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DATE OF SUBMISSION: December 10, 2023

When I entered the dining car of the train, I found a table where only one man was
sitting."With your permission?" I asked him before sitting down."You have it," he
replied. "Sit down, young man."The waiter arrived with the menu and handed it to
me. The set menu had vegetable soup, salad, and fish. The meatchoices were ham,
fried chicken, or steak. In addition, there were eggs, potatoes, beans, bread or rolls
with butter,and tea, coffee, milk, or hot chocolate to drink. The desserts were fruit
or ice cream."I would like the fried chicken," I said, "and later, an ice cream.""Yes,
sir," said the waiter. "I'll bring it to you right away." While I ate, I continued
talking with the man at my table."Is this the typical food of Spanish-speaking
countries?" I asked him, passing him the sugar."Yes, young man," he replied. "In
all hotels and restaurants, they serve more or less these kinds of dishes.""Then are
South American and North American foods the same?""Well, in each country,
there are several regional dishes. For example, in Mexico and Central America,
there aretamales, taros, and tortillas.""I know. I have eaten them in California. Also,
in Mexican stations, I have seen many vendors selling tacos. It seemsto me that
tacos are the hamburgers of these countries.""Of course. Everyone buys them at
every station. A train ride is just a big continuous meal," the man smiled, andadded,
"In Spanish, there are some curious names for various dishes. For example, in
Cuba, boiled beef and thenfried is called 'ropa vieja'. Our breadsticks are called
'flautas' (flutes), and we serve beans 'on foot,' which means boiled, or 'on
horseback,' which means fried.""How curious!" I exclaimed, smiling. "What other
interesting names are there?""Well, our 'half world' is your corned beef, and the
most curious name of all is our 'wrapped-up child,' which meansyour jelly
roll!""We also have some curious names," I said. "Who knows how we started
calling our frankfurters 'hot dogs'!"At this moment, the waiter arrived with the ice
cream. "Do you want black coffee, coffee with cream, or coffee withmilk after the
dessert, sir?" he asked me."Coffee with a little cream," I replied. "I have never
learned to drink coffee with milk and sugar, although it isundoubtedly good. Bring
it very hot, please. Wow! I have eaten for four people!"My new friend was looking
out the window. "We have arrived at a station," he said. "Look.""There is a
popcorn seller!" I repeated. "What is that?""It's your popcorn," he said. "It's also
called 'esquite' in Argentina, and 'rosettes of corn' in Argentina.""Don't tell me!
How many words I have yet to learn!""But you already know more than the
American tourist I saw in a restaurant one day. He wanted a 'tibon' steak
withmushrooms, but he didn't know how to say anything in Spanish. When the
waiter couldn't understand him, thetourist drew a cow and two mushrooms on
paper. The waiter looked at the paper, exclaimed, 'Oh, yes, sir!' and left.Finally, he
came back, and what did he bring him?""Who knows!" I exclaimed.My new friend
started to laugh. "Well," he said, "he brought the poor tourist a ticket for the
bullfight and two umbrellas.

Setting: en el vagón restaurante

in the dining car

el hombre/señor sentado en la mesa del vagón comedor del tren mesero
joven/turista americano vendedor de maíz
the man/lord sitting in the table of the dining car of the train
young man/ american tourist
corn seller

Moral Value:
The moral value of the story is to learn to adapt and find ways to communicate
effectively. This experience teaches you resilience and the ability to navigate
unfamiliar situations.traveling to another country without knowing the language is
to embrace the challenges, remain open-minded, and strive to connect with others
through empathy and understanding. It emphasizes the importance of cultural
awareness, adaptability, and communication skills.

The story is all about the young man who is traveling. He goes to the dining area of
the train and shared a sit with someone. The young man asked permission to that
lord if he can sit next to him and the man agreed. The waiter suddenly appear and
handed the menu to them. There are a lot of foods to choose from such as chicken,
or steak. There were also eggs, potatoes, beans, if I wanted them, bread or rolls
with butter, and tea, coffee, milk, or chocolate to drink. Desserts were fruits or ice
cream.The young man ordered fried chicken but promised to order some ice cream
too later. While waiting for thw order to come, the young man keep on talking to
the lord. He asked if that is the typical food of Spanish-speaking countries and the
man next to him answered yes. In fact In all hotels and restaurants they serve
dishes more or less like those mentioned above. But the North and South American
cuisine are not the same. In fact, each country there are several regional dishes. For
example, in Mexico and Central America there are tamales, taros, and tortillas. The
young man can relate to it its because he have eaten it in California. Also he shared
that the stations of Mexico I have seen many vendors selling tacos and for him its
like hamburgers and everyone buys it every season. The old man also shared that
in Spanish there are some curious names for
several dishes. For example, in Cuba, meat that is cooked (boiled) and then fried is
called “ropavieja”. Their bread sticks are called “flautas” (flutes), and we serve the
beans “a pie”, which means boiled, or “on horseback,” which means “fried.” They
have also some unique and curious names for foods too such as half world” is their
corned beef, and the most curious name of all is our “wrapped-up child”, which
means his jelly roll! On the youg mans perspective they used hotdogs for their
frankfurters. At this moment of time the ice cream arrived. The young man ordered
coffee with a little bit of cream because he have never learned to drink that coffee
with milk and sugar,
although it is certainly good. Of course he want it super hot just like it should be!
Fast forward, they have arrived in their destination and saw a corn seller with lots
of doves in it. Its called “esquite.” In Argentina it is called “corn rosettes”
(rosettes of corn). The young man has also encounter a funny moment where in he
wanted a “tibon” fillet with mushrooms, but he didnt know how to say anything in
Spanish. When the waiter couldn't understand him, the tourist drew a cow and two
mushrooms on a piece of paper. The waiter looked at the paper, he exclaimed, Ah,
yes, sir! and he left. Finally he came back and what did he bring her?
Who knows! young man exclaimed.
his new friend started laughing. Well, he said, he brought the poor tourist a ticket
to the bullfight!


a) Son igualitas las comidas sudamericanas y norteamericanas?

- No, pero tanto Sudamérica como Norteamérica tienen diversas cocinas
regionales dentro de sus respectivos continentes. Entonces, si bien existen algunas
diferencias entre los dos, también existen variaciones dentro de cada región

- No, but both South American and North American have diverse regional cuisines
within their respective continents. So while there are some differences between the
two, there are also variations within each region.

b) ¿Cómo toman los sudamericanos el café caliente?

- Los sudamericanos suelen comenzar el día con una taza pequeña y fuerte de
café, similar a un trago de espresso. Este café concentrado se suele servir
negro, sin leche ni azúcar.

- -South Americans often start their day with a small, strong cup of coffee,
similar to an espresso shot. This concentrated coffee is usually served black,
without any milk or sugar.
c) ¿Qué pidió el turista norteamericano en un restaurante?
- el turista americano pide en un restaurante un filete de tibón con champiñones
,- the American tourist order in a restaurant a 'tibon' steak with mushrooms,

d) ¿Era un buen artista el turista?

- Sí, creo que es una persona muy curiosa que pregunta la diferencia entre el
sur y el norte.

- yes, i think he is he's a very curious person asking the difference between
south and north
e) ¿Cuáles son sus postres favoritos?
- personalmente mi postre favorito es el helado

- personally my favorite dessert is ice cream

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