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Alem Kelo was a 14-year-old boy .

He was half

Ethiopian and half Eritrean . His father was from

Ethiopia . His mother was from Eritrea . He was born

in Badme and lived in Asmara . While Alem's life in

his home country and in UK were similar sprung

from the same fear and racism feelings , they

diverged in life style , safety , challenges and

humanity .

Alem Kelo felt fear and racism in Ethiopia and

Eritrea. He and his parents were happy until the war

broke out . Everything changed . The fear began to

spread . His mother was fired from her job and his

father had problems in his work . There was fear

when the police broke out their house and asked them

to leave . The soldiers treated his father and mother

badly . They decided to go to Eritrea , but again they

felt fear and racism . Eritrean women treated his

mother badly and big boys kicked Alem very hard .

So , He felt racism and fear in both countries . In the

same way , Alem felt fear and racism in the UK ,

especially when his father left him alone . Also , he

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felt racism and fear when some people wanted him

to leave and treated him badly .He was treated as an

asylum seeker . Moreover , he felt fear and racism

when he was taken to children's home which was

considered like a prison for boys who had no place to

go . Moreover , he felt fear and racism when he was

taken for screening as Pamela and Sheila were

watching him . He was not treated like a normal

person but as an outsider . He was treated with

humiliation .

In Ethiopia , Alem and his family were happy.

They lived in a high level . They lived in a beautiful

house . His mother was a clerk in a court and his

father worked as a manager in a post office .They

spoke more than three languages fluently. That means

they leaded a high life style . Even Alem spoke three

languages . Also, Alem went to a big school and had a

good education . Moreover , Alem had many friends

who loved him . On the contrary , Alem lived alone in

the UK without his parents . In addition , he lived in

a children's home which has a lot of boys and

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teenagers . So he felt sadness . He had no friends like

the ones who loved him in Ethiopia . Of course , he

felt safety at the beginning in his home country , but

after war , there was no safety . In contrast , there

was safe in the Uk , so his father brought him to it .

Finally , he had no challenges in his home country

especially he lived with his mother and father , but

when he lived in the UK , he faced a lot of difficulties.

He faced challenges as an asylum seeker . He was

treated not as a citizen . He had no parents , no

friends , no house and even no money . He was placed

in a children's home . He received news that his

mother was killed . He received news that his father

was arrested and then shot .

In summary , Alem's life in Ethiopia and the UK

was similar in that he felt fear and racism in both

but was different in life style , safety and challenges .

In my point of view , I'm sympathetic with Alem as

he leaded a difficult life in both countries .

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