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Unit I Engineering Materials

Introduction – classification of engineering materials – selection of materials for engineering purposes

–selection of materials and shape –classification metal and alloys, polymers, ceramics and glasses, composites,
natural materials,-non metallic materials- smart materials - physical, metrical properties of metals
Question No. Question BL
1. What are the five types of engineering materials? L1
2. What are smart materials? L1
3. List the steps material selection process. L1
4. What are the considerations for materials selection? L1
5. How to calculate the material index? L2
6. What is material selection process? L1
7. Why is material selection important? L1
8. What are the considerations for materials selection? L1
9. What are the basic steps in material selection process? L1
10. What is the use of index materials? L1
11. Distinguish between the properties and applications of metals, ceramics and polymers. L2
12. Describe the properties and applications of different classifications of composites based on L2
the matrix and reinforcements.
13. Explain about Smart materials with applications L2
14. Explain the selection of materials based on shape. L2
15. Explain the process of selection of materials for engineering purposes. L2
Unit II Material Properties
Mechanical properties – fatigue strength – fracture Toughness - Thermal Properties - Magnetic Properties -
Fabrication Properties –electrical , optical properties - Environmental Properties , Corrosion properties –shape
and size - Material Cost and Availability– failure analysis
16. Define fracture toughness. L1
17. Give any two examples of semiconducting materials. L1
18. What are thermal properties of materials? L1
19. What is a ductile material? L1
20. What is heat capacity of materials? L2
21. What is mechanical properties test? L1
22. What are the properties of mechanical properties? L1
23. What are the 4 magnetic properties? L1
24. What causes a magnetic field? L1
25. What are the optical properties of metals? L1
26. Explain the factors affecting and ways to improve the fatigue strength of materials. L2
27. Explain any two applications where the electrical and optical properties are required. L2
28. Explain about the Mechanical Properties with suitable examples. L2
29. Explain about the Magnetic properties and Electrical properties. L2
30. Explain about the Optical properties and Environmental properties. L2

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