VISITING THE DOCTOR - Szavak, Kifejezesek

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-We are ill. We have some illness.


I am ill = Beteg vagyok

ation +
-G.P.´s Surgery (szördzsöri)– General Practitioner (a doctor, who knows little bit about everything)

SURGERY - a house with a room where the doctor and the nurse works. = rendelő

-making an appointment = „méjking en epojntment“ - (időpontot egyeztetni)

- you agree(egrí=megegyezni) in day and time -

CONVERSATION: A = nurse B=patient

A: Clinic, how can I help you?

B: I would like to (szeretnék) make an appointment for tomorrow/ next Monday.

A: Is this your first visit?

B: No, I visited the doctor a month ago. Yes, this is my first visit.

A: May I know your name please? May I know your name/address/insurance=biztosito...etc.

B: Your name. PATRIK HORVATH Your name, address, insurance...etc. – more data

A: What time would be the best for you?

B: Morning/At 10 AM/5 o´clock would be the best for me.

A: Okey, can I make the appointment for next Monday at 7am?

B: That would be perfect, thanks./ 6 o´clock/ later - earlier would be better(jobb lenne)/.

A: Right, we will wait you=várni fogjuk on Monday at 7o´clock.

B: Thank you. Goodbye!


DOCTOR: - Ok, Mr. Horváth. What is the problem?

You must describe the symptoms = Le kell írnod a tüneteket

DIARRHEA (dájeriö=DIE AREA)-hasmenés


 ache(éjk) – I got a backache, stomachache, earache, toothache, I have an ache in my head/

 hurt(hört) – my(body part)is hurting, my......hurts, I have hurt in my......
 pain – I have a pain in my ass
 fever(fívör) – I have a fever, I am feeling feverish(fivöris)=lázas, I have a HIGH TEMPERATURE
 cough(kaf)- I have a bad cough, I can´t stop coughing
 ill/(un)well – I am feeling ill/unwell, I don´t feel well
 injured(indzsőrd)=megsérültem – I have injured my.....=megsérült az én .....
 sore(szór) száraz, gyulladt– I have a sore throat(szrout=torok), My sore
 tired – I am feeling tired/exhausted(ixósztid)=kimerült
 burnt, scalded(szkaldid)=leforrázott, cut – I have burnt/scalded/cut my....
 dizzy (dizzi)= kába– I´m feeling dizzy/I have been feeling dizzy

physical examination = fizikai vizsgálat

- open your mouth, take a deep breath(téjk ö díp bresz)=mély levegőt

You get a prescription (preszkripsön)

 prescription – a piece of paper with the medicaments on it

 e-prescription = you get the prescription on your health insurance card

-you take your prescription/card to the pharmacy(fermeszi), chemist(kemiszt)

 medicaments: tablets, pills=pirula, capsules, creams, drops, plaster=ragtapasz, syrup

o -dosage(dozidzs) = how often you have to take the tablet, frequency
 2 times per day, 3 times in a day/week, in every 3 hours
 DON´T EXCEED(ixíd) THE DOSAGE!!!!! – don´t take more

You must recover(rikavör=gyógyulni) at home

-return visit = kontrola


 doctor who is dealing with your teeth – DENTIST

 doctor who is dealing with your eyes – OPHTALMOLOGIST
 doctor who is checking your blood – HEMATOLOGIST
 doctor who is dealing with cancer – ONCOLOGIST
 doctor who is dealing with your skin problems – DERMATOLOGIST
 doctor who is dealing with your bones, walking – ORTHOPEDIST

IDIOMS with HEALTH = szólások az egészséggel

 Give someone a black eye – „Monoklit adni valakinek“ – Bemártani valakit.

 A bitter pill to swallow – „Keserű pirulát nyelni“ – Megtenni vmit, amihez semmi kedved
 Break out in a cold sweat – „Hideget izzadni“ – You are very afraid
 Taste your own medicine – „Kóstold meg a saját orvosságodat“ – Edd meg főztél
 Rub salt in someone´s wound – „Sót dörzsölni valaki sebébe“ – Tetézni a rossz érzést
 Just what the doctor ordered – „Pont az, amit felírt az orvos“ – Vmi, ami pont jókor jön.
 To black out = elájulni

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