Clericalism 2

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Clericalism has been becoming a problem that exist in the church for quite some time. It exist l
for many years and manifested in in various form. Moreover, it rises and become a problem
when priests and bishops emphasize their Authority upon the lay people and create an imbalance
in relation in the church. For centuries, a lot of corruption and malpractice, as well as abuse of
power in the church happened because of this phenomenon. In this essay tries to cover about the
cause, effect, and possible solution for this phenomenon.
Clericalism happened in the church because of two reasons. First, clerics viewed as
superior in society as intellectual because of the academic formation that they have. in many
places, clerics is the only person who has high education, and being the leader in decision-
making, often neglect the opinion of the lay people. Lay are becoming just a supporter. The
clerics in their ministry cannot engage in dialogue wit laity. Second, the lay ministry also takes
part in leading the church minister to gain influence and share benefit from the leadership. Many
lays let their church leaders or even support them in their miscalculated or abuse of their power
to keep their influence.
Obviously, clericalism is very much affecting the church ministry. In across the globe, a
lot of victims of abuse begin to open up their experience after being abused by the minister of the
church. This problem will appear after years because of their fear to the power of clerics. In fact,
a lot of Dioses or congregation have to close their ministry because of bankruptcy due to the
irresponsibility and unaccountability of the ministers. Aside from that, in the decision-making
process, the motivation was different and most probably personal interest is the main cause.
Finally, how can it be remedied? Apparently, this problem will last long if it is not
handled from its root. The solution must be multifaced. First, synodality must be revitalized in
the church. The priest must treat the members of the church equally regardless to their role and
position. second, the laity must be encouraged to take part in decision-making process. Third,
church must provide a clear channel to the victim of the abuse of power by clerics. Fourth, there
must be a special training for the candidate or priest where this issue can be explained and as
reminder for them.
In conclusion, clericalism has impacted the church ministry and its members. However,
by taking it step by step from root, the church can prevent clericalism. Furthermore, the church
can promote equitable, compassionate community, and justice for all. Through transparency and
accountability the church can build better foundation and in turn provide comfort for all the

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