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D: Hi Vilius .

V: Hi Dovydas. How are you?

D: Ohh ,i am really good. What about you?

V: I am doing great, too.

D: you know that Rokas birthday is coming up next Friday and we have to plan a party for him.
We should do a surprise party for him.

V: Ohh yeah, i almost forgot about it.. do you have any ideas where we can have a party?

D: I think we could celebrate it in a cafe. What do you think?

V: I don‘t think celebrating in a cafe is a great idea,because it is too boring. What is your opinion about
going bowling?

D: Ohh yeah, i didn‘t think about it. Sure, I think it would be a wonderful plan.

V: Soo.. just bowling and that‘s it?

D: What I think is that while we‘re playing bowling we can order pizzas, also we could play 2 games of
bowling and after that we could go to the cinema and watch a movie. I heard that next Friday at 5.40 p.m.
the new Batman movie will be at the cinemas.

V: Yess, that would be awesome. Soo i‘m booking today 2 games of bowling and 2 pizzas for 4.20 pm next
Friday and also I‘m booking 8 seats to the Batman movie at 5.40 pm for next Friday. And I think that‘s it. Is
that correct?

D: Yes. What birthday present we will get him?

V: Hmmmm... he once said that he needs a new backpack, so why not that?

D: Hmm maybe, but what do you think about a pair of some new pair of socks?

V: Ohh no, I don’t think socks will be an interesting present for gim.. In my opinion, we can buy him a new
backpack and some protein powder for sport.

D: Yes i think that would be a great idea.

V: And I think that he shouldn’t know about this, so let‘s just say that we are going for shopping, deal?

D: Yes of course.

V: And before we come in the bowling alley 5 of us have to hide in the bowling area and when you, me
and Rokas enter, they would jump out with presents and say Happy birthday.

D: Great, if this plan of yours works, he would be so surprised and happy

V: So are we done for today?

D: Yes i think so.

V: So i will take care of bowling, food and cinema, and you take care of presents and all his birthday guests
D: Ok I‘ll take care of presents and guests, see you later.

V: Goodbye.

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