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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII – Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of Samar
District of Tarangnan
Tarangnan, Samar


S.Y 2022-2023

Minutes of the Meeting

Date : JUNE 16, 2023, 9:00 A.M


Participants :
1. Parents/Guardians
2. Grade 12 Students
3. Stakeholders( Business Partners)

Objectives/Agenda :
1. To conduct a work immersion culminating activity for all
students who had completed their work immersion training.
2. To briefly discuss the preparation for graduation.
3. Inform students to comply all needed requirements before the
4. To inform parents and students for Bread and Pastry
Assessment and its corresponding fees.
5. Other concerns.

 The program started at 9:00 A.M with an opening prayer through a multimedia
 Welcome Remarks was delivered by the work immersion teacher Mr. Jesson M.
Cabello. He greeted first the parents/guardians and students, business partners who
attended the meeting and thanked them for attending despite the condition of the
weather. Their presence only shows their mutual support to their children and to the
school as well.
 He thanked all the business partners for their support to the school. He also proudly
expressed his utmost appreciation for the success of the work immersion this year
 It was followed by giving of gratitude of business partners which was delivered by
Maam Noelyn Mosqueriola who is our business partner institution supervisor and
daughter of the owner-NOELYN BAKESHOP. She thanked trainees for their work
ethics during their training. She also gives us an assurance that their business
institution will always be there to help students of Oeste National High School.
 Selected parents deliver their words of gratitude to the school for letting their
children to have them on the job training within Libucan Island. According to most of
them, it was a great help to them especially for financial matter. Some parents also
gave more a pieces of advice to their children.
Brgy. Oeste B, Tarangnan, Samar
 This time, the students also gave their testimonial speech. Selected students share
their experiences during work immersion. Based on their testimonies, they find it
hard of the job since it was their first time to perform working at the bakery. But
they were also very thankful for the experience, the knowledge gained and the skills
they learned.
 After this, I, together with Mr. Marlon M. Rosacay, distributed the certificate of
appreciation and certificate of completion with token to the students and the
business partners respectively. Students were accompanied by their parents to
receive their awards of certificate.
 After the distribution of certificate, we now discussed the preparation for graduation.
Mr. Marlon M. Rosacay informed parents about what to wear during graduation
whether a SCHOOL UNIFORM or TOGA. And we let the parents/ guardians to decide
their own want. Majority decided for TOGA and we now informed them the rent
expense for TOGA amounted to 250 pesos. All agreed the said amount.
 We also inform students of the tentative schedule of graduation in the second week
of July 2023.
 Informed also students about the pictorial to be schedule by Mr. Floro Cabuenas Jr.
 Informed also students and parents about the Bread and Pastry and its
corresponding fees for assessment. We reiterated that the said assessment is not
compulsory but we encouraged them to have if they wish to.
 Reminded students about their lacking requirements to be accomplished as early as
 Conducted and open forum.
 Closing remarks were given by Mr. Marlon Rosacay.
 The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 A.M

The work immersion culminating activity and PTA Meeting was a success. Although
some of the parents and two of our business partner institution were not able to attend,
most of them show their support by attending the said activity and meeting. Queries of
parents and students about the upcoming graduation were answered. No Collection Policy,
especially financial matter, is highly discouraged for graduation. Only the rent of TOGA will
be collected from parents as agreed during the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15am.

Brgy. Oeste B, Tarangnan, Samar
Brgy. Oeste B, Tarangnan, Samar

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