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In a ball pushed by a spring, the initial force from
the compressed spring sets the ball in motion,
following Newton's law of inertia. Once moving,
the ball tends to stay in motion unless
influenced by external forces like air resistance
or friction, which can gradually slow it down
and bring it to rest. Additional external forces
can also change the ball's direction or velocity.

When the cardboard is rapidly pulled or

pushed away, the coin's initial state of rest is
disrupted, and it moves with the cardboard
due to its inertia. The coin tends to maintain
its state of motion, aligned with Newton's
first law, until an external force, such as
gravity, acts upon it. Once the cardboard is
removed, the coin might fall into the glass.

When you kick a soccer ball, the initial state of

the ball, whether at rest or in motion, tends to
persist unless acted upon by an external
force – in this case, the force from your foot.
The kick imparts motion to the ball, and once
in motion, the ball continues to move forward
until other factors, such as air resistance and
friction with the ground, slow it down.

While riding a bicycle, your body and the bike

are in motion. The momentum from pedaling
keeps you moving forward. If you suddenly hit
a box and come to a stop, it's due to an

external force—the box—acting against your
initial motion. Even though the bicycle stops,
your body tends to keep moving forward,
demonstrating how objects resist changes in
their state of motion. The force from the box
disrupts the bike's motion, potentially causing
you to be propelled forward as a result of

your body's inertia.

When pushing a cart at rest, it resists

changes in its state until an external force is
applied. To set it in motion, you exert force,

and once moving, the cart persists in its
motion unless acted upon by another force.
This behavior reflects the cart's inclination to
maintain its initial state, whether at rest or in
motion, until external factors come into play.
The acceleration of each object depends on
the force applied. If the person exerts the
same force on both objects, the 10kg object will
experience a greater acceleration than the
20kg object due to its lower mass. This

relationship between force and mass highlights
that when the same force is applied, lighter
objects accelerate more than heavier ones.

The acceleration of each ball depends on the

force applied and the mass of the ball. If the
boy swings the bat with the same force for
both balls, the smaller ball, having less mass, will
experience a greater acceleration compared

to the heavier ball. This means that in order for
the balls to have equal acceleration, he must
exert greater force for the heavier ball.

The acceleration of each object depends on

the force applied and its mass. When the
person swings the golf club, the force exerted
on the small ball will result in a significant
acceleration due to its lower mass. On the

other hand, the force applied to the much
heavier truck will cause considerably less
acceleration due to its greater mass.

The force applied to each cart will influence

their acceleration. If both girls exert the same
force when pushing, the empty cart will
experience a greater acceleration than the
full cart due to its lower mass. Conversely, the
full cart, being more massive, will exhibit less

acceleration for the same force applied.

When comparing two people pushing boxes

—one small and the other big—the
acceleration of each box depends on the
force applied and its mass. If the force
exerted is the same, the smaller box will
experience greater acceleration due to its

lower mass, while the larger box, being more
massive, will exhibit less acceleration.
If the hippopotamus exerts a downward force
on the swing, pushing against it or applying its
weight, the swing reacts with an equal and
opposite force upward on the hippopotamus.
This interaction adheres to Newton's third law,
emphasizing that the forces involved in the
swing play are mutually dependent.

When the boy pushes the girl, she

experiences a force in the direction
opposite to the push. Simultaneously, the
boy also experiences an equal and opposite
force, pushing him backward. This action-
reaction pair illustrates that the forces
exerted by each person are reciprocated
by an equal force in the opposite direction.

When the man exerts a force by pushing

against the wall, the wall simultaneously
exerts an equal and opposite force back on
the man. While the man's intention is to move
the wall, the equal and opposite reaction
from the wall prevents any significant

As the air rushes out of the balloon, the balloon

experiences an equal and opposite force in the

opposite direction. This is due to the expulsion
of air creating a forward thrust, propelling the
balloon in the opposite direction. The release of
air creates a force that propels the balloon
forward, showcasing the fundamental
principle of balanced forces in action.

The book exerts a gravitational force

downward onto the table, and in response,
the table exerts an equal and opposite

normal force upward on the book. This
action-reaction pair illustrates Newton's
third law, demonstrating that the forces
between the book and the table occur in
equal magnitudes but in opposite directions.

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