Women Rights and Equality

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 Abortion and Pro-Choice

- Murder and homicide is wrong :

Let’s talk about this. -------------------------------------
First of all let me just conclude that the foetus can barely –
think on it’s own, more or less like a plant. It can’t feel --
nor can it understand what could possibly be going around in –
it’s surroundings. -------------------------------------------
Next we shall bring up point B, which is that the foetus is in
a woman’s body therefore a woman can choose whatever she wants
to do with her body and what happens next to said foetus. ----
Now lets bring up some of my points on why this is and why ---
this said matter is very much important : --------------------
 Women have moral rights to decide what to do with their -
bodies --------------------------------------------------
 The right for ebortion is vital for gender equality -----
 the right to abortion is vital for individual women to --
achieve their full potential ----------------------------
 banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to --
use illegal abortionists --------------------------------
 the right to abortion should be part of a portfolio of –-
pregnancy rights that enables women to make a truly free-
choice whether to end a pregnancy -----------------------
May I also say that a women is also a human and not just some-
container for the foetus? We should therefore give great -----
consideration to her rights and needs as well as those of the-
unborn. ------------------------------------------------------
If you don’t want to bare a child with said woman and don’t --
want to pay for birth control maybe try to wear a condom? and-
I don’t wan’t to hear the excuse of “it doesn’t feel as good”-
because birth control isn’t cheap nor free. Women aren’t toys-
that you get to control and play with, especially their ------
bodies. ------------------------------------------------------

- Birth control :
Now let us discuss birth control. Birth control isn’t free –
at all and if the woman does keep the child because she was –-
forced upon by your degenerate words, will you be there ------
willing to help her through the whole 9 months? will you be --
willing to pay for said birth control? those whole 9 months --
isn’t a vacation or get away for that woman to take, it’s a --
hell hole full of pain, vomiting, sluggishness, and so much --
more. Will you be there for her and support her and actually -
help her through all of that or will you just stand there and-
turn a blind eye? --------------------------------------------
Maybe, just maybe if we make birth control free maybe there --
would be less unwanted pregnantcies which would lessen -------
abortions. Imagine a 16 year old girl who was raped and got --
pregnant as a result, do you believe she should give birth to-
the child of her rapist? Do you know the emotional damage that
would cause her, she’s a minor and she’s being forced to bare-
a child, a child of her rapist. Instead of focusing on the ---
foetus, instead may we focus on the girl who is already alive-
and had expierienced immense and severe emotinal trauma from -
someone very much older than her than some couple of clumped -
up cells that are in her body. -------------------------------
- How abortion affects women :
Abortion is an important element of women’s rights because -
women are more affected by the abortion debate than men, both-
individually (if they are considering an abortion) and as a --
gender. ------------------------------------------------------
As said by Sarah Weddington put it to the US Supreme Court in-
Roe v Wade : -------------------------------------------------
A pregnancy to a woman is perhaps one of the most ------------
determinative aspects of her life. It disrupts her body. It --
disrupts her education. It disrupts her employment. And it ---
often disrupts her entire family life. -----------------------
and she continued, -------------------------------------------
And we feel that, because of the impact on the woman, this ---
is a matter which is of such fundamental and basic concern to-
the woman involved that she should be allowed to make the ----
choice as to whether to continue or to terminate her ---------
pregnancy. ---------------------------------------------------

- Adoption and The Child :

If you ask what would happen to the child if it did have to-
go through adoption, here’s a short summary. Even if she did -
have to put the child up for adoption she would still have to-
go through 9 months of suffering, vomiting, sluggishness, and-
pain. After all that she would have to go through more pain --
when she is giving birth to said child, and after all that she
would have to give it away while trying to live a normal life.

- Summary :
In conclusion, Men or anybody in that fact shouldn’t be able
to decide whether women can have abortions or not, since we --
don’t know anything what that woman has gone through and how -
hard it is going through 9 months being pregnant, especially -
how hard it is giving birth. ---------------------------------
Being pro-choice doesn’t mean you have to get one, it doesn’t-
even mean you have to like it. It simply means that you ------
support a woman’s choice to get rid of some clumped up cells -
if she isn’t ready to bare a child. --------------------------

 Periods and “luxury” items :

- The “luxury items” :

Let’s talk about this. -------------------------------------
First of all might I say that women have to go through all ---
this every month and like the pregnancy statement I made, ----
periods are not some vacation women take but it’s more like --
having a stomach ache that is 20x much more powerful. These --
are what we call “period pains”. When we women have our ------
periods it is one of the most stressful and only one of the --
most painful things we have to go through, adding to that we -
have blood coming out and that is not something that is easy -
to clean up and we can’t control how or when the blood comes -
out or even how much comes out. ------------------------------
These are only the smallest reasons to back up my next -------
statement, tampons and plan B’s should be free. If you ask why
tampons should be free, here’s why. As I said before, periods-
aren’t some vacation we take, it’s completely the opposite of-
that yet some of you have the decency to call tampons and plan
B’s “luxury items”. Periods aren’t a vacation. Tampons and ---
plan B’s are not luxury items. -------------------------------
Tell me, how many times have you went into a bathroom and you
had to pay for toilet paper? never, correct? Let me guess,
it’s because of sanitary reasons? Well how would you feel
about getting blood smudged over everything and letting said
blood bleed out from our clothes? And to top that off, if we
don’t take care our periods properly we have to face off a lot
of health issues. Tampons and pads should be treated like
toilet paper, they serve the same purpose don’t they?

- The pain :
Okay first of all there are two types of period cramps : ---
 Primary Dysmenorrhea ------------------------------------
This is a big word for common menstrual cramps caused by-
your monthly cycle, not disease. You may feel mild to ---
severe pain in your lower abdomen, back and thighs. It --
starts right before your period and usually lasts between
12-72 hours. This kind of dysmenorrhea is more common in-
young women and often getsless severe from the mid-20s --
onward and after giving birth.---------------------------
 Secondary Dysmenorrhea ----------------------------------
This type of dysmenorrhea is usually caused by a disorder
in a woman's reproductive organs. Some of these ---------
conditions include endometriosis, fibroids, cystsor -----
infection. It can also be caused by using an intrauterine
device (IUD) which is a form of contraceptive. The pain -
usually starts earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts -
longer than primary dysmenorrhea. -----------------------
The one I shall be discussing is Primary Dysmenorrhea since it
is the one that we women have to go through each month. This -
type of cramps are only one of the most painful things a woman
could ever go through, ofcourse these pains can vary depending
on the person but the majority will confirm the pain of said -
cramps feel unbareable. --------------------------------------
What do these cramps feel like you may ask? Well by some
research and by others experience, these cramps can feel like
aches to the feeling of sharp stabbing to even the feeling of
dull pain depending on the person. You’ll feel these pains in
your lower abdomen and the pain can reach the legs and thighs
and even the lower back. As you can see by my description ----
which I have done research for, these cramps are not a walk in
the park and more or less like a living hell that we have to -
go through each month. Afterwards to make this pain much much
worse, some cramps might be accompanied by nausea, fatigue,
headaches, vomiting, and sometimes even diarrhea. Even after
all this pain and trouble we all have to go through each
month, some of you thought that we were just being too
dramatic and angry for no reason. Bold yet so incorrect, -----
please educate yourselves first before assuming how this feels
because this pain we have to go through each month is a pain -
you who don’t go through it can’t imagine or even understand.-

- “Gross” :
Do not get me started on how many people have been grossed
out by us saying we’re on our periods, can’t you see that us
having our periods are a completely normal thing? Almost half
of the people in the world go through them. Maybe instead of -
saying that our periods are gross, maybe try and educate -----
yourselves on this matter. If you do educate yourself on the -
subject and matter at hand, it could be a huge help to the ---
woman who is going through it and you will be able to aid her-

in this difficult and stressful time of the month and --------

understand what she has to go through. -----------------------

- Summary :
So in conclusion, periods are not some getaway we get and
therefore we should highly consider of making those so called
“luxury” items free. We also need to consider a womans
feelings when they are going through their periods and
normalize that periods aren’t gross rather something we women
have to go through and be tough about. -----------------------

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