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Assignment 1 - Galactic Rooster Run

CS 100 - Spring’24

Submission Deadline: 11:55 PM, Tuesday 30th January, 2024

File Naming Convention: 2XXXXXXX_PA1.sb3

For any specific implementation-related queries, please get in touch with lead TAs via Slack.
Assignment Lead TAs:
● Moiz Ali
● Essa Jan
Note: Please go through the workshop PDF uploaded on LMS (resources) before attempting
the assignment.

In this assignment, we will be making a game using scratch. The idea behind this
assignment is to develop an intuitive understanding of problem-solving in computer science.
We will dive into these concepts in C++ in detail later in the course.

Embark on an interstellar adventure in "Galactic Rooster Run," where you take on
the role of a fearless rooster navigating through the cosmic expanse. As the galaxy's premier
poultry, your mission is to survive the falling eggs while devouring delicious space bread, all
while dodging asteroid rocks.

Game Demo:

In this assignment, you will have to implement four main sprites that are shown below:
We will go over each sprite below to give you a detailed outline of how each sprite is
expected to behave:

1. Rooster: rooster will be the main character being used by the player. The objective
for the rooster is to catch bread and avoid hitting the egg and the obstacle. The
rooster will have three main keyboard controls:
a. Right Arrow: Move right on the screen
b. Left Arrow: Move Left on the screen
c. Up Arrow: Jump upwards

2. Bread: Bread will be one of the two objects falling from the top of the screen. Bread
must be automatically spawned at the top of the screen at a random location and
must drop towards the ground to be caught by the rooster. Each piece of bread gives
the rooster 1 score point. The rooster can only miss 3 pieces of bread before the
game ends. The speed of the bread will depend on the levels explained below.

3. Egg: The egg will be the second of the two objects falling from the top of the screen.
Similar to bread, egg will be automatically spawned at the top of the screen at a
random location and must drop towards the ground to be avoided by the rooster. The
rooster can be hit by an egg at a maximum of 3 times before the game ends.

4. Obstacle: The obstacle will be placed on the ground, at the same level as the
rooster. The obstacle will constantly be moving from right to left end of the screen. If
the obstacle is to hit the rooster, the game is over immediately.

5. Nano: Nano is responsible for maintaining the score of the rooster. The levels are
automatically updated and displayed by nano based on the score. As the level of the
player increases, the falling speed of the bread also increases. The levels are given
a. Level 1: Basic Level. Every player starts the game at this level.
b. Level 2: Achieved when user score > 5.
c. Level 3: Achieved when user score > 10.
d. Level 4 (MAX LEVEL): Achieved when user score > 15.

Important Note: The speed of the bread increases by a factor of 1.5 at each level.
For example: if the bread is falling at the speed of 2 at level 1, the speed at level 2 will be
2*1.5 = 3.
Mark Distribution: Total 100

Rooster: 30
Left/Right movement: 15
Jump: 15

Bread: 20
Movement Top to Bottom: 5
Random Spawns: 5
Eating Score: 5
Ending Game on 3 bread missed: 5

Egg: 20
Movement Top to Bottom: 5
Random Spawns: 5
Eating Score: 5
Ending Game on 3 egg hits: 5

Obstacle: 10
Right to Left Movement: 5
Game Termination of 1 hit: 5

Levels + Announcements: 20
Implementing Speed increase for 4 levels: 10
Game over announcement: 10

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