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Practical No.

- 1

1. Hysteresis of an instrument means:

a) The change in the same reading when input is first increased

and then decreased

b) The reliability of the instrument

c) The repeatability of the insrument

d) The inaccuracy due to change in temperature

2. In which part of the scale does the pointer indicate more accurately

a) In the first third of the cycle

b) In the first half of the cycle

c) In about middle of the scale

d) In the last third of the cycle

3.For measuring an unknown electrical quantity, select the meter with

a) Highest range and work down

b) Lowest range and work up

c) Middle range and can be work up or down depending

d) Any of the above

4. The ratio of maximum displacement deviation to the full scale deviation

of the instrument is called:

a) Static sensitivity

b) Accuracy

c) Linearity
d) Precision

5. A 150 V moving iron voltmeter of accuracy class 1.0 reads 75 V when

used in a circuit under a standard conditions. The maximum possible
percentage error in the reading is:

a) 0.5

b) 1.0

c) 2.0

d) 4.0

6. The relative error is the:

a) Difference of the measured value and the true value

b) Ratio of absolute error to the measured value of the quantity under


c) Ratio of the absolute error to the true value of the quantity

under measurement

d) Ratio of the probable error to the true value of the quantity under

7. The moving iron voltmeters are likely:

a) To indicate the same value of the ac as on de

b) To indicate higher value of ac than on dc

c) To indicate lower value of ac than on dc

d) The moving iron instruments should not be used for dc

Practical No. - 2

1.Direct ranging is done when the two ends of the Survey lines are

a) Invisible

b) Intervisible

c) Visible from a particular point

d) Faraway from each other

2. How many ranging rods are required for direct ranging?

a) One rod

b) Two rods

c) Three rods

d) Four rods

3. Two types of ranging are _______.

a) Direct ranging

b) Indirect ranging

c) Both A & B


4. How many number of arrows are required for chain surveying?

a) 5

b) 10

c) 7

d) 6
5. Direct ranging also known as ______.

a) Inverse ranging

b) Transverse ranging

c) Reciprocal ranging


6. Two rods are required for _____.

a) Direct ranging

b) Reciprocal ranging

c) Indirect ranging

d) Both a & b
Practical No. – 3

1)Process of fixing or establishing intermediate points is known as _____

a) Chaining

b) Ranging

c) Contouring

d) Levelling

2)For indirect ranging, number of ranging rods required, is.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

3)LevellingIn how many ways can ranging be carried out?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

4)When the end stations are not intervisible due to there being high ground
them, intermediate ranging rods are fixed on the line an indirect way. This
method is known


a) indirect ranging

b) reciprocal ranging

c) Both a & b


5) indirect ranging is known as.......

a) reciprocal ranging

b) rectangular ranging

c) triangular ranging

d) all of these

6) Ranging may be done by direct observation by the…

a) line ranger

b) Theodolite

c) naked eye

d) all of these.
Practical No. – 4

1)The difference between the two measured values of the same

quantity is ______

a) Precision

b) Accuracy

c) Discrepancy

d) Error

2)Which of the following are not sources of errors?

a) Instrumental

b) Personal

c) Natural

d) Artificial

3)A tape may be too long or an angle measuring instrument

may be out of adjustment. Then such type of error comes under

which source of error?

a) Instrumental

b) Personal

c) Natural
d) Artificial

4)Investigation of observations of various types shows that

accidental errors follow a definite law. This law is called ______

a) Law of probability

b) Law of recurrence

c) Law of precise

d) Law of accuracy

5)The difference between a measurement and the true value of

the quantity measured is _____

a) True error

b) Discrepancy

c) Limit of error

d) Accuracy

6)If L is true length of chain and L’ is incorrect length of the

chain the correction to area A is _________.

(Where ∆L/L = e, e is small and A’ is measured area)

a) 1+2e A’

b) (1+2e)/A’

c) (1+2e) x A’

d) (1+ e) x A’.
Practical No. – 5

1. An offset is a _________ distance of an object measured from the

survey line.
a) Lateral
b) Horizontal
c) Normal
d) Inclined

2. Which of the below is not an instrument used to set right angles?

a) Cross staff
b) Site square
c) Optical staff
d) Prism square

4. Gunter’s chain consists of _________ links.

a) 500
b) 50
c) 1000
d) 100

5. The process of a location of intermediate points on a survey line is:

a) Aligning
b) Extending
c) Ranging
d) Offsetting

6. The biggest of the survey line is called:

a) First line
b) Base line
c) Tie line
d) Main survey line.
Practical No. – 6

1. The largest line of field taken as…..

1) Main line
2) Area line
3) Survey line
4) Field line
2. Distance between survey lines…

1) (x2-x1)
2) (x2+x1)
3) (x2/x1)
4) (x2-x1)
3. Divide total field in various triangles measures length of the sides

of …

1) Rectangle
2) Triangle
3) Circle
4) Square
3. To measure the given area in the direction of… selection

1) Surveying
2) Ranging
3) Both a & b
4) None of these
4. The largest line of field taken as..
1) Chata line
2) Survey line
3) Both a & b
4) None of these

5. Compound wall : Indigo:: Trees :

1) Green
2) Black
3) Blue
4) White
Practical No. – 7

1. Which of the following methods is a widely used method of plane

a) Radiation
b) Intersection
c) Traversing
d) Resection
2. Which of the following methods is having a wider scope with the use of
a) Resection
b) Trisection
c) Intersection
d) Radiation
3. Which among the following set share the same working principle?
a) Traversing and Radiation
b) Traversing and trisection
c) Traversing and Resection
d) Traversing and intersection
4. Which of the following describes the usage of the traversing method?
a) Locating points
b) Survey line placement
c) Measuring angles
d) Measuring bearings
5. The method of Radiation is used when distance are small.
a) True
b) False
6. method of Intersection is used when ___________
a) Distance between point and instrument is very small
b) Distance between point and instrument is infinity
c)Distance between point and instrument is small
d)Distance between point and instrument is large
7. Which of the following set indicates the location of details of the survey?
a) Resection, intersection
b) Radiation, resection
c) Radiation, intersection
d) Traversing, resection

Practical No. - 8

1. Which of the following methods is a widely used method of plane

a) Radiation
b) Intersection
c) Traversing
d) Resection
2. Which of the following methods is having a wider scope with the use of
a) Resection
b) Trisection
c) Intersection
d) Radiation
3. Which among the following set share the same working principle?
a) Traversing and Radiation
b) Traversing and trisection
c) Traversing and Resection
d) Traversing and intersection
4. Which of the following describes the usage of the traversing
a) Locating points
b) Survey line placement
c) Measuring angles
d) Measuring bearings
5. The method of Radiation is used when distance are small.
a) True
b) False

6. Method of Intersection is used when ___________

a) Distance between point and instrument is very small
b) Distance between point and instrument is infinity
c) Distance between point and instrument is small
d) Distance between point and instrument is large
7. Which of the following set indicates the location of details of the survey?
a) Resection, intersection
b) Radiation, resection
c) Radiation, intersection
d) Traversing, resection.
Practical No. – 9

1. A line formed by joining main survey station is known as….

a) survey station

b) Main survey station

c) Main survey lines

d) subsidiary stations

2. The line joining the main stations

are called as…

a) Main survey lines

b) Main survey station

c) subsidiary stations

d) open cross staff

3. The shod wooden staff or pole about 2.5 diameter &.........long which is
driven into the ground.

a) 1.5 cm to 20 cm

b) 1.4 cm to 1.8 cm

c) 1.2 cm to 1.5 cm

d) 2.0 cm to 2.4 cm
4. Open cross staff is use for setting out……from given object to a chain

a) Triangle

b) Right angle

c) Acute angle

d) obtuse angle

5. A point of important of begin end cain line is known as…..

a) survey station

b) Main survey lines

c) Main survey station

d) subsidiary stations

6. A opposite vertical window with a vertical horse hair or a fine wire on

each of………

a) 3 sides

b) 6 sides

c) 8 sides

d) 4 sides.
Practical No. – 10

1.How many methods of plane table surveying are?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

2.The first temporary adjustment to be done after setting up the plane table
at any station will be

a) Orientation
b) Centering
c) Levelling
d) Sighting

3. Plane table surveying is a ____________ method

a) Graphical
b) Linear
c) Circular
d) Angular

4. Plane table is made of

a) Metal
b) Rubber
c) Wood
d) Plastic

5. Which of the following below is used for levelling a plane table?

a) Plumb bob
b) Sprit level
c) Compass
d) U-frame

6. Plane table surveying uses the methodology of

a) Triangulation
b) Contouring
c) Ranging
d) Traversing

7. Which of the following method is used for plane table surveying?

a) Radiation
b) Traversing
c) Intersection
d) All of the above
Practical No. – 11

1.Which is the most basic Level often used in construction work.

a) Dumpy Levels

b) Tilting Levels

c) Automatic Levels

d)None of the above

2.Which type of Level is fitted with a circular bubble for preliminary

approximate levelling.

a) Dumpy Levels

b) Tilting Levels

c) Automatic Levels

d) None of the above

3.Which is modern type of Level is now in general use.

a) Dumpy Levels

b) Tilting Levels

c) Automatic Levels

d) None of the above

4.A Level is basically a_______ attached to an accurate levelling device.

a) Telescope

b) Diaphragm

c) eyepiece

d)All of the above

5.A Levels consists of______.

a) Telescope

b) Diaphragm

c) eyepiece

d) All of the above

6.A______is an instrument with a telescope that can be levelled with a

spirit bubble.

a) Telescope

b) Levels

c) eyepiece

d) All of the above.

Practical No. – 12

1.While doing construction work which among the

following is more suitable?

a) Rise and fall method

b) Traversing

c) Height of the instrument method.

d) Compass surveying

2.The formula for calculating R. L can be given

a) H. I+F. S

b) H. I-F. S.

c) H. I-B. S

d) H. I+B. S

3. Which of the following represents a form of a benchmark?

a) True Benchmark

b) Assumed Benchmark

c) Datum

d) Arbitrary Benchmark.
4.If the staff at the station point is not held vertically the R. L at the
observation would be....

a) less than true R. L

b) greater than true R. L

c) equal to the true R. L.

d) two times the true R. L.

5.If the R. L of B. M is 100m and back sight is

1.225m, find the H. I at the station?

a) 101.225m




6. The combined correction for curvature and

refraction can be given as.......

a) c=14d2/6R

b) c=6d2/7R


d) c=6d2/14R.
Practical No. – 13

1. A levelling work was carried out along a falling gradient using a dumpy
level and a levelling staff of 3 m length. The following successive readings
were taken: 1.155, 2.74, 0.75, 1.79 m. What is the correct order of booking
the four readings in the field book? (BS: back sight, FS : fore sight, IS:
intermediate sight)
a) BS, IS, BS, FS

b) BS, FS, IS, FS

c) BS, IS, FS, BS

d) BS, FS, BS, FS

1. A staff is held at a distance of 1000 m from a level. If the reading on

the staff is 1.565 m, the reading corrected for curvature is
a) 1.487 m

b) 1.498 m
c) 1.632 m
d) 1.644m

3.Levelling in which levels on each side of the main line at right angles to
that line is called?

a) Precise levelling
b) Profile levelling
c) Differential levelling
d) Cross sectioning

4. the instrument height as 1.5 m, length of staff 4 m, the slope of the

ground as 1 in 10, the sight on the down slope, must be less than_

a) 15
b) 20
c) 25
d) 30

5.Which of following is the least count of leveling staff?

a) 0.5 mm
b) 0.15 cm
c) 5 cm
d) 5mm

6.Which of the following levelling is necessary for carrying levelling across

any obstacle requiring a long sight between two points so situated where
no place is there for the setup of the level midway between two points?

a) Differential levelling

b) Reciprocal levelling

c) Precise levelling

d) Fly levelling.
Practical No. – 14

1) Grind survey field plotting on which type of map ?

a) Linear map

b) Counter map

c) Field map

d) None of above

2) The drawing of counter on which surface ?

a) Hard

b) Soft

c) Smooth

d) Rigid

3) A vertical indirect several counter vertically and horizontally equivalent to


a) 0

b) 1


d) 100

4) In Counter method which method is quick and clean method

a) Direct method

b) Indirect method
c) Cross section method

d) None of above

5) The intersecting of level surface of all platform any ground level from
elevation and plot can be drawn by countering the line joining two points on
map is called….

a) Linear line

b) Counter line

c) Plane line

d) None of above

6) Which apparatus is to study grind survey and counter map?

a) Dumpy level

b) Levelling tripod stand

c) Field Box

d) All of the above

Practical No. – 15

1. Which of following is the least count of leveling staff?

a) 0.5 mm

b) 0.15 cm

c) 5 cm

d) 5 mm

2. The permissible error (E) for the Precise levelling type with distance (D)
in kilometre is given by:

a) E= ± 0.025VD

b) E= ± 0.100VD

c) E=0.012VD

d) E=0.006VD

3. Which of the following methods are used for locating the plane table

A. Radiation

B. Traversing

C. Intersection

D. Resection

Choose the correct answer below;

a) Only B and D

b) Only A and C

c) Only A and B
d) Only C and D

4. A 100 m tape is suspended between the ends under a pull of 200 N. If

the weight of the tape is 30 N, the correct distance between the tape ends
will be nearly

a) 100.5 m

b) 100.3 m

c) 100.1 m

d) 99.9 m

5.Calculate the number of division of the main scale that is equal to the 8
divisions of the extended vernier.

a) 7

b) 9

c) 15

d) 16

6.Two distance 200 m and 298 m are measured from tacheometer

instrument and corresponding staff intercepts are 2 m and 3 m respectively.
Additive constant will be:

a) 2

b) 4

c) 98

d) 1

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