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If in the same sentence we use 2 verbs next to each other, the first verb
often determines the form and the look of the second verb.

want + dance

I want to dance with you. I want dancing with you.


The form of the second verb can be:

1. gerund form = when we make a noun out of a verb by adding -ing
a) e.g. teach(v) - teaching(n), swim - swimming(n), read - reading(n)

IMPORTANT!!! - If I put -ing to a verb I don´t always make another verb.

I must check the new word in the sentence.

Peter is swimming now.

swimming = verb in continuous form - NOW!

Swimming is a good sport for your body.

swimming - noun

2. to + infinitive form : to jump, to see, to go.....etc.

GROUP 1– verbs after which the 2nd verb can have ONLY a GERUND FORM=V-ing
e.g. enjoy, give up, keep, admit, avoid, delay, fancy, risk, suggest, etc.

I enjoy dancing. Frank gives up smoking.

I enjoy to dance. Frank gives up to smoke.

GROUP 2- verbs after which the 2nd verb can have ONLY an INFINITIVE FORM with
e.g. afford, agree, allow, ask, dare, decide, expect, forget, learn, hope, offer,

I want to dance with you.

I forgot to close the door.
Sasha decided to continue the school.
Yesterday I learnt/learned to say “Good morning!” in Japanese.

GROUP 3 – verbs after which the 2nd verb can have GERUND/TO INFINITIVE – no
difference in meaning!
e.g. like, love, adore, don´t like, hate, can´t stand, finish, start...etc.

I like reading./I like to read. Start to work/working.

I hate cleaning the house.
I hate to clean the house.

GROUP 4 – verbs after which the 2nd verb can have GERUND/TO INFINITIVE –
e.g. stop, remember, try...etc.,

I stopped smoking.
I stopped smoking 2 years ago.

I stopped to smoke.

On my way to the cinema I stopped to smoke a cigarette.


I still remember getting my first kiss.

Carla remembers walking in the park with her true love. - past memories!

+ to INF

Please, remember to feed the dogs 2 times a day!

Carla! Remember to post the letters till 10 o´clock! - don´t forget! - reminder
TRY + -ing:

Try cooking with olive oil! The food will taste much better.
I tried playing monopoly, but I realised it is not my cup of tea.

TRY + -ing= you are experimenting with something, and later you see the results


It was almost impossible to go up that mountain, but I tried to conquer it.

Stewen tried to fix his marriage with Susanne, but she didn´t believe him any more.

TRY + to infinitive = a very hard, almost impossible task is there for you, but you
still make an attempt to do that

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