تشخيص الملاريا

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Picture Guide

1 Preparing blood films

1.1 Preparation of a thin and a thick blood film on the same slide

Clean the finger Puncture the ball of the finger by lancet Collect the blood

Make thin film from small drop Make thick film from large drop Number the slide (lead pencil)

1.2 Common faults in preparing blood films:

Poorly positioned blood films Too much blood Too little blood

Greasy slides Edge of the spreader slide chipped

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2 Examining blood films
How blood elements appear in thick and in thin blood films?

N = Neutrophil,
E= Eosinophil,
M = Monocyte,
L = Lymphocyte,
P = Platelets

3 Examining blood films for malaria Parasites

3.1 Parts of a malaria parasite in a red blood cell

3.2 Effect of pH on parasite morphology

3.3 Stages of the malaria parasite

3.3.1 The trophozoite stage

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3.3.2 The schizont stage

3.3.3 The gametocyte stage

4 Species of malaria parasite(in Giemsa-stain)

1. Plasmodium falciparum 2. Plasmodium vivax
Thin film Thick film Thin film Thick film

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3. Plasmodium malariae 4. Plasmodium ovale
Thin film Thick film Thin film Thick film

Collected By: Nofel Saleem Asswiel

Medical Student ,Aden University
Second Year 2012/2013
E-mail: Nofel166@gmail.com



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