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Take Time to Reflect

Why do you need to take the CIFP101 subject?

I need to take the CIFP101 subject because it is a required course at the Ateneo de Naga
University for all new college students. It is part of the core curriculum and introduces students
to the university's mission, vision, core values, charism, and identity as a Jesuit University. It
also provides opportunities to deepen understanding of oneself and relationships with family,
peers, society, and God, as well as appreciate the life, works, and spirituality of St. Ignatius of

In what way/s can this subject help you in your journey to Ateneo?

Understanding the Ignatian Formation Program Framework (IFP) and its related activities
can assist my journey to Ateneo. It is important to establish familiarity with the CIFP101
background, rationale, course information, modules/topics, requirements, and grading system.
The IFP serves as a support and formative structure for personal growth in college. Additionally,
developing the qualities of mind and heart, aspiring to excel in each stage of student life,
dedicating oneself to study, gaining necessary knowledge and skills, becoming an effective
educator, and taking responsibility for continuing formation and development are all important
aspects of being an Atenean.

How can this subject help you inspire to be a good person to others?

This subject can help me inspire others to be good people by emphasizing the importance
of community, active participation in society, and personal growth. It encourages individuals to
support and strengthen one another, to actively engage with the world, and to live out their
values and principles in their interactions with others. By fostering a sense of purpose and
identity, this subject can inspire individuals to be more conscious of their actions and their
impact on others, ultimately motivating them to strive towards being good people. Also it
emphasizes the importance of knowing God better, loving Him more surely, and serving Him
more faithfully, which can translate into acts of kindness, compassion, and service towards

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