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Liu Wei, a magician of the Wu Lung Order, stood with pride even amongst his peers.

but overconfident, he bore the weight of duty with dull determination.

One ominous day, a Penangallen sorceress, powerful in the dark art of molding and melting
flesh, swept in from the south. With cunning and malevolence, she slaughtered the Wu Lung
masters, leaving destruction in her wake and stealing the coveted Ghost Flame Mask. Liu Wei,
fueled by pride and duty, vowed revenge.

Liu Wei's pursuit of the Penanggalan sorceress led him to the forlorn villages nestled in the
swampy embrace of the southern reaches. Desperation hung in the air as the locals, paralyzed
by fear, refused to divulge the penangallen’s whereabouts. Outraged, the dragon-mage
resorted to ruthless tactics, for nothing would stand in the way of his revenge.

Cruel interrogations unfolded in the moonlit shadows, where Liu Wei extracted information
from terrified villagers. His methods, a dark departure from the Wu Lung Order's teachings, left
scars on the souls of those who once revered him. The once-honest magician turned
tormentor, leaving behind a trail of shattered spirits in his bloody quest.

Upon learning from the villagers of a nearby abandoned temple which served as shelter for the
sorceress’s apprentices, Liu Wei descended upon it like a vengeful storm. In a grim display of
brutality, Liu Wei systematically extinguished the lives of the penangallen’s followers, each
death a macabre offering to his insatiable thirst for retribution. The temple echoed with the
anguished cries of the fallen, their lives extinguished by the once-dutiful magician turned
merciless executioner. Each life taken brought Liu Wei closer to the sorceress, but the cost
weighed heavily on his soul, leaving him a shattered reflection of the honorable man he once

Eventually, Liu Wei found the Penanggalan sorceress concealed within the lavish court of a
suthern nobleman. In the moonlit splendor, the confrontation unfolded, a collision of arcane
forces and twisted flesh. Liu Wei, master of lightning, hurled bolts that seared through the
opulent surroundings. The sorceress wielded not only the stolen Ghost Flame Mask but also
the horrifying ability to sculpt her very flesh as well as of those around her.

The court transformed into a chaotic battleground. Liu Wei's lightning clashed with the
sorceress's macabre powers, unleashing a spectacle of destruction. Columns crumbled as
ethereal fires lit the violent scene. In a cruel display of her dark prowess, the Penanggalan
twisted courtiers into monstrous abominations, their once-noble forms contorted and

Undeterred, Liu Wei turned into a sinuous dragon, soaring above the nightmarish battlefield.
Lightning clashed with morphed flesh in a relentless dance of destruction, as a dragon-shaped
magician devoured tainted-flesh.

Upon retrieving the Ghost Flame Mask, Liu Wei stood victorious but broken, the darkness
within him consuming the very essence of his being. Purposeless, he sought solace but found
none. He wandered alone for days, without knowing what to do with himself. The taint of his
deeds lingered, a haunting reminder of the cost of his relentless pursuit.

As the mists enveloped him, Liu Wei was drawn into the grim dark realm of Ravenloft, a land
where despair clung to every shadow.
Liu Wei of the Wu Lung (4pt left)

ST 10 IQ 10 PER 10

DX 10 HT 10 WILL 14

Mandarin spoken native [0] written native [3]
Low Mordentish spoken accented [2] written accented [2]

Back Wind Power Set (P11)

Black Wind: Enhanced Move 2 (Ground) (Costs fatigue, -10%, magical, -10%) 32÷5≈[7]

Diamond Lightning, Crimson Thunder: Innate Attack x6 (burning, side effect stunning +50%,
damage modifier surge +20, magical, -10%, requires gestures, -10%, requires magic words, -
10%, takes extra times x1, -10%) [39]

Chi'iu Muh Power Set (P11)

Divine Dragon Soar: Alternate Form (Lung Dragon, limited 1 use per day, -40%, magical, -10%,
requires gestures, -10%, requires magic words, -10%, maximum duration, 1 hour, -10%) [44].

Divine Vision: See Invisible (costs fatigue, -10%, link, +10%, magical, -10%, nuisance effect,
opens his third eye, -5%, requires magic words, -10%) + Detect (occasional, magic, link,+10%,
magical -10%, nuisance, opens his third eye, -5%, requires magic words, -10%) 21÷5 ≈ [5]

The Soothing Touch: Healing (contact agent, -30%, magical -10%, cure affliction, +60%, requires
magical words, -10%, takes recharge, -20%, visible, opens third eye, -10%) 24÷5≈[5]

Ghost-Flame Amulet power set (P11)

Ghost-Flame: Innate attack ×4 (burning, affects incorporeal, +20%, increased 1/2D x2, +5%, jet,
+0%, breakable, DR 5 and SM -8, -20%, can be stolen, quick contest of DX or ST, -30%, magical, -
10%) [13]

Smoke Veil: Obscure x5 (Vision; area effect×1, +50%, costs fatigue, -5%, breakable, DR 5 and
SM -8, -20%, can be stolen, quick contest of DX or ST, -30%, magical, -10%) 8,5÷5≈[2]

Goblin Visage: Terror (-2 penalty, breakable, DR 5 and SM -8, -20%, can be stolen, quick contest
of DX or ST, -30%, magical, -10%) 30÷5≈[4]

Chauvinistic [-1], Disciplines of Faith (ritualism) [-5], Dull [-1], Honesty [-10], Overconfidence [-
5], Proud [-1], Sense of Duty (large group)[-10] Social Stigma (minority group)[-10], Weirdness
Magnet [-15]

Astronomy (H) IQ [2]-9; Brawling (E) DX [8]-13; Hidden Lore (A) IQ [4]-11; Innate Attack (E) DX
[12]-14; Meditation (H) Will [4]-14; Thaumatology (VH) IQ [4]-9; Theology [dao] (H) IQ [4]-10;

Dragon Form (Alternate Form) 228 pt

Attribute Modifiers: ST +17 (size, -60%) [68], HT +5 (size, 60%) [20]

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM 6

Advantages: Amphibious [10], Doesn’t Breath (gills, -50%) [10], DR 12 (cannot wear armor, -
40%) [32], Enhanced Movement (flight) [20], Enhancement Movement (swim) [20], Flexibility
(double jointed) [15], Flight [40], Nictating Membrane x8 [8], Nightvision x9 [9], Pressure
Support [5], Sharp Claws [5], Striker (horns, crushing) [5], teeth [1].

Disadvantages: Bad grip 2 [-10], Horizontal [-10], Increased consumption 2 [-20]

2 sp

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