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The Bereans

5 + lesson pack
Paul and his friends as they travelled far and wide, sharing incredible stories about Jesus. In this lesson, we will
learn about an extraordinary group they met called the Bereans from Acts 17:10-15.
Main points:
• The Bereans’ excitement in receiving God’s word.
• Why studying the Bible in groups is important.
• How the Old Testament talks about Jesus.
• The importance of double-checking things with the Bible.

Lesson guide
Explain that Paul, Silas, and Timothy were travelling and sharing the good news about Jesus. Some people
welcomed the message, while others hated it and caused trouble for Paul and His friends. On Paul’s second
missionary journey, they visited a place called Berea. Here, they met a special group of people called the Bereans.
Use a map or globe and let your child locate Berea. Many Bibles will include maps on the back pages, or you can
look online.
Place a wrapped gi� on the table. Ask ques�ons like, “Do you see this gi� on the table? What do you think might
be inside?” Allow their imagina�ons to run wild with guesses. Then, heighten their eagerness by offering a choice:
“Would you like to open it right now, or would you prefer to leave it wrapped?” Once they inevitably choose to
unwrap the gi� and find the treat inside, seize this teachable moment. Hold up a Bible and draw the parallel: “Just
as you were thrilled to discover the treasure inside this gi�, the Bereans were similarly excited to open the
wonders of God’s Word. Whenever we explore the Bible, it’s like unwrapping a cherished gi�. Emphasize the
immense value of the Bible and how it teaches us about God’s ul�mate gi� of eternal life through Jesus.
Talk about how the Bereans respected Paul but valued the truth even more, so they checked everything he said
against the Scriptures. Present the children with statement cards, some true and some false. Read a statement card
aloud and then compare it to a Bible passage to let the child see if the statement is true or false. For example, Jesus
was born in Bethlehem - Ma�hew 2:1 (True) or Peter was a tax collector - Ma�hew 4:18 (False).
Teach the child the ‘Safety Check Approach’ to listen to others. Say that before we cross the street, we always stop,
look, and listen to ensure it’s safe. We should do something similar with things we hear about God. We should
‘stop’ and think, ‘look’ in our Bible, and ‘listen’ to what it says to ensure it’s correct. Repeat together, “Stop, look,
Talk about how the Bereans didn’t have individual Bible but a scroll, which they would study together. Place a
puzzle on the table in bits and complete it as a pair or group. Talk about how some�mes you find the right piece,
and at other �mes, someone else spots it. When we work together, the picture starts to come together more
quickly. Like the puzzle, when we study it at church, in Sunday School, or with our family, it’s like each of us is
finding and adding pieces. By working together, we can understand God’s message for us much faster and clearer.”
Open a Bible and show how it’s divided into the Old and the New Testament. Say that the whole Bible is God’s
word. The Bereans only had the Old Testament. But they were s�ll able to discover the truth about Jesus. Read
some Old Testament Bible verses that talk about or point to Jesus, such as Micah 5:2, Isaiah 53, Psalm 2, etc.
Ask your child how o�en they eat. When they say, ‘every day,’ discuss why we need food daily. Just like our bodies
need food daily to grow and be strong, our spirits need God’s Word daily. The Bereans understood this. They didn’t
just read the Scriptures once in a while; they read them every day! When we read our Bible daily, our
understanding and rela�onship with God grow stronger.

© 2023
The Bereans

Paul and his friends were always on the move.

They had an important job to share the good news about
They went from town to town, preaching the gospel.
One day, their journey took them to a place called Berea.
Once they were in Berea, they didn’t waste any �me.

They headed straight to

the synagogue, where
people gathered to learn
and pray.
Here, they told their
stories about Jesus and
His love.
The Bereans listened
with wide eyes and open

© 2023
The Bereans had a special way of learning.
Every day, a�er hearing the stories from Paul, they would
gather around and unroll big scrolls.
They read them carefully to check if everything Paul said about
Jesus matched the scriptures in the scrolls.
And guess what? They discovered that Paul was right!
Many Bereans believed and
trusted in Jesus. And it wasn’t
just them.
Many Greek men and women,
whom everyone in town knew,
believed in Jesus too.
There was joy and hope all

© 2023
The Bereans
And guess what? They discovered that Paul and his friends were always on the
Paul was right! move.

Many Bereans believed and trusted in They had an important job to share the
Jesus. And it wasn’t just them. good news about Jesus!

Many Greek men and women, whom They went from town to town,
everyone in town knew, believed in preaching the gospel.
Jesus too.
One day, their journey took them to a
There was joy and hope all around! place called Berea.

4 1
Once they were in Berea, they didn’t The Bereans had a special way of
waste any time. learning.

They headed straight to the synagogue, Every day, after hearing the stories from
where people gathered to learn and Paul, they would gather around and
pray. unroll big scrolls.
Here, they told their stories about Jesus They read them carefully to check if
and His love. everything Paul said about Jesus
matched the scriptures in the scrolls.
The Bereans listened with wide eyes and
open hearts.

2 3
Games and Activities
The real thing treasure
Provide children with pictures of various
objects hidden around the room.
Once they find the real item, gather and
discuss how the Bereans searched the
scriptures to see if Paul’s teachings were
real, just like they searched for the

True or False Challenge

True or False Challenge
Read out various statements.
Some can be silly or funny.
If children think it’s true, they stand up; if they think
it’s false, they sit down.
A�er the game, discuss how we can verify what’s
true – from checking facts in books to asking
knowledgeable people.
Emphasize that the Bible is our most reliable source
of truth.

Daily Scripture Chart

Provide children with a calendar or chart and s�ckers.
They can place a s�cker on each day they read or hear a
Bible story.
This emphasizes the Berean’s dedica�on to daily scripture

© 2023
True or False?
Search your Bible to check if the statements below are true.

Fact Fic�on

Joseph had a coat of many colours. Genesis 37:3-28

Ruth was King David's mother. Ruth 4:17

The prophet Jonah was swallowed by a big fish. Jonah
Samson's strength came from his long hair. Judges 16:17
The Israelites walked around the city of Jericho 13 times
before the walls came down. Joshua 6:3-5
Jesus turned water into milk during a wedding. John 2:7-9

David fought a giant named Gideon. 1 Samuel 17:4

Jesus was born in the town of Nazareth. Matthew 2:1

Peter walked on water when he saw Jesus. Matthew 14:29

James doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw the
wounds. John 20:24-29

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Find 10 differences

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Story Fill-In
Complete the story by filling in the blanks with words below

Paul, and his friends were travelling together, telling

everyone about _______. They arrived in a town
named _______. In this town, they went to a special
place called the _______ where people gathered to
pray and learn. The people of Berea listened very
_______ to what Paul had to say. A�er listening, the
Bereans did something very important. They opened
up their _______ and checked to see if what Paul
was saying was true. Many of them _______ in what
Paul was saying about Jesus.

believed closely scrolls
Berea Jesus synagogue

© 2023
Help Paul find the Bereans

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Memory Verse

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday
© 2023
Your Word is Truth Bookmark

What you need:

Template pages (on card for best results)
Colouring equipment
Optional: clear plastic

What to do:

Colour in the magnifying Cut out the Magnify glass. Glue both sides of the
glass. magnifying glass together
Optional: Cut out the inner to make a bookmark.
You will need 2 per craft circle and place in clear

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u r

John 17:17
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© 2023

John 17:17

© 2023

Yo Yo
u r

John 17:17
© 2023

truth is
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© 2023
© 2023
© 2023
Worship Time
Recommended worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube
Videos to be used for personal use only.
The Bereans - Bible story for kids
The B-I-B-L-E song
Read Your Bible Pray Everyday

Thank You God for giving us the Bible as a
Help us always check what we hear with the
Bible. Give us eager hearts like the Bereans.

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