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Official spoken languages: French and Creole

II. Greetings:

• Handshakes are a common formof greeting.

• Haitian adults may greet friends with kisses on both cheeks.

III. Non-Verbal Signals:

Haitians make brief eye contact with friends and acquaintances; however, they may avoid eye

co n tact w ith au th o rity fig u res.

• Prolonged eye contact may be interpreted as rude.

• Pointing at another person is considered rude.

• Haitian people may express disapproval by rolling the eyes, looking to the ceiling, or crossing

arms over the chest.

The Creole words for hi or hello are bonjou and bonswa.

Say bonjou when it is daytime and say bonswa when it is the evening or night .

To ask howsomeone is Haitian Creole, say Kòman ou ye? or Ki jan ou ye?

If someone else asks you, respond by saying Mwen byen, which means I am well.

To say goodbye in Haitian Creole say orevwa

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