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Training test

Started Thursday, March 19 2020, 2:33 pm

State Completed
terminated Thursday, March 19 2020, 2:36 pm
The time spent on 2 min 45 seconds
Score 350,00 / 600,00
Rating 3.50 out of a maximum of 6.00 ( 58 %)

Question 1 If it is true that:

Correct answer - Alma and Bice love the singer Jo-Jo
- the singer Jo-Jo loves the Neapolitans
Score 100.00 out of
- the Neapolitans love the sun
then it is certain that:

(A) of the answers (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), at least two are false

(B) the Neapolitans love Alma and Bice

(C) the sun loves singer Jo-Jo

(D) the Neapolitans love the singer Jo-Jo

(E) Alma and Bice don't like the sun

The correct answer is: of the answers (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), at least two are false
Question 2 If in a car race
Correct answer - Graham arrives before Carlos
- Carlos arrives before Daniel
Score 100.00 out of
- Leon arrives before Graham
which of these statements is NOT correct?

(A) Graham arrives after Daniel

(B) Leon is the first to arrive

(C) Graham is not the latest arrival

(D) Daniel is the latest arrival

(E) The order of arrival does not correspond to the alphabetical order of the drivers

The correct answer is: Graham comes after Daniel

Question 3 Anna, Bruno, Carlo and Daniela are considering whether to leave for Cortina next weekend.
Wrong answer We know that:
- if Carlo leaves, Daniela leaves too
Score -25.00 out of
- if Anna does not leave, Daniela does not leave too
- if Anna leaves, also Bruno leaves.
Which of the following statements can be deduced?

(A) If Anna leaves, Carlo also leaves

(B) They all leave

(C) If Bruno does not leave, Carlo does not leave either

(D) Nobody leaves

(E) Anna and Bruno leave

The correct answer is: If Bruno doesn't leave, Carlo won't leave either

Question 4 On the dial of a clock, somewhat strange, the hours are numbered from 1 to 12; the shorter
Correct answer and longer hands mark both 12 at this time. The shorter hand moves clockwise by 2 numbers
per hour while the long hand moves counterclockwise by 5 numbers every hour. What time
Score 100.00 out of
will it be when the two hands mark the same number again?

(A) The hands will never mark the same number again

(B) 6 o'clock
(C) 12 o'clock

(D) 8 o'clock
(E) Le 2

The correct answer is: 12 o'clock

Question 5 Which of these diagrams represents the correct relationship between:

Score 100.00 out of


(A) Figure 3

(B) Figure 2
(C) Figure 1
(D) Figure 4

(E) Figure 5

The correct answer is: Figure 5

Question 6 The integers a, b, c, d, satisfy the following conditions:

Wrong answer a=b+1
Score -25.00 out of
Which of the following statements is FALSE?

(A) and <a <c

(B) d <b <c

(C) b = e

(D) d <e
(E) d> a

The correct answer is: d> a

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