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Product Quality Info


Unique Selling Points

• Tahan Gemini virus
• Warna kulit kuning emas
• Tahan simpan ± 10 hari
• Super Manis (Brix 12-17%)
• Mampu dibuahkan lebih dari 2 buah
• Tangkai buah tahan coplok
• Buah keras: tahan simpan & angkut

Sowing /semai: 10 days

Healthy sowing media: Peatmoss or soil mix.
Sowing tray : 50 holes.

Manure Rice husk biochar

Soil mix dose per plant

Manure /compost: 1.5 kg
Dolomite: 100 g
Rice Husk biochar: 0.5-1.5 kg
Topsoil: Sesuaikan dg volume polybag

Lime /dolomite Pseudomonas sp & Trichoderma sp

Tips membuat larutan Decoprima 100 g dilarutkan ke dalam 1 liter air dan didiamkan selama
3-24 jam. Setelah itu dicairkan Kembali kedalam 50-liter air. Aplikasikan sebanyak 200 ml per
tanaman bersamaan dg pemindahan bibit tanaman.
Vegetative Stage Tips

Single row Cabang utama di tautkan di turus

Pelihara 3 cabang productive Cabang 2 & 3 ditautkan ke tali yg kanan
Planting space: 75 cm – 85 cm
& kiri.
10 hst 17 hst 24 hst
NPK 16-16-16 : 5 gram per plant NPK 16-16-16: 5 gram per plant NPK 16-16-16: 5 gram per plant
Decoprima: 100 g diluted in 1 liter KNO3 70 gram diluted in 10 L KNO3 70 gram diluted in 10 L
than diluted again in 50 liter for water for 50 plants. water for 50 plants.
200 plants
Tips to select the best fruits:
40 HST Pilih yang secara fisik bentuknya sempurna,
tidak ada cacat dan busuk.
Reproductive Stage Tips

31 HST 38 HST 45, 52, 59 HST 66 HST

NPK 16-16-16 : 5 gram per plant NPK 16-16-16: 5 gram per plant NPK 16-16-16: 5 gram per plant NPK 16-16-16: 5 gram per plant
KNO3 (white) 70 gram diluted in KNO3 (white) 70 gram diluted in KNO3 70 gram diluted in 10 L KNO3 70 gram diluted in 10 L
10 L water for 50 plants. 10 L water for 50 plants. water for 50 plants. water for 50 plants.
Decoprima: 100 g diluted in 1 liter MKP 50 g-70 g diluted in 10 L
than diluted again in 50 liter for water for 50 plants.
200 plants Decoprima: 100 g diluted in 1 liter
than diluted again in 50 liter for
200 plants
Environmentally friendly Preventive
effort to manage downy mildew Pupuk SILICA
(Pseudoperonospora cubensis)

a) Silica yang terakumulasi dan, ketika

disimpan di bawah kutikula, dapat
membentuk lapisan ganda kutikula-Si
untuk mencegah penetrasi patogen,
sehingga mengurangi insiden penyakit
(Ma dan Yamaji, 2006, 2008).
b) In chili, application of Si nutrient had reduced
the disease incidence of TMV on treated plant up
to 44.4% and 26.7% for Si 1.5ml/L and 0.5ml/L,
respectively (Lob, Ibrahim, Sidique, & Jin, 2017)
(A) Leaf blast symptoms in rice after inoculated with Magnaporthe
Gejala daun tanaman yang terinfeksi DM grisea for 10 days (Sun et al., 2010). Rice plants were continuously treated
with (+Si) or without silicon (–Si). (B) Silica layer was formed in the cell
wall of Si-treated plants and enhanced plant resistance to fungi infection
by physical barriers.

70 days after transplanting ALISHA is ready for


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