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Gladys Florencia (00000076264)

SDG: No Poverty (1)

There is still food poverty in Indonesia. Indonesia Statistics Agency (BPS) has constructed a
poverty line based on what it considers to be an individual’s minimum basic needs. First, the
food poverty line is currently the expenditure required to obtain 2,100 kilocalories per capita per
day, spread across 52 different food types. Second, most of the expenditure of poor households
in Indonesia has been to meet food needs. Indonesia Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the
poverty line in March 2022 reached IDR 505,469 per capita per month. For example, until now
there are still Indonesian people who experience malnutrition due to food poverty. BPS research
proves that food poverty in Indonesia is still widely discussed and is one of the important topics
for achieving poverty eradication.


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