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Assignment # 2.

Due date: September 27, 2023

1. Read Handout 3 and lecture notes, explain the mechanisms for remote
measurement of propagating action potential along a nerve or muscle fiber.

2. The figure below shows a thin cardiac muscle fiber along which an action potential is
propagating. As discussed in class, it is equivalent to a traveling dipole. For the first order
approximation, we assume the rising edge of the action potential as a ramp.

Suppose that the rising edge of the action potential moving at a velocity of 15 m/s has a
time profile that looks like this:

a) What dipole separation distance (labeled ‘b’ above) would model the spatial gradient set
up by this action potential?
b) Plot the exterior potential Φe measured at a constant distance r=10 cm away from the
fiber as a function of the angle θ. Defined as in the figure below. Assume b<< r.
3. (Problem 6.3, page 288) An ECG has a scalar magnitude of 1 mV on lead II and a
scalar magnitude of 0.5 mV on lead III. Calculate the scalar magnitude on lead I.
(Hint: use Einthoven’s triangle to find out the relationship between vector Lead I,
II, III signals; Kirchhoff’s voltage law: Lead II = Lead I + Lead III).

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