Zombies - Monsters

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Walker 100 HP 5 Armor Class Slow walking

Strength 40 Dexterity 20 Constitution 30 Intelligence 10 Wisdom 10 Charisma 0
Attacks: Bite 1d12, Scratch 1d6
Husk (a stronger walker) 160 HP 6 Armor Class Slow walking
Strength 50 Dexterity 20 Constitution 40 Intelligence 8 Wisdom 10 Charisma 0
Attacks: Bite 1d20, Scratch 1d12
Sprinter 100 HP 5 Armor Class Fast runner
Strength 40 Dexterity 60 Constitution 30 Intelligence 20 Wisdom 20 Charisma 0
Attacks: Bite 1d20, Scratch 1d12
Screamer 80 HP 10 Armor Class Slow Walking, Attracts nearby and far zombies
Strength 50 Dexterity 20 Constitution 35 Intelligence 35 Wisdom 25 Charisma 0
Attacks: Bite 1d20, Scratch 1d12, Scream constitution test if fail losing turn
Purger 200 HP 16 Armor Class Slow walking, Stomach Acid, Explode on dead
Strength 60 Dexterity 45 Constitution 60 Intelligence 25 Wisdom 30 Charisma 0
Attacks: Purge: Throw up 10m 2d20 over 2 turns, Explode: when dying 2d20 20m radius
Digo 120 HP 7 Armor Class Fast Runner, hunts in groups of 1d6, walks on all
Strength 80 Dexterity 65 Constitution 60 Intelligence 70 Wisdom 65 Charisma 60
Attacks: Pack Pride Shout: all attacks +10, Tackle 1d20, Bite 1d12
Stalker 80 HP 6 Armor Class Fast runner, smartest, stalk enemies before
Strength 50 Dexterity 85 Constitution 45 Intelligence 90 Wisdom 70 Charisma 0
Attacks: Double dash: Speed jumps, building traps damaging or catching, double scratch
Mimic 200 Hp 16 Armor Class fast speed, mimics heard voices and sentences
Strength 80 Dexterity 90 Constitution 75 Intelligence 30 Wisdom 20 Charisma 0
Attacks: Punch 2d20, Bite 1d6 strength test fail will result in a long sleep
Behemoth 400 HP 20 Armor Class Normal Speed, Super strong
Strength 90 Dexterity 80 Constitution 80 Intelligence 25 Wisdom 30 Charisma 20
Attacks: Arm Swing 40 damage, Throw 10-30 damage, Tackle 75 Damage, Ground pound
30 damage 10m radius Dexterity test failure result in being knocked down

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