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To cherry-pick a commit

git cherry-pick <commit-hash>

to check on which branch you are if confused

git log --first-parent ---> this shows the parent brnach

to checkout a particular file in a commit

git checkout <previous commit id> -- filename

to clone the repo

git clone --recurse-submodules ssh://git@bitbucket-il:7999/p5g/cu.git CU

if you didn't use --recurse-submodules then do the following

git pull --recurse-submodule
git submodule update --init
git submodule update --recursive –remote

to change the git config:

1. git config --global "Sam Smith"
2. git config --global
3. git config --local "Sam Smith"
4. git config --local

to revert a commit
git revert <commit hash> and then git push will do it

To change author of existing commit

git commit --amend --author="Author Name <>"
git commit --amend --author="Mayuri Patil <>"

git branch -d 19_00_271_1_70_build -- to delete local branch

How to squash the commit?

1.git rebase -i HEAD~2 (2 means top 2 commit we want to merge)
2.Then editor will be opened in that first one will be latest commit. For all
subsquent commit right squash.
3.Save and close
4.The next file will be opened there Edit the commit message
5.Save and close.
6.Do git push --force.

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