4 Problems For USOV

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Q1: Systemd replaced which Linux command for mounting and automounting file systems??

a /etc/fstab and autofs

b /etc/ftab and autofs

c /esc/fdtab and autff

d None

e None

f /etc/fstab and autom

Q2: What is the highest privilege user in Wordpress??

a Administrator

b None

c None

d Editor

e Author

f Contributer

Q3: What will the following command do - $ chmod 888 file?

a None

b It enables r,w,x permissions only for owner of the file

c It disables r,w,x premissions for all users

d None of the above.

e It enables r,w,x premissions for all users

f None

Q4: On Docker Hub, you get ten private repositories for free with your Docker Hub user
account. If you need more accounts, you can upgrade your Docker Hub plan.?
a True

b None

c None

d None

e None

f False

Q5: The API server is also known as:?

a None

b kubeapi

c k8s-apiserver

d kube-apiserver

e kube-server

f None

Q6: What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break??

a <lb>

b None

c None

d <br>

e <bl>

f <break>

Q7: You have lost access to your admin area and can't recover it with email. What do you

a Reset the password of your user through MySQL.

b Install a plugin to recover your password.

c Add a new user with admin privileges in MySQL.

d Delete your themes folder.

e Reinstall Wordpress.

f Register a new user and set it as an administrator via your panel.

Q8: How to insert a comment that has more than one line??

a None

b /*This comment has more than one line*/

c None

d //This comment has more than one line//

e <!--This comment has more than one line-->

f None

Q9: What will the following code return: Boolean(10 > 9)?

a false

b None

c None

d NaN

e true

f None

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