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01 Hordashko Andriii

Career or family?
Or both?


In our modern world, the question of choosing between career and family often arises.
Some people believe that it is important to prioritize a career in order to achieve personal
success and financial independence. Others believe that family is the key to happiness
and emotional support. However, does it have to be a choice? Maybe we can find a
balance to have both a successful career and a happy family life. In this presentation,
we will look at the advantages of both sides and discuss how you can combine career
and family life.

Financial Independence
A career helps you earn money and be financially

Benefits Personal Development

of Career Through a career, you can learn new things, develop

skills, and grow professionally.

Confidence and Self-Realization

A successful career provides self-confidence and a
sense of achievement.

Emotional Support
Family provides love, support, and a sense of security

Benefits Happiness and Satisfaction

of Family
Family moments and relationships bring joy and
satisfaction to life.

Creating Memories
Time spent with family creates priceless memories and
strengthens bonds.

Plan Your Time:

Effective time management helps
balance work and family life.

Combining Set Boundaries

Career and Define time for work and time for
Family family to avoid burnout

Find Flexibility
Look for opportunities for flexible work
schedules or working from home to
stay closer to family.

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