Suspension Mercedes 12

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1 0 • 1 2 Suspension and steering

Note: lf more than one control arm is to be

removed at the same time, support the lower
arm with a jack and block of wood.
1 Chock the front wheels, and loasen the rear
wheel bolts. Jack up the rear of the car and
support it on axle stands (see Jacking and
vehicle support). Remove the relevant rear
Upper camber control arm
2 Slacken and remove the nut. and withdra
the pivot bolt securing the arm to the hub
carrier (see illustration) .
3 Slacken and remove the nut and pivot bol
securing the control arm to the subframe, ano
remove the arm from the car. lf necessary, tap
out the locating sleeve from the control anr
hub carrler bus h .
1 3.2 Upper camber control arm fixings 4 lnspect the control arm fo r signs o f damage
1 /nner pívot bolt 2 Ou ter pivot bolt 3 Locating sleeve 4 Control arm pay i n g parti c u l a r attent ion to the ru b ber
bushes, and renew it necessary. Also rene11,
the pivot bolts if they show signs of wear.
Upper torque control arm
5 Remove the arm as d esc ribed in para­
graphs 2 to 4, ignoring the remark about the
locating sleeve (see lllustration).
Lower thrust control arm
6 Remove the arm as described i n para­
graphs 2 to 4 (see illustration).
Lower track control arm
7 Prior to remova l , make alignment marks
between t h e arm i n n er p ivot b o l t , the
eccentric washers and the subframe. This w
be necessary to ensure that the rear wheel toe
setting remains correct on refitting.
8 Slacken and remove the nut and eccentnc
o 1 washer, and withdraw the pivot bolt securing
the arm to the subframe (see illustration).
9 Unscrew the nut from !he bal ljoint shan
1 3.5 Upper torque control arm fixings then free the balljoint from the hub carrier ana
lnner pívot bo/t 2 Outer pivot bolt 3 Control arm remove the arm from the car. lf necessary, use
a balljoint separator to free the balljoint shar,
from the carrier.
1 0 lnspect the control mounting bush fo,
signs of damage or deterioration. Also che<>­

� ,� �/ that the ballj o i n t is free to move eas i l y, anc

that its gaiter Is undam aged . Renew ths
control arm if necessary.
Note: lt is recommended that the rear whee
alignment is checked at the ear/iest possibfi::

- --
opportunity after arm refittlng.

1 Upper camber control arm

2 - - -j
..--- 1 1 Where necessary, tap the locating sleevE

..-- 1'
back i nto posltion In the arm h u b carrle·
- bush.
12 Locate the arm in position and insert tl':c
pivot bolts. Frt the new nuts to the pivot bolts
tightening them lightly only al this stage.
13 Refit the rear roadwheel, then lower t e­
1 3.6 Lower thrust control arm fixings car to ground and tighten the wheel bolts · e

1 lnner pivot bolt 2 Outer pivot bolt 3 Locating s/eeve 4 Control arm
the specifíed torque.
14 With the car rest l n g on its wheels, roe•

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