorough discussion/decision and then approved; if the IRC suggests major
change, it may be incorporated and then the process is repeated again for the steps
given above. Such projects, however, will be included after deliberation in the next
IRC or with the permission of the IRC Chairman to save time. But it will have to be
ratified in the next IRC meeting. Criteria for priority setting:

Criteria for Evaluation of Project on a Scale of 1-10
Sl. Criterion Score (1- 10) What to See in This?
No. 10 is the Highest and 1 is the Lowest
1. Relevance of  Highly relevant = 9-10 Given the present situation of
research questions  Relevant = 7-8 the need [based on: i) review of
 Moderately relevant = 5-6 literature; ii) what other
 Not much relevant = 3-4 Institutes are doing in the
 Not relevant = 1-2 same/ similar areas of research;
and iii) a survey through PRA
of different stake- holders done
by a team of scientists (a PRA
report made to identify the
need) the relevance of
researchable issue can be
scored)]. This is basically
perceived impact of research
needs of the society.
2. Addressing priority Addressing: Does the focus of the project is
of the Institute  More than two National and/or aligned to National objectives
and/or National Institutional priorities = 8-10 like higher production for
priority (National -  Two National and/or exports (quality + quantity);
ICAR Vision Institutional priorities = 5-7 resilient to climatic changes;
document),  Less than two National and/or enhancing profitability to small
Institutional - Institute Institutional priorities = 2-4 holders (scale of production
Vision, QRT, EFC issues); water efficiency; value
and RAC chain issues etc. (National
documents)* goals are provided by ICAR
Vision documents and strategic
plans; Institute’s objectives are
provided by the mission and
vision - Institute Vision, QRT,
EFC and IRC documents)

Sl. Criterion Score (1- 10) What to See in This?
No. 10 is the Highest and 1 is the Lowest
3. New innovativeness  Highly innovative = 9-10 Out of box creative
expected in the study  Innovative = 7-8 idea/method/practice to
 New introduction = 5-6 overcome the constraint.
 Routine with new actions = 3-4
 Very common = 1-2
4. Appropriateness of  Very appropriate = 9-10 a) Experimental
design/techniques for  Appropriate = 6-8 design/treatments;
the questions to be  Need some modifications = 3-5 Sampling design proposed.
answered  Need major modification = 1-2 b) Data collection methods
c) Analytical tools/techniques
5. Elements of bias  No bias at all = 9-10 This covers the Disciplinary/
addressed in the  Bias to some extent = 6-8 Personal bias exhibited by the
study  Biased = 3-5 project team members such as
 Highly biased = 1-2 one sided, non-neutral, not
open, prejudiced decisions to
give preferences to address
issues, selecting team
6. Adequacy of  Sufficient time allocation for This looks at the extent to
scientist(s) time both PI and Co-PI(s) which the PI and other
allocation = 9-10 members of the project team
 Sufficient time allocation only propose to devote their time to
for PI and not for Co-PIs = 6-8 the respective project activities
 Insufficient time allocation for assigned to each one of them in
PI = 3-5 relation to the time needed to
 Insufficient time allocation to carry out the work.
both PI and Co-PIs = 1-2
7. Extent of system  Extensive review coupled with The focus here is on the
review and meta- critical analysis undertaken = 9- rationale for the project arrived
analysis 10 at based on the research gap
 Extensive review undertaken identified through literature
without critical analysis = 6-8 search and a survey through
 Some review undertaken and no PRA of different stakeholders
critical analysis done = 3-5 (PRA report).
 Neither review nor critical
analysis done = 1-2
8. Effective control to  Team has full control All the required inputs,
experiments = 9-10 equipment, land, manpower
 Team requires partial support and funds available before start
from other sections for physical of the project.
facilities (purchase/
finance/farm and other sections)
= 6-8
 Partially dependent on others
even for technical support = 3-5
 Fully dependent on others for

Sl. Criterion Score (1- 10) What to See in This?
No. 10 is the Highest and 1 is the Lowest
carrying out the work = 1-2
9. Economic evaluation The project to be scored based on Ex-ante evaluation using
and cost efficiency the extent to which the anticipated partial budgeting technique as
analysis benefits/cost incurred ratio works given in section 2.6 needs to be
out. done for the project. The
 If more than 2.0 = 9-10 anticipated benefits in terms of
 If between 1.5 and 2.0 productivity increase, quality
= 6-8 improvement, water saving,
 If between 1.0 and 1.5 input saving, labour saving,
= 3-5 etc. accrue in relation to the
 If it is 1.0 = 1-2 cost to be incurred has to be
considered. While the Institutes
having trained manpower can
do this without any difficulty,
others have to find ways and
means to do this (See Section
2.7 and Annexure II for
10. How appropriately  More appropriate = 9-10 The extent to which the
the expected output  Appropriate = 6-8 expected output answers the
answers the  Somewhat appropriate questions being addressed
questions being = 3-5 under the respective subject
addressed in the  Less appropriate = 1-2 matter areas to be considered.
specific subject
Note: * If the proposal is not in accordance with the Institutional priorities, it may face
outright rejection Evaluator of the project proposal:

The proposals submitted by the PIs of various projects have to be evaluated using the
above-mentioned criteria by some other scientist(s) of the same Institute assigned by the
Institute Director (IRC Chairman). This will probably help in overcoming the problem
whenever the HOD happens to be the Co-PI of some of the projects being evaluated.

2.6 Frequency of Exercise

Since the mandate and activities vary across the Institutes, the frequency of priority
setting would also vary accordingly. The individual Institutes may decide upon the frequency
of carrying out the priority setting exercise as per their mandate and other activities.

2.7 Partial Budgeting Method for Economic Evaluation (B/C Ratio)
Given the limitations of sophisticated economic evaluation methods like Economic
Surplus, Total Factor Productivity, Simulation, etc. a very simple, transparent, very user
friendly, easy to understand and compute by even biological scientists is proposed. The
method, called partial budgeting, uses economic concepts and tools to estimate economic
profitability of a technology. The tool can be used during any phase of the research process:
technology development, testing and evaluation on farm. It is felt that partial budgeting can
be used by non-economists as at this stage since most research teams of NARS lack an
economist because only a few people are specialized in agricultural economics. Partial
budgeting allows a quick insight into the profitability of the technologies. Partial budgeting
analysis is the tabulation of expected gains and losses due to a change (marginal) in farming
method or technology, e.g. replacing traditional maize variety with QPM variety. The new
technology or innovation could be technically feasible but this is not a necessary condition
for adoption by farmers; the new technology must be profitable. Therefore it is important for
scientists developing a new technology or improving an existing one to determine the
profitability of the technology. Since Indian NARS do not have enough agricultural
economist and biological scientists often lack the ability to conduct economic analysis, the
simple module using the partial budgeting analysis is suggested to determine the profitability
of technologies at research farm or farmer level.
Partial budgets list only those items of income and expenses that change. They (i)
measure change in income and returns to limited resources, (ii) provide a limited assessment
of risk and (iii) suggest a range of prices or costs at which a technology is profitable. It is
important to note that partial budgeting has the limitation that it is appropriate where a single
component must be analysed, profitability is the major concern rather than issues such as
equity and income analysis and fixed costs do not change. NARS have to follow detailed
economic analysis using higher order economic evaluation tools, project worth measures,
which require detailed data on streams of costs and returns including fixed research and
extension costs, depreciation of technology and rate of adoption, etc. when sufficient
economists are available.
In order to use partial budgeting to evaluate a potential change in a technology, a
scientist has to first be able to answer four questions about that probable change:
 What new or additional costs will be incurred?
 What current costs will be reduced or eliminated?

 What new or additional returns will be received?
 What current returns will be reduced or lost?
The partial budget can be divided into three main sections: (I) costs, (II) benefits, and (III)
analysis. The analysis section includes net change in profits and a break-even analysis (also
known as benefit/cost ratio). The example has been given in Annexure III.

Section I – Costs Section II – Benefits

A. A. Additional cost D. D. Additional Benefits

(This will be the cost incurred as a result of (These will be the returns received as a result
adoption of new technology) of adoption of new technology)

B. B. Reduced Returns E. E. Reduced costs

(This will be the return that are given up as a (These will be costs that will no longer be
result of no longer adoption of current incurred as a result of giving up current
technology) technology)

C. C. Total Cost (A+B) F. F. Total Benefits (D+E)

Section III-Analysis
G. Net changes in profits (F-C)
H. Benefit/cost ratio (F/C)

3. Monitoring of Research Projects
Monitoring is one of the most important functions in research project management
and it helps to ensure that the implementation of various activities included in the approved
project proposal progresses as planned. The progress needs to be assessed periodically
through proper monitoring so as to ensure that the objectives defined in the proposal are
achieved. It is essentially a scientific judgment about the accountability of the project in
accordance with the established priorities. From the project management perspective,
monitoring is basically considered as an internal activity with limited participation of external
experts and the entire process essentially provides scope for identifying the constraints, both
physical and technical, as well as for taking necessary mid-course corrections for the
successful completion of the project. Hence, a sound monitoring system is required for
efficient management of research projects.

3.1 Existing Mechanism

In ICAR Institutes, the monitoring function has been very strongly built into the
project management system. Monitoring is done at different levels. Through a Committee of
two experts (one internal and one external) appointed, the PMC initiates the monitoring
process. The main technical monitoring mechanism of research projects in the Institute is the
IRC comprising its Director as the Chairman and the scientists as Members. The IRC
generally meets twice a year and monitors the on-going research projects in the Institute.
Besides, the RAC chaired by a professionally competent external expert with membership of
external experts including the Institute Director as one of the Members meets every year and
assesses the progress made by various research projects in the Institute. As far as the
monitoring of progress made on matters relating to finance, procurement and other
administrative functions, the IMC chaired by the Institute Director examines the progress on
quarterly basis and develop necessary action plan to overcome the constraints, if any, faced
by the project teams.
Annual reports, performance indicators, and Results Framework documents are other
instruments that help in the monitoring of the projects, Institutes and individuals. In many
Institutes, monitoring of experiments in fields and in laboratories is taken up to assess the
quality of experimentation and progress of work. The frequency depends on many factors like
the availability of monitoring scientists in a particular season and the Director’s involvement
in the monitoring process. All these mechanisms, except the IRC and RAC, have different
objectives, and do not directly and explicitly monitor the progress of research projects.

Notwithstanding the fact that IRC and RAC are the major monitoring mechanisms in the
Institutes, there are again no objective tools to effectively monitor the research projects.
Whatever observations made by different members/experts of these two Committees are
recorded and put in minutes of the meeting/proceedings form and thereby, the scope for mid-
course corrections becomes limited and uncertain.

3.2 Setting Targets for M&E

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of project progress are done based on initially
planned values for various indicators. Thus it is important that the PIs take great care in
setting initial values and target fixed for each year of the project. Although a project may
have a number of activities and associated targets, the PI may identify targets for a few key
outputs each year that would reflect the work done and achievement made. The success of
M&E depends on the PI in identifying some targets for work done (procurement, installation,
data collection, experiments, etc.) and some targets for quality of work/achievement
(quantifiable indicators on performance like publications, variety released, etc.). These
indicators dependent targets are to be critically examined by the PME Cell. For Institute
projects, the PME cell has to function like a donor and take due care in the proposal (RPP-I).

3.3 Baseline Survey

Within six months of the project approval, a baseline survey has to be taken up for the
applied research projects to establish the benchmarks of selected key parameters to be used
for monitoring and evaluation. The baseline survey has to be short and crisp having
information not more than 5-6 key parameters collected on a maximum of one page survey
schedule. The key parameters may be productivity, particular trait preference for markets,
profitability, quality, etc. The baseline survey should include all the stakeholders to be
affected by the research in the region where the project team is located. A sample of 50-100
representative respondents can be selected for this baseline survey.

3.4 Levels of Monitoring

There are basically two levels of monitoring the progress of research projects, as given
3.4.1 Informal Monitoring
Informal monitoring is generally followed to assess the quality of experimentation on
field and laboratory and understand the constraints and progress of work. It will always be
helpful to supplement the assessment through documents and reports. In biological

experiments, informal monitoring may take place by the Director/HOD/Review Team visit to
the project location for examining the project status, quality of experimentation, design and
condition of experiments, observations, etc.
For the social scientists, village visits may be a better option if it is concerned with
primary data collection/extension services. If data collection is secondary, monitoring may be
done by looking into the quantum of data, source of data, etc. and meetings with the
personnel from the data source. Poster presentation session during the field visits may also be
arranged for the social science subjects (Economics, Extension, Statistics, Computer Science,
etc.). For the biological scientists also, such field visits have to be undertaken if there is a
need for primary data collection/extension services.
These monitoring visits could be done at appropriate timing as decided by the IRC
Chair, as indicated below:
 Monitoring can be done by constituting a Committee of Senior level scientists
(maximum of five);
 The Committee may submit a note to the PME Cell on their level of satisfaction,
deficiencies and probable mid-course corrections (satisfied/ need some corrections/
not satisfied); and
 This note could then be put up before the IRC along with other monitoring indicators
for suitable directions.

3.4.2 Formal Monitoring Targets and indicators:
Some of the targets and key indicators are to be used for formal monitoring of the
progress, as reflected in the project documents. They include number of lab experiments/
field trials/ demonstrations conducted; data collection/ documentation done; list of
publications; intellectual property generation (if any targeted); presentation of papers in
Workshop/ Seminars/Symposia/Conferences (if any targeted); details of technology
developed; trainings/demonstrations organized (if any targeted); training received (if any
targeted); and any other relevant information.

22 Scoring of indicators:
Project: (No. and Name) ___________
Starting year _________ Monitoring Year ________
PI ________________: Co- PIs ___________________
Sl. Indicator Output Targets Score (Extent Remarks
No. Monitorable Achieved of Achieving (Constraints
Targets (in %) Targets) and Action
Suggested to
Meet the
1. Activities planned No. of lab  If >75% =
experiments/ 8-10
field trials/  If 50-75%
demonstrations = 5-7
 If 25-49%
 If< 25%
2. Data collection/ Variables for  If >75%
Documentation which data to be = 8-10
collected, type of  If 50-75%
analysis, records = 5-7
(no. and type) to  If 25-49%
be kept = 2-4
 If< 25%
3. Publications: Research No. and type of  If >75%
Papers (Peer reviewed publications = 8-10
Journals), Reports/Manuals planned (if any)  If 50-75%
Working and Concept = 5-7
Papers  If 25-49%
Popular Articles = 2-4
Books/Book Chapters  If< 25%
Extension Bulletins =1
4. Process/products/produce/ No. of process/  If >75%
technology/ technique/ products/produce/ = 8-10
software/ knowledge technology/  If 50-75%
developed/refined/evolved technique/softwar = 5-7
e/ knowledge  If 25-49%
developed/ = 2-4
refined/  If< 25%
evolved (if any) =1
5. Questions answered No. planned (if  If >75%
any) to answer = 8-10
questions from  If 50-75%
RPP-I = 5-7
 If 25-49%
= 2-4

 If< 25%
6. Trainings/demonstrations No. and type  If >75%
organized planned (if any) = 8-10
 If 50-75%
= 5-7
 If 25-49%
= 2-4
 If< 25%
7. Training attended No. and type  If >75%
planned (if any) = 8-10
 If 50-75%
= 5-7
 If 25-49%
= 2-4
 If< 25%
8. Workshops Seminars, No. and type  If >75%
Symposia, conferences planned (if any) = 8-10
attended/presented  If 50-75%
= 5-7
 If 25-49%
= 2-4
 If< 25%
Note: Depending on the number of indicators applicable to the type of research projects
implemented in a particular Institute, the scores may be proportionately made to 100 Persons monitoring the progress:

Periodic assessment of the progress of individual projects using the above-mentioned
indicators to be carried out by the scientist(s) not associated with the project being monitored
and specifically assigned by the Director (IRC Chairman) from the same Institute. Constraints faced, if any:

The project monitoring needs to take into account the constraints faced to have better
insights into the project. It becomes imperative to know the reasons/constraints that affected
the progress of the project. These constraints may be technical, operational, financial,
procedural, or any other.
 Constraints for not achieving or partially achieving the monitorable targets need to be
identified and action to rectify/ mid-course corrections to be suggested.
 If there are no constraints reported by the PI and yet the progress is in the red zone
(i.e. partially achieved or not achieved), then the competent authority needs to take
appropriate action.

24 Sequence of formal monitoring:
 The PIs submit the progress of projects and the annual progress reports by the PME
Cells are put up to the IRC Meeting along with all the supporting documentary
evidences. The IRC must critically look into the constraints identified by the project
team. The IRC may suggest the steps/solutions for efficient implementation of the
project. These steps/solutions then be communicated to the project team and others
concerned for necessary action.
 The monitoring may be suggested by the Chairman of IRC taking into account
different aspects of the research theme and importance of the project.

4. Evaluation of Research Projects

Evaluation generally refers to systematic appraisal of a research project to determine

its quality and contributions in terms of its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and impact. It
basically involves systematic collection of information on predefined indicators w.r.t. the
activities and outcomes of the project. Besides providing useful information on the outcomes
of a project, it helps in assessing the performance of the scientists who undertook the research
work as well as in making them accountable to those who funded the project. It will be more
effective if adequate monitoring including relevant information collection and recording
mechanisms are actively implemented during the course of the project. In addition, it has to
situate the activity in the institutional, social and economic context in which it is carried out.
It is important for the project team to be aware of the above before commencing the project.
This will define how the evaluation process should be designed, and what outcomes are
expected as a result.

4.1 Timing of Evaluation

Evaluation can take place at any time during the project life. It can either be carried
out during the course of project implementation (Concurrent evaluation) or at the end of the
project (Final evaluation). However, the most appropriate timing of evaluation in the ICAR
Institutes is at the time of completion of the project which coincides with the submission of

4.2 Attention Required

There are a few points to be kept in view before embarking on evaluation, as under:

 Carrying out an initial exercise through a baseline survey/study so as to enable

comparison of the progress with the baseline data at the end of the project. The
baseline survey has to be short and crisp having information not more than 5-6 key
parameters collected on a maximum of one page survey schedule. The key parameters
may be productivity, particular trait preference for markets, profitability, quality, etc.;
 Evaluating the project at agreed milestones; and
 Evaluation on the basis achievements made against the targets set at the beginning
including baseline survey targets.

4.3 Undertaking Evaluation
There is no any particular way to carry out an evaluation, with inherent strengths and
weaknesses apparent in most approaches. An effective and more suitable approach involves
participatory evaluation with active involvement of the stakeholders. It is important to ensure
that all relevant parties have proper understanding of the evaluation process, as well as its
anticipated outcomes. Basic steps involved in any evaluation process should include the
following key elements.
4.3.1 Development of the Design and Plan
 Clarify the specific purpose or intended outcomes of the evaluation - Why are you
doing it? Will the evaluation be in the form of a report or a series of stories;
 Determine the questions you want to answer;
 Identify the stakeholders;
 Identify key indicators; and
 Prepare any materials required such as questionnaires, field notebooks, etc.
4.3.2 Analysis of Information:
The collected information have to be organized systematically and put to rigorous
analysis for drawing meaningful conclusions.
4.3.3 Use of Conclusions
Once the achievement and worth of the project have been evaluated, others may have
to be informed about what has been learned and achieved so that they too could benefit from
the experience of the project. This might guide others to undertake similar projects without

4.4 Evaluation Methods

4.4.1 Desk/ Scoping/ Pre-Project Study
This type of study is mostly followed in Basic and Strategic Research Projects
whereby the key parameters are generally identified through review of literature. These are
basically the lab data or field experiment data conducted before by other researchers. What is
needed to evaluate in the project is to report any significant change in the key benchmark

4.4.2 Field Evaluation
Field data collection through interaction with stakeholders (sample population)
will be mostly in Applied Research Projects where the results would immediately be
useful to the society. For field evaluation, the following methods may be employed. Structured interviews:
Appropriate questionnaires to be developed to collect information through structured
interviews. Questions are of two types, viz. closed and open. Closed questions limit the
respondent to a yes/no type answer, or to indicate a rating or ranking on a scale. Open
questions, on the other hand, invite the respondent to provide an opinion. Questionnaires may
contain both types of questions. Semi-structured interviews – In person:
Semi-structured interviews are informally guided method of gathering information.
Some questions are predetermined while others are developed from the points emerging
during the discussion. Questions may be mainly open, providing an opportunity for the
respondent to provide an opinion. Semi-structured interviews are used to understand an
interviewee’s experiences and impressions. Administration of questionnaires:
Questionnaires can be administered in person or by telephone, or by mail. They are
used to quickly obtain information from people having different background, experience and
interest. Questionnaires are: i) typically inexpensive; ii) can be filled in and submitted
anonymously; and iii) are easy to compare and analyse. It is possible to involve many people,
but may not appeal to all and responses may be limited. Participant observation:
In this method, the required information is collected by listening, watching and
documenting what is seen and heard. By asking questions, as well as by noting comments,
behaviours and reactions, useful information is sought to facilitate the evaluation process.
The participant observation method gathers accurate information about how a group and
project operates in the field.
Whatever method is used, it should be i) Valid – sound and correct, ii) Credible –
acceptable and iii) Feasible – implementable.

4.5 Grading of Projects

The evaluation of research projects after completion is important to objectively assess
whether the project objectives have been achieved as per the plan envisaged at the beginning.

The evaluation must take into account qualitative and quantitative assessment of objectives
and stipulated outputs, publications, timeliness, product/process/technology/IPR/commercial
value of the technology developed. Evaluation may use a relative scoring mechanism grading
of the project with well-defined range of scores.
The evaluation of research projects after completion will be based on the information
provided, as per the following specified proforma.
Sl. Criterion Methodology Score
No. (Output)
1. Achievements Qualitative and quantitative assessment
against approved and of objectives and stipulated outputs
stipulated outputs under the project will be carried out:
under the project  Projected output achieved (%).  > 90% = 10
 81-90% = 8-9
 71-80% = 6-7
 61-70% = 4-5
 ≤ 60% = 1-3
 Extent to which standard design,  Fully followed,
methodology, experimental designs, as envisaged in
test procedures, and analytical RPP-I = 8-10
methods followed.  Modification
done = 5-7
 Major
done = 2-4
 Completely
changed = 1
 Extent to which the data justify the  > 90% = 10
conclusions (%).  81-90% = 8-9
 71-80% = 6-7
 61-70% = 4-5
 ≤60% = 1-3
 Innovativeness and creating of new  Highly
knowledge, new knowledge process, innovative
protocol, etc. = 9-10
 Innovative
= 7-8
 New
= 5-6
 Routine with
some new
actions = 3-4
 Very routine
= 1-2

 Creation of linkages for  Very good
commercialization of technology linkages
developed under the project. created = 8-10
 Leads were
found for
linkages = 5-7
 Not much
possible =1-4
 Extent to which scientific input  > 90% = 10
commensurate to output (manpower,  81-90% = 8-9
financial input and time duration) (%).  71-80% = 6-7
 61-70% = 4-5
 ≤60% = 1-3
Compute the average of the above; this will be the average
score for the criterion under Sl. No. 1
2. Publication/ awards Assessment will be done in respect of: Depending on the
Research papers; Reports/Manuals; number, scoring to
Working and Concept Papers; be done, as
Books/Book Chapters; Bulletins indicated below:
including quality of publication (s); and  If > 6 = 10
Awards /Scientific recognitions received.  If 6 = 9
 If 5 = 8
 If 4 = 7
 If 3 = 6
 If 2 = 5
 If 1 = 4
3. Additional facilities Facilities created in terms of laboratory,  More than one
created and research set-up, instrumentation, etc. created and
maintained during the project. well maintained
= 8-10
 One created
and well
= 5-7
 More than one
created but not
well maintained
= 3-4
 One created but
not well
= 1-2
4. Human resource Scientists and Technical personnel  Complete team
development trained in different areas was trained
= 8-10
 Few of them
trained = 5-7
 Only one
trained = 3-4
5 Training imparted No. of demonstrations/ trainings  > 90% = 10

conducted to farmers and other  81-90% = 8-9
stakeholders, etc. (against the targets  71-80% = 6-7
given in RPP-I) (%)  61-70% = 4-5
≤ 60% = 1-3
6. Team work Team working (Inter/Intra institutional)  Cohesively
(Cordially working or there were worked and
conflicts/differences) achieved the
target = 9-10
 Cohesively
worked, but
targets partially
achieved = 7-8
 No Cohesive
relations, but
achieved = 5-6
 No Cohesive
relations and
achieved = 1-4
6. Revenue generated Resources and revenues generated and  More than the
under the project/ avenues created cost of project
avenues created for = 10
revenue generation  Between 75-
100 % of the
cost of project
= 8-9
 Between 50-74
% cost of
project = 6-7
 Between 25-
49% cost of
project = 4-5
 < 25% cost of
= 1-3
7. Product/Process/ Details to be provided on parameters e.g.:  Two or more of
Technology/ IPR / Products; Process; Technology; IPR; the parameters
Commercial value of Registration of the varieties; Germplasm achieved
the technology accession; Commercially viable value = 8-10
developed chains developed, etc.  One parameters
achieved = 5-7
8. Quality of available Research Project Files (RPPs), Data,  Checklist
documents of the Reports, etc. complete and
project duly authenticated =
authenticated 9-10
 Checklist
complete, but

= 7-8
 Checklist not
9. Budget utilization Percentage of budget utilized  For every 10%,
score 1 to be
10. Timeliness of the Timely completion of the project with  Timely
execution of the adverse marking/scoring for the extended completed = 10
project period  Took six
extension = 7-9
 Took one year
extension = 4-6
 Took more than
one year
extension = 1-3
Total Score
Net Score: Score obtained to be counted out of 100 to compensate for activities not relevant
to the project
On the basis of net score obtained from the above criteria, the projects to be graded as
indicated below:
Sl. No. Score Grading
1. 80 and Above Excellent
2. 70 to 79 Very Good
3. 60 to 69 Good
4. 50 to 59 Average
5. Less than 50 Below Average

4.6 Steps in Evaluation

The PI should first evaluate the project based on the outcome indicators identified for
the purpose. It should also be evaluated by an external expert identified by the Institute
Director (IRC Chairman). Reasonable time and honorarium (may be a fortnight and Rs.
1000) to be provided to the external expert. Scoring of achievements against each of the
indicators to be carried out and the aggregate score used for grading the project. The final
grading (both by the PI and the external expert) then has to be communicated to the PME
Cell through the HOD of PI, which puts it up to the Director with its comments for approval.

4.7 Economic Impact Analysis

Economic impact assessment of applied and adaptive research projects is undertaken
at three levels. First, the ex-ante assessment, which is done to objectively assess the research

portfolio and prioritize the research agenda. The second is the monitoring and concurrent
evaluation, which is done to identify the constraints for achieving the targets and suggest
steps to overcome the constraints. The third stage is ex-post assessment, which is done to
validate investment made on the research/project.
The ex-post impact analysis is generally undertaken when the research outputs and
technologies are largely adopted in the target domain to assess their contribution to social
welfare, resource conservation, trade, etc. The impact assessment of basic and strategic
research project may have to be done keeping in view their potential for long run benefits;
and in the short run they may be assessed for against the targets fixed like development of
useful genes, constructs, processes, patents, publications in high impact journals, etc.
Similarly, the impact of social science research need to be assessed differently in terms of
their value in improving decision making, communication, quality of experimentation, etc.
In view of the shortage of economists in the NARS, systematic ex-ante and ex-post
economic analysis of technologies may be undertaken in the Institutes where they are
available and in other Institutes they may be undertaken with the cooperation of economists
existing within the system or can be outsourced till the agricultural economists are in place.
For the present, the same module using partial budgeting technique, as explained in
Section 2.7, can be made use for simplicity. Since the research team has real data at the end
of evaluation, it should now be able to compute the economic benefit by replacing the earlier
values (which were estimates based on certain assumptions) with the real values of the
project undertaken by it (as indicated in Annexure III).

5. Utilization of Manual

The details in the Manual have been developed based on Prof. M.L.Madan
Committee’s Recommendations.

5.1 Focus
The Manual has been conceived keeping in view the following:

 The Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) mechanism has been
specifically focused on research at the micro-level particularly the individual research
projects in the Institutes.

 The PME process described in the Manual is essentially based on the assumption that
the scientists devote considerable time for research.

5.2 Facilitators
Active consideration of the following might facilitate in realizing maximum utility of
the Manual:

 The PME Cells in the Institutes to be strengthened/empowered by placing or even

recruiting the right person as In-charge. To become effective, he/she requires
sufficient delegation of power like a HOD enjoys and a respectable stature in the
Institute with a suitable designation like Coordinator, PME. Wherever available, the
Agricultural Economist should be made In-charge of the Cells and it will go a long
way in providing the required technical support more effectively to the Institute
Directors. In the Institutes where scientists from other disciplines are made In-charge
of PME Cells till sufficient agricultural economists are appointed, they should be
trained periodically in the PME process as described in the Manual.
 Further help from ICAR is needed to sufficiently incentivize PME Cell persons in
giving due credit in their assessment and promotion. In the absence of the incentives
and rewards, PME service is considered as thankless job, a burden and the high rate of
turn-over of scientists in PME Cells will not be stopped.
 Many PME Cells are overburdened with multiple functions (more than 25) outside
PME and if not rationalized, will make them ineffective. Only functions related to
PME mandate may be assigned to them.
 The whole PME process is meant for incentivizing the good performance and not for
punishing the poor performance. Rather it should help to improve “not up to the mark

performance”. It is believed that through this process, poor performers will be
indirectly motivated to perform better.
 The PME exercise will lead to more efficient and relevant research in terms of
investment made. It will certainly lead to avoidance of redundant and repetitive
 In view of increasing need for undertaking systematic PME exercises in the Council
especially to handle emerging more complex research agenda with multiple objectives
and stakeholders and demand from donors and funding agencies for credible
evidences on impact of agricultural research, research on advanced PME methods
and practices may be undertaken at NAARM and NCAP.

Annexure I: Method of Calculating Average Scores of Individual Project by an Evaluator

Institute’s Vision:

Institute’s Mission:

Institute’s Mandate:

Evaluator’s Name______ ____

Project (s) No. Relevance Address- New Appropriate Elements Adequacy Extent of Effective Economic How appropriately Average Score
of ing priority innovati ness of of bias of system control to evaluation the expected
research of the veness design/tech- address- scientist(s) review experi- and cost output answers the
questions institute expected niques for ed in the time and meta- ments efficiency questions being
and/or in the the study allocation analysis analysis addressed in the
National study questions to specific subject
priority be matter/area
answered (Basic/Applied/Tra
Average = (Sum
Details enclosed
7 6 5 7 6 7 6 5 6 7 of B to K)/10 =
Average = (Sum
Details enclosed
7 - 6 7 6 - 7 8 7 5 of B to K)/8
PROJECT 3 Average = (Sum
Details enclosed 6 5 4 4 5 6 5 6 7 7 of B to K)/10
PROJECT 4 Average = (Sum
Details enclosed 5 6 8 6 7 5 - 5 6 6 of B to K)/9

Annexure II: Example for Use in Priority Setting Exercise of Section 2

Ex-Ante Evaluation of Ordinary Maize Production against a Proposed Change to

QPM Maize
QPM will fetch higher price (Rs 1400/q) compared to present ordinary varieties (Rs 1000/q)
QPM yield will remain same
QPM will replace ordinary maize in 100 ha land in short run

Section I – Costs Section II – Benefits

A. Additional Cost D. Additional Returns
(This will be the cost incurred as a result (These will be the returns received as a
of adoption of new technology) result of adoption of new technology)
QPM QPM = 2.5 t/ha
Seed: Rs 1500/ha = 1,50,000 Rs 1400/q of QPM = 35,00,000
Fertilizer: Rs 2000/ha = 2,00,000
Pesticides: Rs 50/ha = 5,000
Labour cost: 1500/ha = 1,50,000
Research Cost = 3,00,000
TOTAL = 8,05,000
E. Reduced Costs
B. Reduced Returns Ordinary Maize
Ordinary maize = 2.5 t /ha Seed: Rs 1250/ha = 1,25,000
Rs 1000/q maize = 25,00,000 Fertilizer: Rs 2000/ha = 2,00,000
Pesticides: Rs 50/ha = 5,000
Labour cost: 1500/ha = 1,50,000
(This will be the return that are given up Research Cost* =
as a result if no longer adoption of TOTAL = 4,80,000
current technology) (These will be costs that will no longer
be incurred as a result of giving up
current technology)
* Research done in past and so no cost
C. Total Cost (A+B) = 33,05,000 F. Total Cost (D+E) = 39,80,000
Section III-Analysis
G. Net changes in profits (F-C) = 6,75,000
H. Benefit/cost ratio (F»C) = 1.204

Annexure III: Example for Evaluation Purpose in Section 4
Ex-Post Evaluation of Ordinary Maize Production against a Proposed Change to
QPM Maize
QPM could fetch higher price (Rs 1300/q) compared to present ordinary varieties
(Rs 1000/q)
QPM yield marginally decreased from 2.5 to 2.2 t/ha
QPM replaced ordinary maize in 100 ha land in short run

Section I – Costs Section II – Benefits

A. Additional Cost D. Additional Benefits
(This will be the cost incurred as a result (These will be the returns received as a
of adoption of new technology) result of adoption of new technology)
QPM QPM = 2.2 t/ha
Seed: Rs 1500/ha = 1,50,000 Rs 1300/q of QPM = 28,60,000
Fertilizer: Rs 2000/ha = 2,00,000
Pesticides: Rs 50/ha = 5,000
Labour cost: 1500/ha = 1,50,000
Research Cost = 3,00,000
TOTAL = 8,05,000
E. Reduced Costs
B. Reduced Returns Ordinary maize
Ordinary maize = 2.5 t/ha Seed: Rs 1250/ha = 1,25,000
Rs 1000/q maize = 25,00,000 Fertilizer: Rs 2000/ha = 2,00,000
Pesticides: Rs 50/ha = 5,000
Labour cost: 1500/ha = 1,50,000
(This will be the return that are given up Research Cost* =
as a result if no longer adoption of TOTAL = 4,80,000
current technology) (These will be costs that will no longer
be incurred as a result of giving up
current technology)
* Research done in past and so no cost
C. Total Cost (A+B) = 33,05,000 F. Total Benefits (D+E) 33,40,000
Section III-Analysis
G. Net changes in profits (F-C) = 35,000
H. Benefit/cost ratio (F/C) = 1.011

List of Participants of Brainstorming Session on "Developing PME Indicators &
Mechanisms in NARS held at New Delhi on 12 August 2014
Sl. No. Name Designation Organization
1 Dr. S. Ayyappan Secretary (DARE) and DG, ICAR Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
2 Dr. Mruthyunjaya Former Director, NCAP NAAS, New Delhi
3 Dr. P.K. Joshi Director, South Asia, IFPRI IFPRI, New Delhi
4 Dr. S. Anandhan Senior Scientist DOGR, Pune
5 Dr. K. N. Bhilegaonkar Principal Scientist IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly
6 Dr. S. Chatterji Principal Scientist NBSSLUP, Nagpur
7 Dr. P.K. Chhonkar Editor NAAS, New Delhi
8 Dr. (Ms.) Prem Dureja Editor NAAS, New Delhi
9 Dr. Seema Jaggi Senior Scientist IASRI, New Delhi
10 Dr. Rajani Jain Principal Scientist NCAP, New Delhi 110012
11 Dr. Ravinder Kaur Project Director WTC-IARI, New Delhi
12 Dr. Brij Lal Lakaria I/C PME IISS, Bhopal
Dr. (Mrs) P.
13 Mahalakshmi
Senior Scientist CIBA, Chennai

14 Dr. Meena Malik Associate Professor NDRI, Karnal

15 Dr. S. Mauria ADG (IPTM & PME) ICAR, KAB-I, Pusa, New Delhi
16 Ms. Gayathri Moharana Scientist DRWA, Bhubaneswar
17 Dr. B.N.S. Murthy Principal Scientist IIHR, Bengaluru
18 Dr. S.K. Nanda In-charge, RSM NAARM, Hyderabad
19 Dr. K. Srinivas Pr. Sciebntists NAARM, Hyderabad
20 Dr. Suresh Pal Head IARI, New Delhi
21 Dr. S.K. Pandey Senior Scientist NCAP, New Delhi
22 Dr. P.S. Pandey National Coordinator NAIP, Pusa, New Delhi
23 Dr. P. Ramasundaram National Coordinator NAIP, New Delhi
24 Dr. P.K. Sahoo Principal Scientist DCFR, Bhimtal
25 Dr. I. Sekar Scientist IARI, New Delhi
26 Dr. Kusumakar Sharma Former ADG (HRD)
27 Dr.(Mrs) Shivani Principal Scientist ICAR RC for ER, Patna
28 Dr. N.K. Singh National Professor NRC-PB, IARI, New Delhi
29 Dr. N.K. Tyagi Former Member
30 Dr. M.P. Yadav Ex. Vice Chancellor
31 Dr. Abhay Kumar Principal Scientist ICAR RC for ER, Patna
32 Dr. M L Madan Ex VC and DDG, ICAR

List of Participant of PME In-charges of ICAR Institutes for a Meeting to Crystalize

PME Manual held at Hyderabad on 24-12-2014
S No. Name Designation Organization
1 Dr. Mruthyunjaya Former Director, NCAP NAAS, New Delhi
2 Dr. T. Balaguru Former Head, ASRMP Hyderabad
4 Dr. MVLN Raju Principal Scientist ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad
5 Dr. V. Dinesh Kumar Principal Scientist ICAR-DOR, Hyderabad
6 Dr. S.Vaithiyanathan Principal Scientist ICAR-NRC Meat, Hyderabad
7 Dr. Harvinder Talwar Principal Scientist ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad
8 Dr. K. Srinivas Principal Scientist ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad

1. Madan Committee Report (2011) on Proformae and Guidelines for Research Project
Proposal, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.

2. Mehta Committee Report (2010) on Guidelines for Institutionalization and

Operationalization of PME cells in NARS. Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi.

3. Anonymous. Partial Budgeting, USDA, Northeast Region, Sustainable Agriculture for

Research & Education (SARE) in Cooperation with Rutgers Cooperative Extension of
Salem County, The State University of New Jersy.

4. Anonymous (2007). Monitoring and Evaluation Manual, National Agricultural

Innovation Project (NAIP), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.

5. V.Mariano, R. Zilli & M. Bagni (2013). WP 5: Criteria for priority setting. STAR-
IDAZ, London


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