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Suspension and steer ing 1 0•9

9.5 Rear arm protective cover 9.6 Support the suspension lower arm 9. 7 Lower suspension ar m-to-hub carrier
6 l n s pect the mounting ru bbers for signs vehicle support) . Remove the re leva n t rear
of damage or deterioration , and renew as 9 Rear hub carrier - roadwheel.
necessary. removal and refltting 4 With reference to Chap ter 9, ca r ry ou t the
Refitting a) Unbolt the brake caliper and suspend it
7 Align the mounting rubbers w ith the marks Note: Refer to the note at the end of Sectlon 1
made prior to remova l, and manoeuvre the
out of the way.
b) Remove the br ake disc.
anti-ro l! bar into position.
before proceeding.

8 Engage th e mount ing rubbers w ith the

c) Unhook the re/evant rear parking brake
Removal cable from the equa l iser bracket.
mountíng clamps. lnsert the clamp bolts and 1 R em ove the wheel trim or hub cap , then 5 Undo th e reta ini ng sc rew s a nd u nc l ip
tighten them light ly on ly at th ls po int. usin g a hammer and poin ted-n ose ch ise l, the protect ive cover fr o m th e base of the
9 Locate the outer e nds of the anti- ro l! bar c arefu lly re lieve th e dr iveshaft reta ining nu t suspe nsion lower arm (see illustra tion) .
w ith t he ba l ljoints o n t he dro p links, then f it stak ing (where app licab le) . 6 Posit ion a jac k a nd bl o ck of wood u nde r­
the new retaini ng n uts . 2 Slac ken the d r lveshaft retaini ng nut with the n eath the lower ar m , and raise th e jack u n til
1 0 En su re t h at th e mar k s m ad e p r io r to car resting on its wheels . Note that th is nut is it is su p po rt in g t he weig ht of th e a r rn (s e e
re moval are correctly aligned , and then tighte n extreme ly tight - en su re that th e tools used to ill ustratio n) .
a li t h e cla m p bolt s and ba ll j o int n uts to th e loosen it are of g ood q u al ity, an d a g ood fit. 7 Slacke n an d rem ove the n u t a nd pivot bo l!
spec ified torque setting . Do not remove t he nut at this stag e . securi n g t h e lower arm to t h e hub ca rrl er (see
1 1 F il the roadw he e ls , an d then lower the car 3 Chock ! h e front wheels , an d loosen th e rear illustratio n) .
to th e g rou n d and tigh ten the w h eel bo lts to w heel bo lts . Jac k u p the rear of th e car and 8 S u p port t h e h u b c a r ri e r ass e m b ly, t hen
h e s pecified torque . su p p ort it o n axle sta n d s (see Ja cking an d slacken and re mo ve t h e n uts an d pivot bolts

9.8 Rear suspension and hub carrier details

1 Camber con trol arm 3 Track con trol arm 5 Lower arm 7 Hub carr/er 9 Disc splash shield
2 Torque con trol arm 4 Thrust control arm 6 Driveshaft 8 Parking brake cable 10 Dr iveshaft nut

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