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Commissary-noun, plural com·mis·sar·ies.

Pros of Using a Commissary Kitchen

Commissary kitchens provide flexibility.
a store that sells food and supplies to the personnel If you’re just starting out and don’t want to commit
or workers in a military post, to a lease payment or long- term commitment, you
mining camp, lumber camp, or the like. should move toward using a commissary. New and
emerging businesses who need kitchen access only
a dining room or cafeteria, especially one in a periodically will benefit from a commissary kitchen’s
motion-picture studio flexibility. Because you’re simply renting space, there
is a
MODULE: Industrial / Institutional / lower financial barrier to entry for a food
Commissary Food Service entrepreneurs. Often priced by the hour, by the
month, or on a membership basis, using a
Commissary - a store that sells food and supplies to commissary kitchen means not having to commit to
the personnel or workers in a military post, mining a long-term lease on a brick-and-mortar building.
camp, lumber camp, or the like.
You’ll have added storage options.
a dining room or cafeteria, especially one in a Many commissary kitchens supply additional space
motion-picture studio to store equipment, food prep items, or food. This is
something you should look for when investigating
commissary options. Storage can be rented in the
What is a commissary? form of shelves, refrigeration space, or freezer
space. Having the option to rent storage space offers
A commissary is a licensed or permitted food service additional flexibility to increase or reduce capacity as
establishment that provides required services to a needed. Plus, it can make your time in the kitchen
mobile food dispensing vehicle (MFDV). A far more efficient
commissary may provide anything from a source for
obtaining potable water and disposing of You can gain access to special equipment.
wastewater; storage for food and supplies; or Needa Hobart Mixer? Industrial scale equipment is
cooking facilities to prepare the food for sale and extremely expensive to purchase and maintain. One
consumption. A commissary provides the necessary of the most valuable assets of a commissary kitchen
support for the MFDV to operate in a safe and is on-demand access to these unique pieces of
sanitary manner. equipment. Before committing to a commissary,
investigate to see what equipment is included and
The Pros and Cons of Using a Commissary what can be rented. The equipment needs of a baker
Kitchen will be different from someone launching a virtual
Legally, almost any food business must operate out restaurant.
of a commercial kitchen. This is due to health
department requirements that food sold to the Increase your workspace.
public must be produced in a licensed, commercial This is especially true for food trucks, food carts,
kitchen. independent caterers, and other mobile food
operations. Food trucks are tight spaces and
The ability to ―"borrow" a kitchen short-term is the commissary kitchens allow you all the space you
basis for the commissary kitchen (you may also see need to adequately prepare your product.
the term KaaS, which stands for (Kitchen as a
Service) Commissary kitchens are established
Avoid responsibilities of ownership.
commercial- grade kitchens where foodservice
This is a huge benefit! Being responsible for a
providers can safely and legally prepare, cook, and
building and maintenance can eat up a lot of time
store food and equipment—without having to own
and money. Renting a commissary means
and maintain the facility themselves.
relinquishing the responsibility of overhead and
maintenance to the owners, giving you the freedom
to focus your time and energy on your business.
vehicles and store their equipment at commissaries
Turn-key community.
Some food truck owners use commissaries because
These “co-cooking” spaces enable interactions with
they’re convenient—renting space in a commissary
other entrepreneurs and influencers in your
where you can cook and prepare your food is more
industry. If you’re just starting out, more seasoned
affordable in the short-term than building a
business owners can help you navigate the industry
functional, up-to-code commercial space of your
or comply with local laws.
own. And remember—many Food Truckers opt for
mobile restaurants instead of brick and mortar
Cons of Using a Commissary Kitchen locations simply because they’re looking for a low-
cost way to enter the food industry.
Limited access. However, other food truck owners use commissaries
Physical space is finite. If the commissary kitchen because they’re required to do so by the local city or
you’ve selected is full, you’re out of luck. Plus county health departments. In most cities, you’re
kitchen scheduling can often be an issue. If you not allowed to prepare or store food that you’ll be
prefer to work late at night or early in the morning, selling in your home—and some cities won’t even
you’ll likely be fine. But kitchens can book up quickly allow you to make food on the truck. If that’s the
during peak hours. case, you must store your food, and often your truck,
at a kitchen that is licensed for commercial use.
Lack of privacy.
If you’re working on R&D for a new product, there’s Find the Best Commissary for Your Truck
no guarantee you’ll have the privacy to keep your Before you start looking for commissaries in your
work to yourself. Just like any shared space, you can area, you’ll need to research your local laws. Find
expect people to be moving in and out often. out whether or not you’re required to work from a
commissary and if there are any additional licenses
You get what they have. or health code requirements you’ll need to follow to
If you find yourself needing specialized equipment or use one. There are several different types of
space beyond what’s available, you may have to find commissaries, and you’ll need to choose the one
a new facility. Since you don’t own the space, that best fits the needs of your truck.
introducing a large appliance would most likely be
frowned upon by the owners.
Shared Space in a Commercial Kitchen
Most food truck owners entering the world of
Scaling may mean moving.
commissaries start out with shared space in a
While scaling up is great news for your business,
commercial kitchen. With a shared space
once you scale, it’s likely you’ll outgrow the
commissary, you and several other food truck
commissary. If you plan to grow a massive business,
owners, caterers, or chefs will all have access to the
you may want to move into a new space before the
same group kitchen. Overall, shared commissary
growth begins in order to be adequately prepared.
spaces are cheaper than having your own private
You’re subject to the facility’s reputation. space, making them a draw for new business owners
If the commissary you’re renting fails inspections or,
worse, is shut down, you may face loss of access to Private Commercial Kitchen
the facility. If you’re looking for a little more control and
ownership over your kitchen space, you may want to
look into a private commissary. Though a private
A Basic Guide to Commissaries commercial kitchen space costs more than a shared
What is a commissary? Here’s the short version: a one, you won’t have to work around anyone else’s
commissary is an established commercial kitchen schedule and you’ll always have all of the equipment
where Food Truckers and other foodservice and storage space to yourself.
providers can go to prepare and store food. Many
food trucks and mobile vendors also park their Rented Space in an Existing Restaurant’s
In addition to renting a shared or private space in a days driving downtown, and a commissary is a great
licensed commercial kitchen, you can also rent a place to recharge your truck. Charging your truck
kitchen from some existing brick and mortar regularly overnight at a commissary ensures that you
restaurants in your area. Some restaurant owners retain enough power to keep trucking all day long
are happy to rent out their kitchens during hours and to make sure that any refrigerated areas you
when the establishment is closed in order to make a have onboard stay cooled to food-safe
little extra cash. This is a great way to cut your temperatures.
commissary costs and to enjoy access to a full range
of licensed, professional kitchen equipment.
The Benefits of Commissaries 4. Cleaning and Disposal Areas
Now that you have a better understanding of what a In many areas, commissaries are also required
commissary is, you’re equipped to determine because they provide cleaning and sanitation areas
whether or not you really need one. As we and facilities to safely dispose grease, used water,
mentioned earlier, that’s going to depend heavily on and solid waste. Commissaries typically have wash
the local laws in your city—but it also depends on bay facilities where you can dispose of wastewater
your truck’s basic needs. A few weeks ago, we talked and grease to be treated and cleaned. The
about defining your truck’s unique selling commissary should also have dumpsters for solid
proposition. Commissaries are all very different, and trash, and some commercial kitchens offer recycling
not all licensed commercial kitchens will be right for facilities.
you. The needs of mobile food vendors and caterers
can vary widely, so you should be aware that some 5. One-Stop Maintenance and Service
certified commissaries simply won’t work for you as When the kitchen’s going and there are hungry
a food truck owner. people lined up outside the window, your food truck
is a restaurant that just happens to be located on
Six benefits you’ll enjoy when you use a wheels. But at the end of the day, your truck is a
commissary. vehicle first and foremost—and that means you’re
going to need a mechanic. Now, you can definitely
1. Convenient Storage find a qualified mechanic at a local auto shop who
Clearly, storage space is one of the greatest benefits can help you out with engine problems and oil
of renting space in a commissary. Whether you’re changes, but he or she might not be equipped to
just storing your truck or using the commissary to handle issues with your kitchen equipment,
house all of your ingredients and supplies, it’s refrigeration system, or plumbing.
incredibly important to have a licensed, food-safe
facility in order to make sure you’re meeting all 6. Miscellaneous Services
health code requirements. if you’re renting space at a restaurant or local school,
some commissaries that are designed specifically for
2. Available Supplies food trucks also offer a range of miscellaneous
Many commissaries also offer a range of commonly services that can simplify your business and make it
used supplies and ingredients. You can find goods easier to start a food truck. Some commissaries are
such as water, ice, canned, and bottled beverages, equipped to help you get permits, food handling
staples like bread and rice, produce, meat, dairy, certifications, menu boards, and graphic materials
snack foods, desserts, utensils, plates, napkins, for your truck. Your local commissary may also offer
gloves, kitchen supplies, cleaning products, and some administrative support by helping you
propane. Generally, commissaries don’t require you schedule inspections and audits and plan for events.
to purchase supplies from them, though you should Commissary employees interact regularly with food
read your contract carefully to be sure that renting truck owners and can help you find the tools you
space doesn’t stipulate any further purchases. need to succeed as a food truck owner while also
acting as an intermediary between you and the local
3. A Place to Park and Recharge health inspectors.
As we mentioned before, many cities require food
trucks to be parked at commissaries overnight. Your
truck needs electricity to make it through those long
Potential Benefits of Using Commissary Potential Downsides of Using Commissary
Kitchens Kitchens
Some food truck operators are forced to use Although using commissary kitchens may be
commissary kitchens to comply with local laws, but convenient for some businesses, they may not be a
others choose to use them for their convenience. viable option for every food truck. Here are some
Here are a few additional benefits to using a potential downsides of using commissary kitchens:
commissary kitchen:
Cost: While commissary kitchens offer short term
Location: If you have multiple food trucks or carts, a savings, they may not be an economical long-term
commissary kitchen can provide a central location investment. Commissary kitchen rates depend on
where you can prep all of your food and then divide the location, but costs can range between $15 - $35
it for each truck. When looking for a commissary an hour, and costs can add up over time.
kitchen, it's important to note its location in relation
to your customers and its proximity to highways and Inconvenient Location: Many commissary kitchens
main roads. will choose locations outside the city center or in the
suburbs because real estate is cheaper and they can
Amenities: Some commissary kitchens will provide afford a larger space. While this will drive down the
special amenities for your food truck, such as water rental costs, it will also mean more money spent on
and grease disposal, which are essential for meeting gas and more time wasted in transit from the kitchen
health code regulations. When looking at renting to your customers.
commissary kitchen space, be sure to check what
amenities are and aren't included. Scheduling Conflicts: When sharing a commissary
kitchen with other businesses, you'll have to change
Equipment: Food trucks have limited space, but your schedules to make sure everyone gets equal
commissary kitchens have access to a variety of access. And while you may have equal use of the
commercial equipment. But if your food truck needs space, it could be at an inconvenient time, like early
specialized equipment like waffle makers, smokers, in the morning or late at night, which won't work
or woks, make sure the kitchen has what you need with everyone's schedule.
before signing a contract.

Parking: Commissary kitchens that offer overnight

parking are very valuable, especially in big cities
where parking is scarce or expensive. If the kitchen
does offer parking, check to see if the parking is
covered or open and how secure it is.

Storage: Space is a big concern in food trucks, so one

of the questions you should ask before deciding on a
commissary kitchen is how much storage space you
get, including refrigerated space. This is especially
critical when looking for a shared kitchen space,
because the limited storage space is split among
several different parties.

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