Global Marketing - Team Project #1

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CARDENAS VARGAS Valeria Alejandra

MARTÍNEZ ASCUE Claudia Fernanda

NEYRA CARDENAS Jesus Alessandro

SOSA BARTUREN Diana Elizabeth


I. DESCRIBE A PRODUCT OR SERVICE..........................................................................3

A. BUSINESS IDEA............................................................................................................3
B. SELECTION OF TARGET MARKET........................................................................... 3
II. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS.......................................................................3
A. MACRO ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................ 3
B. MICRO ENVIRONMENT..............................................................................................3
C. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES.............................................................................................3
D. COMPANY’S SWOT......................................................................................................3
E. SWOT OF TWO MAIN COMPETITORS.................................................................3
III. REFERENCIAS.................................................................................................................. 3
The business idea involves exporting Peruvian avocados, specifically “palta
hass”, to the South Korean market. The primary objective of this plan is to act as
intermediaries, purchasing avocados from producers in La Libertad1, a region with
15,563 hectares dedicated to avocado production. This region has yielded more than
254,000 metric tons of avocados2. Our strategy also includes establishing connections
with local wholesale distributors in South Korea who can assist us in introducing the
product to the Korean market.
“Palta Hass”, with tariff code 0804.40.00.00, is currently the most
commercially popular variety in the world. It is a fruit with a smooth texture and
delicate flavor, characterized by its oval-pyramidal shape. It has thick and rough skin,
which makes it highly tolerant to long-distance transportation. Hass Avocado pulp is
fiber-typically contains oil content ranging from 18 to 22%. Additionally, it is low
water free and contains up to 20% oil, making it a highly nutritious fruit due to its
high content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. The Hass variety content, around
60-70%. It boasts a significant content of B-complex vitamins and vitamin E. The
fruit is of excellent quality, free of fiber, with high transport resistance, and a long
post-harvest shelf life.
Regarding the destination country South Korea, it doesn't require compliance
with the health requirements presented through certification. However, in order for
avocados to leave the country and be exported, specific general requirements must be
met. These requirements encompass the following: a Phytosanitary Certificate, a Plant
Packing Certificate, and a Production Location Certificate. A supplementary
declaration should state that the consignment has been inspected and found free from
Ceratitis capitata, accompanied by registration numbers for the export orchard and
packing house, as well as a security seal number. While labeling requirements include
the code/name of the packing facility and producer, with "For Korea" to be included
on each box. When filling out the Phytosanitary Certificate, it is essential to include
the codes for the production location, packing facility, and seal number in the
additional declaration, and the certificate itself must be issued in English.
Table 1. Properties of Peruvian Avocado

Properties Description

HS code 0804.40.00.00

Nutritional Value 20% of vitamin E, B6, and C (1), and 10% of

vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5
(pantothenic acid), B8 (biotin), and folic acid.

Color Dark Green

Appearance Thick peel

Shelf Life 30 days

Certifications Phytosanitary Certificate-SENASA-HACCP.
Global Gap

Uses As fresh fruit, the pulp in guacamole, ingredient

for beauty products

Health Benefits Lower cholesterol, Help prevent cancer, Relieve

arthritis symptoms.


South Korea's economic prosperity and high purchasing power make it an attractive
market. With a strong and growing middle class, Korean consumers have the
disposable income to afford premium and nutritious products like avocados. South
Korea has even witnessed a significant surge in demand for healthy and nutritious
foods in recent years. Avocado consumption, in particular, has been on the rise due to
its perceived health benefits and versatility in various dishes, from salads to smoothies
and beyond. The avocado's creamy texture and mild flavor align well with Korean
cuisine and consumer preferences, fostering a favorable environment for its adoption.

Additionally, South Korea's urbanized lifestyle and busy urban dwellers increasingly
seek convenient, ready-to-eat options, and avocados fit this trend perfectly. Their ease
of preparation and suitability for various meal occasions make them a convenient
choice for modern Korean households. Moreover, South Korea's favorable trade
relationships and willingness to engage in international commerce, including Free
Trade Agreements with various countries, simplify the export process and reduce
trade barriers, enhancing the feasibility of exporting Peruvian avocados.
Table 2. Supplying markets for “Fresh or dried avocados” imported by
The Korean Republic.

Table 3. Importing markets for Avocados “paltas”, fresh or dried

exported by Peru
To carry out the export of Hass avocado to South Korea, a deep understanding of
various cultural aspects is required, such as language, communication, religion,
values, behavior and social structure. These elements exert a significant influence on
the relationship between Hass avocado exporters and the South Korean market. Its
importance lies in its fundamental role in the success of export, since these cultural
aspects connect with macroeconomic factors, thus determining the route to the growth
and acceptance of this product in South Korea.
1. Cultural – Social environment
● Language: The official language of South Korea is Korean, which is
characterized by its alphabet known as "Hangul", composed of 14
consonants and 10 vowels. Furthermore, in Korean society, the use of
respectful language is highly valued, since respect and social hierarchy
are fundamental aspects in the country. For this reason, the linguistic
aspect acquires great relevance when developing a market strategy and
segmenting the target audience in any business activity in South Korea.
● Communication: According to articles made by Lee (2021) y Pérez
(2017), the communication style in South Korea is very indirect,
because hierarchy plays a fundamental role. This is reflected in the fact
that people with a higher status or higher rank usually take the
initiative in conversations, while those in hierarchically lower positions
usually show respect through gestures and actions when responding or
addressing their superiors. In this sense, we can see how relationships
take a lot of importance from both verbal and non-verbal
communication. It is important to note that status is not based solely on
professional position, but also considers other factors such as age,
gender, family hierarchy, experience, appearance, dress code, luxury
brands, among others. On the other hand, more informal expressions
are reserved for situations of great trust, generally when people have a
relationship of equal age or when they consider themselves close
● Religion: Religion plays a diverse and multifaceted role in the lives of
the inhabitants. According to the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, U.
E. y. C. (2023), South Korean society presents a notable religious
diversity, where Christianity, with 29.4% of followers, and Buddhism,
with 22.9%, are the two main religious currents. However, a significant
number of the population, approximately 46.4%, declare themselves to
have no religious affiliation. This religious diversity reflects the
tolerance and coexistence of different beliefs in the country, and an
individual's religious choice is often based on personal and family
factors. This varied religious composition in South Korea has an
impact on various aspects of daily life and culture, including festivals,
traditions, and spiritual practices.
● Values and behavior: The culture is rooted in a rich conservative and
collective tradition that has hardened over the years. This tradition is
based on a Confucian society, where the family is a fundamental pillar
of society. Likewise, education is highly valued and considered a
symbol of status and power. Although South Korea has historically
been a homogeneous and closed society, compared to other countries
such as Japan or China, South Koreans are characterized by being
more free and expressive in their communication and behavior.
On the other hand, work ethic is a primary principle in the lives of
South Koreans, and they are characterized by being extremely
hard-working and efficient people. This focus on productivity and
effort is reflected in the business culture and the development that has
resulted in the society and the country over the years. This is why
companies wishing to establish themselves in the South Korean market
must understand and respect these deeply held values and behaviors, as
they are essential to establishing successful relationships with
consumers and the general public in South Korea. (Arellano, 2016)
● Social Structure: The social structure in South Korea is deeply
influenced by hierarchy and social relationships embedded in the
culture. In South Korean society, the importance of age, status, and
position is emphasized in decision-making and daily interactions.
Younger people tend to show respect and deference to their elders, and
hierarchical superiors are considered authority figures who should be
treated with deference and respect. This social structure is also
reflected in the work environment, where the hierarchy in companies is
particularly pronounced. Decisions are often made from the top down,
and seniority in the company is often valued more than individual
performance in terms of promotions and career opportunities. This is
why, as mentioned above, it is of great importance to understand this
hierarchical dynamic is essential to be successful in the business and
social environment of South Korea. (Institución Universitaria Mayor
de Cartagena, 2019)
2. Political–legal environment
Although exports are not generally subject to restrictions, except for certain goods,
such as weapons and nuclear materials, quality standards and intellectual property
must be taken into account, since South Korea has organizations that may be involved
in product inspection and certification.
Regarding customs procedures, it is important to note that different modalities are
offered for customs declaration, which include automatic, immediate and
post-inspection processes. Likewise, the process of import declarations will use the
EID method, so they must be precise, detailing the description of the goods, their
quantity, value and other necessary details. In addition, other documents must be
presented such as import licenses (when it is necessary), invoice, certificate of origin,
among others.
Furthermore, in terms of transportation, South Korea has a diversified infrastructure,
with roads, railways, airports and key ports, facilitating the efficient movement of
3. Economic environment
In 2023, South Korea reached 12th and 4th position in the ranking of the main
economic powers worldwide and in Asia respectively. In this sense, we can generally
observe how the country is in a solid economic panorama. In 2022, GDP per capita
reached $33,591, with the services sector accounting for 63.6% of GDP, followed by
manufacturing at 27.98%. Although construction, electricity, gas and water also
contribute, along with the agricultural sector and mining, which contribute 1.7% and
0.1% respectively. However, it is relevant to highlight that exports of goods and
services (48.26%) failed to exceed imports (48.53%) in 2022, generating a deficit.
(Secretaría de Estado de Comercio, 2023)
Regarding inflation, the country saw an increase in 2022, reaching 5.1%, after lower
rates in previous years. On the other hand, unemployment has shown a downward
trend, standing at 2.9% in 2023, according to IMF estimates. Likewise, small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in the economy, representing
83% of total employment and 34% of exports.
The electronics industry is a fundamental pillar of the South Korean economy, with
exports that reached a record in 2022, reaching the figure of 233,320 thousand dollars.
The companies that stand out in this industry are Samsung and SK Hynix. Likewise,
China, Vietnam, the United States and Japan are considered the main export
destinations. (Secretaría de Estado de Comercio, 2023). At the international level,
according to the official website, the Republic of South Korea, the country maintains
extensive diplomatic relations and is a member of various international organizations,
including the UN, the World Bank, the IOC, the APEC, the WHO, the IMF, the
OECD, among others.
On the geopolitical front, South Korea has a population of 51,558,034 inhabitants and
has Yoon Suk-youl as president since May 10, 2022. Likewise, it continues to deal
with the complex situation on the Korean Peninsula, maintaining sensitive relations
with North Korea.
4. Technological environment
In recent years, South Korea has consolidated its position as a leader in innovation
and technology in Asia and the world. That is why the country has implemented a
strategy to address greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors such as the electronics,
steel, cement and semiconductor industries, through the adoption of advanced
technologies such as naphtha electrolysis furnaces and hydrogen-reduced steel. . This
has had an impact both on the industry itself and on the South Korean economy, since
in this way investment in research and development of sustainable solutions is being
promoted. (World Energy Trade, 2023)
South Korea's strong technological environment, backed by advanced digital
infrastructure and companies such as Samsung, Electronics and LG Electronics,
which are recognized worldwide for providing a wide variety of electronic products
and their undoubted quality, is facilitating digital communication. seamlessly, driving
e-commerce activities and supporting online transactions. South Korean consumers
are known for their enthusiasm for technology and their willingness to adopt
innovative technological solutions. (Secretaría de Estado de Comercio, 2023)
5. Demographic environment
The South Korean market represents a strategic opportunity for the export of
agricultural products, such as the Hass avocado from Peru. To be successful in this
market, it is crucial to perform an analysis of the demographic environment. That is
why we are going to take into account factors such as the socioeconomic level,
educational level, gender, age, language and ethnicity of the South Korean population.
● Socioeconomic Level: As we have seen in the previous points, the
South Korean economy has a high socioeconomic level. This is
because the majority of the population enjoys high purchasing power
and a high standard of living. This provides a potentially lucrative
market for premium products such as the Peruvian Hass avocado.
● Educational Level: South Korea has one of the most advanced
educational systems in the world, with a very low high literacy rate
(1% in 2018) and a focus on higher education. This implies that South
Korean consumers are well-informed and aware of the quality and
value of the products they purchase.
● Gender: This remains a relevant factor in South Korean society,
although trends indicate that it is evolving towards greater gender
equality. Purchasing decisions can vary by gender, so it is important to
understand and segment the market accordingly. Furthermore, South
Korean women are influential in household purchasing decisions, so
they could be considered a key target audience for products such as, in
this case, the Hass avocado.
● Age: The case of South Korea is complicated, due to its low
population growth rate, which is currently at 0.03%. In this sense we
have a population that ages rapidly, obtaining an increase in the
number of older people. This can influence consumer preferences and
demand for healthy and nutritious food products, such as Hass
avocado. However, there is also a growing young population looking
for fast and healthy food options.
● Language: As mentioned, the official language is Korean, so all
information about the product must be in Korean to guarantee effective
communication with local consumers and avoid problems in the future.
● Ethnicity: South Korea is primarily a homogeneous society in terms
of ethnicity, with a population mostly of Korean origin. This means
that there are no significant ethnic barriers to the acceptance of foreign
products such as the Hass avocado.
6. Geographic – Natural environment
The export of Hass avocado from Peru to South Korea is a process that involves a
series of key factors and considerations. In addition to economic and cultural aspects,
the geographical environment plays a fundamental role in this operation. In this
analysis, we will explore how geography, climate, natural resources and other aspects
can influence the trade of Hass avocados between these two countries.
● Geography: South Korea is a nation located on the Korean Peninsula,
bordered to the north by North Korea, to the east by the East Sea, to
the south by the Sea of Japan, and to the west by the Yellow Sea. Its
topography varies from mountains in the interior to lowlands on the
coast, so the percentage of area suitable for cultivation is 20%. Peru,
on the other hand, is located in South America, with a diverse
geography that includes the coast, the mountains, and the Amazon
rainforest. That is why it has a greater percentage of agricultural land.
● Climate: South Korea experiences very marked and extreme climates
depending on the season. In contrast, Peru has a variety of climate
zones due to its diverse geography, allowing for year-round production
of Hass avocados. This can be an advantage for Peru in providing a
constant supply of avocado to South Korea.
● Natural Resources: Peru is known for its abundance of natural
resources, including water and fertile land, which are essential for
growing Hass avocados. South Korea, although it has developed an
advanced economy, often lacks sufficient natural resources for food
production, which is reflected in food prices in Korean supermarkets.
● Biodiversity and Sustainability: Peru is considered a country with
great agricultural diversity and a growing awareness of the importance
of sustainability. This may be a selling point in the South Korean
market, where demand for sustainable products is increasing.
1. Competitors
The company must analyze the competition to identify and define the
marketing strategy that guarantees the satisfaction of its customers by
generating quality products or services at considerable prices. (Pazmiño,
When representing an avocado exporting company from Peru, we must
consider the exporters from this country as direct competitors, since they own
a percentage of the avocado export market. Likewise, we must also consider
other countries that export avocados to the destination we have chosen as
competition, in this case we are talking about avocados exported to South
According to the newspaper El Comercio (2020), according to Promperú data,
South Korea 's main avocado suppliers are the United States, Mexico and New
Before the Peruvian avocado entered the South Korean market, together,
Mexico and the United States covered 89% of the avocado imports that the
Asian country demanded. The entry of the Peruvian avocado in 2020, despite
the fact that the entry procedures began in 2013, caused a drop in prices,
which went from US$ 3.86 per kilogram in 2019 to US$ 3.16 in 2020.
At the national level, reviewing ADEX data (2023), in 2022, Avocado Packing
Company S.A.C was the leading company in Peruvian avocado exports,
registering an amount of US$ 92.1 million (9.4% of the total value). It is
followed with a smaller share by Westfalia Fruit Perú S.A.C with US$ 81.4
million (8.3% of the total value) and Virú S.A.C with US$ 78.0 million (8.0%
of the value).
total). Among companies with export amounts greater than US$ 1.0 million,
EYC Export E.I.R.L and Agroinca Productos Peruanos de Exportación S.A
were the most dynamic, registering growth of 393.5% and 284.5%
respectively, compared to 2021.
In order to know which are the companies that have been remaining in the top
10 exporters of Peruvian avocados, we consulted Portal Frutícola (2023) and
did not find that until July of this year, the main exporters of Peruvian
avocados are:
a. Westfalia Fruit Perú S.A.C.
b. Avocado Packaging Company S.A.C.
c. Agrícola Cerro Prieto S.A.
d. Camposol S.A.
e. Plantaciones del Sol S.A.C.
f. Agrícola Pampa Baja S.A.C.
g. Virú S.A.C.
We can observe that both exporters such as Avocado Packing Company
S.A.C., Westfalia Fruit Perú S.A.C and Virú S.A.C. Since 2022, they have
remained within the top 10 of the main avocado exporters in Peru.
2. Suppliers
They are the companies or organizations that provide the company with the
resources necessary for the production of goods or services, such as: energy,
services and information to the company. Suppliers offer human,
technological, financial, and material resources.
In this case, we will produce using raw materials purchased directly from
Peruvian farmers. Currently in our country, the region that produces more of
this fruit is Huanuco, followed by other regions in the Peruvian jungle such as
Junín, Cusco, Cajamarca, Arequipa and Áncash. (Torres, A., 2023)
3. Clients
Another factor or force that influences the company's activities are the
customers, people or organizations that buy or acquire the products or
services. Customers can be users, consumers, contributors or sponsors, these
are related to all those who buy products and services offered by the company.
Meet the needs and
expectations of its customers is the most important activity of the company (de
Llauder Santomá, Cabrero, Colomina, & Cabrero, 2006)
The Peruvian avocado is consumed in the continents of America, Europe and
Asia. In addition, the main consumers are the Netherlands, Spain, Chile, the
United States, China, the United Kingdom, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea,
Russia and Italy.
If we take into account the destinations of Peruvian avocado exports and their
various presentations in 2022, we will realize that according to ADEX data
(2023), Europe was the main destination of exports with a FOB value US$
531.4 million ; followed by North America and Asia.
Regarding 2023, the Netherlands was the main destination market for
Peruvian avocado exports, registering a share of 28.4% of the total value (US$
277.2 million); followed by the USA (US$ 241.6 million) and Spain (US$
138.4 million).
The South Korean market is a country with more than 50 million inhabitants,
with a per capita income of more than 36,000 dollars, this represents a large
market for producers from Ayacucho, Cusco, Apurímac, Huancavelica and
Ancash and other regions. that the harvest season has already started.
The phytosanitary requirements established by the APQA for the import of
avocado are very similar to those applied by other Asian countries, which
mainly requires that the fruit be exported from certified production sites and
packing houses.
The efforts to open this market have been carried out since 2013. In September
of last year, the work protocols between both countries were signed, and
currently, the start of shipments has been officially arranged.
Despite the state of health emergency declared by the Peruvian Government
due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SENASA continues to work alongside
producers in the certification of production sites and phytosanitary inspections
in processing plants.
In this way, some prioritized actions remain in force to protect crops and
supply animals from pests and diseases that could put the production of
healthy agricultural foods at risk.
The expectation for the opening of this market is great, since it is projected
that it will contribute to boosting the economy of family farming.
The Hass avocado has already managed to conquer other markets such as
Japan, China, India, Thailand, the USA, European Union countries, among
others. Over the course of this week, SENASA will be sending to APQA the
list of production places and packing plants from which the avocado will be
sent to South Korea.
In addition, the destination countries for Peru's exports mostly have some Free
Trade Agreement (FTA) which helps to ensure that the tariff is free.
4. Intermediaries
(Kotler & Armstrong, 2008) Define a los intermediarios como empresas que
ayudan a la compañía a promover, vender, y distribuir sus productos o
servicios a los consumidores finales y estos pueden ser empresas de
distribución física, agencias de servicios de marketing e intermediarios
Regarding the distribution of avocados in South Korea, according to the
Peruvian Government page (2020), E Mart, the most important supermarket
chain in South Korea, will distribute and sell fresh avocados in the Asian
power, in the same way. This was reported by the Commission for the
Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism.
The sale of this star product of national export, with great acceptance
worldwide, will begin on June 4 in the branch located in the capital of Seoul,
and will extend to all other Korean subsidiaries at the end of June.
The export of the Hass avocado to the Asian country was made possible
thanks to the phytosanitary protocol approved by the South Korean Animal
and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA). Likewise, due to the FTA agreed with
Peru in 2013, our product has the benefit of having zero tariffs in the Korean
market, which made it possible to import it at a very competitive price.
The promotion of our famous avocado is taking place under the SuperFoods
Perú brand, created by PROMPERÚ to position the products of our
agroindustry and fishing with high nutritional values ​internationally.
1. Buyer power
According to PromPerú's Market Guide: South Korea (2017), according to
Euromonitor data, South Korean consumers have a high sensitivity to
brand-product issues, so they value product quality highly and are willing to
pay for it. On the other hand, in South Korea, food and non-alcoholic
beverages account for a large percentage of consumer spending, being 16.6%
in food and 13.6% in non-alcoholic beverages. In addition, the South Korean
consumer has a high interest and preference for fresh foods, because they
consider them to be more natural and beneficial to health. There is also a
certain tendency to prefer foreign products of very good quality. Finally, the
South Korean consumer tends to look for solutions to reduce stress in their
daily lives and as a result they find a variety of products and services, among
which are food products such as avocado for all the properties it contains.
2. Industry rivalry
According to El Peruano (2023), the agricultural products with the highest
global demand are fresh cranberries, fresh grapes, fresh mangos, avocados and
other fruits. It also mentions that Peru is one of the main food suppliers at a
global level. In that sense, according to CIEN, Adex (2023), in 2022 a total of
US $887.5 million dollars of fresh avocados were exported, positioning Peru
as the third largest avocado supplier in the world. According to the same CIEN
report, Adex (2023), the main exporters of this product in 2022 would be
Avocado Packing Company S.A.C. (9.4% of total value), Westfalia Fruit Perú
S.A.C. (8.3% of total value), Virú S.A.C. (8% of total value), Camposol S.A.
(5.1% of total value) and Sociedad Agrícola Drokasa S.A. (4.8% of total
3. Threat of new entry
According to Fresh Fruit (2019), for 2019, South Korea was the third largest
importer of avocado with a 7% share of total Asian imports, behind the second
importer China with a 26% share and the first importer Japan with a 56%
share. In that sense, according to Fresh Fruit (2019), in 2019, its main avocado
suppliers with a 51% share, the United States with a 39% share and New
Zealand with a 10% share according to TradeMap data. In that sense, we can
see that the South Korean market represents a great opportunity for all those
companies exporting avocado as well as other agricultural products, because,
according to the portal (2022), South Korea is a market
that imports more than 30 billion dollars a year in agricultural goods.
However, if you want to import food to the South Korean market, you have to
comply with certain sanitary and phytosanitary measures, such as pest risk
analysis and request a form for plant quarantine to the Korea Food and Drug
Administration (PromPerú, 2015), so this could prove to be an entry barrier for
other companies that do not have such measures requested by the destination
country, which in our case is South Korea.
4. Supplier power
According to PromPerú's Market Guide: South Korea (2017), the main places
where imported foods such as fruit are sold are traditional markets,
neighborhood supermarkets and hypermarkets. In addition, according to a
press release from PromPerú (2020), by 2020, the most important supermarket
in the South Korean market, Emart, would start distributing and selling fresh
Peruvian avocado due to phytosanitary protocol approved by the South
Korean Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA). On the other hand,
according to a news item in El Comercio (2020), in 2020, according to
Peruvians Juan David Jacome, owner of Ceviche 210 restaurant, and Brian
Mesía, owner of Sabor Peruano restaurant, both in South Korea, have noticed
the presence of avocado in stores, where the South Korean supermarket Lotte
Mart stands out, which would be considered in South Korea as a Plaza Vea or
Metro in Peru. In this sense, as there is a good relationship with distributors in
South Korea, there could be the opportunity to continue entering other
supermarkets and distributors in that country.
5. Threat of substitution
Since avocado is a fruit, it does not have direct substitutes, since we did not
find any similar fruit; however, if a nutritional comparison is made, avocado is
rich in natural oils as well as nuts. In this sense, the main food that could be a
substitute for avocado would be nuts. However, according to a note from the
Fresh Plaza portal (2023), Fintan Cannon, the CEO of Latitude, comments that
this fruit competes in the South Korean market with bananas due to similar
characteristics or with those fruits that are usually used more in savory dishes.

Strengths Weakness

1. Trade deal with South Korea. 1. Seasonal supply fluctuations.

2. High vitamin and nutrient content. 2. Competing with established
3. Favorable climate for year-round suppliers.
productions. 3. Currency exchange rate risks.
4. Peru's avocado production is on 4. Quality control and consistency
the rise. issues.
5. Over six regions in Peru produce

Opportunities Threats

1. Increasing market demand. 1. Market saturation risks.

2. Tariff reductions. 2. High cost of certifications.
3. Unique product attributes. 3. Pest outbreaks.
4. Sustainable farming practices. 4. Constant climate change.


i. Direct

Strengths Weakness

1. Established presence in South 1. Focuses only on avocado exports.

Korea. 2. Shot number of employees.
2. Extent distribution network 3. Short time of existence on the
3. High reputation regarding quality. market.

Opportunities Threats

1. Supplies several Korean markets. 1. New Entrance of competitor to the

2. High share in the number of Korean avocado market.
exports. 2. High cost of certifications.
3. Peruvian pioneer companies 3. Long export requirements.
exporting avocado to Korea.
ii. Indirect

Strengths Weakness

1. Competitive prices 1. Changing customer preferences.

2. Market establishment and good 2. Introduction of avocado
reputation. substitutes.

Opportunities Threats

1. Increasing market demand on 1. Other countries are entering the

healthy products such as avocado. market.
2. Increasing popularity of avocado. 2. Possibility of change in the



Recuperado de:

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