Covering Letter For CHS-Sign Up

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Speak Up! Sign Up!


The Hon Chairman/Secretary,
Managing Committee & Members
Cooperative Housing Society Ltd.

Dear Madam/Sir,

You must be aware of the huge slum named Ganpat Patil Nagar that has come up in our
neighbourhood by destroying the lush green life-granting mangroves. The entire link road adjacent
to the whole of IC Colony is in a pathetic condition with hawkers spilling up on the middle of the
road. Apart from mangroves destruction, the area breeds anti-social activities & insanitation. There
have been loud speakers blaring from that area at an unearthly hour consistently.
These all activities are illegally managed with no compliance to law and administration is just not
doing anything about it.

Apart from many sops like water connection, election card registration etc., very recently we learnt
about all efforts being put in by our elected representatives to make power supply available to this
unauthorised & illegal constructions being built on this Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ). You will be
surprised to know that 60% of the establishments out there is commercial in nature. There are no
efforts from our elected representatives to ensure brakes to this ever growing menace. It’s quite
evident that politicians have been exploiting these slums for their personal benefit since its inception
way back in 1990s. There have been activists & who have been fighting these land mafias for a very
long time with little or no success to curb this systematic ruining of ecosystem.

More importantly it takes away our “tax payers” right to better, open, clean & safe neighbourhood.
The situation is very scary and alarming. With the given situation at hand it’s not very far that
someone from their area getting elected to the municipal council or assembly. Non tax-paying
community will start dictating terms to us tax paying people.
If we don’t act now we will be blamed & held responsible by our children, next generation for
behaving so indifferently. They will never forgive us for keeping quite & not doing anything about it.
We need to strengthen this thought process.

As an initial step towards this crusade, we are sending this representation letter to all the elected
people representative irrespective of which political party they belong to. If you feel being cheated &
are uncomfortable about the situation, we request you to please support to this as an agenda item in
your forthcoming AGM recording it in the minutes. Subsequently please have your members & their
families sign-up this letter to ensure your voice reach out to our elected representatives.

Look forward to your continued support.

Best Regards,

Your Fellow Citizen.

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