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Q: What was your task and how did you contribute to the group work (interviews,
writing texts, communication, etc.)?

A: As the group leader, I played a vital role in ensuring the success of our
collaborative project. My contributions spanned effective communication,
collaboration, idea generation, and decision-making. I meticulously ensured proper
task completion, made effective decisions, facilitated problem-solving, and took
accountability for any setbacks in terms of deadlines. Additionally, I focused on
team building, and strategic delegation, and adeptly handled challenges.

Q: What was your most memorable learning experience? Which competencies did
you develop further?

A: My most memorable learning experience was the weekend we visited five

monuments in Mumbai which included the gateway of India, CST, Siddhivinayak
temple, Marine Drive and the Victorian Gothic Art Deco. Despite living in
Mumbai we had little to no information about these places and it was EUMIND
that made us further delve into things like the history, structure and importance of
these places
I also enhanced my leadership and communication skills the major reason I chose
to join EUMIND with these skills I also further enriched many more of my skill
sets like editing, photography and cinematography, writing as well as research

Q: What went well? What would you have done differently? Think about: methods,
group work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school, etc.

A: Our collaboration on the project yielded several positive outcomes. The team
had good collaboration and we kept a consistent theme throughout. The scripting
and recording of the sitcom were also done smoothly contributing to an overall
successful effort. However, there was area for improvement. Time management
could have been more efficient as well as recording of certain scenes where camera
angles and lighting could be improved. Despite multiple attempts to engage our
partner school through emails and Google Chat invitations, we encountered
challenges in establishing effective communication as we never got a proper
response from them. In retrospect, enhancing these aspects would have elevated
the project's success and collaboration experience.

What have you learned from your partner school? If possible compare the
outcomes of the research of the partner school with the outcomes of your research.

A: Our collaboration with the partner school provided valuable insights into
Amsterdam's monuments, which significantly contributed to our sitcom project.
Their research served as a foundation, and we complemented it by conducting
additional in-depth research on the monuments.

Why does your group deserve 5 bonus points for your project?
Think about: extra work done, good group work, group has shown 'ownership' of
the project.
A: I feel our group deserves 5 bonus points for our project due to our excellent
collaboration as well as maintaining a consistent theme and going beyond by
visiting Mumbai's monuments. We demonstrated ownership by presenting
information in a well-structured manner, showcasing teamwork, and a
comprehensive approach.

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