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Academic Reading and Writing Past Papers Solved

Past Paper 2015


Q: Short answers
Q: 2 Write a summary of the text Emergency Landing in which you explain
Amis’s changing moods in your own words.

A: 2 Emergency Landing:
The writer was going to Malaga. He was a nervous passenger but a confident
drinker. He was told by the air hostess that bar service was not available. The
captain’s voice came that there was some technical problem. So, the aero
plane was going back to Gatwick. Stewardesses were searching the
compartments. So, he thought that there was a bomb but he was not scared. A
girl sitting with him was quite confused and scared and he offered a bottle to
her but she refused. The Stewardesses took the bottle from his hand and
placed it in her yellow bag. Soon the captain’s voice came that they were
landing at Dionard and that the landing would not be a usual one. Precautions
were given to the passengers. He felt relief that his wife and eight-month old
child was not with him. He placed his wallet on his lap. The plane landed like
a bomb and skimmed stone and he lost his wallet. The door of the plane was
opened, and all the passengers were trying to be the first to rush out. There
was panic but he was searching his wallet. Then he also left the plane. He saw
a man on the grass that was clutching his heart; a girl was also there whose
ankle was sprained. He tried to console a weeping woman. Soon French
security guards were taking passengers across the field to the terminal. Some
people were scared while others were saying “this is nothing” and he thought
it was unusual not fearful. Next morning, replacement aircraft was available.
He felt like a returning hero who came without a scratch but his wife
suggested that he was suffering from a delayed shock. He was diagnosed a
brain tumor. At Dionard, he ate food in a restaurant without paying any
penny because his wallet was lost in emergency landing.
Q: 3 Newspapers and magazines proved the reader with information. They
are written to amuse and influence us as well as to inform. Write a headline
and introduction (strapline) of a Feature Article.

A: 3 Newspapers and magazines proved the reader with information. They

are written to amuse and influence us as well as to inform, because print
media has become a very useful source of information in current times.
Article: An article is a piece of writing that is published in a newspaper or
magazine. There are many types of article in newspapers or magazines. But,
we will talk about feature article.

Feature Article: A feature article is the main news-related article in a

magazine that highlights a particular person, place, or event in great detail. A
feature article is an article in which we talk about the features or
characteristics of anything. It may be some kind of news, people, events,
historical story, products etc… It is a human interest article. Feature article
attracts and persuades people with its feature or characteristics.

Headline of Feature Article: A feature headline is the title of your feature

article that is the perfect opportunity to hook your reader and summarize
what your article is about. These headlines are usually written in large block
letters to make them stand out on the front page of your newspaper.
Strapline: A strapline is a line that sums up the brand or company in a line,
representing the culture, identity and personality of the brand.
Feature Article of Newspaper: Feature stories can be found in the main
news section of a newspaper, especially if they profile a person or group
currently in the news. But they are also likely to be found in sections farther
back in the paper in lifestyles, entertainment, sports, or business sections.

Example of Feature Article.


Q: Long Answers:
Q: 4 Write a paragraph of 120 words.
i. Violence.
ii. Poultry Farming.
iii. A Train Accident.

Violence is the expression of physical or verbal force against people. It is not a
good thing. It does not solve issues. It is much more than it means to initiate
the harm or exert cynicism to someone, whether verbally, physically,
emotionally, sexually, psychologically, spiritually, culturally, and financially
or neglect. There are several examples of violence, which generally occurs like
sexual violence, gender-based violence, youth violence, child maltreated
violence, etc. Human is a peaceable entity, but greed, passion, misguidance,
etc. lead an individual to adopt violent behavior. Violence has created
mayhem throughout the planet. Each country within the world faces some
reasonable violence or the opposite. We must take the necessary steps to
prevent violence. Various programs are developed to cut back or stop violence
in people United Nations agency have already shown an inclination toward
Poultry Farming

Poultry farming is one of the activities in which a large number of chickens

are reared. And their food, drink and care are properly arranged. We get
abundant meat and eggs from poultry farming. It takes place in most of the
villages. But now it also happens in urban areas. It is also a great source of
business. Many people do business through poultry farming and earn good
money. Poultry farming is done on a small scale in the villages. People use
traditional and old methods in poultry farming, while it is widespread in
urban areas. People use new and innovative methods in poultry farming. The
government should take necessary steps for its development, because in the
near future it can be useful for economic development.

A Train Accident
When I was returning home from school, the scene was so hellish-a bus has
collided with a train on 08-03-2018 at 1-30 pm. There were a number of
ambulances, doctor’s nurses, as well as police and investigators. There were
20 people dead and more than 2 people were injured which included children,

adults and old citizens. There were many people who came in the form of god
as they donated blood to those who were dying and cannot arrange blood of
the same blood group. Many people helped the rescue team i saving the life of
many injured people. Throughout the day there was panic spread in the air. It
shows us that we should never act hastily; otherwise a small mistake of ours
can lead to a big tragedy.
Q: 5 Write a paragraph on “People lie more on the phone than by email”?

A: 5 “People lie more on the phone than by email”

The first study to compare “digital deception” across various communications
media reveals that people tell lies on phones than they do in emails. The fact is
that emails are automatically recorded and come back to haunt you when
produced as evidence. Jeff Hancock made a research on 30 students of a
university and asks them to keep a communication diary for a week. He found
that lies made up 14 percent of emails, 21 percent of Instant messages, 27
percent of face-to-face interactions and 37 percent of phone cells. His results
surprised the psychologist. Some people believe that email is the biggest
source of deceit and some think that face-to-face exchanges are more
mendacious. People lie at spontaneous response to unexpected questions
regarding one’s opinion by making on-the-spot excuse or argument. People
are more likely to lie in real time because our answers are spontaneous.
Past Paper 2016


Q: 2 Give short answers to the following questions?

I) Write a summary of the text “Emergency Landing” in your own words.

Emergency Landing:
The writer was going to Malaga. He was a nervous passenger but a confident
drinker. He was told by the air hostess that bar service was not available. The
captain’s voice came that there was some technical problem. So, the aero
plane was going back to Gatwick. Stewardesses were searching the
compartments. So, he thought that there was a bomb but he was not scared. A
girl sitting with him was quite confused and scared and he offered a bottle to
her but she refused. The Stewardesses took the bottle from his hand and
placed it in her yellow bag. Soon the captain’s voice came that they were
landing at Dionard and that the landing would not be a usual one. Precautions
were given to the passengers. He felt relief that his wife and eight-month old
child was not with him. He placed his wallet on his lap. The plane landed like
a bomb and skimmed stone and he lost his wallet. The door of the plane was
opened, and all the passengers were trying to be the first to rush out. There
was panic but he was searching his wallet. Then he also left the plane. He saw
a man on the grass that was clutching his heart; a girl was also there whose
ankle was sprained. He tried to console a weeping woman. Soon French
security guards were taking passengers across the field to the terminal. Some
people were scared while others were saying “this is nothing” and he thought
it was unusual not fearful. Next morning, replacement aircraft was available.
He felt like a returning hero who came without a scratch but his wife
suggested that he was suffering from a delayed shock. He was diagnosed a
brain tumor. At Dionard, he ate food in a restaurant without paying any
penny because his wallet was lost in emergency landing.
II) Write a paragraph on reading critically? How is it different from reading

Critical Reading: Critical reading is type of reading in which a reader is

reading with the goal of finding a deep understanding of the material that he
reads. It does not mean that if a reader is reading a text critically then he will
become a critic. It means that the reader knows about the complexity and
structure of the text that he reads. It is a more advanced form and a higher
level of reading. In critical reading, the reader analyzes and interprets the
reading material to know if it presents logical ideas and connection of ideas.
The reader analyzes the both positive and negative things of material that he
reads, for example, when a person is reading a written text. The text may be a
story, novel, book, poem, news article etc… He analyzes the structure, plot,
settings and form of the text to understands the deeper meaning of text.

Fiction & Difference between critical reading and fiction reading: It

is a type of written text, Story, drama, novel and poem are form of fiction that
are based on imaginations and expressions of author. The characters and
situations are "made up" or imaginative. Readers expect fiction to reflect the
real world; they do not expect it to portray the real world.

Critical reading is a more active way of reading. It is a deeper and more

complex engagement with a text. Critical reading is a process of analyzing,
interpreting and, sometimes, evaluating. Different disciplines may have
distinctive modes of critical reading (scientific, philosophical, literary) etc…

Q: 3 Answer all the following questions briefly.

(I) Write a paragraph on one of the topics:
1. Service to humanity
2. Manners
3. Social Justice

Service to humanity
Service to humanity is a social work in which we help every needy
person who needs our help. There are many ways we can serve
humanity, such as feeding a poor person, solving someone’s problem
etc… Our religion Islam also teaches us to serve humanity. The holy
book instructs us repeatedly to serve humanity. Our Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.W) has not only instructed us verbally but has shown us
practically the importance of serving humanity. His holy life is full of
such incidents where he had sacrificed his comforts, his needs and his
benefits to give comforts to others, to satisfy their needs and bring a
little joy to them. Service to humanity is the key to success in both
worlds. Someone has rightly said that serving humanity is actually
serving God.
Manners are the proper or polite way to behave in public. Manners can
be both good and bad. Good manners are the guidelines to develop a
positive attitude in a personality and bad manners develop a negative
attitude in a personality. Good manners also include kindness and
respect towards our teachers, elders, woman and children. Good
manners cost nothing much but win many hearts. Good manners cannot
be borrowed from someone but one has to cultivate them with time. It’s
a key towards perfectionism. A person who has good manners is always
loved & respected by all. People are judged by their good behavior. The
words “please”, “Thank you”, “Sir”, “Dear” “Madam”, & “Sorry” cost
nothing but can be used to please others. Good manners can make you
stand out of the crowd in the society and ultimately making you a useful
person of the society.

Social Justice
Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic,
political and social rights and opportunities in society. It promotes
fairness and equity across many aspects of society. It is very essential
for the survival and development of our society. Because when social
justice is not maintained in our society, various kinds of social evils arise
in our society. In a society where social justice prevails, the society is on
the path of development. We must stop all things that stand in the way
of social justice. Corruption, nepotism, encroachment on public rights
etc… are obstacles to social justice. If we want social justice to be
established in our society then we must take the necessary steps as soon
as possible to solve our social problems.

(II) What are the other purposes of print media writings besides giving

A: Print Media: Print media is one of the oldest and basic forms of mass
communication. It includes newspapers, weeklies, magazines, monthlies and
other forms of printed journals. The contribution of print media in providing
information and transfer of knowledge is remarkable.

Print Media Writings: Newspapers, magazines, periodicals, monthlies,

weeklies, journals, books, pamphlets, billboards, posters, postcards, letters,
advertising flyers, flaxes, papers, broachers and so on.

Purposes of Print Media Writings: There are many purposes of print

media writings besides giving information, but two major and vital purposes
of print media writings are as follows:
1. Entertainment.
2. Persuasion.
3. Education.
1. Entertainment: One of the major purposes of print media writings is
entertainment. Print media writings in newspapers like sports content,
showbiz content, and funny content entertain as well as informed

2. Persuasion: The other major purpose of print media writings is

persuasion. Print media writings like advertising flyers about anything,
person or event persuade people. For example, advertisement of any
product with its features persuades people to buy it.

3. Education: Another main purpose of print media writings is

education. Print media writings like text books, guides etc… educate
people. For example, learning a book educates as well as informed
(III) Do you think form of writing is determined by purpose of writing?
Explain with examples briefly.
A: Your purpose for writing is simply what you are trying to accomplish.
There are several different things you may be trying to accomplish in your

1. Writing to Reflect: It means you are exploring personal ideas to

make sense of your experiences. Examples include diaries, journals and
autobiographical memoirs. You’re trying to communicate your
emotions and reactions to others.
2. Writing to Inform: It means you are communicating factual details
about particular topics. Examples include newspaper articles, reference
books, textbooks, instruction manuals and informative web sites such as
government or non-profit sites. You’re providing definitions, explaining
concepts or processes and helping readers understand ideas and see

3. Writing to Persuade: It means you are trying to convince your

readers to accept your position on a particular topic. Examples include
research papers, editorials, advertisements and some business

4. Writing to Evaluate: It means you are assessing the validity,

accuracy or quality of information to assess the relative merits of
something. Examples include reports, critiques and book reviews.
Past Paper 2017


Q: 2 Give short answers to the following questions?

(I) Write a summary of the text „New year, new debate‟ in your own words
(Ref: Unit 15).

A: New year, new debate:

A few years ago a scientist in Scotland claimed that GM potatoes made his
rats ill. It gave rise to the question whether GM crops were safe for human
consumption or not. Since then we have seen the world split into two
US is in support of GM crops, while in Europe, many countries have imposed
bans on growing GM crops. The US is likely to respond with a trade war. A
US department of agriculture official called the proposed rules by Europe and
Britain, unworkable and irresponsible. Britain, as a nation of GM skeptics,
added personal health fears to what might or otherwise have seemed distant
environmental concerns. In 2003, a debate was held between both parties to
rethink their point of views.
Last year, Indian government gave the go-ahead for growing GM
cotton and set their farmer free from using harmful pesticides. The move
would cut crop losses due to the dreaded boll-worm and other insects and
diseases. It can also liberate the farmers from the dependency on hazardous
pesticides. India is cultivating a variety of potatoes with extra protein which
may be an answer to hunger in many countries. New crop project offers India,
and perhaps other developing countries, a chance to step up western Bio Tech
Corporation and set their own biotechnology agendas. European Union is
likely to implement rules and has devised a system by which GM crops, local
or imported, can be traced. Though Europeans are not in support of GM
food, it could be a big rescue for the people of Africa who are dying because of
hunger. British government called for a national debate to commission new
reports but could set aside little funds. The US government set up a series of
farm trails to monitor the impact of GM crops on farmland biodiversity. With
these nearly over, the government must decide whether to permit commercial
growing of GM crops or not.
(II) Write a paragraph on skimming and scanning as reading techniques?
How do we do this? Exemplify from our everyday life?
A: Skimming: Skimming helps you grasp the general idea or gist of a text.
You might quickly read the table of contents, the headings or the abstract.
You glance over the material to comprehend the main idea. We generally use
this technique at the time of reading a newspaper or magazine. Smaller details
are skipped over and you simply focus on the main words, which is enough to
get the meaning of the article. This technique is good for obtaining the first
impression of an article to see if it is actually relevant to you or not. Under this
technique, we read quickly to get the main points and the detail.
Scanning: Scanning allows you to locate precise information. You, might
identify key terms or expressions which will alert you to where your subject is
being addressed or some specific piece of information by looking at the whole
text. You could then run your eyes over the next looking for them. You search
for specific words or phrases that may give you more information and answer
the questions you may have. Pay special attention to the introduction and the
Example of Skimming: An example would be when you are reading a news
article to find out a specific piece of information; such as will Imran Khan
resign? If you only care about the answer to that question, and are not
interested in the details, you could skim the article.
Example of Scanning: Scanning a text means looking through it quickly to
find specific information. Scanning is commonly used in everyday life, for
example when looking up a word in a dictionary or finding your friend's name
in the contacts directory of your phone.

Q: 3 Answers all the following questions briefly?

(I) Write a paragraph on one of the topic:
1. Corruption
2. Etiquettes
3. Healthcare


Corruption is the most dangerous social evil prevailing in each and every part
of society in today’s world. It has its roots all around and has spread like a
contagious disease. Corruption is not a word but an act which is prevailing in
the world form the ancient times. People having power make common people
suffer by asking them to pay huge bribes for getting their work done. It not
only affects common people but also affects the growth of the nation and its
income. It has mainly evolved due to the greediness of people. Developing and
developed nations face this evil because of the corrupted employees. People in
various sectors like government and private misuse their power just to make
money. We can see corruption having its hand in various fields like education,
sports and games, hospitals, business, industry etc.
Etiquette is the reflection of our behavior and personality in society. We must
develop the habit of greeting people when we meet them. It is basic etiquette
to use the three words when needed i.e. Sorry, Please, and Thank you.
Kindness and respecting others are the great attributes of etiquette. This
moral conduct and behavior differ in different regions of the world depending
upon the culture and tradition. Etiquettes in anybody’s life show that the
person is good, courteous and a nobleman. This kind of person through his
actions, behaviors and talks receives respect from each and every person of
the society. This type of person behaves properly with everyone. It is the
virtue of being honest so that people can easily trust on us.

Healthcare is described as the identification, cure, prevention as well as
management of an ailment, injury, illness, and the safeguarding mental and
physical well-being in individuals. Healthcare services are generally offered
by allied health care professionals and medical practitioners. A healthy nation
they say is a wealthy nation. Healthcare is important to the society because
people get ill, accidents and emergencies do arise and the hospitals are needed
to diagnose, treat and manage different types of ailments and diseases. Many
of people’s aspirations and desires cannot be met without longer, healthier,
happy lives. The healthcare industry is divided into several areas in order to
meet the health needs of individuals and the population at large. All over the
world, the healthcare industry would continue to thrive and grow as long as
man exists hence forming an enormous part of any country’s economy.
(II) What are the stylistic features of a literary text? How does it reflect
more than a surface story?

A: There are many stylistic feature of a literary text but followings are
some major stylistic features of a literary text.
1. Narrative viewpoint.
2. Structure of stanzas.
3. Juxtaposition.
4. Nominalization.
5. Alliteration.
6. Metaphor.
7. Lexical choice.

1. Narrative viewpoint: Narrative viewpoints, also known as

perspectives, determine who is narrating the plot or events of a story.
Writers of fiction and nonfiction alike can use different narrative
viewpoints to control how readers receive their work.

2. Structure of stanzas: It means that how many lines of stanza, meter,

and rhyming scheme used by writer in his work. Thus, a stanza of four
lines of iambic pentameter, rhyming abab, could be described as a
3. Juxtaposition: Juxtaposition means placing two things side by side so
as to highlight their differences. Writers use it for rhetorical effect. For
example, famous poet Charles Dickens use juxtaposition in his work “A
Tale of Two Cities” It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it
was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.

4. Nominalization: Nominalizations are nouns that are created from

adjectives (words that describe nouns) or verbs (action words).

Verbs Adjectives
Develop Dark
Move Weak
Judge Kind
Encourage Smooth
Treat Bright

Verbs Adjectives
Development Darkness
Movement Weakness
Judgement Kindness
Encouragement Smoothness
Treatment Brightness
5. Alliteration: It can be defined as a pack or series of words, occurring
close together in the phrases or lines of poetry that have the same first
consonant sound. The term itself derives from the Latin word “Latira”,
“Letters of alphabet”.
Easy and short examples of Alliteration:
1. We have won the match.
2. Long Live Pakistan.
3. My cat is very cute.
4. Tom is talking with me.
5. I am reading a new novel.

6. Metaphor: A figure of speech that compares two unlike things. It is the

direct comparison of two unlike things. Does not use “like or as”.
1. Ali is a walking dictionary. (Direct comparison between Ali
and Walking Dictionary)
2. Nabeel is a lion. (Direct comparison between Nabeel and
3. Arham is a shining star. (Direct comparison between Arham
and shining star)
4. His heart is gold. (Direct comparison between Heart and
5. My son is a moon. (Direct comparison between Son and
7. Lexical Choice: It means what kind of words, sentence or language
vocabulary used by writer in his works, because every writer has different
Stylistics features reflect more than a surface story, because with stylistic
feature of any text we can easily understand the structure, function and
purpose of text.
(III) Explain briefly classification of paragraphs. In which way paragraphs
can be classified as of different types.

A: Followings are the types of paragraph in which we classified paragraphs.

1. Descriptive.
2. Narrative.
3. Expository.
4. Argumentative.

1. Descriptive: These kinds of paragraphs explain the description of

anything, person or event etc… These paragraphs help readers feel and
sense the details of subject that the writer wants to convey.

2. Narrative: These kinds of paragraphs explain the story, scene of an

event. It has a sequence of events, the plot. For example, when your
friend tells a story about seeing a deer on the way to school, he or she is
using characteristics of a narrative.
3. Expository: These kinds of paragraphs provide information to the
readers. Expository (or informative) writing explores shares, explains,
or defines a specific subject or idea. This type of writing does not
include the writer's opinion or tell a story.

4. Argumentative: These kinds of paragraphs are related to the

arguments that writer uses in his works to persuades readers. An
argument is an opinion supported by facts. Writers refer to opinions as
claims and facts as evidence.
Past Paper 2018

Q: Give short answers to the following questions?

I. Summarize and identify the types of information given by the writer
„On the Prowl‟ (Unit: 12)

A: On The Prowl:
Sarah Barrel with volunteers travelled across the Siberian wilderness
where the temperature was below the freezing point in search of
elusive and endangered snow leopard. The temperatures vary
roughly between minus 5° C at night to 30° during the day. On the
edge of the world, twelve people, on the mercy of the weather, were
sleeping in a nylon tent. They were there to get information about
snow leopard. Soviet Engineers failed to tame the steppe and
European explorers either got lost in the mountains or became native
or ended up in Tuva in the south of Siberia but snow leopard has
managed to survive in this lost world. The volunteers could not know
how many snow leopards inhabited the remote mountains of Central-Asia.
The first photo of snow leopard was taken in the late 1970s in
Pakistan. No sound information or pictures had been catalogued
before because snow leopard remains hidden and does not encounter
people. Moreover, its silvery-grey coat is a perfect camouflage
against the snowy and rocky high altitude habitat. They range from
Tora Bora Mountains in Afghanistan to Pamirs of Tajikistan, from
the peaks of Pakistan to the Siberian Altai. It was not easy for a
bunch of American conservationists with little scientific training to
gather information on snow leopard. As volunteers climbed high
towards the snow line, they saw little vegetation. But at the end of the
day they recorded the signs of mammal life. Expeditions had been
entirely faces-focused with digital camera illustration and GPS
position readings.

Tessa believes that over-grazing by local farmers and poaching

threaten not only snow leopard but also their habitats. She developed
relationship with some farmers to build trust and gather information
about the locals, animal sighting and poaching and hoped to protect
the environment with the cooperation of both sides rather than hunt
and farm it. This is the possibility that serves to support the
enthusiasm of amateur conservationists.
II. Summarize the arguments forwarded by the writer in the text „The
Cultural Impact of Recorded Music‟ (Ref: Unit: 14)

A: The Cultural Impact of Recorded Music:

The real significance of phonograph was that it changed the way
we listen to music. In the past, music was unique because it was
exclusively a social event but now it was heard privately and it
became cheaper. Now music is in much wider range because it is
available anywhere anytime. Some people believed that the
duplication of best music would result in social uplift. Some people in
United States continued to buy popular music of the kind that
reforms considered artistic and sophisticated. Record manufacturers
such as Victor and Edison’s companies responded by advertising
good music and also catering for public demand for popular music.
Some record companies set up departments to promote
music in colleges and schools. Some historians have contended that
phonograph has degraded the value of „good music‟. All the same, it
has provided a link to urbane culture good and bad. People
preferred popular music and record companies did nothing to
discourage the sale of popular music.
III. Write a summary of the text “Emergency Landing” in your own words.
A: Emergency Landing:
The writer was going to Malaga. He was a nervous passenger but a confident
drinker. He was told by the air hostess that bar service was not available. The
captain’s voice came that there was some technical problem. So, the aero
plane was going back to Gatwick. Stewardesses were searching the
compartments. So, he thought that there was a bomb but he was not scared. A
girl sitting with him was quite confused and scared and he offered a bottle to
her but she refused. The Stewardesses took the bottle from his hand and
placed it in her yellow bag. Soon the captain’s voice came that they were
landing at Dionard and that the landing would not be a usual one. Precautions
were given to the passengers. He felt relief that his wife and eight-month old
child was not with him. He placed his wallet on his lap. The plane landed like
a bomb and skimmed stone and he lost his wallet. The door of the plane was
opened, and all the passengers were trying to be the first to rush out. There
was panic but he was searching his wallet. Then he also left the plane. He saw
a man on the grass that was clutching his heart; a girl was also there whose
ankle was sprained. He tried to console a weeping woman. Soon French
security guards were taking passengers across the field to the terminal. Some
people were scared while others were saying “this is nothing” and he thought
it was unusual not fearful. Next morning, replacement aircraft was available.
He felt like a returning hero who came without a scratch but his wife
suggested that he was suffering from a delayed shock. He was diagnosed a
brain tumor. At Dionard, he ate food in a restaurant without paying any
penny because his wallet was lost in emergency landing.
IV. Write a paragraph on reading critically? How is it different from reading

A: Critical Reading: Critical reading is type of reading in which a reader is

reading with the goal of finding a deep understanding of the material that he
reads. It does not mean that if a reader is reading a text critically then he will
become a critic. It means that the reader knows about the complexity and
structure of the text that he reads. It is a more advanced form and a higher
level of reading. In critical reading, the reader analyzes and interprets the
reading material to know if it presents logical ideas and connection of ideas.
The reader analyzes the both positive and negative things of material that he
reads, for example, when a person is reading a written text. The text may be a
story, novel, book, poem, news article etc… He analyzes the structure, plot,
settings and form of the text to understands the deeper meaning of text.

Fiction & Difference between critical reading and fiction reading: It

is a type of written text, story, drama, novel and poem are form of fiction that
are based on imaginations and expressions of author. The characters and
situations are "made up" or imaginative. Readers expect fiction to reflect the
real world; they do not expect it to portray the real world.

Critical reading is a more active way of reading. It is a deeper and more

complex engagement with a text. Critical reading is a process of analyzing,
interpreting and, sometimes, evaluating. Different disciplines may have
distinctive modes of critical reading (scientific, philosophical, literary) etc…
Q: 3 Answer the following questions briefly:
i. Write a paragraph on any one of the given topic:
(a) Social Justice (b) Why I love Pakistan
(Words Limit= up to 120 words)

Social Justice

Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic,

political and social rights and opportunities in society. It promotes
fairness and equity across many aspects of society. It is very essential
for the survival and development of our society. Because when social
justice is not maintained in our society, various kinds of social evils arise
in our society. In a society where social justice prevails, the society is on
the path of development. We must stop all things that stand in the way
of social justice. Corruption, nepotism, encroachment on public rights
etc… are obstacles to social justice. If we want social justice to be
established in our society then we must take the necessary steps as soon
as possible to solve our social problems.
Why I love Pakistan

Pakistan is a result of the sacrifices of millions of Muslims and the

efforts of Muhammad Ali Jinnah to get a separate homeland for the
Muslims of the subcontinent. How can I forget the sacrifices of my
ancestors gave to provide me with an independent homeland? How I
am not supposed to love a country which my ancestors died fighting
for! I love Pakistan because of the plain reason that it has allowed me
to practice my religion freely. Majority of the people around me are
of the same culture and religion as I am which gives me a sense of
belonging and affection for them and the country. People complain
we are victims of terrorism; no doubt these are challenging times but
which country is not a victim of terrorism? Have you forgotten the
attacks on U.S World Trade Centre? Every country is facing crisis,
this does not mean we leave our country when it needs our support
the most. I love those people in my country who are peace loving and
majority of them do want peace.
ii. Write a paragraph on skimming and scanning as reading
techniques? How do we do this? Exemplify from our everyday life?
A: Skimming: Skimming helps you grasp the general idea or gist of a text.
You might quickly read the table of contents, the headings or the abstract.
You glance over the material to comprehend the main idea. We generally use
this technique at the time of reading a newspaper or magazine. Smaller details
are skipped over and you simply focus on the main words, which is enough to
get the meaning of the article. This technique is good for obtaining the first
impression of an article to see if it is actually relevant to you or not. Under this
technique, we read quickly to get the main points and the detail.
Scanning: Scanning allows you to locate precise information. You, might
identify key terms or expressions which will alert you to where your subject is
being addressed or some specific piece of information by looking at the whole
text. You could then run your eyes over the next looking for them. You search
for specific words or phrases that may give you more information and answer
the questions you may have. Pay special attention to the introduction and the
Example of Skimming: An example would be when you are reading a news
article to find out a specific piece of information; such as will Imran Khan
resign? If you only care about the answer to that question, and are not
interested in the details, you could skim the article.
Example of Scanning: Scanning a text means looking through it quickly to
find specific information. Scanning is commonly used in everyday life, for
example when looking up a word in a dictionary or finding your friend's name
in the contacts directory of your phone.
iii. Do you think form of writing is determined by purpose of writing?
Explain with examples briefly.
A: Your purpose for writing is simply what you are trying to accomplish.
There are several different things you may be trying to accomplish in your
1. Writing to Reflect: It means you are exploring personal ideas to
make sense of your experiences. Examples include diaries, journals
and autobiographical memoirs. You’re trying to communicate your
emotions and reactions to others.

2. Writing to Inform: It means you are communicating factual

details about particular topics. Examples include newspaper articles,
reference books, textbooks, instruction manuals and informative web
sites such as government or non-profit sites. You’re providing
definitions, explaining concepts or processes and helping readers
understand ideas and see relationships.

3. Writing to Persuade: It means you are trying to convince your

readers to accept your position on a particular topic. Examples
include research papers, editorials, advertisements and some
business communications.

4. Writing to Evaluate: It means you are assessing the validity,

accuracy or quality of information to assess the relative merits of
something. Examples include reports, critiques and book reviews
Past Paper 2019

Q: 2 Give short answers to the following questions?

i) Summarize the details of autobiographical article of Martin Amis
„Emergency Landing‟ of his 737 with special reference to his style of
writing (Ref: Unit: 13)

A: Emergency Landing:
The writer was going to Malaga. He was a nervous passenger but a
confident drinker. He was told by the air hostess that bar service was not
available. The captain’s voice came that there was some technical problem.
So, the aero plane was going back to Gatwick. Stewardesses were searching
the compartments. So, he thought that there was a bomb but he was not
scared. A girl sitting with him was quite confused and scared and he offered a
bottle to her but she refused. The Stewardesses took the bottle from his hand
and placed it in her yellow bag. Soon the captain’s voice came that they were
landing at Dionard and that the landing would not be a usual one. Precautions
were given to the passengers. He felt relief that his wife and eight-month old
child was not with him. He placed his wallet on his lap. The plane landed like
a bomb and skimmed stone and he lost his wallet. The door of the plane was
opened, and all the passengers were trying to be the first to rush out. There
was panic but he was searching his wallet. Then he also left the plane. He saw
a man on the grass that was clutching his heart; a girl was also there whose
ankle was sprained. He tried to console a weeping woman. Soon French
security guards were taking passengers across the field to the terminal. Some
people were scared while others were saying “this is nothing” and he thought
it was unusual not fearful. Next morning, replacement aircraft was available.
He felt like a returning hero who came without a scratch but his wife
suggested that he was suffering from a delayed shock. He was diagnosed a
brain tumor. At Dionard, he ate food in a restaurant without paying any
penny because his wallet was lost in emergency landing.
ii) What are the main effects of factory farming on animal health with
reference to „Brave New Farm‟ and battle to control bacteria buildup
(passage B Practice Unit 3)

A: Brave New Farm:

Whenever we think of a farm, we always have an idyllic pastoral
image in our mind. We imagine a peaceful and pleasant place where
animals live, grow and play. We feet comfort while seeing these ideal
images. But nowadays, the reality of animals‟ life at farms is totally
different. Now all of our poultry products and red meat are obtained
from huge factory-like systems. Animals are kept in cages. Closed
environment, imitating gases, poor ventilation, dust laden with germs
of infectious diseases, put animals‟ life and that of the consumers at
risk. There are a few measures which can help reduce if not
overcome these problems such as using pesticides, following the one
way route from building to building, making up an animal’s
environment like light, temperature, humidity etc…

Years before World War Two, farms changed ways to

produce eggs, meat and milk at a large scale to meet the growing
demands. Large scale indoor farm production rose rapidly but it
created many health problems and serious diseases in the absence of
natural environment – sunlight, rain and fresh air. Health and
productivity is maintained by syringes and drugs. The farmers
specialized to maximize farm production by adding different
supplements such as Vitamins A and D to the diet with regular doses
of broad spectrum antibiotics like sulfa and other medicines to
maintain the health of the animals. As factory buildings are in use all
year round, there is no time to clean and sterilize them before using
again. That’s why bacteria get more chances to grow and spread
many diseases among dairy factories. Constant manipulation of
animals are considered essential to gain profit. Today the producers
only love technology but despise animals and nature.
Q: 3 Answers the following questions briefly?
i) How to remove hurdles in improving reading as an academic skill.

A: Followings are the factors that can remove hurdles in improving

reading as an academic skill.
1. Background Knowledge.
2. Vocabulary.
3. Fluency.
4. Active Reading.
5. Critical Thinking.

1. Background Knowledge: Background knowledge plays an essential

role in reading comprehension. In an effort to comprehend a text, students
rely on their background knowledge to link what they already know to the
text they are reading. Background knowledge includes both a reader’s real
world experiences and literary knowledge. Drawing parallels between
background knowledge and texts helps students become active readers,
improving their reading comprehension.

2. Vocabulary: Whether or not students have mastered vocabulary skills

affects their reading comprehension. Students must be able to comprehend a
familiar word and its relationship with other words within a text. Mastering
vocabulary includes recognizing a word’s part of speech, definition, useful
context clues, and how it functions in a sentence. These vocabulary strategies
can help improve comprehension.
3. Fluency: Reading with fluency allows students to retain information with
accuracy, expression and increased speed. The ability to read fluently
develops through reading practice. As students become fluent readers, they
will spend less time trying to decipher the meaning of words and more time
considering the overall meaning of the sentences. Over time, fluent readers
will develop the ability to insightfully respond to a text.

4. Active Reading: Beginning readers often rely on skilled readers to guide

them through a text. However, as readers develop, they will be able to
monitor their own reading comprehension. Students can actively analyze
their own reading by targeting comprehension problems as they occur.
Students can troubleshoot comprehension problems by recalling what they
read, asking themselves questions or evaluating the text.

5. Critical Thinking: Students can actively respond to a text more

efficiently when they possess critical thinking skills. As students read, they
can determine the main idea and supporting details, the sequence of events
and the overall structure of the text. Students will also be able to identify
literary devices and their effect on the text. Having critical thinking skills
help to deepen a student’s comprehension of a text, resulting in a positive
reading experience.
ii) Briefly explain structure of a paragraph and method to develop a
good paragraph.

A: In general, paragraphs consist of three parts: the topic sentence,

body sentences, and the concluding or the bridge sentence to the next
paragraph or section.

The Topic Sentence: Each of the paragraphs should have a

topic sentence, which could be like a mini-thesis statement for that
paragraph. This helps to stay focused and coherent in paragraph
and to avoid trying to cover too many sub-issues or straying away
from the main purpose in that paragraph. A topic sentence most
often appears as the first sentence of a paragraph, but occasionally
it might be a second sentence. In some writing, topic sentence are
not explicit (stated clearly) but remain implied (suggested but not
directly expressed); however, it is good to have explicit topic

The Supporting Sentence: These are the sentences that follow

the topic sentence. The supporting sentences make up the middle
part (body) of the paragraph. They provide details such as
evidence, explanations or examples that expand on or support the
topic sentence. They tell more about the main idea. They provide
evidence and ideas that back up the main assertion in the topic
sentence. They may also include writer’s experience and analysis.
The Concluding Sentence: The final section. The last sentence
of the paragraph tells the main idea again but in new words
summarizing the connections between the information discussed in
the body of the paragraph and the paragraph’s controlling idea. It
tells all ideas given in the paragraph and emphasizes the main idea
one last time. In the concluding sentence, the writer usually
restates the topic sentence or sums up the main points of the
iii) Write a paragraph on any one of the given topics:
1. Money Devaluation & Economy
2. Sports & Education
3. Causes of Price-Hike

Money Devaluation & Economy

According to many economists, weakening of the currency could actually

strengthen economy, since a weaker currency will increase the production,
which in turn will uplift employment and raising the economic growth. The
increase in the demand for domestic goods and services increase their
production, triggering the economic growth. Hence in order to keeps the
economy going, economic policies must improve the aggregate demand. And
the demand for domestic products originates from outside the country,
termed as exports. Likewise, local residents demand for the imported goods
and services. Therefore, the increase in exports increase the overall demand
for domestic output, and increase in imports decreases the demand. Hence
exports are the determinants of economic growth, while imports detract the
growth of the economy. International demand for a country's goods and
services are important for boosting the economic growth. And to increase the
demand of domestically produced goods in the foreigner market. Attractive
prices of these goods should be set, making them more attractive.

Sports & Education

Sports are very important to keep our selves fit and healthy, but only for a
specific age. Children love to play a variety of games and sports and that is the
main things that keep them fit and energetic. We also used to play certain
types of sports. Sports aren't bad habits, they are good enough as they have a
lot of advantages but if they take away our study time or bed time and rest, it
is regarded as bad as a habit. While on the way, sports are necessary in life of
every child. It develops their knowledge, speed and build-up confidence level.
Students who don't play games or participate in any sport, are lazy and don't
have enough confidence to face any problems or obstacle of their life. They
fail to reach their goal and thus become unsuccessful.

Causes of Price-Hike
Price hike is one of the major issues of our country Pakistan. Price hike means
the unusual increase of price of goods. It is a Common problem in our
country. It is making our life difficult and miserable. Specially, poor and
middle class people who have limited income are suffering a lot for it. There
are many causes of price hike. Shortage of necessary goods, transportation
system, natural calamities, dishonest businessmen and global price hike and
inflation are responsible for price hike. Due to price hike many people have to
starve. Many lead an inhuman life. It makes the rich richer and the poor
poorer. If this problem continues, our life will be at stake and different kinds
of crimes usually occur. Corruption and moral degradation will spread
everywhere. Some steps should be taken to control price hike. To get rid of
this problem, government should take necessary steps. Businessmen also
should come forward to ensure proper distribution of commodities. Finally,
all of us should come forward to solve the problem.
Past Paper 2020

Q: 2 Give short answers to the following questions:

i) Summarize and identify arguments extended by the writer in the text
‘Zoos-----a Life Sentence (Unit: 18)

A: i The zoo is a place you visit for a day’s excursion and then you go
back home. But the conditions for animals kept in zoo have been quite
depressing and discouraging. According to writer the animals in zoo have
to face quite antagonistic atmosphere because their natural habitats are
quite different from zoo’s atmosphere. According to the writer the zoos are
established in the name of animal’s study, research and development while
the treatment meted out by animals is very humiliating. These majestic and
elegant creatures become an object of freak for human beings. Animals
have to perform different feats in zoos to entertain the visitors which
otherwise these animals would not have the capacity to perform. The
writer is very much against keeping the animals at zoo because the proper
behavior of the animals would only be found in their natural atmosphere
and surroundings.
ii) Discuss role of inference and deduction used by the writer for sharing
information in ‘Ethics Matters’ or in ‘I’m a “Net Pirate” (Ref: Unit:19)?

A: ii Inference and deduction:

This kind of comprehension question is more challenging because the answer
is not to be found in the text itself but has to be deducted from what the writer
I bring this all up because many people, mostly recording industry executives
and performers, will tell you that they consider downloading copyrighted
music from the Internet to be stealing, while a significant majority of Internet
users who were surveyed feel otherwise.
There is a delicious irony here in that the recording industry is now
complaining of being cheated when it has been guilty of cheating others in the
Like the movie Industry ---- has a long, established history of making dollars
by cheating performers, writers and others out of what is rightly theirs. But
that sad fact aside, there is more at work here than a clash of interests, with
each side trying to maximize its own benefit.
The record industry wants to capture the teen age people of the world and
wants to engage them at any cost.
The writer criticizes the monopolistic attitude of the music industry. It does
not want to lose control over its customer despite that fact that consumers
have more options than buying CDs. This dictatorial attitude is not
acceptable. Music industry does not show any leniency towards its consumer.
That is why writer is more critical in its tone.
People are prepared to break the copyright laws because they do not find any
other option to own the music of their choice except than to buy it. Moreover,
music industry is not ready to lose control over its consumer. People are now
sick of this temperament of music industry. They are more prone to copyright
Q: 3 Answer the following questions.
i) Write a paragraph on any ONE of the given topics:
1. Society is a Bad Teacher
2. Sports and Health
3. My COVID-19 Lock down Experience

Society is a Bad Teacher

Society is really a bad teacher because it teaches us good things as well as bad
things. If we talk about our present society, we see that our present society is
giving birth to many kinds of evils. One of which is materialism. Our modern
society is suffering from materialism. And this materialism is taught to us by
our society because the kind of people we live in today's society, most people
practice materialism and some people are even proud of it. Materialism is a
huge evil that our society teaches people. Society is made of people, it is
obvious that as there will be people and their habits will be the same society
and the same evils will be born.
Sports and Health

Today increasingly more people think of the necessity to engage in sport

activity to be able to lead a healthy way of life. Sport prevents many health
problems and renders enormous influence on our health. Sport and health are
closely interrelated. It has emerged that health is the base for a human being
in his ability to decide serious vital tasks and surmount various obstacles. It is
a necessary condition for a man to live long and happy life. What does happen
in our body when we are engaged in the regular sport activity? During
exercising we make work our muscles, bones, joints, ligaments in a stress
mode, which results in their adaptation to such an intensive work. It makes
our muscles grow stronger, adjusts our nerve system to more effective
functioning and helps us perform more difficult tasks, then we done before.
My COVID-19 Lock down Experience

My experience of lockdown as a student has had its ups and downs, as you
would imagine. Being confined to our homes with no outside social
interactions with fellow humans has been tough and goes against our human
nature. I studied in online classes and I didn’t understand what teacher is
teaching? Nothing compares with going to university for the first time and
experiencing the full university student life of interacting with friends and
lecturers. While a global pandemic has brought this all to a halt, I have been
lucky enough to have a family that continues to support me during these
uncertain times, and who always allow me the time and space I’ve needed
over these past months to study independently.
ii) Briefly explain importance of reading as a communication skill.
What factors can retard its improvement?

A: When you read, you exercise your comprehension abilities and your
analytical abilities. It fires up your imagination and stimulates the memory
centers of your mind. It helps recall information as well as stabilize your
emotions. The importance of a reading habit is that it strengthens mental
muscles, and it also improves your vocabulary and communication skills when
you read new words in reading. Then you use these new words in
communication process that might be very effective for communication
process and improve your communication skills. Reading helps build your
vocabulary, enhance your sentence-structure abilities and improve your
overall communication skills. As you read, you will become more comfortable
with the English language and be able to use it more confidently both in oral
communication and written work.

Followings are the factors that retard its improvement:

Phonemic Awareness.
Alphabetic Understanding.
Fluency with the Code.
Vocabulary knowledge.
Prior knowledge.
Engagement and interest.
Phonemic Awareness:
Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and orally manipulate the
individual sounds that make words. This skill is performed entirely with oral,
not written, language. Students with strong phonemic awareness are better
prepared to sound out words while reading and more likely to become fluent,
proficient readers. Phonemic awareness includes the ability to segment words
into individual sounds, blend sounds to produce words, recognize words with
sentences, distinguish syllables and identify and produce rhyming words.
Phonemic awareness can be a difficult task for young students and must be
explicitly taught to early readers.

Alphabetic Principle:
The alphabetic principle encompasses recognition of letters, an understanding
that words are made from individual letters and the ability to connect sounds
with letters in print. Working with the alphabetic principle means deciphering
the alphabetic code of words. Decoding, or sounding out words, is an essential
skill involved with the alphabetic principle. However, the English alphabet is
complex and difficult to master. Many letters have more than one possible
sound and many sounds have more than one possible letter. Rigorous practice
with identifying letters, connecting sounds to the letters and utilizing these
skills within words encourages a strong grasp of the alphabetic principle.

Fluency involves the accuracy and speed of a student’s reading. A fluent
reader is able to read text correctly, quickly and with appropriate voice tone.
Gaining fluency makes reading a more pleasurable and less stressful
experience for students. Fluent readers are usually able to read almost
effortlessly. This allows them to concentrate their efforts on comprehension
and vocabulary as opposed to decoding and recognizing words. For a student
to become a proficient reader who gains meaning from text, she must first
become a fluent reader.
Vocabulary involves gaining meaning from words while reading. Essentially, a
student cannot comprehend or construct meaning from text without
understanding the words within the passage. A child with strong vocabulary
knowledge is able to read more fluently and with more purpose. A child’s
vocabulary grows daily through conversation, reading, direct instruction and
life experiences. Reading aloud to children every day and explicitly teaching
selected words help nurture strong vocabulary knowledge.

Comprehension involves constructing meaning from what is being read.
Reading truly has no purpose without comprehension. In order to
comprehend text, a reader must actively and intentionally think about and
analyze meaning while reading. Good comprehension requires strong abilities
in all four of the other fundamental literacy skills. Students must consider
many bits of information while reading to comprehend the text such as genre,
text structure, the author’s purpose and familiar and unfamiliar words.
Strong comprehension encourages self-directed learning and lifelong reading.
Past Paper 2021

Q: 2 Give brief answers of the given questions?

Q: 1 What is scanning while reading? Describe briefly?

A: 1 Scanning: Scanning allows you to locate precise information. You,

might identify key terms or expressions which will alert you to where your
subject is being addressed or some specific piece of information by looking at
the whole text. You could then run your eyes over the next looking for them.
You search for specific words or phrases that may give you more information
and answer the questions you may have. Pay special attention to the
introduction and the conclusion.

Example of Scanning: Scanning a text means looking through it quickly to

find specific information. Scanning is commonly used in everyday life, for
example when looking up a word in a dictionary or finding your friend's name
in the contacts directory of your phone.
Q: 2 What are the common errors while reading?

A: 2 Followings are the common errors while reading:

1. Poor Word Recognition.

2. Mispronunciation.
3. Word-by-Word Reading.
4. Finger Pointing.
5. Vocalization or Lip Movements during Silent Reading.
6. Ignoring Small Words or Key Words.
7. Identifying Words Similar in Spelling.
8. Substitutions / Insertions.
9. Poor Phrasing.
10. Repetition.
11. Poor Inferences / Judgments.
12. Reversals.
Q: 3 Define Topical and Supportive Sentences used in a paragraph?

A: 3 The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph because
it gives an overview of the sentences to follow. The supporting sentences after
the topic sentence help to develop the main idea. These sentences give specific
details related to the topic sentence.

The Topic Sentence: Each of the paragraphs should have a

topic sentence, which could be like a mini-thesis statement for that
paragraph. This helps to stay focused and coherent in paragraph
and to avoid trying to cover too many sub-issues or straying away
from the main purpose in that paragraph. A topic sentence most
often appears as the first sentence of a paragraph, but occasionally
it might be a second sentence. In some writing, topic sentence are
not explicit (stated clearly) but remain implied (suggested but not
directly expressed); however, it is good to have explicit topic

The Supporting Sentence: These are the sentences that follow

the topic sentence. The supporting sentences make up the middle
part (body) of the paragraph. They provide details such as
evidence, explanations or examples that expand on or support the
topic sentence. They tell more about the main idea. They provide
evidence and ideas that back up the main assertion in the topic
sentence. They may also include writer’s experience and analysis.
Q: 4 What are the tips to write down an effective paragraph?

A: 4 Followings are the tips to write down an effective paragraph:

The Topic Sentence: Each of the paragraphs should have a

topic sentence, which could be like a mini-thesis statement for that
paragraph. This helps to stay focused and coherent in paragraph
and to avoid trying to cover too many sub-issues or straying away
from the main purpose in that paragraph. A topic sentence most
often appears as the first sentence of a paragraph, but occasionally
it might be a second sentence. In some writing, topic sentence are
not explicit (stated clearly) but remain implied (suggested but not
directly expressed); however, it is good to have explicit topic

The Supporting Sentence: These are the sentences that follow

the topic sentence. The supporting sentences make up the middle
part (body) of the paragraph. They provide details such as
evidence, explanations or examples that expand on or support the
topic sentence. They tell more about the main idea. They provide
evidence and ideas that back up the main assertion in the topic
sentence. They may also include writer’s experience and analysis.
The Concluding Sentence: The final section. The last sentence
of the paragraph tells the main idea again but in new words
summarizing the connections between the information discussed in
the body of the paragraph and the paragraph’s controlling idea. It
tells all ideas given in the paragraph and emphasizes the main idea
one last time. In the concluding sentence, the writer usually
restates the topic sentence or sums up the main points of the
Q: 3 Write down a paragraph on any ONE of the given topics:

1. Importance of Time Management for Students.

2. A Memorable Day of my life.

Importance of Time Management for Students

Time management is very important in student life. It is almost certain that a
good student perfectly manages his/her time without wasting any. Education
today constitutes a wide range of subjects and topics. It is also important to
spend time on extracurricular activities like sports and games, etc. So, in
today’s competitive world it becomes imperative to utilize the available time
to the fullest. Time management is a skill that lets you utilize the maximum of
your time and needs to be practiced regularly to see its benefits. Students
should avoid wasting time on things that don’t benefit at all. It would mostly
result in wastage of time. By eliminating activities that don’t matter, you can
save time for other beneficial activities.
A Memorable Day of my Life

Last month, our school arranged a trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra. The beauty of
the Taj Mahal seemed to have no parallel. It is made of white marble on the
bank of the river Yamuna. The garden in front of it has tall cypress trees,
colorful flowers, and rows of mountains. Many precious gems and stones are
seen set on the tomb. I found in the Taj Mahal the artistic and cultural
heritage of India. Every stone of this building tells the story of the true love of
Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. The white marble structure unrolled before me a
new world of beauty. It is, indeed, matchless in beauty and grandeur. That’s
why it is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. I was greatly
charmed by its beauty. I felt breathless for a while. It was undoubtedly the
most memorable day of my life.
Q: 4 Read the passage given below and answer the questions given at the end?

KARACHIS pre-Partition mayors and colonial administration placed most of

our beautiful institutional and iconic buildings on the axis of important roads.
As a result, these buildings before pollution obscured them from view, could
be seen from a distance making them an integral part of the cityscape. Thus
Saint Patricks Cathedral and Christ the King Monument are placed at one
end of Shahrah-i-Iraq (previously Clark Street) and the high court’s east
façade on the other. The west façade of the High Court is on the axis of what
is now Shahrah-i-Kamal Ata Turk. Similarly, the Eduljee Dinshaw dispensary
lies on the axis of Raja Ghazanfar Ali Road (previously Somerset Street) and
is visible all the way from its intersection with Sarwar Shaheed Road
(previously Depot Road). Merewether Tower is on the axis of Napier Mole
Road and there are many other examples as well. The founding fathers of
Pakistan also followed the same tradition when they chose the location for the
mausoleum of the Quaid.

Among the colonial buildings, Empress Market is undoubtedly the

most important, not only for its architecture but also for the fact that various
specialized markets within and around it are visited by all classes of citizens,
something rare in Karachi. In addition, it is built on the grounds where
freedom fighters against colonial rule were blown up from the mouths of
canons by the British in 1857, while their supporters were hanged or deported
to the Andaman Islands (known locally as kala pani) to die of starvation and
They placed it on the axis of what were then Bunder Road and Bunder
Road Extension. These roads, following his burial, were renamed after him.
An elevated Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) had been proposed on M.A Jinnah
Road earlier this year. When it was pointed out by a few citizens, that the
elevated BRT would obscure the view of the mazar from M.A Jinnah Road,
the chief minister of Sindh directed that the BRT be brought down to grade
thus preserving the sanctity of the mazar, public space and saving, what is
perhaps the most important monument in the city, from being hidden from
public view. Among the colonial buildings, Empress Market is undoubtedly
the most important, not only for its architecture but also for the fact that
various specialized markets within and around it are visited by all classes of
citizens, something rare in Karachi. In addition, it is built on the grounds
where freedom fighters against colonial rule were blown up from the mouths
of canons by the British in 1857, while their supporters were hanged or
deported to the Andaman Islands (known locally as kala pani) to die of
starvation and disease.

1. What are the examples of Colonial buildings in Karachi?

2. What is the view of the Empress Market for those who have an aesthetic
3. Which one is the most valuable suggestion to improve the condition of
Empress Market?
4. Summarize the above mentioned passage and suggest a suitable title for
5. Read carefully the underlined words and use their root words in the
sentences of your own?
A: 1 Saint Patricks Cathedral, Christ the King Monument, Eduljee Dinshaw
dispensary, Merewether Tower, Express Market etc. are the examples of
colonial buildings in Karachi.

A: 2 Empress Market is undoubtedly the most important, not only for its
architecture but also for the fact that various specialized markets within and
around it are visited by all classes of citizens, something rare in Karachi. In
addition, it is built on the grounds where freedom fighters against colonial
rule were blown up from the mouths of canons by the British in 1857.

A: 3 They placed it on the axis of what were then Bunder Road and Bunder
Road Extension. These roads, following his burial, were renamed after him.
An elevated Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) had been proposed on M.A Jinnah
Road earlier this year. When it was pointed out by a few citizens, that the
elevated BRT would obscure the view of the mazar from M.A Jinnah Road,
the chief minister of Sindh directed that the BRT be brought down to grade
thus preserving the sanctity of the mazar, public space and saving, what is
perhaps the most important monument in the city, from being hidden from
public view.
4. Summary: This passage is about the colonial buildings in Karachi which
were built during the era of British Raj. One of them is Eduljee Dinshaw
dispensary. It is about the various famous roads and monuments located in
Karachi city. Like; the famous one is M.A Jinnah Road, Bunder Road that
are placed and linked with the famous Empress Market of Karachi. It is about
the condition of these buildings during pre-partition and post-partition. It is
about the current condition of these historical buildings of Karachi city that
how people and government are showing lack of interest for the betterment
and preservation of these buildings which are losing their charm and beauty.

Title for Passage: - Colonial Buildings of Karachi.

A: 5 Colonial, administration, institutional, specialized, starvation.

The underlined parts of these words are root words.

Root Words Sentences

Colony Sub-continent was the colony of British empire before
Administer The administer of our colony is a good person.
Institute We administer to and serve people with all kinds of life-
Special She cooked a special dinner for me.
Starve They decided to starve the enemy out.
Past Paper 2022

Q: 1 Answer the following questions?

Q: 1 What is the role of Time Management in student’s success?

A: 1 Time management can be very useful in a student's hectic schedule. It

ensures that students are well prepared, organized and focused to manage
their daily lives and complete academic assignments on time. It can lead to
improved success, however, this is a skill that students have to learn and

Time management is very important in student life. It is almost certain that a

good student perfectly manages his/her time without wasting any. Education
today constitutes a wide range of subjects and topics. It is also important to
spend time on extracurricular activities like sports and games, etc. So, in
today’s competitive world it becomes imperative to utilize the available time
to the fullest. Time management is a skill that lets you utilize the maximum of
your time and needs to be practiced regularly to see its benefits. Students
should avoid wasting time on things that don’t benefit at all. It would mostly
result in wastage of time. By eliminating activities that don’t matter, you can
save time for other beneficial activities.
Q: 2 Describe the uses of Library?

A: 2 Uses of Libraries:

 Libraries play a vital role in imparting knowledge. Libraries help in

learning and expansion of knowledge. It develops the habit of reading and
boosts the thirst for more and more knowledge. It adds to what an
individual has already learned and leads to his personal growth and
development in life.
 Libraries are especially essential for people who cannot afford costly books
and resources for reading and acquiring information. They are the ones who
truly understand the value and importance of the library.
 Libraries do not only provide resources but also offer service by
professional librarians who are experts at searching, organizing and
interpreting information needs.
 Libraries provide virtual space for individual and group studies. They also
facilitate access to digital resources and the internet.
 Modern libraries are extending services by providing material accessible by
digital media. Librarians provide assistance in navigating and analyzing a
large amount of information through digital resources.
 The library is the place with absolute silence where one can concentrate on
reading. Even though it is open for all people the basic rule for all those who
enter the library is to read peacefully and maintain silence.
 People who love reading create their own private libraries. Such ambiance
at home has a positive impact on the members of the family. It helps in
developing the reading habit in children and contributes to their growth and
development. It broadens the outlook of the people.
Q: 3 How to remove hurdles in improving reading skills?

A: 3 Followings are the factors that can remove hurdles in improving

reading as an academic skill.
1. Background Knowledge.
2. Vocabulary.
3. Fluency.
4. Active Reading.
5. Critical Thinking.

1. Background Knowledge: Background knowledge plays an essential

role in reading comprehension. In an effort to comprehend a text, students
rely on their background knowledge to link what they already know to the
text they are reading. Background knowledge includes both a reader’s real
world experiences and literary knowledge. Drawing parallels between
background knowledge and texts helps students become active readers,
improving their reading comprehension.

2. Vocabulary: Whether or not students have mastered vocabulary skills

affects their reading comprehension. Students must be able to comprehend a
familiar word and its relationship with other words within a text. Mastering
vocabulary includes recognizing a word’s part of speech, definition, useful
context clues, and how it functions in a sentence. These vocabulary strategies
can help improve comprehension.
3. Fluency: Reading with fluency allows students to retain information with
accuracy, expression and increased speed. The ability to read fluently
develops through reading practice. As students become fluent readers, they
will spend less time trying to decipher the meaning of words and more time
considering the overall meaning of the sentences. Over time, fluent readers
will develop the ability to insightfully respond to a text.

4. Active Reading: Beginning readers often rely on skilled readers to guide

them through a text. However, as readers develop, they will be able to
monitor their own reading comprehension. Students can actively analyze
their own reading by targeting comprehension problems as they occur.
Students can troubleshoot comprehension problems by recalling what they
read, asking themselves questions or evaluating the text.

5. Critical Thinking: Students can actively respond to a text more

efficiently when they possess critical thinking skills. As students read, they
can determine the main idea and supporting details, the sequence of events
and the overall structure of the text. Students will also be able to identify
literary devices and their effect on the text. Having critical thinking skills
help to deepen a student’s comprehension of a text, resulting in a positive
reading experience.
Q: 4 Explore your Anxieties as a student during the exams?

A: 4 Exam anxiety is a psychological condition in which people are distressed

and anxious when they are being tested. While many people feel stressed and
anxious before and during exams, test anxiety can hinder learning and lead to
poor test results.

Anxiety disorders are pretty widespread, affecting over 18% of adults.

According to reliable sources, test anxiety afflicts almost a quarter of 13 to 18
years old. Children with untreated childhood anxiety often struggle in school
and on tests.

Self-talk. In exam anxiety or panic we often give ourselves negative messages,

'I can't do this', 'I'm useless'. Try to consciously replace these negative
thoughts with positive ones, 'this is just anxiety, it can't hurt me', 'relax,
concentrate it's going to be OK', 'I'm getting there, nearly over. '

Followings are some symptoms of anxieties:

 Self-doubt.
 Fear.
 Stress.
 Hopelessness.
 Inadequacy.
 Frustration.
 Anger.
 Racing thoughts.
Q: 5 Differentiate between Hearing and Listening during the lecture?

A: 5 Hearing is the ability to use the ears only. In contrast, listening is a skill
that requires one to use senses, including seeing, hearing, and the sense of
touch. Hearing is physiological and only uses the ears, while listening is
psychological and requires the use of the brain to interpret the message.

Hearing Listening
Hearing is simply the act of receiving Listening is something we
sounds by the ear. consciously choose to do.
Hearing simply happens if you are Listening requires concentration so
not hearing impaired. that your brain processors meaning
from words and sentences.
Hearing is rarely the physical ability Listening is more attentive to
of ear to listen sounds around. interpreted the meaning.
Q: 6 What is the difference between Topic Sentence and Thesis Statement?

A: 6

Topic Sentence Thesis Statement

It states the main idea of a It states the central idea of the essay.
It controls the selection of evidence It controls the selection of evidence
to support the paragraph’s thesis. to support the essay’s thesis.
It suggests how the writer has It suggests how the writer has
organized the paragraph. organized the essay.
It helps the writer maintain unity in It helps the writer maintain unity in
the paragraph. essay.
It limits the topic in the paragraph. It limits the topic in the essay.
Q: 2 Answer the following questions?

1. Write a paragraph on anyone of the following topics: (Word Limit 120)

a) Importance of Education b) Role of Social Media

Importance of Education
Education is a very powerful medium to grow in life and perceive something
important. In a human’s life, education benefits a lot in decreasing the
difficulties of a hard life. The expertise obtained through the education era
encourages everybody regarding their life. Education is a way to enter into
several doors for possibilities to obtain more real prospects in life to improve
career growth. Government is also arranging various programs to educate
everyone about education and its benefits in our life especially in rural areas.
Education delivers knowledge of equality among everyone in society and
encourages the growth and improvement of the nation. In this modern
technology-based era, education performs a supreme role in our life. And in
this era, there are so many methods to boost the level of education. The
complete criteria of education have now been modernized. And education
makes a big impact on anyone’s life.
Role of Social Media
One of the biggest revolutions in mass media was the introduction and
popularity of social media. And the impact of social media was and is so major
that it began a completely new era. Some mentionable social media platforms
are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Whatsapp, etc. The
horizons of communication have tremendously expanded because of social
media. Also, it is because of the advancement of technology that the pace of
human life has to speed up. Social media has received users from almost all
generations, but the youngsters crowd social media the most. The youth also
create new trends to engage in and unify, but those are temporary as
compared to trends that dominated in earlier times. Social media has helped
connect people from all corners of Earth and resulted in the formation of a
global community. Social media is also a platform where people can freely
express themselves and their opinions on several topics, starting from politics
to art. Social media has also helped businesses to reach a larger audience and
reach out to their customers. But among all the good aspects of social media,
one thing that almost everyone realizes is how addictive it is. Also, people
seemed to have grown more emotionally distant because of social media. We
must be careful about our activities on social media for our well-being.
2. Write a brief note on Skimming and Scanning as techniques of developing
reading skills?

A: 2 Skimming: Skimming helps you grasp the general idea or gist of a text.
You might quickly read the table of contents, the headings or the abstract.
You glance over the material to comprehend the main idea. We generally use
this technique at the time of reading a newspaper or magazine. Smaller details
are skipped over and you simply focus on the main words, which is enough to
get the meaning of the article. This technique is good for obtaining the first
impression of an article to see if it is actually relevant to you or not. Under this
technique, we read quickly to get the main points and the detail.
Scanning: Scanning allows you to locate precise information. You, might
identify key terms or expressions which will alert you to where your subject is
being addressed or some specific piece of information by looking at the whole
text. You could then run your eyes over the next looking for them. You search
for specific words or phrases that may give you more information and answer
the questions you may have. Pay special attention to the introduction and the
Example of Skimming: An example would be when you are reading a news
article to find out a specific piece of information; such as will Imran Khan
resign? If you only care about the answer to that question, and are not
interested in the details, you could skim the article.
Example of Scanning: Scanning a text means looking through it quickly to
find specific information. Scanning is commonly used in everyday life, for
example when looking up a word in a dictionary or finding your friend's name
in the contacts directory of your phone.
3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions?

Stress is a body reaction to any demands or changes in its internal or external

environment. Whenever there is a change in the external environment such as
temperature, pollutants, humidity and working conditions, it leads to stress.
In these days of competition when a person makes up his mind to surpass
what has been achieved by others, leading to an imbalance between demands
and resources, it causes psycho-social stress. It is a part and parcel of
everyday life. Stress has a different meaning, depending on the stage of life
you are in. The loss of a toy or reprimand from the parents might create a
stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails in the examination may feel as
if everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult the
loss of his or her companion, job or professional failure may appear as if there
is nothing more to be achieved. Such signs appear in the attitude and behavior
of the individual, as muscle tension in various parts of the body, palpitation
and high blood pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity. Ultimately the result is
self-destructive behavior such as eating and drinking too much, smoking
excessively, relying on tranquilizers. There are other signs of stress such as
trembling, shaking, nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and
difficulty in swallowing. In a study sponsored by (WHO) World Health
Organization and carried out by Harvard School of Public Health, the global
burden of diseases and injury indicated that stress diseases and accidents are
going to be the major killers in 2020. The heart disease and depression ----
both stress diseases are going to rank first second in 2020. Road traffic
accidents are going to be the third largest killers. These accidents are also an
indicator of psychological stress in a fast moving society. Other stress diseases
like ulcers, hypertension and sleeplessness have assumed epidemic
proportions in modern societies. A person under stress reacts in different
ways and the common ones are flight, fight and free depending upon the
nature of the stress and capabilities of the person. The three responses can be
elegantly chosen to cope with the stress so that stress does not damage the
system and become distress.

1. What is stress?
2. What factors lead to stress?
3. What are signs by which a person can know that he is under stress?
4. What are the different diseases a person gets due to stress?
5. How does a person react under stress?

A: 1 Stress is a body reaction to any demands or changes in its internal or

external environment. Whenever there is a change in the external
environment such as temperature, pollutants, humidity and working
conditions, it leads to stress.

A: 2 In these days of competition when a person makes up his mind to surpass

what has been achieved by others, leading to an imbalance between demands
and resources, it causes psycho-social stress. It is a part and parcel of
everyday life. Stress has a different meaning, depending on the stage of life
you are in. The loss of a toy or reprimand from the parents might create a
stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails in the examination may feel as
if everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult the
loss of his or her companion, job or professional failure may appear as if there
is nothing more to be achieved.
A: 3 Such signs appear in the attitude and behavior of the individual, as
muscle tension in various parts of the body, palpitation and high blood
pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity. Ultimately the result is self-destructive
behavior such as eating and drinking too much, smoking excessively, relying
on tranquilizers. There are some signs of stress such as trembling, shaking,
nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and difficulty in swallowing.

A: 4 Palpitation and high blood pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity, ulcers,

hypertension and sleeplessness, eating and drinking too much, smoking
excessively, relying on tranquilizers.

A: 5 A person under stress reacts in different ways and the common ones are
flight, fight and free depending upon the nature of the stress and capabilities
of the person. The three responses can be elegantly chosen to cope with the
stress so that stress does not damage the system and become distress.

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